Warning, /games/libkdegames/src/private/kgame/TODO is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 - 28.02.2001: Direct computer player for kpoker like games support needs to be 
0002               improved. UPDATE (01/10/06): but what is needed there?
0003 - 05.03.2001: Documentation. I am thinking of an explaination of the 
0004               class + methods and example code for the "key" methods. A sample
0005               implementation in a small game (like the current kdenonbeta/kgame
0006               but with a real sense - mabye use the QT tic-tac-toe example?)
0007               would be very great (this could be stuff of a tutorial instead of
0008               KGame documentation)
0009               MH: Even better idea
0010 - 03.06.2001: can KGameNetwork::sendSystemMessage be made protected (maybe using
0011               friends)? sendSystenMessage AND sendMessage is very confusing to
0012               the user...
0013 - 03.06.2001: can we translate the group of a KPlayer? Probably not as there are
0014               no international connections possible then... maybe a group id?
0015 - 05.06.2001: KGameDialog::saveConfig(KConfig*) might be useful (as well as
0016               KGameDialog::loadConfig(KConfig*). Should set an own group in the
0017               config file (setGroup("KGameDialog")). Problem: shalll network
0018               settings be saved? Could be used for startup configuration (i.e.
0019               load the config of the previous game) otherwise.
0020 - 21.06.2001: KPlayerPropertyArray does not yet support at() and operator[]
0021               assignments. Need to check whether the method from QBitArray
0022               can be applied
0023 - 02.04.2001: VERY DANGEROUS: property1=property2 does NOT assign the values, e.g. int
0024               but assignes the whole property, i.e. you have then two properties with
0025               the same id and everything is wrong
0026               01/09/09: FIXED! (AB) TODO: check if this behavior also appears in
0027               KGamePropertyList and KGamePropertyArray. Althogh this should not
0028               be the case
0029 - 23.09.2001: does the virtual destructor make sense for KGamePropertyBase?
0030 - 06.10.2001: add KGamePropertyHandler::setDebug(false) to clear all debug names
0031               (and to not accept new names) of KGameProperty. Will save some
0032               memory
0033 - 06.10.2001: If one kicks a player (in KGameDialog) the client should be kicked
0034               as well. Perhaps always disconnect a client when all players from
0035               it have disappeared?
0036 - 08.10.2001: KGamePropertyList|KGamePropertyArray must be ported to new QT3 API
0037               (e.g. erase instead of remove, ...)