Warning, /graphics/digikam/core/libs/database/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 0002 There are more than one database managed by digiKam : 0003 0004 - Core database which host all albums, items, searches data. 0005 - Thumbnails database to host image thumbs with wavelets compression images. 0006 - Similarity database to host image finger-prints with computed Haar algorithms. 0007 - Face database to host face areas on images and face histograms used by faces recognition. 0008 For technical reasons, code is located in libs/facesengine/facedb. 0009 0010 collection/ Collections management interface. 0011 coredb/ Core database implementation based on Database Engine. 0012 dbjobs/ Database jobs manager. 0013 engine/ Low Level database engine common to all database interface. 0014 haar/ Haar fingerprint algorithms used by Fuzzy Search tool. 0015 history/ Item history algorithms. 0016 imgqsort/ Image Quality algorithms. 0017 item/ Item management interfaces. 0018 server/ Internal database server. 0019 similaritydb/ Similarity database implementation based on Database Engine 0020 tags/ Tags management and Face tags interface. 0021 thumbsdb/ Thumbnails database implementation based on Database Engine. 0022 utils/ High level implementation based on Core database interface plus widgets and dialogs.