Warning, /games/ksirk/ksirkskineditor/ksirkskineditorcountriesselectiondialog.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <ui version="4.0" >
0002  <class>CountriesSelectionDialog</class>
0003  <widget class="QDialog" name="CountriesSelectionDialog" >
0004   <property name="geometry" >
0005    <rect>
0006     <x>0</x>
0007     <y>0</y>
0008     <width>415</width>
0009     <height>609</height>
0010    </rect>
0011   </property>
0012   <property name="windowTitle" >
0013    <string>Country Selection Dialog</string>
0014   </property>
0015   <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout" >
0016    <item>
0017     <widget class="QListWidget" name="countriesList" >
0018      <property name="toolTip" >
0019       <string>Country list</string>
0020      </property>
0021      <property name="whatsThis" >
0022       <string>List of all the countries defined in the world. Currently selected countries are highlighted. You can modify the selection using the mouse and Ctrl and Shift keys.</string>
0023      </property>
0024     </widget>
0025    </item>
0026    <item>
0027     <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox" >
0028      <property name="orientation" >
0029       <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
0030      </property>
0031      <property name="standardButtons" >
0032       <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok</set>
0033      </property>
0034     </widget>
0035    </item>
0036   </layout>
0037  </widget>
0038  <resources/>
0039  <connections>
0040   <connection>
0041    <sender>buttonBox</sender>
0042    <signal>accepted()</signal>
0043    <receiver>CountriesSelectionDialog</receiver>
0044    <slot>accept()</slot>
0045    <hints>
0046     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
0047      <x>248</x>
0048      <y>254</y>
0049     </hint>
0050     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
0051      <x>157</x>
0052      <y>274</y>
0053     </hint>
0054    </hints>
0055   </connection>
0056   <connection>
0057    <sender>buttonBox</sender>
0058    <signal>rejected()</signal>
0059    <receiver>CountriesSelectionDialog</receiver>
0060    <slot>reject()</slot>
0061    <hints>
0062     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
0063      <x>316</x>
0064      <y>260</y>
0065     </hint>
0066     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
0067      <x>286</x>
0068      <y>274</y>
0069     </hint>
0070    </hints>
0071   </connection>
0072  </connections>
0073 </ui>