Warning, /games/kshisen/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" >    <!-- change language only here -->
0004   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">     <!-- do not change this! -->
0005 ]>
0007 <book id="kshisen" lang="&language;"> <!-- do not change this! -->
0008   <bookinfo>
0009     <title>The &kshisen; Handbook</title> <!-- This is the title of the docbook. Leave as is unless change is necessary.-->
0010     <!-- List of immidiate authors begins here. -->
0011     <!--INPORTANT! - All other contributors: [to be determined] -->
0012     <authorgroup>
0013       <author>
0014         <firstname>Dirk</firstname>
0015         <surname>Doerflinger</surname>
0016         <affiliation><address>&Dirk.Doerflinger.mail;</address></affiliation>
0017       </author>
0018       <author>
0019         <firstname>Eugene</firstname><surname>Trounev</surname>
0020         <affiliation><address><email>eugene.trounev@gmail.com</email></address></affiliation>
0021       </author>
0022       <author>
0023         <firstname>Frederik</firstname>
0024         <surname>Schwarzer</surname>
0025         <affiliation><address>&Frederik.Schwarzer.mail;</address></affiliation>
0026       </author>
0027       <othercredit role="reviewer">
0028         <firstname>Frerich</firstname><surname>Raabe</surname>
0029         <contrib>Reviewer</contrib>
0030         <affiliation><address>&Frerich.Raabe.mail;</address></affiliation>
0031       </othercredit>
0032       <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS -->
0033     </authorgroup>
0034     <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0035     <date>2021-06-15</date>
0036     <releaseinfo>1.10 (KDE Gear 21.08)</releaseinfo>
0038     <!--Short description of this document. Do not change unless necessary!-->
0039     <abstract>
0040       <para>This documentation describes the game of &kshisen; version 1.10</para>
0041     </abstract>
0043     <!--List of relevant keywords-->
0044     <keywordset>
0045       <keyword>KDE</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0046       <keyword>kdegames</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0047       <keyword>game</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0048       <keyword>kshisen</keyword><!--Application name goes here-->
0049       <!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
0050       <keyword>arcade</keyword>
0051       <keyword>board</keyword>
0052       <keyword>mahjong</keyword>
0053       <keyword>tiles</keyword>
0054       <!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
0055       <keyword>one player</keyword>
0056     </keywordset>
0057   </bookinfo>
0058   <!--Content begins here: -->
0059   <chapter id="introduction"><title>Introduction</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0060     <note><title>Gametype:</title><para>Arcade, Board</para></note><!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
0061     <note><title>Number of possible players:</title><para>One</para></note><!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
0063     <!--Short game description starts here. 3-4 sentences (paragraphs)-->
0064     <para>
0065       &kshisen; is a solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles.
0066       Unlike Mahjong however, &kshisen; has only one layer of scrambled tiles.
0067       You can remove matching pieces if they can be connected with a line
0068       with at most two bends in it. At the same time, the line must not
0069       cross any other tiles.
0070       To win a game of &kshisen; the player has to remove all the tiles from the game board.
0071     </para>
0072   </chapter>
0074   <chapter id="howto"><title>How to Play</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0075     <screenshot>
0076     <mediaobject>
0077     <imageobject>
0078     <imagedata fileref="gameboard.png" format="PNG"/>
0079     </imageobject>
0080     <textobject>
0081     <phrase>&kshisen; gameboard</phrase>
0082     </textobject>
0083     </mediaobject>
0084     </screenshot>
0085     <!--IMPORTANT: If the game has no defined objective, please remove the below line.-->
0086     <note><title>Objective:</title><para>Remove all the tiles from the game board within the shortest time possible.</para></note><!--Describe the objective of the game.-->
0087     <!--How to play description. Don't be to specific on rules as they have a separate section in this document-->
0088     <para>
0089       &kshisen; will load a default layout automatically once you start the game and you can start playing right away.
0090     </para>
0091     <para>
0092       You should carefully study the tiles lied out on the game board and find two tiles matching exactly. When you have found such a pair use your mouse to select them.
0093     </para>
0094     <para>
0095       Once you select a matching pair of tiles they will vanish from the game board.
0096       However, even if the tiles you select appear as open they will only be removed from the board if they can be connected with a line having at most two bends and not crossing any other tiles. Furthermore the line can only be drawn horizontally and vertically.
0097     </para>
0098     <para>
0099       Find as many matches as possible to remove all the tiles from the game board.
0100     </para>
0101   </chapter>
0103   <chapter id="rules_and_tips"><title>Game Rules, Strategies and Tips</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0104     <sect1 id="rules">
0105       <title>Rules</title>
0106       <para>
0107         Standard Mahjong set of tiles includes:
0108         <informaltable>
0109           <tgroup cols="3">
0110             <tbody>
0111               <row><entry>Group name</entry><entry>Tile name</entry><entry>Quantity in a set</entry></row>
0112               <row><entry>Dots</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0113               <row><entry></entry><entry>1 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0114               <row><entry></entry><entry>2 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0115               <row><entry></entry><entry>3 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0116               <row><entry></entry><entry>4 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0117               <row><entry></entry><entry>5 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0118               <row><entry></entry><entry>6 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0119               <row><entry></entry><entry>7 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0120               <row><entry></entry><entry>8 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0121               <row><entry></entry><entry>9 of Dots</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0122               <row><entry>Bamboos</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0123               <row><entry></entry><entry>1 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0124               <row><entry></entry><entry>2 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0125               <row><entry></entry><entry>3 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0126               <row><entry></entry><entry>4 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0127               <row><entry></entry><entry>5 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0128               <row><entry></entry><entry>6 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0129               <row><entry></entry><entry>7 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0130               <row><entry></entry><entry>8 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0131               <row><entry></entry><entry>9 of Bamboos</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0132               <row><entry>Characters</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0133               <row><entry></entry><entry>1 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0134               <row><entry></entry><entry>2 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0135               <row><entry></entry><entry>3 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0136               <row><entry></entry><entry>4 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0137               <row><entry></entry><entry>5 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0138               <row><entry></entry><entry>6 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0139               <row><entry></entry><entry>7 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0140               <row><entry></entry><entry>8 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0141               <row><entry></entry><entry>9 of Characters</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0142               <row><entry>Winds</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0143               <row><entry></entry><entry>East Wind</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0144               <row><entry></entry><entry>South Wind</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0145               <row><entry></entry><entry>West Wind</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0146               <row><entry></entry><entry>North Wind</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0147               <row><entry>Dragons</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0148               <row><entry></entry><entry>Red Dragon</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0149               <row><entry></entry><entry>Green Dragon</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0150               <row><entry></entry><entry>White Dragon</entry><entry>2</entry></row>
0151               <row><entry>Flowers</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0152               <row><entry></entry><entry>Plum (1)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0153               <row><entry></entry><entry>Lily (2)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0154               <row><entry></entry><entry>Chrysanthemum (3)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0155               <row><entry></entry><entry>Bamboo (4)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0156               <row><entry>Seasons</entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row>
0157               <row><entry></entry><entry>Spring (1)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0158               <row><entry></entry><entry>Summer (2)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0159               <row><entry></entry><entry>Autumn (3)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0160               <row><entry></entry><entry>Winter (4)</entry><entry>1</entry></row>
0161             </tbody>
0162           </tgroup>
0163         </informaltable>
0164       </para>
0165       <itemizedlist>
0166         <listitem><para>Matching tiles are such tiles where the face pictograms match exactly.</para></listitem>
0167       </itemizedlist>
0168       <note><title>Note:</title><para>There are exceptions to this
0169           rule. In the traditional game of Mahjong each tile has
0170           a matching one except for the <quote>Flowers</quote>
0171           and <quote>Seasons</quote> tiles.</para>
0172       </note>
0173       <itemizedlist>
0174         <listitem><para>The <quote>Flowers</quote> tiles have no doubles in the set and can be matched directly to each other.</para></listitem>
0175         <listitem><para>The <quote>Seasons</quote> tiles have no doubles in the set and can be matched directly to each other.</para></listitem>
0176         <listitem><para>Tiles can only be removed if they can be connected with a maximum of three connected lines that do not cross any other tile. Lines can be horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal.</para></listitem>
0177       </itemizedlist>
0178       <note><title>Note:</title><para>You do not have to draw the lines by yourself, the game does this for
0179               you. Just mark two matching tiles on the board, if they can be connected by a line with at most two bends, the line is drawn and the tiles are removed.</para>
0180       </note>
0181       <itemizedlist>
0182         <listitem><para>Lines may only cross empty areas of the board.</para></listitem>
0183         <listitem><para>Some games are unsolvable. If you would like to avoid unsolvable games check the option <guilabel>Create solvable games only</guilabel> in the configuration dialog.</para></listitem>
0184         <listitem><para>The scores are awarded for the time the player needs to remove all the tiles from the game board. Games with more tiles give more scores.</para></listitem>
0185         <listitem><para>If you played with the <guilabel>Gravity</guilabel> setting enabled, the score will be doubled.</para></listitem>
0186         <listitem><para>To be eligible for a place amongst the high scores player has to complete a game instance within the shortest period of time possible.</para></listitem>
0187       </itemizedlist>
0188       <note><title>Note:</title><para>If the player uses the <quote>Undo</quote> or <quote>Hint</quote> feature the record will not be considered as a high score.</para></note>
0189     </sect1>
0190     <sect1 id="tips">
0191       <title>Tips</title>
0192       <para>
0193         Click on a tile with the &RMB; to highlight all matching tiles on the board.
0194         Unlike using the <quote>Undo</quote> or <quote>Hint</quote> feature, this
0195         help is allowed without being considered cheating.
0196       </para>
0197     </sect1>
0198   </chapter>
0200   <chapter id="interface"><title>Interface Overview</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0201     <!-- This section has to do with menubar. Describe every single entry in order. Use <variablelist> and <varlistentry>. Split the chapter into sections using <sect1(2,3)> for better viewing. -->
0202     <sect1 id="menu">
0203     <title>Menu Items</title>
0204     <sect2 id="game-menu">
0205       <title>The Game Menu</title>
0207       <para>
0208         The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu lets you control the status of the current game:
0209       </para>
0211       <variablelist>
0212         <varlistentry id="game-menu-new">
0213           <term>
0214             <menuchoice>
0215               <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0216               <guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>
0217             </menuchoice>
0218           </term>
0219           <listitem><para><action>Finishes the current game</action> and starts a new session with new tiles.</para></listitem>
0220         </varlistentry>
0222         <varlistentry id="game-menu-restart">
0223           <term>
0224             <menuchoice>
0225               <shortcut><keycombo><keycap>F5</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0226               <guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>Restart Game</guimenuitem>
0227             </menuchoice>
0228           </term>
0229           <listitem><para><action>Restarts the current game with the same tiles.</action></para></listitem>
0230         </varlistentry>
0232         <varlistentry id="game-menu-pause">
0233           <term>
0234             <menuchoice>
0235               <shortcut><keycombo><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0236               <guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pause</guimenuitem>
0237             </menuchoice>
0238           </term>
0239           <listitem><para><action>Pauses the game</action>, especially the timer which affects the scoring. The menu entry is also used for resuming the game.</para></listitem>
0240         </varlistentry>
0242         <varlistentry id="game-menu-highscores">
0243           <term>
0244             <menuchoice>
0245               <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0246               <guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show High Scores</guimenuitem>
0247             </menuchoice>
0248           </term>
0249           <listitem><para>Shows your top ten charts of &kshisen;.</para></listitem>
0250         </varlistentry>
0252         <varlistentry>
0253           <term>
0254             <menuchoice>
0255               <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0256               <guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0257             </menuchoice>
0258           </term>
0259           <listitem><para><action>Quits</action> &kshisen;.</para></listitem>
0260         </varlistentry>
0262       </variablelist>
0264       <para>
0265         Some of the menu items can also be controlled by keyboard shortcuts.
0266         See <xref linkend="key-bindings"/> for a list.
0267       </para>
0269     </sect2>
0271     <sect2 id="move-menu">
0272       <title>The Move Menu</title>
0274       <variablelist id="move-menu-undo">
0275         <varlistentry>
0276           <term>
0277             <menuchoice>
0278               <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0279               <guimenu>Move</guimenu><guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem>
0280             </menuchoice>
0281           </term>
0282           <listitem><para><action>Undoes the last step</action>. Same as the <guibutton>Undo</guibutton> button in the toolbar.</para></listitem>
0283         </varlistentry>
0285         <varlistentry id="move-menu-redo">
0286           <term>
0287             <menuchoice>
0288               <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0289               <guimenu>Move</guimenu><guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem>
0290             </menuchoice>
0291           </term>
0292           <listitem><para><action>Redoes the last step</action>. Same as the <guibutton>Redo</guibutton> button in the toolbar.</para></listitem>
0293         </varlistentry>
0295         <varlistentry id="move-menu-hint">
0296           <term>
0297             <menuchoice>
0298               <shortcut><keycombo><keycap>H</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0299               <guimenu>Move</guimenu><guimenuitem>Hint</guimenuitem>
0300             </menuchoice>
0301           </term>
0302           <listitem><para><action>Shows a hint</action>, which two tiles to remove next.</para></listitem>
0303         </varlistentry>
0305       </variablelist>
0307     </sect2>
0309     <sect2 id="settings-menu">
0310       <title>The Settings Menu</title>
0312       <variablelist>
0313         <varlistentry>
0314           <term>
0315             <menuchoice>
0316               <guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Play Sounds</guimenuitem>
0317             </menuchoice>
0318           </term>
0319           <listitem><para>Plays a sound when you touch a tile by clicking with it the &LMB;
0320                and when a tile is falling down playing with <guilabel>Gravity</guilabel> enabled.</para></listitem>
0321         </varlistentry>
0323         <varlistentry id="game-settings-settings">
0324           <term>
0325             <menuchoice>
0326               <guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &kshisen;...</guimenuitem>
0327             </menuchoice>
0328           </term>
0329           <listitem><para>Opens the <link linkend="configuration">configuration dialog</link> to change &kshisen; settings.</para></listitem>
0330         </varlistentry>
0332       </variablelist>
0333       <para>
0334         Additionally &kshisen; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
0335         menu items, for more information read the sections about the
0336         <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings">Settings Menu</ulink> and
0337         <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
0338         of the &kde; Fundamentals.
0339       </para>
0340     </sect2>
0341     </sect1>
0343     <sect1 id="key-bindings">
0344       <title>Default Key Bindings</title>
0346       <para>Default shortcuts are:</para>
0348       <informaltable>
0349         <tgroup cols="2">
0350           <tbody>
0351             <row><entry>New</entry><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></entry></row>
0352             <row><entry>Restart Game</entry><entry><keycap>F5</keycap></entry></row>
0353             <row><entry>Pause</entry><entry><keycap>P</keycap></entry></row>
0354             <row><entry>Show High Scores</entry><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo></entry></row>
0355             <row><entry>Quit</entry><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></entry></row>
0356             <row><entry>Undo</entry><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></entry></row>
0357             <row><entry>Redo</entry><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></entry></row>
0358             <row><entry>Hint</entry><entry><keycap>H</keycap></entry></row>
0359             <row><entry>&kshisen; Handbook</entry><entry><keycap>F1</keycap></entry></row>
0360             <row><entry>What's This</entry><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo></entry></row>
0361           </tbody>
0362         </tgroup>
0363       </informaltable>
0365     </sect1>
0367   </chapter>
0369   <chapter id="faq"><title>Frequently asked questions</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0370     <!--This chapter is for frequently asked questions. Please use <qandaset> <qandaentry> only!-->
0371     <qandaset>
0372       <qandaentry>
0373         <question><para>I want to change the way this game looks. Can I?</para></question>
0374         <answer><para>Yes. To change the way &kshisen; looks use the <link linkend="game-settings-settings">menubar</link> to open the <link linkend="configuration">configuration utility</link>.</para></answer>
0375       </qandaentry>
0376       <qandaentry>
0377         <question><para>Can I use keyboard?</para></question>
0378         <answer><para>No. This game does not feature a keyboard play mode.</para></answer>
0379       </qandaentry>
0380       <qandaentry>
0381         <question><para>I have to quit the game now, but I am not finished yet. Can I save my progress?</para></question>
0382         <answer><para>No. This game does not feature a <quote>Save</quote> option.</para></answer>
0383       </qandaentry>
0384     </qandaset>
0385   </chapter>
0387   <chapter id="configuration"><title>Game Configuration</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0388     <!--This section describes configuration GUI. If your game is configured using menubar exclusively, please remove this section.-->
0389     <para>
0390       Selecting the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &kshisen;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0391       menu item will open a configuration dialog which lets you alter the behavior of the game.
0392     </para>
0394     <screenshot>
0395       <screeninfo>&kshisen; configuration dialog</screeninfo>
0396       <mediaobject>
0397         <imageobject><imagedata fileref="kshisen-configuration.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0398         <textobject><phrase>&kshisen; configuration dialog</phrase></textobject>
0399       </mediaobject>
0400     </screenshot>
0402     <variablelist>
0403       <title><guilabel>General</guilabel> page</title>
0404       <varlistentry>
0405         <term><guilabel>Gravity</guilabel></term>
0406         <listitem><para>
0407             Checking this makes the game even harder: If a tile is removed,
0408             all tiles lying above it will fall down one step.
0409         </para></listitem>
0410       </varlistentry>
0412       <varlistentry>
0413         <term><guilabel>Create solvable games only</guilabel></term>
0414         <listitem><para>
0415             If checked, you will only be presented with games that are possible to solve.
0416             Note: Even in solvable games you can fail to complete if you remove the tiles 
0417             in the wrong order.
0418         </para></listitem>
0419       </varlistentry>
0421       <varlistentry>
0422         <term><guilabel>Show message if board can no longer be solved</guilabel></term>
0423         <listitem><para>
0424             If checked, &kshisen; will try to analyze solvability of each game position and show a message to abort
0425             the game in case there are no possible moves left to win the game.
0426         </para></listitem>
0427       </varlistentry>
0429       <varlistentry>
0430         <term><guilabel>Use Chinese style: any flower match any flower, any season match any season</guilabel></term>
0431         <listitem><para>
0432             Use the traditional rules for matching the tiles. Previous
0433             version of &kshisen; used to allow only exact tiles matches, which is
0434             inconsistent with Mahjong rules. It is recommended
0435             to keep this option checked.
0436         </para></listitem>
0437       </varlistentry>
0439       <varlistentry>
0440         <term><guilabel>Tiles can slide, but you can connect only in 2 lines instead of 3</guilabel></term>
0441         <listitem><para>
0442             This option changes the rules to the point where it almost
0443             becomes a completely different game. When it is active, you can remove
0444             the tiles only if they can be connected by a line consisting of one or two segments
0445             instead of the customary three. However, you are allowed to slide the tiles
0446             on the board, if the row or column where they are placed has some empty space.
0447             To make a sliding move, you have to click first on the tile in the column or
0448             row that can slide, and then on the matching tile. If there are two possible
0449             sliding moves, blue lines are shown indicating these moves. You then have to click
0450             on one of the two lines to choose your preferred move.
0451         </para></listitem>
0452       </varlistentry>
0454       <varlistentry>
0455         <term><guilabel>Board Difficulty</guilabel></term>
0456         <listitem><para>
0457             The slider controls the difficulty of the board (&ie; how much the tiles are shuffled) from <guilabel>Easy</guilabel> to <guilabel>Hard</guilabel>.
0458         </para></listitem>
0459       </varlistentry>
0461       <varlistentry>
0462         <term><guilabel>Piece Removal Speed</guilabel></term>
0463         <listitem><para>
0464             Adjusting this slider alters the speed at which the pieces are removed from the screen after a match has been made.
0465         </para></listitem>
0466       </varlistentry>
0468       <varlistentry>
0469         <term><guilabel>Board Size</guilabel></term>
0470         <listitem><para>
0471             This slider allows you to change the number of tiles
0472             on the board. The more tiles you have, the harder (and longer)
0473             the game will be.
0474         </para></listitem>
0475       </varlistentry>
0477       <varlistentry>
0478         <term><guilabel>Tiles</guilabel> and <guilabel>Background</guilabel> page</term>
0479         <listitem><para>
0480             Select you favorite design for tiles and background.
0481         </para></listitem>
0482       </varlistentry>
0484       <varlistentry>
0485         <term><guibutton>Help</guibutton></term>
0486         <listitem><para>
0487             Opens &kshisen; help pages (this document).
0488         </para></listitem>
0489       </varlistentry>
0491       <varlistentry>
0492         <term><guibutton>OK</guibutton></term>
0493         <listitem><para>
0494             Saves your changes and closes the dialog.
0495         </para></listitem>
0496       </varlistentry>
0498       <varlistentry>
0499         <term><guibutton>Apply</guibutton></term>
0500         <listitem><para>
0501             Saves your changes but does not close the dialog.
0502         </para></listitem>
0503       </varlistentry>
0505       <varlistentry>
0506         <term><guibutton>Cancel</guibutton></term>
0507         <listitem><para>
0508             Discards all your changes and closes the dialog.
0509         </para></listitem>
0510       </varlistentry>
0512     </variablelist>
0514   </chapter>
0516   <chapter id="credits"><title>Credits and License</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0517     <!--This chapter is for credits and licenses.-->
0519     <para>
0520       &kshisen; Copyright 1997 &Mario.Weilguni; &Mario.Weilguni.mail;
0521     </para>
0522     <para>
0523       &kshisen; Copyright 2002-2004 Dave Corrie <email>kde@davecorrie.com</email>
0524     </para>
0525     <para>
0526       &kshisen; Copyright 2009-2012 &Frederik.Schwarzer; &Frederik.Schwarzer.mail;
0527     </para>
0529     <para>
0530       Documentation Copyright 2000 &Dirk.Doerflinger; &Dirk.Doerflinger.mail;
0531     </para>
0532     <para>
0533       Documentation Copyright 2009-2010 &Frederik.Schwarzer; &Frederik.Schwarzer.mail;
0534     </para>
0537     &underFDL;
0538     &underGPL;
0540     <!-- !!!do not change ANYTHING after this line!!!! -->
0542   </chapter>
0544   &documentation.index;
0545 </book>
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