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0001 = Function = 0002 0003 == More grid types == 0004 0005 * "domains" grid (irregular domains containing randomly-oriented rect grids) 0006 * Penrose tiling (quasiregular) 0007 * "tetrille" tiling (kites) 0008 0009 Explanation of "domains" grid: Divide the image area into a small number (10?) of domains. Fill those with rectangular point arrays, randomly rotated, all with equal spacing. Create Voronoi grid using those points as cell vertices. 0010 0011 == Options == 0012 0013 * piece outlines: more options (off, decent, brute) 0014 * Grid distortion (at least for rect grid) 0015 0016 == other nifty stuff == 0017 0018 * special tiles ("whimsies") (how to define them?) 0019 * puzzle with non-rect frame (e.g. based on key color) 0020 * figure out where i18n strings go 0021 0022 0023 = Docs = 0024 0025 in docbook format (usage instructions from README file) 0026 0027 0028 = Prepare i18n = 0029