Warning, /games/ksudoku/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY ksudoku "KSudoku">
0004   <!ENTITY package "kdegames">  <!-- do not change this! -->
0005   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
0006   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> <!-- do not change this! -->
0007 ]>
0009 <book id="ksudoku" lang="&language;"> <!-- do not change this! -->
0010 <bookinfo>
0011         <title>The &ksudoku; Handbook</title> <!-- This is the title of this docbook. -->
0012 <!-- List of immediate authors begins here. -->
0013 <!--INPORTANT! - All other contributors: [to be determined] -->
0014 <authorgroup>
0015         <author>
0016                 <firstname>Mick</firstname>
0017                 <surname>Kappenburg</surname>
0018                 <affiliation><address><email>ksudoku@kappenburg.net</email></address></affiliation>
0019         </author>
0020         <author>
0021                 <firstname>Eugene</firstname>
0022                 <surname>Trounev</surname>
0023                 <affiliation><address><email>eugene.trounev@gmail.com</email></address></affiliation>
0024         </author>
0025         <author>
0026                 <firstname>Ian</firstname>
0027                 <surname>Wadham</surname>
0028                 <affiliation><address><email>iandw.au@gmail.com</email></address></affiliation>
0029         </author>
0031 </authorgroup>
0033 <copyright>
0034         <year>2007</year>
0035         <holder>Mick Kappenburg</holder>
0036 </copyright>
0037 <copyright>
0038         <year>2011</year>
0039         <holder>Ian Wadham</holder>
0040 </copyright>
0041 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0043 <date>2020-12-10</date><!-- Date of (re)writing, or update.-->
0044 <releaseinfo>1.4.20120</releaseinfo><!-- Application version number. Use the variable definitions within header to change this value.-->
0046 <!--Short description of this document. Do not change unless necessary!-->
0047 <abstract>
0048         <para>This documentation describes the game of &ksudoku;, a logic-based symbol placement puzzle.</para>
0049 </abstract>
0051 <!--List of relevant keywords-->
0052 <keywordset>
0053         <keyword>KDE</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0054         <keyword>kdegames</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0055         <keyword>game</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0056         <keyword>ksudoku</keyword><!--Application name goes here-->
0057 <!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
0058         <keyword>logic</keyword>
0059         <keyword>board</keyword>
0060 <!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
0061         <keyword>one player</keyword>
0062 <!--All other relevant keywords-->
0063         <keyword>puzzle</keyword>
0064 </keywordset>
0065 </bookinfo>
0067 <!--Content begins here: -->
0069 <chapter id="introduction"><title>Introduction</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0071         <note><title>Gametype:</title><para>
0072                 Logic, Board</para></note>
0074         <note><title>Number of possible players:</title><para>
0075                 One</para></note>
0077 <para>&ksudoku; is a logic-based symbol placement puzzle.</para>
0079 <para>The player has to fill a grid with symbols so that each column, row
0080         and block on the game board contains only one instance of each
0081         symbol. In &ksudoku; the symbols are usually the numbers 1 to 9,
0082         but may be the letters A to P or A to Y in larger puzzles. Puzzles
0083         start with the board partially filled and it is your job to fill
0084         in the rest. Some types of puzzle have less than nine symbols.</para>
0086 <para>When you start a game, you can choose from several Sudoku types
0087         and sizes. You can then have &ksudoku; generate a puzzle for
0088         you to solve or you can start with an empty board and enter in
0089         a puzzle from another source, such as a newspaper, then get
0090         &ksudoku; to check it and maybe solve it.</para>
0092 <para>There are many variations of Sudoku in existence and &ksudoku;
0093         provides a good selection of them. The most common type, Standard Sudoku, has
0094         a 9x9 square grid and uses Arabic numerals 1 to 9 as symbols. The
0095         grid has 9 rows and 9 columns and is divided into 9 blocks of
0096         3x3 squares. The problem is – each symbol can only be used once
0097         per row, column or block.</para>
0099         <note><para>
0100                 It takes time and concentration to complete a game. However,
0101                 solving Sudoku puzzles helps to increase overall brain activity
0102                 and therefore is highly recommended.</para></note>
0103 </chapter>
0105 <chapter id="howto"><title>How to Play</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0107         <note><title>Objective:</title><para>
0108                 Fill the grid so that each column, row and block contains only
0109                 one instance of each symbol.</para></note>
0111 <para>When the game starts you are prompted to choose which game type and board
0112         size you are interested in. You can enter in a puzzle from another
0113         source or have &ksudoku; generate a puzzle. The generator has several
0114         difficulty settings and some symmetry settings, which affect
0115         the pattern in which the puzzle is generated. Your game experience will
0116         depend on which of all these options you choose.</para>
0118 <para>When the puzzle board appears, take a look at the left hand side. There
0119         is a selection list which contains all the symbols available in the
0120         current game. The set of symbols depends on the size of game you
0121         choose. Games may have 4, 9, 16 or 25 symbols. The first two sets
0122         use the numbers 1 to 4 or 1 to 9: the others use the letters A to P
0123         or A to Y.</para>
0125 <para>First, note the boundaries in the game board. The thick lines outline
0126         the blocks. Each of these blocks has to be completed using the symbols
0127         available and each symbol must be used once and only once within the
0128         block. The same is true of the rows and columns in the board.</para>
0130 <para>Now you can start entering symbols into the vacant squares on the board.
0131         To do that, select the symbol you wish to enter from the selection
0132         list on the left, then use the mouse to click on a vacant square
0133         in the board. Alternatively, you can hover with the mouse over a
0134         vacant square or use the cursor keys to move around,
0135     then use the keyboard to enter a symbol.</para>
0137 <para>In Roxdoku (three-dimensional) puzzles, always use the mouse to set a
0138         small cube to a value and use a <emphasis>double</emphasis>
0139         click. When you rotate the large cube, by clicking and dragging
0140         with the mouse, it is easier to see what values are on the small
0141         cubes in the background if you click <emphasis>between</emphasis>
0142         the small cubes, not on them.</para>
0144 <para>It is useful sometimes to enter markers or notes, which are tiny
0145         symbols within a square. These have no influence on the solution,
0146         but they can help you keep track of ideas you have had, especially
0147         when there is a choice between two alternatives and you do not
0148         yet have enough information to decide between them. To enter a
0149         marker or note, click with the &RMB; or hold down the &Shift; key
0150     when using the keyboard.</para>
0152 <para>To clear symbols from a square, hover over the square with the
0153         mouse and hit &Del; or &Backspace; on the keyboard or click with
0154     the &RMB; on the square.</para>
0156 <para>Notice that the squares change color while you hover the mouse over
0157         them. This is to help you keep up with the rules of &ksudoku;. Use
0158         the vertical and horizontal lines to check if the symbol you are
0159         about to enter into a vacant spot is already in use anywhere in
0160         the vertical or horizontal line that square is a part of. The coloring
0161         also highlights the block which, if you remember, must also contain
0162         only one instance of each symbol. If you do not need the highlighting,
0163         you can use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0164         <guimenuitem>Configure &ksudoku;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0165         menu item to turn it off.</para>
0167 <para>Keep entering symbols in accordance with the rules until the whole
0168         game field is filled up. At this point &ksudoku; will check if all
0169         the entries are valid and will either correct you or accept your
0170         solution.</para>
0171 </chapter>
0173 <chapter id="rules_and_tips"><title>Game Rules, Strategies and Tips</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0175 <sect1 id="rules"><title>General Game Rules</title>
0177 <para>The rules of &ksudoku; are quite simple.</para>
0178         <itemizedlist>
0179         <listitem><para>Depending on the size of the game board, the type
0180                 of puzzle and the difficulty level chosen an individual
0181                 &ksudoku; puzzle may take from a few minutes to a few
0182                 hours to solve.</para></listitem>
0183         <listitem><para>Each square may hold one and only one
0184                 symbol.</para></listitem>
0185         <listitem><para>Each horizontal row (as defined by the game board)
0186                 can contain each symbol exactly once.</para></listitem>
0187         <listitem><para>Each vertical column (as defined by the game board)
0188                 can contain each symbol exactly once.</para></listitem>
0189         <listitem><para>Each block (as defined by the game board) can
0190                 contain each symbol exactly once</para></listitem>
0191         </itemizedlist>
0193         <note><title>Note:</title><para>
0194                 The set of symbols depends on the size of game you
0195                 choose.</para></note>
0197         <itemizedlist>
0198         <listitem><para>Knowledge of mathematics or language is not required
0199                 to solve &ksudoku; puzzles, but a little ability with 
0200                 arithmetic is needed in Killer Sudoku and Mathdoku 
0201                 puzzles.</para></listitem>
0202         <listitem><para>The symbols already on the game board when the
0203                 puzzle starts cannot be changed.</para></listitem>
0204         <listitem><para>You can only modify the symbols you have previously
0205                 entered.</para></listitem>
0206         <listitem><para>Puzzles generated by &ksudoku; have one solution
0207                 only.</para></listitem>
0208         <listitem><para>Puzzles you enter in might have no solution or
0209                 more than one solution, but if they are from a published
0210                 source this probably means you have made a data-entry
0211                 error.</para></listitem>
0212         </itemizedlist>
0213 </sect1>
0215 <sect1 id="variants"><title>&ksudoku; Variations</title>
0217 <sect2 id="standard_sudoku"><title>Sudoku Puzzles</title>
0219         <itemizedlist>
0220         <listitem><para>The Standard 9x9 Sudoku puzzle has 9 rows, 9 columns
0221                 and 9 square blocks of size 3x3.</para></listitem>
0222         <listitem><para>Other sizes of Standard Sudoku are 4x4 (very easy),
0223                 16x16 and 25x25 (not so easy).</para></listitem>
0224         <listitem><para>The Jigsaw and Aztec variations are the same as 
0225                 Standard 9x9 Sudoku except that some blocks are not square.</para></listitem>
0226         <listitem><para>The XSudoku variation is exactly the same as Standard
0227                 Sudoku with an additional requirement: the two main
0228                 diagonals must also each contain the symbols 1 to 9 once
0229                 and once only. &ksudoku; highlights the diagonals to make
0230                 this easier to see.</para></listitem>
0231         <listitem><para>The Nonomino 9x9, Pentomino 5x5 and Tetromino 4x4 
0232                 variations are the same as a Standard Sudoku 
0233                 except that some blocks are not square.</para></listitem>
0234         <listitem><para>The 6x6 variation is the same as a Standard Sudoku 
0235                 except that the blocks are 
0236                 six 3x2 rectangles.</para></listitem>
0237         </itemizedlist>
0238 </sect2>
0240 <sect2 id="samurai"><title>Samurai Puzzles</title>
0242         <itemizedlist>
0243         <listitem><para>The Samurai Sudoku consists of five Standard Sudoku
0244                 puzzles of 9x9 squares each, overlapping at the corners
0245                 by four 3x3 blocks. Each of the five puzzles has 9 rows,
0246                 9 columns and 9 blocks to solve and the symbols in the 
0247                 overlapping squares must fit into the solutions of two 
0248                 Standard 9x9 Sudokus.</para></listitem>
0249         <listitem><para>The Tiny Samurai Sudoku contains five 4x4 Sudoku
0250                 puzzles, overlapping at the corners by four squares. Each
0251                 of the five puzzles has 4 rows, 4 columns and 4 blocks to
0252                 solve.</para></listitem>
0253         <listitem><para>The Windmill variation consists of five Standard 9x9 
0254                 Sudoku puzzles, overlapping at the corners by two 3x3 blocks. 
0255                 It is like a Samurai Sudoku, but the central 9x9 Sudoku is
0256                 harder to see. Eight of its 3x3 blocks are shared with the 
0257                 sails of the windmill and only the central 3x3 block is not.
0258                 </para></listitem>
0259         <listitem><para>The Sohei variation is another Samurai type and has
0260                 four 9x9 Sudoku puzzles, overlapping at two corners by a 
0261                 3x3 block. The central 3x3 block of the puzzle is empty.
0262                 </para></listitem>
0263         </itemizedlist>
0264 </sect2>
0266 <sect2 id="roxdoku"><title>Roxdoku 3D Puzzles</title>
0268         <itemizedlist>
0269         <listitem><para>The Roxdoku variants are based on cubes in three
0270                 dimensions, but are easier than they sound. There are no
0271                 rows or columns. A 3x3x3 Roxdoku puzzle has 27 small cubes
0272                 arranged into a larger 3x3x3 cube. This contains nine
0273                 slices, each containing 3x3 small cubes, and these are
0274                 the square blocks that must be filled with the numbers
0275                 1 to 9. A 4x4x4 Roxdoku has twelve 4x4 slices and a
0276                 5x5x5 Roxdoku has fifteen 5x5 slices.</para></listitem>
0277         <listitem><para>The Roxdoku Twin variant has two 3x3x3 Roxdoku 
0278                 puzzles sharing a corner. The corner piece must be part of 
0279                 the solution of both 3x3x3 cubes.</para></listitem>
0280         <listitem><para>The Double Roxdoku variant contains two 3x3x3
0281                 Roxdoku puzzles sharing three pieces along an edge. The
0282                 edge pieces must be part of the solution of both 3x3x3 cubes.
0283                 </para></listitem>
0284         <listitem><para>The Samurai Roxdoku variant has nine 3x3x3 Roxdoku
0285                 puzzles. One is at the center and the other eight 3x3x3
0286                 cubes overlap it, one at each of the central cube's corners. 
0287                 Those corner pieces must each be part of the solution of
0288                 two 3x3x3 cubes.</para></listitem>
0289         </itemizedlist>
0290 </sect2>
0292 <sect2 id="killer"><title>Killer and Mathdoku Variations</title>
0294         <itemizedlist>
0295         <listitem><para>Killer puzzles have two variants: Tiny Killer 
0296                 (4x4) and Killer Sudoku (9x9). They both have rows, columns 
0297                 and square blocks, exactly as in Standard Sudoku puzzles 
0298                 and following exactly the same rules. They also have 
0299                 irregularly shaped areas called cages, where each cage's 
0300                 digits must add up to the number in small type in the 
0301                 corner of the cage and no digit can be repeated within 
0302                 the cage. Typically the puzzle starts with only a few 
0303                 squares containing symbols. You need to use arithmetic 
0304                 and the usual Sudoku rules together to work out the 
0305                 solution. The screen graphics make it difficult to 
0306                 visualize the square blocks that are present, but they 
0307                 are easier to see if you print the puzzle, using the 
0308                 <menuchoice><guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0309                 <guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
0310                 menu item.</para></listitem>
0311         <listitem><para>Mathdoku variants, also known as 
0312                 <trademark>Kenken</trademark>, have no blocks, only row and 
0313                 column restrictions, and have cages where the digits 
0314                 must add, subtract, divide or multiply according to the 
0315                 values and arithmetical symbols in small type in their 
0316                 corners. A digit in a Mathdoku cage can be repeated, 
0317                 but not in the same column or row. For example, an 
0318                 L-shape of three squares with a requirement 5+ can have 
0319                 solutions 1 3 1 or 2 1 2, provided the ones or twos are 
0320                 not in the same row or column as each other. Note that 
0321                 subtraction and division cages always have two squares 
0322                 and the two digits of the solution can appear in either 
0323                 order. For example, a 2-cage could have solutions 1 3 
0324                 or 3 1 or 2 4 or 4 2, &etc;</para></listitem>
0325         <listitem><para>Because there are no blocks in a Mathdoku puzzle, 
0326                 it can have any size from 3x3 up to 9x9, with the default 
0327                 being 6x6. See the
0328                 <link linkend="configuration">Game Configuration</link> 
0329                 section for details. To get you started, there is 
0330                 a variant called Mathdoku 101 of size 4x4.</para></listitem>
0331         </itemizedlist>
0332 </sect2>
0333 </sect1>
0335 <sect1 id="tips"><title>Strategies and Tips</title>
0337         <itemizedlist>
0338         <listitem><para>Take your time and do not rush. &ksudoku; is not
0339                 a quick game.</para></listitem>
0340         <listitem><para>Pay attention to the row, column, and block
0341                 colorings. They are there to help you.</para></listitem>
0342         <listitem><para>Make sure that no duplicate symbol exists already
0343                 in the row, column or block where you are entering a
0344                 symbol.</para></listitem>
0345         <listitem><para>If in doubt, try to foresee if a square you are
0346                 entering a symbol into may be needed by some other symbol,
0347                 which otherwise cannot go anywhere else due to the
0348                 row, column and block rules.</para></listitem>
0349         <listitem><para>Use the Internet to search for general hints
0350                 and strategies for solving Sudoku puzzles.</para></listitem>
0351         <listitem><para>Use marker moves when you spot a square or
0352                 squares that have just a few alternatives but you
0353                 cannot decide between them immediately. Markers will
0354                 save you time and memory effort later, when more
0355                 squares have been filled in. See <link linkend="howto">
0356                 How to Play</link> for details of how to use
0357                 markers.</para></listitem>
0358         <listitem><para>If you are having trouble, try to retrace your
0359                 steps and see exactly where you have made an error. You
0360                 can use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0361                 <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and
0362                 <menuchoice><guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0363                 <guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu
0364                 items, repeatedly if necessary, and there is a setting
0365                 in <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0366                 <guimenuitem>Configure &ksudoku;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0367                 that highlights errors.</para></listitem>
0368         <listitem><para>Even though &ksudoku; provides a 'Hint' option
0369                 for you, try not to use it often. Remember, solving the
0370                 puzzle all by yourself enhances your brain activity,
0371                 while using the 'Hint' feature too often is
0372                 cheating.</para></listitem>
0373         <listitem><para>If you have too much trouble solving a certain
0374                 puzzle and simply must use the 'Hint' feature, then
0375                 maybe you should try decreasing the difficulty level,
0376                 or try a simpler, more basic puzzle.</para></listitem>
0377         <listitem><para>Some puzzle layouts feature very specific game
0378                 board shapes. It is a good idea to have the highlighting
0379                 option enabled even if you consider yourself an
0380                 experienced player.</para></listitem>
0381         </itemizedlist>
0382 </sect1>
0383 </chapter>
0385 <chapter id="interface"><title>Interface Overview</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0387 <sect1 id="welcome-screen"><title>The Welcome Screen</title>
0389 <para>The Welcome Screen is the first thing you see when you start
0390         &ksudoku; or use the toolbar or menu to request a new game.
0391         It has a list of all the puzzle types and sizes and you can
0392         click on one of them to make a selection.</para>
0394 <para>If you click the button marked <guibutton>Enter In A Puzzle</guibutton>, an empty board
0395         of the selected type and size appears. Here you can use the mouse
0396         or keyboard to enter in a puzzle from another source, such as
0397         a newspaper. When you have finished, use the <guilabel>Check</guilabel> action, on
0398         toolbar or menu, to check the puzzle. It should have just one
0399         solution. If so, you can start solving the puzzle or perhaps
0400         get &ksudoku; to solve it. If there is no solution or more
0401         than one solution, it probably means you have made a data-entry
0402         error somewhere.</para>
0404 <para>If you click the button marked <guibutton>Generate A Puzzle</guibutton>, &ksudoku;
0405         will display a board with some squares already filled in. It
0406         is up to you to fill in the rest.</para>
0408 <para>Before you generate a puzzle, check that the settings of the
0409         <guilabel>Difficulty:</guilabel> and <guilabel>Symmetry:</guilabel>
0410         drop down boxes are to your liking. You can change them during a game, but
0411         then they will have no effect until the next puzzle is
0412         generated.</para>
0414         <note><para>If you cannot see the <guilabel>Difficulty:</guilabel> and <guilabel>Symmetry:</guilabel>
0415                 drop down boxes, use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0416                 <guimenuitem>Show Statusbar</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0417                 menu item to make sure that the statusbar is
0418                 visible.</para></note>
0420 <para>The <guilabel>Difficulty:</guilabel> drop down box provides six levels of difficulty, from
0421         <guimenuitem>Very Easy</guimenuitem> up to <guimenuitem>Hard</guimenuitem>,
0422         <guimenuitem>Diabolical</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Unlimited</guimenuitem>. The easier
0423         levels may take a few minutes to solve on a 9x9 board. The
0424         <guimenuitem>Hard</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Diabolical</guimenuitem> levels may take an hour or so and are
0425         intended to be equivalent to difficult grades appearing in
0426         newspapers. Samurai puzzles and 16x16 or 25x25 sizes of
0427         puzzles will take longer to solve, simply because there are
0428         more rows, columns and blocks and more squares to fill in.</para>
0430 <para>The <guimenuitem>Diabolical</guimenuitem> level typically requires one or more guesses,
0431         with backtracking if you guess wrong. Lower levels can usually
0432         be solved by logic alone. The <guimenuitem>Unlimited</guimenuitem> level has no limits
0433         on the number of guesses required, how soon the first guess
0434         is needed or how complex the logic might be. It is provided
0435         for the interest of expert players, but tends to generate
0436     uninteresting <quote>inhuman</quote> puzzles and is not recommended
0437     for general use.</para>
0439  <para>The <guilabel>Symmetry:</guilabel> drop down box provides seven types of symmetry, including
0440         <guimenuitem>No Symmetry</guimenuitem>. This controls the layout and appearance of the
0441         squares that are filled in at the start of a puzzle and has
0442         mainly aesthetic effect, except that puzzles with no symmetry
0443         tend to be slightly harder than those with high symmetry and
0444         it is less likely that &ksudoku; can generate a puzzle with
0445         high difficulty and high symmetry combined.</para>
0446 </sect1>
0448 <!-- This section has to do with menubar. Describe every single entry in order. Use <variablelist> and <varlistentry>. Split the chapter into sections using <sect1(2,3)> for better viewing.-->
0449 <sect1 id="game-menu"><title>The Game Menu</title>
0451                 <variablelist>
0452                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-new">
0453                                 <term><menuchoice>
0454                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0455                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0456                                         <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>
0457                                 </menuchoice></term>
0458                                 <listitem><para><action>Starts a new game.</action></para></listitem>
0459                         </varlistentry>
0460                         <varlistentry  id="game-menu-load">
0461                                 <term><menuchoice>
0462                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0463                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0464                                         <guimenuitem>Load...</guimenuitem>
0465                                 </menuchoice></term>
0466                                 <listitem><para><action>Loads a saved game.</action></para></listitem>
0467                         </varlistentry>
0468                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-save">
0469                                 <term><menuchoice>
0470                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0471                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0472                                         <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem>
0473                                 </menuchoice></term>
0474                                 <listitem><para><action>Saves</action> the current game as a default save file.</para></listitem>
0475                         </varlistentry>
0476                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-save-as">
0477                                 <term><menuchoice>
0478                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0479                                         <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>
0480                                 </menuchoice></term>
0481                                 <listitem><para><action>Saves</action> the current game as a file of your choice.</para></listitem>
0482                         </varlistentry>
0483                         <varlistentry>
0484                                 <term><menuchoice>
0485                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0486                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0487                                         <guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem>
0488                                 </menuchoice></term>
0489                                 <listitem><para><action>Prints</action> the
0490                                 current state of a two-dimensional game on a printer of your
0491                                 choice. The block outlines and original puzzle
0492                                 values are printed in black. Other cells,
0493                                 filled-in values and solution values are printed
0494                                 in gray. There is an option to print just one
0495                                 puzzle or more than one puzzle per page. See
0496                                 <link linkend="configuration">Game Configuration</link>.</para></listitem>
0497                         </varlistentry>
0498                         <varlistentry>
0499                                 <term><menuchoice>
0500                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0501                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0502                                         <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0503                                 </menuchoice></term>
0504                                 <listitem><para><action>Quits</action> &ksudoku;.</para></listitem>
0505                         </varlistentry>
0506                 </variablelist>
0507 </sect1>
0508 <sect1 id="move-menu">
0509         <title>The Move Menu</title>
0510                 <variablelist>
0511                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-undo">
0512                                 <term><menuchoice>
0513                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0514                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0515                                         <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem>
0516                                 </menuchoice></term>
0517                                 <listitem><para><action>Undo</action> your last move, repeatedly if required.</para></listitem>
0518                         </varlistentry>
0519                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-redo">
0520                                 <term><menuchoice>
0521                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0522                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0523                                         <guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem>
0524                                 </menuchoice></term>
0525                                 <listitem><para><action>Redo</action> a move that was undone, repeatedly if required.</para></listitem>
0526                         </varlistentry>
0527                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-hint">
0528                                 <term><menuchoice>
0529                                         <shortcut><keycap>H</keycap></shortcut>
0530                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0531                                         <guimenuitem>Hint</guimenuitem>
0532                                 </menuchoice></term>
0533                                 <listitem><para><action>Give a Hint</action> by filling in a vacant square.</para></listitem>
0534                         </varlistentry>
0535                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-demo">
0536                                 <term><menuchoice>
0537                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0538                                         <guimenuitem>Solve</guimenuitem>
0539                                 </menuchoice></term>
0540                                 <listitem><para><action>Instantly solve</action> the puzzle.</para></listitem>
0541                         </varlistentry>
0542                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-shuffle">
0543                                 <term><menuchoice>
0544                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0545                                         <guimenuitem>Check</guimenuitem>
0546                                 </menuchoice></term>
0547                                 <listitem><para><action>Check</action> an entered puzzle for validity. If it has only one solution, it becomes available for play. If it has no solution or more than one solution, there has probably been an error in the data-entry.</para></listitem>
0548                         </varlistentry>
0549                 </variablelist>
0550 </sect1>
0551 <sect1 id="settings-menu">
0552         <title>The Settings Menu</title>
0553                 <variablelist>
0554                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-settings">
0555                                 <term><menuchoice>
0556                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0557                                         <guimenuitem>Configure &ksudoku;...</guimenuitem>
0558                                 </menuchoice></term>
0559                                 <listitem><para><action>Open a dialog to configure &ksudoku;.</action> See <link linkend="configuration">Game Configuration</link> section for details.</para></listitem>
0560                         </varlistentry>
0561                 </variablelist>
0562                 <para>
0563                   Additionally &ksudoku; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
0564                   menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings">Settings Menu</ulink> and
0565                   <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
0566                   of the &kde; Fundamentals.
0567                 </para>
0568 </sect1>
0569 </chapter>
0571 <chapter id="faq"><title>Frequently asked questions</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0572 <!--This chapter is for frequently asked questions. Please use <qandaset> <qandaentry> only!-->
0573 <qandaset>
0574 <!--Following is a standard list of FAQ questions.-->
0575 <qandaentry>
0576  <question><para>I want to change the way this game looks. Can I? </para></question>
0577  <answer><para>Sudoku games are traditionally played using a square grid. Themes do not make much sense here, but you can select some color schemes and backgrounds. To do so use <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &ksudoku;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on the menubar.</para></answer>
0578 </qandaentry>
0579 <qandaentry>
0580  <question><para>Can I use the keyboard to play this game? </para></question>
0581  <answer><para>Yes. In &ksudoku; keyboard play is always enabled. Please use the cursor keys to move the selection, numeric or alphabetic characters to enter the symbols and the &Shift; key to apply markers.</para></answer>
0582 </qandaentry>
0583 <qandaentry>
0584  <question><para>Where are the high scores?</para></question>
0585  <answer><para>&ksudoku; does not have this feature.</para></answer>
0586 </qandaentry>
0587 <!--Please add more Q&As if needed-->
0589 </qandaset>
0590 </chapter>
0592 <chapter id="configuration"><title>Game Configuration</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0593 <!--This section describes configuration GUI. If your game is configured using menubar exclusively, please remove this section.-->
0595 <sect1 id="general-options"><title>Game Options</title>
0596         <variablelist>
0597                 <varlistentry>
0598                         <term><guilabel>When printing, try to fit more than one puzzle on a page</guilabel></term>
0599                         <listitem>
0600                         <para>Toggle the option to print more than one puzzle per page whenever they will fit.</para>
0601                         <para>If this option is checked, puzzles will be printed when no more will fit on a page 
0602                               or when &ksudoku; terminates. Otherwise a puzzle is printed immediately.</para>
0603                         <para>Three-dimensional puzzles cannot be printed.</para>
0604                         </listitem>
0605                 </varlistentry>
0606                 <varlistentry>
0607                         <term><guilabel>Show Highlights in 2-D puzzles</guilabel></term>
0608                         <listitem><para>Toggle the &ksudoku; highlight option for two-dimensional puzzles.</para></listitem>
0609                 </varlistentry>
0610                 <varlistentry>
0611                         <term><guilabel>Show Errors</guilabel></term>
0612                         <listitem><para>Toggle the option to highlight errors.</para></listitem>
0613                 </varlistentry>
0614                 <varlistentry>
0615                         <term><guilabel>Show Highlights in 3-D puzzles</guilabel></term>
0616                         <listitem><para>Toggle the &ksudoku; highlight option for three-dimensional puzzles.</para></listitem>
0617                 </varlistentry>
0618                 <varlistentry>
0619                         <term><guilabel>Mathdoku puzzle size (3-9)</guilabel></term>
0620                         <listitem><para>Choose a size for Mathdoku puzzles, from 3 (very easy) to 9 (very hard) with size 6 being the default.</para></listitem>
0621                 </varlistentry>
0622                 <varlistentry>
0623                         <term><guilabel>Settings for 3-D Puzzles Only</guilabel></term>
0624                         <listitem><para>These five settings adjust the highlighting and visibility of cells in three-dimensional puzzles. The idea is to make it easier to see relationships between cells, especially if they are behind other cells.</para></listitem>
0625                 </varlistentry>
0626         </variablelist>
0627                 <note><title>Note:</title><para>Having the highlighting options enabled is recommended even for the most experienced players, as it helps you see the actual game board constraints.</para></note>
0628 </sect1>
0629 </chapter>
0631 <chapter id="credits"><title>Credits and License</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0633 <para>
0634 &ksudoku;  <!-- do not change this! -->
0635 </para>
0637 <!--List all the copyright holders here-->
0638 <para>Copyright 2005-2007 Francesco Rossi <email>redsh@email.it</email></para>
0640 <para>Copyright 2006-2007 Mick Kappenburg <email>ksudoku@kappenburg.net</email>,
0641         Johannes Bergmeier <email>johannes.bergmeier@gmx.net</email></para>
0643 <para>Copyright 2011 Ian Wadham <email>iandw.au@gmail.com</email></para>
0645 <para>New solver and generator algorithms 2011 David Bau, <ulink
0646         url="http://davidbau.com/archives/2006/09/04/sudoku_generator.html">
0647         see website.</ulink></para>
0649 <para>Documentation copyright 2005 Francesco Rossi
0650         <email>redsh@email.it</email></para>
0652 <para>Documentation copyright 2007 Mick Kappenburg
0653         <email>ksudoku@kappenburg.net</email>,
0654         Eugene Trounev <email>eugene.trounev@gmail.com</email></para>
0656 <para>Documentation copyright 2011-2020 Ian Wadham
0657         <email>iandw.au@gmail.com</email></para>
0660 &underFDL;
0661 &underGPL;
0663 <!-- !!!do not change ANYTHING after this line!!!! -->
0664 </chapter>
0666 &documentation.index;
0667 </book>
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