File indexing completed on 2024-09-08 06:49:28

0001 #!/usr/bin/python
0002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
0004 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008-2019 Albert Astals Cid <>
0006 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0008 import sys
0009 from PyQt5 import QtCore
0010 from PyQt5 import QtGui
0011 from PyQt5 import QtXml
0013 app = QtGui.QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
0015 if len(sys.argv) != 5:
0016     print("Error: You have to specify the sound theme file to check, the folder containing the graphical themes, the folder where to look for the sound files and the path to ignore in the file tag of the sound object")
0017     print(" E.g: For lt it would be something like 'python /home/kdeunstable/l10n-kde4/lt/data/kdegames/ktuberling/lt.soundtheme /home/kdeunstable/kdegames/ktuberling/pics /home/kdeunstable/l10n-kde4/lt/data/kdegames/ktuberling/ lt'")
0018     sys.exit(1)
0020 soundThemePath = sys.argv[1]
0021 graphicalThemesPath = sys.argv[2]
0022 soundsPath = sys.argv[3]
0023 ignorePath = sys.argv[4]
0024 print("Processing " + soundThemePath + " " + graphicalThemesPath)
0025 soundThemeFile = QtCore.QFile(soundThemePath)
0027 if soundThemeFile.exists():
0028     if (
0029         doc = QtXml.QDomDocument()
0030         doc.setContent(soundThemeFile.readAll())
0031         root = doc.documentElement()
0032         if (root.tagName() == "language"):
0033             soundList = [];
0034             soundTag = root.firstChildElement("sound");
0035             while (not soundTag.isNull()):
0036                 name = soundTag.attribute("name")
0037                 contains = soundList.count(name)
0038                 if (contains == 0):
0039                     soundList.append(name)
0040                     fpath = soundTag.attribute("file")
0041                     if (fpath.startswith(ignorePath)):
0042                         fpath = fpath[len(ignorePath):]
0043                     if (not QtCore.QFile.exists(soundsPath + fpath)):
0044                         print("Error: Sound file for " + name + " not found")
0045                 else:
0046                     print("Error: The name {0} is used more than once in the sound theme file".format(name))
0048                 soundTag = soundTag.nextSiblingElement("sound");
0050             graphicalThemesDir = QtCore.QDir(graphicalThemesPath)
0051             allSoundsList = []
0052             for graphicalThemePath in graphicalThemesDir.entryList(["*.theme"]):
0053                 graphicalThemeFile = QtCore.QFile(graphicalThemesPath + "/" + graphicalThemePath)
0054                 if graphicalThemeFile.exists():
0055                     if (
0056                         doc = QtXml.QDomDocument()
0057                         doc.setContent(graphicalThemeFile.readAll())
0058                         root = doc.documentElement()
0059                         if (root.tagName() == "playground"):
0060                             objectTag = root.firstChildElement("object");
0061                             while (not objectTag.isNull()):
0062                                 sound = objectTag.attribute("sound")
0063                                 contains = allSoundsList.count(sound)
0064                                 if (sound == ""):
0065                                     print("The sound of " + objectTag.attribute("name") + " in " + graphicalThemeFile.fileName() + " is empty")
0066                                 if (contains == 0):
0067                                     allSoundsList.append(sound)
0069                                 objectTag = objectTag.nextSiblingElement("object");
0070                         else:
0071                             print("Error: The graphical theme file should begin with the playground tag " + graphicalThemeFile.fileName())
0072                     else:
0073                         print("Error: Could not open {0} for reading".format(graphicalThemePath))
0074                 else:
0075                     print("Error: File {0} does not exist".format(graphicalThemePath))
0076             for sound in soundList:
0077                 if (allSoundsList.count(sound) == 1):
0078                     allSoundsList.remove(sound)
0079                 else:
0080                     print("Error: The sound theme defines " + sound + " that is not used in any graphical theme")
0081             if (len(allSoundsList) > 0):
0082                 print("The following sounds used in the graphical themes are not defined in the sound theme:")
0083                 for sound in allSoundsList:
0084                     print("\t" + sound)
0085         else:
0086             print("Error: The sound theme file should begin with the language tag")
0087         soundThemeFile.close();
0088     else:
0089         print("Error: Could not open {0} for reading".format(path))
0090 else:
0091     print("Error: File {0} does not exist".format(soundThemePath))
0093 sys.exit(0)