File indexing completed on 2025-03-09 03:50:50
0001 /* ============================================================ 0002 * 0003 * This file is a part of digiKam project 0004 * 0005 * 0006 * Date : 2009-12-13 0007 * Description : a tool to blend bracketed images. 0008 * 0009 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009-2024 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com> 0010 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 by Benjamin Girault <benjamin dot girault at gmail dot com> 0011 * 0012 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 0013 * 0014 * ============================================================ */ 0015 0016 #include "expoblendingdlg.h" 0017 0018 // C ANSI includes 0019 0020 extern "C" 0021 { 0022 #include <sys/types.h> 0023 #include <sys/stat.h> 0024 #ifndef Q_CC_MSVC 0025 # include <unistd.h> 0026 #endif 0027 } 0028 0029 // C++ includes 0030 0031 #include <cstdio> 0032 0033 // Qt includes 0034 0035 #include <QPointer> 0036 #include <QCloseEvent> 0037 #include <QFile> 0038 #include <QDir> 0039 #include <QFileInfo> 0040 #include <QGridLayout> 0041 #include <QPushButton> 0042 #include <QScrollArea> 0043 #include <QApplication> 0044 #include <QMenu> 0045 #include <QMessageBox> 0046 #include <QGroupBox> 0047 #include <QWindow> 0048 0049 // KDE includes 0050 0051 #include <klocalizedstring.h> 0052 #include <ksharedconfig.h> 0053 #include <kconfiggroup.h> 0054 0055 // Local includes 0056 0057 #include "digikam_debug.h" 0058 #include "expoblendingthread.h" 0059 #include "bracketstack.h" 0060 #include "enfusebinary.h" 0061 #include "enfusesettings.h" 0062 #include "enfusestack.h" 0063 #include "dmessagebox.h" 0064 #include "dpreviewmanager.h" 0065 #include "dsavesettingswidget.h" 0066 #include "expoblendingmanager.h" 0067 #include "dfileoperations.h" 0068 #include "dxmlguiwindow.h" 0069 0070 using namespace Digikam; 0071 0072 namespace DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin 0073 { 0074 0075 class Q_DECL_HIDDEN ExpoBlendingDlg::Private 0076 { 0077 public: 0078 0079 explicit Private() 0080 : templateFileName (nullptr), 0081 previewWidget (nullptr), 0082 enfuseSettingsBox (nullptr), 0083 saveSettingsBox (nullptr), 0084 bracketStack (nullptr), 0085 enfuseStack (nullptr), 0086 mngr (nullptr), 0087 firstImageDisplayed (false), 0088 buttonBox (nullptr), 0089 previewButton (nullptr), 0090 startButton (nullptr), 0091 propagateReject (true) 0092 { 0093 } 0094 0095 QString inputFileName; 0096 QString output; 0097 0098 QLineEdit* templateFileName; 0099 0100 DPreviewManager* previewWidget; 0101 0102 EnfuseSettingsWidget* enfuseSettingsBox; 0103 0104 DSaveSettingsWidget* saveSettingsBox; 0105 0106 BracketStackList* bracketStack; 0107 EnfuseStackList* enfuseStack; 0108 0109 ExpoBlendingManager* mngr; 0110 0111 bool firstImageDisplayed; 0112 0113 QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox; 0114 QPushButton* previewButton; 0115 QPushButton* startButton; 0116 0117 bool propagateReject; 0118 }; 0119 0120 ExpoBlendingDlg::ExpoBlendingDlg(ExpoBlendingManager* const mngr, QWidget* const parent) 0121 : QDialog(parent), 0122 d (new Private) 0123 { 0124 d->mngr = mngr; 0125 0126 setModal(false); 0127 setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Exposure Blending")); 0128 0129 const int spacing = qMin(QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing), 0130 QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing)); 0131 0132 d->buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close, this); 0133 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setDefault(true); 0134 0135 d->startButton = new QPushButton(this); 0136 d->startButton->setText(i18nc("@action:button", "&Save")); 0137 d->startButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("document-save"))); 0138 d->startButton->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip, button", "Process and save selected items.")); 0139 d->buttonBox->addButton(d->startButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); 0140 0141 d->previewButton = new QPushButton(this); 0142 d->previewButton->setText(i18nc("@action:button", "&Preview")); 0143 d->previewButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("system-run"))); 0144 d->previewButton->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip, button", "Process a preview of bracketed images stack with current settings.")); 0145 d->buttonBox->addButton(d->previewButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); 0146 0147 QPushButton* const defaultButton = new QPushButton(this); 0148 defaultButton->setText(i18nc("@action: button", "&Default")); 0149 defaultButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("document-revert"))); 0150 defaultButton->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Revert current settings to default values.")); 0151 d->buttonBox->addButton(defaultButton, QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole); 0152 0153 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0154 0155 d->previewWidget = new DPreviewManager(this); 0156 d->previewWidget->setButtonText(i18nc("@action:button", "Details...")); 0157 0158 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0159 0160 QScrollArea* const rightColumn = new QScrollArea(this); 0161 QWidget* const rightPanel = new QWidget(rightColumn->viewport()); 0162 rightColumn->setWidget(rightPanel); 0163 rightColumn->setWidgetResizable(true); 0164 rightColumn->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); 0165 0166 QVBoxLayout* const panel = new QVBoxLayout(rightPanel); 0167 0168 d->bracketStack = new BracketStackList(rightPanel); 0169 panel->addWidget(d->bracketStack, 1); 0170 0171 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0172 0173 QGroupBox* const enfuse = new QGroupBox(rightPanel); 0174 enfuse->setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Enfuse Settings")); 0175 QVBoxLayout* const elay = new QVBoxLayout(enfuse); 0176 enfuse->setLayout(elay); 0177 0178 d->enfuseSettingsBox = new EnfuseSettingsWidget(enfuse); 0179 elay->addWidget(d->enfuseSettingsBox); 0180 0181 panel->addWidget(enfuse, 1); 0182 0183 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0184 0185 QGroupBox* const save = new QGroupBox(rightPanel); 0186 save->setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Save Result")); 0187 QVBoxLayout* const slay = new QVBoxLayout(save); 0188 save->setLayout(slay); 0189 0190 d->saveSettingsBox = new DSaveSettingsWidget(save); 0191 slay->addWidget(d->saveSettingsBox); 0192 0193 QHBoxLayout* const hbox = new QHBoxLayout(save); 0194 0195 QLabel* const customLabel = new QLabel(save); 0196 customLabel->setText(i18nc("@label: textbox", "File Name Template: ")); 0197 hbox->addWidget(customLabel); 0198 0199 d->templateFileName = new QLineEdit(save); 0200 d->templateFileName->setClearButtonEnabled(true); 0201 hbox->addWidget(d->templateFileName); 0202 0203 d->saveSettingsBox->setCustomSettingsWidget(d->saveSettingsBox); 0204 slay->addLayout(hbox); 0205 0206 panel->addWidget(save, 1); 0207 0208 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0209 0210 d->enfuseStack = new EnfuseStackList(rightPanel); 0211 panel->addWidget(d->enfuseStack, 1); 0212 0213 rightPanel->setLayout(panel); 0214 panel->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); 0215 0216 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0217 0218 QGridLayout* const grid = new QGridLayout(this); 0219 grid->addWidget(d->previewWidget, 0, 0, 3, 1); 0220 grid->addWidget(rightColumn, 0, 1, 3, 1); 0221 grid->addWidget(d->buttonBox, 4, 0, 1, 2); 0222 grid->setContentsMargins(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing); 0223 grid->setSpacing(spacing); 0224 grid->setColumnStretch(0, 10); 0225 grid->setColumnStretch(1, 5); 0226 setLayout(grid); 0227 0228 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0229 0230 connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), 0231 this, SLOT(slotFinished())); 0232 0233 connect(this, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), 0234 this, SLOT(slotCancelClicked())); 0235 0236 connect(defaultButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), 0237 this, SLOT(slotDefault())); 0238 0239 connect(d->startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), 0240 this, SLOT(slotProcess())); 0241 0242 connect(d->previewButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), 0243 this, SLOT(slotPreview())); 0244 0245 connect(d->buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, 0246 this, &ExpoBlendingDlg::slotCloseClicked); 0247 0248 connect(d->mngr->thread(), SIGNAL(starting(DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin::ExpoBlendingActionData)), 0249 this, SLOT(slotExpoBlendingAction(DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin::ExpoBlendingActionData))); 0250 0251 connect(d->mngr->thread(), SIGNAL(finished(DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin::ExpoBlendingActionData)), 0252 this, SLOT(slotExpoBlendingAction(DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin::ExpoBlendingActionData))); 0253 0254 connect(d->bracketStack, SIGNAL(signalAddItems(QList<QUrl>)), 0255 this, SLOT(slotAddItems(QList<QUrl>))); 0256 0257 connect(d->bracketStack, SIGNAL(signalItemClicked(QUrl)), 0258 this, SLOT(slotItemClicked(QUrl))); 0259 0260 connect(d->previewWidget, SIGNAL(signalButtonClicked()), 0261 this, SLOT(slotPreviewButtonClicked())); 0262 0263 connect(d->enfuseStack, SIGNAL(signalItemClicked(QUrl)), 0264 this, SLOT(slotLoadProcessed(QUrl))); 0265 0266 connect(d->templateFileName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), 0267 this, SLOT(slotFileFormatChanged())); 0268 0269 connect(d->saveSettingsBox, SIGNAL(signalSaveFormatChanged()), 0270 this, SLOT(slotFileFormatChanged())); 0271 0272 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 0273 0274 busy(false); 0275 readSettings(); 0276 loadItems(d->mngr->itemsList()); 0277 } 0278 0279 ExpoBlendingDlg::~ExpoBlendingDlg() 0280 { 0281 delete d; 0282 } 0283 0284 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotFinished() 0285 { 0286 d->mngr->thread()->cancel(); 0287 d->mngr->cleanUp(); 0288 saveSettings(); 0289 } 0290 0291 void ExpoBlendingDlg::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e) 0292 { 0293 if (!e) 0294 { 0295 return; 0296 } 0297 0298 slotFinished(); 0299 e->accept(); 0300 } 0301 0302 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotCancelClicked() 0303 { 0304 d->mngr->thread()->cancel(); 0305 } 0306 0307 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotFileFormatChanged() 0308 { 0309 d->enfuseStack->setTemplateFileName(d->saveSettingsBox->fileFormat(), d->templateFileName->text()); 0310 } 0311 0312 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotPreviewButtonClicked() 0313 { 0314 DMessageBox::showInformationList(QMessageBox::Information, 0315 qApp->activeWindow(), 0316 qApp->applicationName(), 0317 i18nc("@title:window", "Enfuse Processing Messages"), 0318 d->output.split(QLatin1Char('\n'))); 0319 } 0320 0321 void ExpoBlendingDlg::loadItems(const QList<QUrl>& urls) 0322 { 0323 d->bracketStack->clear(); 0324 d->bracketStack->addItems(urls); 0325 } 0326 0327 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotAddItems(const QList<QUrl>& urls) 0328 { 0329 if (!urls.isEmpty()) 0330 { 0331 d->mngr->thread()->identifyFiles(urls); 0332 0333 if (!d->mngr->thread()->isRunning()) 0334 { 0335 d->mngr->thread()->start(); 0336 } 0337 } 0338 } 0339 0340 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotItemClicked(const QUrl& url) 0341 { 0342 QString fileName = url.fileName(); 0343 0344 if (fileName.isEmpty()) 0345 { 0346 return; 0347 } 0348 0349 int dot = fileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.')); 0350 fileName = fileName.left(dot); 0351 0352 d->templateFileName->setText(fileName); 0353 slotFileFormatChanged(); 0354 } 0355 0356 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotLoadProcessed(const QUrl& url) 0357 { 0358 d->mngr->thread()->loadProcessed(url); 0359 0360 if (!d->mngr->thread()->isRunning()) 0361 { 0362 d->mngr->thread()->start(); 0363 } 0364 } 0365 0366 void ExpoBlendingDlg::setIdentity(const QUrl& url, const QString& identity) 0367 { 0368 BracketStackItem* const item = d->bracketStack->findItem(url); 0369 0370 if (item) 0371 { 0372 item->setExposure(identity); 0373 } 0374 } 0375 0376 void ExpoBlendingDlg::busy(bool val) 0377 { 0378 d->enfuseSettingsBox->setEnabled(!val); 0379 d->saveSettingsBox->setEnabled(!val); 0380 d->bracketStack->setEnabled(!val); 0381 0382 d->startButton->setEnabled(!val ? !d->enfuseStack->settingsList().isEmpty() : false); 0383 d->previewButton->setEnabled(!val); 0384 setRejectButtonMode(val ? QDialogButtonBox::Cancel : QDialogButtonBox::Close); 0385 0386 if (val) 0387 { 0388 d->previewWidget->setButtonVisible(false); 0389 } 0390 } 0391 0392 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotDefault() 0393 { 0394 d->enfuseSettingsBox->resetToDefault(); 0395 d->saveSettingsBox->resetToDefault(); 0396 d->templateFileName->setText(QLatin1String("enfuse")); 0397 } 0398 0399 void ExpoBlendingDlg::readSettings() 0400 { 0401 KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); 0402 KConfigGroup group = config->group(QLatin1String("ExpoBlending Settings")); 0403 0404 d->enfuseSettingsBox->readSettings(group); 0405 d->saveSettingsBox->readSettings(group); 0406 0407 d->templateFileName->setText(group.readEntry("Template File Name", QString::fromLatin1("enfuse"))); 0408 0409 winId(); 0410 KConfigGroup group2 = config->group(QLatin1String("ExpoBlending Dialog")); 0411 DXmlGuiWindow::restoreWindowSize(windowHandle(), group2); 0412 resize(windowHandle()->size()); 0413 } 0414 0415 void ExpoBlendingDlg::saveSettings() 0416 { 0417 KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); 0418 KConfigGroup group = config->group(QLatin1String("ExpoBlending Settings")); 0419 0420 d->enfuseSettingsBox->writeSettings(group); 0421 d->saveSettingsBox->writeSettings(group); 0422 0423 group.writeEntry("Template File Name", d->templateFileName->text()); 0424 0425 KConfigGroup group2 = config->group(QLatin1String("ExpoBlending Dialog")); 0426 DXmlGuiWindow::saveWindowSize(windowHandle(), group2); 0427 config->sync(); 0428 } 0429 0430 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotPreview() 0431 { 0432 QList<QUrl> selectedUrl = d->bracketStack->urls(); 0433 0434 if (selectedUrl.isEmpty()) 0435 { 0436 return; 0437 } 0438 0439 ExpoBlendingItemUrlsMap map = d->mngr->preProcessedMap(); 0440 QList<QUrl> preprocessedList; 0441 0442 Q_FOREACH (const QUrl& url, selectedUrl) 0443 { 0444 ExpoBlendingItemPreprocessedUrls preprocessedUrls = map.value(url); 0445 preprocessedList.append(preprocessedUrls.previewUrl); 0446 } 0447 0448 EnfuseSettings settings = d->enfuseSettingsBox->settings(); 0449 settings.inputUrls = d->bracketStack->urls(); 0450 settings.outputFormat = d->saveSettingsBox->fileFormat(); 0451 d->mngr->thread()->enfusePreview(preprocessedList, d->mngr->itemsList()[0], settings, d->mngr->enfuseBinary().path()); 0452 0453 if (!d->mngr->thread()->isRunning()) 0454 { 0455 d->mngr->thread()->start(); 0456 } 0457 } 0458 0459 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotProcess() 0460 { 0461 QList<EnfuseSettings> list = d->enfuseStack->settingsList(); 0462 0463 if (list.isEmpty()) 0464 { 0465 return; 0466 } 0467 0468 ExpoBlendingItemUrlsMap map = d->mngr->preProcessedMap(); 0469 QList<QUrl> preprocessedList; 0470 0471 Q_FOREACH (const EnfuseSettings& settings, list) 0472 { 0473 preprocessedList.clear(); 0474 0475 Q_FOREACH (const QUrl& url, settings.inputUrls) 0476 { 0477 ExpoBlendingItemPreprocessedUrls preprocessedUrls = map.value(url); 0478 preprocessedList.append(preprocessedUrls.preprocessedUrl); 0479 } 0480 0481 d->mngr->thread()->enfuseFinal(preprocessedList, d->mngr->itemsList()[0], settings, d->mngr->enfuseBinary().path()); 0482 0483 if (!d->mngr->thread()->isRunning()) 0484 { 0485 d->mngr->thread()->start(); 0486 } 0487 } 0488 } 0489 0490 void ExpoBlendingDlg::saveItem(const QUrl& temp, const EnfuseSettings& settings) 0491 { 0492 QUrl newUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(temp.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename).toLocalFile() + settings.targetFileName); 0493 0494 if (d->saveSettingsBox->conflictRule() != FileSaveConflictBox::OVERWRITE) 0495 { 0496 newUrl = DFileOperations::getUniqueFileUrl(newUrl); 0497 } 0498 0499 qCDebug(DIGIKAM_DPLUGIN_GENERIC_LOG) << "Renaming " << temp << " to " << newUrl; 0500 0501 if (!newUrl.isEmpty()) 0502 { 0503 // remove newUrl file if it exist 0504 0505 if (temp.toLocalFile() != newUrl.toLocalFile() && QFile::exists(temp.toLocalFile()) && QFile::exists(newUrl.toLocalFile())) 0506 { 0507 QFile::remove(newUrl.toLocalFile()); 0508 } 0509 0510 if (!QFile::rename(temp.toLocalFile(), newUrl.toLocalFile())) 0511 { 0512 QMessageBox::critical(this, QString(), i18nc("@info", "Failed to save image to %1.", QDir::toNativeSeparators(newUrl.toLocalFile()))); 0513 d->enfuseStack->setOnItem(settings.previewUrl, false); 0514 d->enfuseStack->processedItem(settings.previewUrl, false); 0515 return; 0516 } 0517 else 0518 { 0519 d->enfuseStack->removeItem(settings.previewUrl); 0520 } 0521 } 0522 0523 if (d->enfuseStack->settingsList().isEmpty()) 0524 { 0525 d->startButton->setEnabled(false); 0526 busy(false); 0527 d->previewWidget->setBusy(false); 0528 } 0529 0530 Q_EMIT d->mngr->updateHostApp(newUrl); 0531 } 0532 0533 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotExpoBlendingAction(const DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin::ExpoBlendingActionData& ad) 0534 { 0535 QString text; 0536 0537 if (ad.starting) // Something have been started... 0538 { 0539 switch (ad.action) 0540 { 0541 case EXPOBLENDING_IDENTIFY: 0542 { 0543 break; 0544 } 0545 0546 case EXPOBLENDING_LOAD: 0547 { 0548 busy(true); 0549 break; 0550 } 0551 0552 case EXPOBLENDING_ENFUSEPREVIEW: 0553 { 0554 busy(true); 0555 d->previewWidget->setBusy(true, i18nc("@info", "Processing preview of bracketed images...")); 0556 break; 0557 } 0558 0559 case EXPOBLENDING_ENFUSEFINAL: 0560 { 0561 busy(true); 0562 d->previewWidget->setBusy(true, i18nc("@info", "Processing output of bracketed images...")); 0563 d->enfuseStack->processingItem(ad.enfuseSettings.previewUrl, true); 0564 break; 0565 } 0566 0567 default: 0568 { 0569 qCWarning(DIGIKAM_DPLUGIN_GENERIC_LOG) << "Unknown action"; 0570 break; 0571 } 0572 } 0573 } 0574 else 0575 { 0576 if (!ad.success) // Something is failed... 0577 { 0578 switch (ad.action) 0579 { 0580 case EXPOBLENDING_IDENTIFY: 0581 { 0582 setIdentity(ad.inUrls[0], ad.message); 0583 busy(false); 0584 break; 0585 } 0586 0587 case EXPOBLENDING_LOAD: 0588 { 0589 d->previewWidget->setText(i18nc("@info", "Failed to load processed image."), Qt::red); 0590 busy(false); 0591 break; 0592 } 0593 0594 case EXPOBLENDING_ENFUSEPREVIEW: 0595 { 0596 d->output = ad.message; 0597 d->previewWidget->setBusy(false); 0598 d->previewWidget->setButtonVisible(true); 0599 d->previewWidget->setText(i18nc("@info", "Failed to process preview of bracketed images."), Qt::red); 0600 busy(false); 0601 break; 0602 } 0603 0604 case EXPOBLENDING_ENFUSEFINAL: 0605 { 0606 slotCancelClicked(); 0607 d->output = ad.message; 0608 d->previewWidget->setBusy(false); 0609 d->previewWidget->setButtonVisible(true); 0610 d->previewWidget->setText(i18nc("@info", "Failed to process output of bracketed images."), Qt::red); 0611 d->enfuseStack->processingItem(ad.enfuseSettings.previewUrl, false); 0612 d->enfuseStack->setOnItem(ad.enfuseSettings.previewUrl, false); 0613 busy(false); 0614 break; 0615 } 0616 0617 default: 0618 { 0619 qCWarning(DIGIKAM_DPLUGIN_GENERIC_LOG) << "Unknown action"; 0620 break; 0621 } 0622 } 0623 } 0624 else // Something is done... 0625 { 0626 switch (ad.action) 0627 { 0628 case EXPOBLENDING_IDENTIFY: 0629 { 0630 setIdentity(ad.inUrls[0], ad.message); 0631 busy(false); 0632 break; 0633 } 0634 0635 case EXPOBLENDING_LOAD: 0636 { 0637 d->previewWidget->setImage(ad.image, !d->firstImageDisplayed); 0638 d->firstImageDisplayed |= true; 0639 d->enfuseStack->setThumbnail(ad.inUrls[0], ad.image); 0640 busy(false); 0641 break; 0642 } 0643 0644 case EXPOBLENDING_ENFUSEPREVIEW: 0645 { 0646 d->enfuseStack->addItem(ad.outUrls[0], ad.enfuseSettings); 0647 busy(false); 0648 break; 0649 } 0650 0651 case EXPOBLENDING_ENFUSEFINAL: 0652 { 0653 d->enfuseStack->processingItem(ad.enfuseSettings.previewUrl, false); 0654 saveItem(ad.outUrls[0], ad.enfuseSettings); 0655 break; 0656 } 0657 0658 default: 0659 { 0660 qCWarning(DIGIKAM_DPLUGIN_GENERIC_LOG) << "Unknown action"; 0661 break; 0662 } 0663 } 0664 } 0665 } 0666 } 0667 0668 void ExpoBlendingDlg::setRejectButtonMode(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton button) 0669 { 0670 if (button == QDialogButtonBox::Close) 0671 { 0672 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setText(i18nc("@action", "Close")); 0673 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("window-close"))); 0674 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setToolTip(i18nc("@info", "Close window")); 0675 d->propagateReject = true; 0676 } 0677 else if (button == QDialogButtonBox::Cancel) 0678 { 0679 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setText(i18nc("@action", "Cancel")); 0680 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("dialog-cancel"))); 0681 d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setToolTip(i18nc("@info", "Cancel current operation")); 0682 d->propagateReject = false; 0683 } 0684 else 0685 { 0686 qCDebug(DIGIKAM_DPLUGIN_GENERIC_LOG) << "Unexpected button mode passed"; 0687 } 0688 } 0689 0690 void ExpoBlendingDlg::slotCloseClicked() 0691 { 0692 if (d->propagateReject) 0693 { 0694 reject(); 0695 } 0696 else 0697 { 0698 Q_EMIT cancelClicked(); 0699 } 0700 } 0701 0702 } // namespace DigikamGenericExpoBlendingPlugin 0703 0704 #include "moc_expoblendingdlg.cpp"