Warning, /graphics/colord-kde/colord-tmp-interfaces/org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Sensor.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC
0002 "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
0003 "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
0004 <node name="/" xmlns:doc="http://www.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/doc.dtd">
0005   <interface name='org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Sensor'>
0006     <doc:doc>
0007       <doc:description>
0008         <doc:para>
0009           The interface used for quering color sensors.
0010         </doc:para>
0011       </doc:description>
0012     </doc:doc>
0014     <!--***********************************************************-->
0015     <property name='SensorId' type='s' access='read'>
0016       <doc:doc>
0017         <doc:description>
0018           <doc:para>
0019             The sensor id string.
0020           </doc:para>
0021         </doc:description>
0022       </doc:doc>
0023     </property>
0025     <!--***********************************************************-->
0026     <property name='Kind' type='s' access='read'>
0027       <doc:doc>
0028         <doc:description>
0029           <doc:para>
0030             The kind of the sensor, e.g. <doc:tt>colormunki</doc:tt>
0031           </doc:para>
0032         </doc:description>
0033       </doc:doc>
0034     </property>
0036     <!--***********************************************************-->
0037     <property name='State' type='s' access='read'>
0038       <doc:doc>
0039         <doc:description>
0040           <doc:para>
0041             The state of the sensor, e.g. <doc:tt>starting</doc:tt>,
0042             <doc:tt>idle</doc:tt> or <doc:tt>measuring</doc:tt>.
0043           </doc:para>
0044         </doc:description>
0045       </doc:doc>
0046     </property>
0048     <!--***********************************************************-->
0049     <property name='Mode' type='s' access='read'>
0050       <doc:doc>
0051         <doc:description>
0052           <doc:para>
0053             The operating mode of the sensor, e.g. <doc:tt>ambient</doc:tt>,
0054             <doc:tt>printer</doc:tt> or <doc:tt>unknown</doc:tt>.
0055           </doc:para>
0056           <doc:para>
0057             On some devices, a sensor has to be set to a specific
0058             position before a reading can be taken.
0059             This property should be set to the current device mode.
0060           </doc:para>
0061         </doc:description>
0062       </doc:doc>
0063     </property>
0065     <!--***********************************************************-->
0066     <property name='Serial' type='s' access='read'>
0067       <doc:doc>
0068         <doc:description>
0069           <doc:para>
0070             The sensor serial number, e.g. <doc:tt>012345678a</doc:tt>.
0071           </doc:para>
0072         </doc:description>
0073       </doc:doc>
0074     </property>
0076     <!--***********************************************************-->
0077     <property name='Model' type='s' access='read'>
0078       <doc:doc>
0079         <doc:description>
0080           <doc:para>
0081             The sensor model, e.g. <doc:tt>ColorMunki</doc:tt>.
0082           </doc:para>
0083         </doc:description>
0084       </doc:doc>
0085     </property>
0087     <!--***********************************************************-->
0088     <property name='Vendor' type='s' access='read'>
0089       <doc:doc>
0090         <doc:description>
0091           <doc:para>
0092             The sensor vendor, e.g. <doc:tt>XRite</doc:tt>.
0093           </doc:para>
0094         </doc:description>
0095       </doc:doc>
0096     </property>
0098     <!--***********************************************************-->
0099     <property name='Native' type='b' access='read'>
0100       <doc:doc>
0101         <doc:description>
0102           <doc:para>
0103             If the sensor is supported with a native driver, which does
0104             not require additional tools such as argyllcms.
0105           </doc:para>
0106         </doc:description>
0107       </doc:doc>
0108     </property>
0110     <!--***********************************************************-->
0111     <property name='Embedded' type='b' access='read'>
0112       <doc:doc>
0113         <doc:description>
0114           <doc:para>
0115             If the sensor is embedded into the laptop hardware, for
0116             example the W700 device from Lenovo.
0117           </doc:para>
0118           <doc:para>
0119             If this property is set then the calibration process should
0120             show the color patch fullscreen and should emit an audible
0121             alert when completed.
0122           </doc:para>
0123         </doc:description>
0124       </doc:doc>
0125     </property>
0127     <!--***********************************************************-->
0128     <property name='Locked' type='b' access='read'>
0129       <doc:doc>
0130         <doc:description>
0131           <doc:para>
0132             If the sensor is locked for use by colord.
0133           </doc:para>
0134         </doc:description>
0135       </doc:doc>
0136     </property>
0138     <!--***********************************************************-->
0139     <property name='Capabilities' type='as' access='read'>
0140       <doc:doc>
0141         <doc:description>
0142           <doc:para>
0143             The capabilities of the sensor, e.g <doc:tt>['display',
0144             'printer', 'projector', 'spot']</doc:tt>.
0145           </doc:para>
0146         </doc:description>
0147       </doc:doc>
0148     </property>
0150     <!--***********************************************************-->
0151     <property name='Options' type='a{sv}' access='read'>
0152       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="QVariantMap"/>
0153       <doc:doc>
0154         <doc:description>
0155           <doc:para>
0156             The options currently set on the sensor.
0157           </doc:para>
0158           <doc:para>
0159             This is a dictionary of property keys and values, e.g.
0160             <doc:tt>remote-profile-hash = deadbeef</doc:tt>.
0161           </doc:para>
0162         </doc:description>
0163       </doc:doc>
0164     </property>
0166     <!--***********************************************************-->
0167     <property name='Metadata' type='a{ss}' access='read'>
0168       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="CdStringMap"/>
0169       <doc:doc>
0170         <doc:description>
0171           <doc:para>
0172             The metadata for the sensor, which may include optional
0173             keys like <doc:tt>AttachImage</doc:tt>.
0174           </doc:para>
0175         </doc:description>
0176       </doc:doc>
0177     </property>
0179     <!--***********************************************************-->
0180     <method name='Lock'>
0181       <doc:doc>
0182         <doc:description>
0183           <doc:para>
0184             Locks the sensor for use by an application.
0185           </doc:para>
0186           <doc:para>
0187             If the current holder of the lock quits without calling
0188             <doc:tt>Unlock</doc:tt> then it is automatically removed.
0189           </doc:para>
0190         </doc:description>
0191       </doc:doc>
0192     </method>
0194     <!--***********************************************************-->
0195     <method name='Unlock'>
0196       <doc:doc>
0197         <doc:description>
0198           <doc:para>
0199             Unlocks the sensor for use by other applications.
0200           </doc:para>
0201         </doc:description>
0202       </doc:doc>
0203     </method>
0205     <!--***********************************************************-->
0206     <method name='GetSample'>
0207       <doc:doc>
0208         <doc:description>
0209           <doc:para>
0210             Gets a color sample using the sensor.
0211           </doc:para>
0212         </doc:description>
0213       </doc:doc>
0214       <arg type='s' name='capability' direction='in'>
0215         <doc:doc>
0216           <doc:summary>
0217             <doc:para>
0218               The capability we are using, e.g. <doc:tt>crt</doc:tt>,
0219               <doc:tt>ambient</doc:tt>, <doc:tt>lcd</doc:tt>,
0220               <doc:tt>led</doc:tt> or <doc:tt>projector</doc:tt>.
0221             </doc:para>
0222           </doc:summary>
0223         </doc:doc>
0224       </arg>
0225       <arg type='d' name='sample_x' direction='out'>
0226         <doc:doc>
0227           <doc:summary>
0228             <doc:para>
0229               The X value, or <doc:tt>-1.0</doc:tt> for an error.
0230             </doc:para>
0231             <doc:para>
0232               For the capability of <doc:tt>ambient</doc:tt> this is
0233               the brightness in Lux.
0234             </doc:para>
0235           </doc:summary>
0236         </doc:doc>
0237       </arg>
0238       <arg type='d' name='sample_y' direction='out'>
0239         <doc:doc>
0240           <doc:summary>
0241             <doc:para>
0242               The Y value, or <doc:tt>-1.0</doc:tt> for an error.
0243             </doc:para>
0244           </doc:summary>
0245         </doc:doc>
0246       </arg>
0247       <arg type='d' name='sample_z' direction='out'>
0248         <doc:doc>
0249           <doc:summary>
0250             <doc:para>
0251               The Z value, or <doc:tt>-1.0</doc:tt> for an error.
0252             </doc:para>
0253           </doc:summary>
0254         </doc:doc>
0255       </arg>
0256     </method>
0258     <!--***********************************************************-->
0259     <method name='SetOptions'>
0260       <doc:doc>
0261         <doc:description>
0262           <doc:para>
0263             Sets one or multiple options on the sensor.
0264           </doc:para>
0265         </doc:description>
0266       </doc:doc>
0267       <annotation name='org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0' value='QVariantMap'/>
0268       <arg name='values' type='a{sv}' direction='in'>
0269         <doc:doc>
0270           <doc:summary>
0271             <doc:para>
0272               A dictionary of property keys and values, e.g.
0273               <doc:tt>remote-profile-hash = deadbeef</doc:tt>.
0274             </doc:para>
0275           </doc:summary>
0276         </doc:doc>
0277       </arg>
0278     </method>
0280     <!-- ************************************************************ -->
0281     <signal name='ButtonPressed'>
0282       <doc:doc>
0283         <doc:description>
0284           <doc:para>
0285             A button on the sensor has been pressed.
0286           </doc:para>
0287         </doc:description>
0288       </doc:doc>
0289     </signal>
0291   </interface>
0292 </node>