Warning, /graphics/digikam/core/libs/dplugins/webservices/o2/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11) 0002 0003 if(POLICY CMP0048) # in CMake >= 3.0.0 0004 cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 OLD) # keep project() from clearing VERSION variables 0005 endif(POLICY CMP0048) 0006 0007 set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) 0008 0009 set(VER_MAJOR "1") 0010 set(VER_MINOR "0") 0011 set(VER_PATCH "1") 0012 set(API_VER_PATCH "0") 0013 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${VER_MAJOR}) 0014 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${VER_MINOR}) 0015 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${VER_PATCH}) 0016 set(PROJECT_VERSION ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}.${VER_PATCH}) 0017 set(API_VERSION ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}.${API_VER_PATCH}) 0018 0019 project(o2) 0020 0021 option(o2_WITH_QT5 "Use Qt5" ON) 0022 0023 set(o2_LIB_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "Suffix for install 'lib' directory, e.g. 64 for lib64") 0024 0025 option(o2_SHOW_TRACE "Show debugging messages" OFF) 0026 if(NOT o2_SHOW_TRACE) 0027 add_definitions(-DQT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT=1) 0028 endif() 0029 0030 option(o2_WITH_TWITTER "Authenticate with Twitter" OFF) 0031 option(o2_WITH_DROPBOX "Authenticate with Dropbox" OFF) 0032 option(o2_WITH_GOOGLE "Authenticate with Google" OFF) 0033 option(o2_WITH_VIMEO "Authenticate with Vimeo" OFF) 0034 option(o2_WITH_FACEBOOK "Authenticate with Facebook" OFF) 0035 option(o2_WITH_UBER "Authenticate with Uber" OFF) 0036 option(o2_WITH_SKYDRIVE "Authenticate with SkyDrive" OFF) 0037 option(o2_WITH_FLICKR "Authenticate with Flickr" OFF) 0038 option(o2_WITH_HUBIC "Authenticate with Hubic" OFF) 0039 option(o2_WITH_SPOTIFY "Authenticate with Spotify" OFF) 0040 option(o2_WITH_SURVEYMONKEY "Authenticate with SurveyMonkey" OFF) 0041 option(o2_WITH_SMUGMUG "Authenticate with SmugMug" OFF) 0042 option(o2_WITH_MSGRAPH "Authenticate with MSGraph" OFF) 0043 option(o2_WITH_KEYCHAIN "keychain store" ON) 0044 0045 option(o2_WITH_OAUTH1 "Include OAuth1 authentication" OFF) 0046 0047 if (o2_WITH_TWITTER) 0048 set(HAVE_TWITTER_SUPPORT 1) 0049 endif() 0050 if (o2_WITH_DROPBOX) 0051 set(HAVE_DROPBOX_SUPPORT 1) 0052 endif() 0053 if (o2_WITH_GOOGLE) 0054 set(HAVE_GOOGLE_SUPPORT 1) 0055 endif() 0056 if (o2_WITH_FACEBOOK) 0057 set(HAVE_FACEBOOK_SUPPORT 1) 0058 endif() 0059 if (o2_WITH_UBER) 0060 set(HAVE_UBER_SUPPORT 1) 0061 endif() 0062 if (o2_WITH_SKYDRIVE) 0063 set(HAVE_SKYDRIVE_SUPPORT 1) 0064 endif() 0065 if (o2_WITH_FLICKR) 0066 set(HAVE_FLICKR_SUPPORT 1) 0067 endif() 0068 if (o2_WITH_HUBIC) 0069 set(HAVE_HUBIC_SUPPORT 1) 0070 endif() 0071 if (o2_WITH_SPOTIFY) 0072 set(HAVE_SPOTIFY_SUPPORT 1) 0073 endif() 0074 if (o2_WITH_SURVEYMONKEY) 0075 set(HAVE_SURVEYMONKEY_SUPPORT 1) 0076 endif() 0077 if (o2_WITH_SMUGMUG) 0078 set(HAVE_SMUGMUG_SUPPORT 1) 0079 endif() 0080 if (o2_WITH_MSGRAPH) 0081 set(HAVE_MSGRAPH_SUPPORT 1) 0082 endif() 0083 if (o2_WITH_KEYCHAIN) 0084 set(HAVE_KEYCHAIN_SUPPORT 1) 0085 endif() 0086 if (o2_WITH_OAUTH1) 0087 set(HAVE_OAUTH1_SUPPORT 1) 0088 endif() 0089 0090 0091 0092 if(o2_WITH_TWITTER OR o2_WITH_DROPBOX OR o2_WITH_FLICKR OR o2_WITH_SMUGMUG) 0093 set(o2_WITH_OAUTH1 ON) 0094 endif() 0095 0096 option(o2_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples" OFF) 0097 0098 if(WIN32) 0099 add_definitions(-DO2_DLL_EXPORT) 0100 endif() 0101 0102 add_subdirectory(src) 0103 0104 if(o2_BUILD_EXAMPLES) 0105 add_subdirectory(examples) 0106 endif(o2_BUILD_EXAMPLES)