Warning, /games/libkdegames/cmake/modules/InternalMacros.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, 2023 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau@kde.org>
0002 #
0003 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
0005 find_package(7Zip)
0006 set_package_properties(7Zip PROPERTIES
0007     PURPOSE "For installing SVG files as SVGZ"
0008 )
0010 if(WIN32)
0011     set_package_properties(7Zip PROPERTIES
0012         TYPE REQUIRED
0013     )
0014 else()
0015     set_package_properties(7Zip PROPERTIES
0016         TYPE OPTIONAL
0017     )
0018     if(NOT TARGET 7Zip::7Zip)
0019         find_package(gzip)
0020         set_package_properties(gzip PROPERTIES
0021             TYPE REQUIRED
0022             PURPOSE "For installing SVG files as SVGZ (less efficient fallback for 7-Zip)"
0023         )
0024     endif()
0025 endif()
0027 find_package(svgcleaner)
0028 set_package_properties(gzip PROPERTIES
0030     PURPOSE "For shrinking the installed SVG files a bit."
0031 )
0033 function(generate_svgz svg_file svgz_file target_prefix)
0034     cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "NO_CLEANING" "" "" ${ARGN})
0036     if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${svg_file})
0037         set(svg_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${svg_file}")
0038     endif()
0039     if (NOT EXISTS ${svg_file})
0040         message(FATAL_ERROR "No such file found: ${svg_file}")
0041     endif()
0042     get_filename_component(_fileName "${svg_file}" NAME)
0044     if(TARGET svgcleaner::svgcleaner AND NOT ARGS_NO_CLEANING)
0045         get_filename_component(cleaned_svg_dir ${svgz_file} DIRECTORY)
0046         get_filename_component(cleaned_svg_basename ${svgz_file} NAME_WLE)
0047         set(cleaned_svg_file "${cleaned_svg_dir}/${cleaned_svg_basename}-cleaned.svg")
0049         add_custom_command(
0050             OUTPUT ${cleaned_svg_file}
0051             COMMAND svgcleaner::svgcleaner
0052             ARGS
0053                 "--quiet"
0054                 "--no-defaults"
0055                 # remove unused elements & attributes
0056                 "--remove-metadata=yes"
0057                 "--remove-comments=yes"
0058                 "--remove-declarations=yes"
0059                 "--remove-nonsvg-elements=yes"
0060                 "--remove-unused-defs=yes"
0061                 "--remove-nonsvg-attributes=yes"
0062                 "--remove-text-attributes=yes"
0063                 "--remove-unused-coordinates=yes"
0064                 "--remove-default-attributes=yes"
0065                 "--remove-needless-attributes=yes"
0066                 "--simplify-transforms=yes"
0067                 # minimize path expressions
0068                 "--paths-to-relative=yes"
0069                 "--remove-unused-segments=yes"
0070                 "--convert-segments=yes"
0071                 "--trim-paths=yes"
0072                 "--remove-dupl-cmd-in-paths=yes"
0073                 "--use-implicit-cmds=yes"
0074                 # keep full values
0075                 "--coordinates-precision=12"
0076                 "--properties-precision=12"
0077                 "--transforms-precision=12"
0078                 "--paths-coordinates-precision=12"
0079                 ${svg_file}
0080                 ${cleaned_svg_file}
0081             DEPENDS ${svg_file}
0082             COMMENT "Optimizing ${_fileName}"
0083         )
0084         set(svg_file ${cleaned_svg_file})
0085     endif()
0087     if(TARGET 7Zip::7Zip)
0088         add_custom_command(
0089             OUTPUT ${svgz_file}
0090             COMMAND 7Zip::7Zip
0091             ARGS
0092                 a
0093                 -bd # silence logging
0094                 -mx9 # compress best
0095                 -tgzip
0096                 ${svgz_file} ${svg_file}
0097             DEPENDS ${svg_file}
0098             COMMENT "Gzipping ${_fileName}"
0099         )
0100     else()
0101         add_custom_command(
0102             OUTPUT ${svgz_file}
0103             COMMAND gzip::gzip
0104             ARGS
0105                 -9 # compress best
0106                 -n # no original name and timestamp stored, for reproducibility
0107                 -c # write to stdout
0108                 ${svg_file} > ${svgz_file}
0109             DEPENDS ${svg_file}
0110             COMMENT "Gzipping ${_fileName}"
0111         )
0112     endif()
0114     add_custom_target("${target_prefix}${_fileName}z" ALL DEPENDS ${svgz_file})
0115 endfunction()