Warning, /graphics/digikam/core/data/scripts/cleanup_digikamdb/cleanup_digikamdb.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
0003     "http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd"
0004 [
0005 <!ENTITY product "<command>cleanup_digikamdb</command>">
0006 <!ENTITY version "1.1">
0007 <!ENTITY digikam "digiKam">
0008 <!ENTITY vacuum  "<emphasis>VACUUM</emphasis>">
0009 ]>
0011 <refentry lang="en" id="cleanup_digikamdb">
0012     <refentryinfo>
0013         <productname>&product;</productname>
0014         <authorgroup>
0015             <author>
0016                 <contrib>Developer</contrib>
0017                 <firstname>Andi</firstname>
0018                 <surname>Clemens</surname>
0019                 <email>andi dot clemens at gmail dot com</email>
0020             </author>
0021         </authorgroup>
0022     </refentryinfo>
0024     <refmeta>
0025         <refentrytitle>&product;</refentrytitle>
0026         <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
0027         <refmiscinfo class="source">&product;</refmiscinfo>
0028         <refmiscinfo class="software">&product;</refmiscinfo>
0029         <refmiscinfo class="version">&version;</refmiscinfo>
0030     </refmeta>
0032     <refnamediv>
0033         <refname>&product;</refname>
0034         <refpurpose>
0035             Cleanup the &digikam; databases to reduce their sizes and increase access speed 
0036         </refpurpose>
0037     </refnamediv>
0039     <refsynopsisdiv>
0040         <cmdsynopsis>
0041             &product;
0042             <arg>-t</arg>
0043             <arg>-T</arg>
0044             <arg>-p</arg>
0045             <arg>-h</arg>
0046         </cmdsynopsis>
0047     </refsynopsisdiv>
0049     <refsect1
0050         id="foo.options">
0051         <title>Options</title>
0052         <variablelist>
0054             <varlistentry>
0055                 <term><option>-t</option></term>
0056                 <listitem>
0057                     <para>
0058                         Include thumbnail databases.
0059                     </para>
0060                 </listitem>
0061             </varlistentry>
0063             <varlistentry>
0064                 <term><option>-T</option></term>
0065                 <listitem>
0066                     <para>
0067                         Only cleanup thumbnail databases.
0068                     </para>
0069                 </listitem>
0070             </varlistentry>
0072             <varlistentry>
0073                 <term><option> -p <filename>path</filename> </option></term>
0074                 <listitem>
0075                     <para>
0076                         Specify a different database <emphasis>path</emphasis>.
0077                         If this option is not set or the specified <emphasis>path</emphasis> is invalid, the entry from the configuration file will be used.
0078                     </para>
0079                 </listitem>
0080             </varlistentry>
0082             <varlistentry>
0083                 <term><option>-h</option></term>
0084                 <listitem>
0085                     <para>
0086                         Show command line options.
0087                     </para>
0088                 </listitem>
0089             </varlistentry>
0091         </variablelist>
0092     </refsect1>
0094     <refsect1>
0095         <title>Description</title>
0096         <para>
0097             &product; will cleanup and optimize the &digikam; database file.
0098             This will, in most cases, lead to a smaller database file size and an increased access speed, because unneeded elements are removed from the database and data is optimized.
0099         </para>
0100         <para>
0101             The program will make sure that no instance of &digikam; is running, because it is more safe to have no database access during
0102             the optimization process.  It then will read the &digikam; configuration file and determine the database location. 
0103             In a final step the database will be optimized by invoking the sqlite command '&vacuum;;' on it. 
0104             If more then one database is found in this location, &product; will optimize every database found in this path and below. 
0105         </para>
0106         <para>
0107             For further explanation, see the following description of the &vacuum; command from the sqlite3 website: 
0108         </para>
0109         <para>
0110             When an object (table, index, or trigger) is dropped from the database, it leaves behind empty space. 
0111             This empty space will be reused the next time new information is added to the database. 
0112             But in the meantime, the database file might be larger than strictly necessary. 
0113             Also, frequent inserts, updates, and deletes can cause the information in the database to become fragmented - scrattered out all 
0114             across the database file rather than clustered together in one
0115             place.
0116         </para>
0117         <para>
0118             The &vacuum; command cleans the main database by copying its contents to a temporary database file and reloading 
0119             the original database file from the copy. 
0120             This eliminates free pages, aligns table data to be contiguous, and otherwise cleans up the database file structure. 
0121         </para>
0122     </refsect1>
0124     <refsect1>
0125         <title>Author</title>
0126         <para>
0127             &product; was written by Andi Clemens &lt;andi dot clemens at gmail dot com&gt;
0128         </para>
0129     </refsect1>
0131 </refentry>