File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 04:02:24

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE games lskat program
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Martin Heni <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0008 #include "deck.h"
0009 #include "lskatglobal.h"
0011 // Qt includes
0013 // KF includes
0014 #include <KLocalizedString>
0016 // How many cards
0017 #define NUMBER_OF_CARDS   32
0018 // How often to shuffle the cards
0019 #define SHUFFLE_AMOUNT  1000
0021 // Constructor for the view
0022 Deck::Deck(quint32 seed, QObject *parent)
0023     : QObject(parent)
0024 {
0025     // Set the random seed
0026     mRandom.seed(seed);
0027     // TODO: Hardcoded
0028     // mRandom.setSeed(global_debug);
0029     shuffle();
0030 }
0032 // Destructor
0033 Deck::~Deck()
0034 {
0035 }
0037 // Retrieve number of cards in this deck.
0038 int Deck::cardNumber()
0039 {
0040     // Use pixmaps as this is the same size but earlier filled.
0041     return mCards.size();
0042 }
0044 // Draw a random trump from all cards.
0045 Suite Deck::randomTrump()
0046 {
0047     int card = mRandom.bounded(NUMBER_OF_CARDS);
0049     Suite suite = getSuite(card);
0050     CardType type = getCardType(card);
0051     if (type == Jack) return Grand;
0053     // TODO: Hardcoded test
0054     // return Diamond;
0055     return suite;
0056 }
0058 // Shuffle deck of cards
0059 void Deck::shuffle()
0060 {
0061     mCards.clear();
0062     mCards.reserve(NUMBER_OF_CARDS);
0063     // Fill card deck with ordered cards
0064     for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CARDS; i++)
0065     {
0066         mCards.append(i);
0067     }
0069     // Shuffle cards
0070     for (int i = 0; i < SHUFFLE_AMOUNT; i++)
0071     {
0072         int c1 = mRandom.bounded(NUMBER_OF_CARDS);
0073         int c2 = mRandom.bounded(NUMBER_OF_CARDS);
0074         mCards.swapItemsAt(c1, c2);
0075     }
0077     return;
0079     // TODO: Hardcoded deck
0080     /*static int c[] = {
0081     Ten, Spade, Seven, Diamond, Ten, Diamond, Jack, Club,
0082     Eight, Club, Nine, Club, Nine, Heart, Jack, Diamond,
0083     Eight, Spade, Seven, Heart, Nine, Spade, Ten, Club,
0084     Ace, Diamond, Eight, Heart, Queen, Spade, Ten, Heart,
0086     Ace, Club, Ace, Heart, Queen, Club, Jack, Heart,
0087     King, Heart, Ace, Spade, Queen, Diamond, Jack, Spade,
0088     King, Club, Nine, Diamond, Seven, Spade, Queen, Heart,
0089     Eight, Diamond, Seven, Club, King, Spade, King, Diamond
0090     };
0092     mCards.clear();
0093     // Fill card deck with ordered cards
0094     for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CARDS; i++)
0095     {
0096         int card = c[2 * i];
0097         int suite = c[2 * i + 1];
0098         int cc = getCard(Suite(suite), CardType(card));
0100         mCards.append(cc);
0101     }*/
0102 }
0104 // Draw a card from the deck
0105 int Deck::drawCard()
0106 {
0107     if (mCards.size() < 1)
0108     {
0109         qCCritical(LSKAT_LOG) << "No more cards to draw from card deck";
0110     }
0111     int card = mCards.takeFirst();
0112     return card;
0113 }
0115 int Deck::getCard(Suite suite, CardType type)
0116 {
0117     return 4 * int(type) + int(suite);
0118 }
0120 // Return the suite of a given card (number)
0121 Suite Deck::getSuite(int card)
0122 {
0123     return (Suite)(card % 4);
0124 }
0126 // Return the card type (ace, king, ...) of a given card (number)
0127 CardType Deck::getCardType(int card)
0128 {
0129     return (CardType)(card / 4);
0130 }
0132 // Get the value in points of the given card (number).
0133 int Deck::getCardValue(int card)
0134 {
0135     CardType type = getCardType(card);
0136     if (type == Ace) return  11;
0137     if (type == Ten) return  10;
0138     if (type == King) return  4;
0139     if (type == Queen) return 3;
0140     if (type == Jack) return  2;
0141     return 0;
0142 }
0144 // Get verbose name of a vard
0145 QString Deck::name(int card)
0146 {
0147     if (card < 0) return i18n("no valid card");
0148     return name(getSuite(card), getCardType(card));
0149 }
0151 // Return a verbose name for a suite
0152 QString Deck::name(Suite suite)
0153 {
0154     QString suiteName = i18n("unknown");
0155     if (suite == Club) suiteName = i18nc("suite name", "Clubs");
0156     if (suite == Spade) suiteName = i18nc("suite name", "Spades");
0157     if (suite == Heart) suiteName = i18nc("suite name", "Hearts");
0158     if (suite == Diamond) suiteName = i18nc("suite name", "Diamonds");
0159     if (suite == Grand) suiteName = i18nc("trump name", "Grand");
0160     return suiteName;
0161 }
0163 // Return a verbose name for a cardtype
0164 QString Deck::name(CardType type)
0165 {
0166     QString typeName = i18n("unknown");
0167     if (type == Ace) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Ace");
0168     if (type == King) typeName = i18nc("card name", "King");
0169     if (type == Queen) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Queen");
0170     if (type == Jack) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Jack");
0171     if (type == Ten) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Ten");
0172     if (type == Nine) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Nine");
0173     if (type == Eight) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Eight");
0174     if (type == Seven) typeName = i18nc("card name", "Seven");
0175     return typeName;
0176 }
0178 // Returns a verbose name for a card
0179 QString Deck::name(Suite suite, CardType type)
0180 {
0181     QString suiteName = name(suite);
0182     QString typeName  = name(type);
0183     return i18nc("eg jack of clubs", "%1 of %2", typeName, suiteName);
0184 }
0186 #include "moc_deck.cpp"