Warning, /graphics/digikam/core/dplugins/dimg/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Native DIMG Loaders status
0002 --------------------------
0004 Format  Read  Write  ICC   MetaData  Thumb   8bits    16bits  dependency
0006 JPG     Done  Done   Done  Done      Done    yes      N.A     libjpeg
0007 PNG     Done  Done   Done  Done      N.A     yes      yes     libpng
0008 TIFF/EP Done  Done   Done  Done      Done    yes      yes     libtiff
0009 RAW     Done  N.A    N.A   Done      Done    yes      yes     libraw             (internal)
0010 PGF     Done  Done   TODO  Done      N.A     yes      yes     libpgf             (internal)
0011 JPEG2K  Done  Done   Done  Done      N.A     yes      yes     libjasper
0012 HEIF    Done  Done   Done  Done      N.A     yes      yes     libheif / libde265 (internal) + libx265 (external)
0014 Others file formats are supported:
0016 - in 8 or 16 bits/color/pixel only using Qt plugin loaders (QImage and KImageFormat plugins from KDE framework - "KIMG").
0017   https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qimage.html#reading-and-writing-image-files
0018   https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kimageformats
0020 - in 8 or 16 bits/color/pixel using ImageMagick codecs (optional - "IM").
0021   https://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php
0023 Complete list of supported formats are listed below:
0025 Format   Read       Write  Write      Description                              Codec           Notes
0026                     KIMG   IM
0028 KRA      yes        no     no         Krita Raster image                       KIMG
0029 ORA      yes        no     no         OpenRaster image                         KIMG
0030 PIC      yes        no     no         Softimage Raster image                   KIMG
0031 ANI      yes        no     no         Windows Animated Cursor                  KIMG
0032 PIC      yes        yes    yes        PCPaint image format                     KIMG
0033 AVIF     yes        yes    yes        AV1 Image File Format                    KIMG | IM
0034 DDS      yes        yes    yes        Microsoft Direct Draw Surface            KIMG | IM
0035 EPS      yes        yes    yes        Adobe Encapsulated PostScript            KIMG | IM
0036 EXR      yes        no     yes        ILM High dynamic range image             KIMG | IM
0037 HDR      yes        yes    yes        Radiance RGBE image format               KIMG | IM
0038 PCX      yes        yes    yes        ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush                  KIMG | IM
0039 PNM      yes        yes    yes        Portable anymap                          KIMG | IM
0040 PSD      yes        no     yes        Photoshop Raster image                   KIMG | IM
0041 RAS/SUN  yes        no     yes        Sun Raster image                         KIMG | IM
0042 RGB      yes        yes    yes        Raw Red Green Blue image                 KIMG | IM
0043 RLE      yes        no     no         Utah Run length encoded image            KIMG | IM
0044 TGA      yes        yes    yes        Truevision Targa image                   KIMG | IM
0045 XCF      yes        no     no         Gimp Raster image                        KIMG | IM
0046 GIF      yes        yes    yes        CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format   KIMG | IM
0047 BMP      yes        yes    yes        Windows bitmap format                    KIMG | IM
0048 PBM      yes        yes    yes        Portable bitmap format                   KIMG | IM
0049 PGM      yes        yes    yes        Portable graymap format                  KIMG | IM
0050 PPM      yes        yes    yes        Portable pixmap format                   KIMG | IM
0051 XBM      yes        yes    yes        X Windows system bitmap                  KIMG | IM
0052 XPM      yes        yes    yes        X Windows system pixmap                  KIMG | IM
0053 JXL      yes        yes    yes        JPEG Extended Long-term                  KIMG | [IM]     Libjxr dependency - since KF 5.89 - IM with RT dependency
0054 JXR      yes        no     yes        JPEG Extended Range                             IM       Older HD photo from Microsoft
0055 PCD      yes        no     yes        PhotoCD                                         IM
0056 SGI      yes        no     yes        Irix RGB image                                  IM
0057 ICO      yes        no     no         Windows icon format                             IM
0058 MNG      yes        no     yes        Multiple-image Network Graphics                 IM
0059 SVG      yes        no     yes        Scalable Vector Graphics                        IM
0060 WEBP     yes        no     yes        Weppy image format                              IM
0061 FIT/FITS yes        no     yes        Flexible Image Transport System                 IM
0062 FLIF     yes        no     yes        Free Lossless Image Format                      IM
0063 JBIG     yes        no     yes        Joint Bi-level Image                            IM
0064 BPG      yes        no     yes        Better Portable Graphics                        IM
0065 DJVU     yes        no     no         Deja-Vu                                         IM
0066 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------