Warning, /games/kreversi/src/qml/Popup.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Dmitry Suzdalev <dimsuz@gmail.com>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Viranch Mehta <viranch.mehta@gmail.com
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Denis Kuplyakov <dener.kup@gmail.com>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0009 import QtQuick 2.3
0010 import ColorScheme 1.0
0012 /**
0013   * Popup
0014   *
0015   * Represents popup. It's analog of KGamePopupItem.
0016   *
0017   * TODO: move it to libkdegames
0018   */
0020 Rectangle {
0021     id: popup
0023     // constants
0025     /**
0026       * Margin on the sides of message box
0027       */
0028     property int marginOnSides: 15
0029     /**
0030       * Space between pixmap and text
0031       */
0032     property int marginIconText: 10
0034     // API properties
0036     // TODO: If item is hovered with mouse it will hide only after user moves the mouse away
0037     /**
0038       * The amount of time the item will stay visible on screen before it goes away.
0039       * By default item is shown for 2000 msec.
0040       */
0041     property int timeout: 2000
0042     /**
0043       * The popup angles sharpness
0044       */
0045     property alias sharpness: popup.radius
0046     /**
0047       * Name of the icon to show at popup
0048       */
0049     property string iconName: "dialog-information"
0050     /**
0051       * Sets whether to hide this popup item on mouse click.
0052       *
0053       * By default a mouse click will cause an item to hide
0054       */
0055     property alias hideOnMouseClick: mouseArea.enabled
0056     /**
0057       * Sets default color for unformatted text.
0058       * By default system-default color is used.
0059       */
0060     property alias textColor: text.color
0061     /**
0062       * Sets default color for background.
0063       * By default system-default color is used.
0064       */
0065     property alias backgroundColor: popup.color
0066     /**
0067       * Sets whether to use custom border color or system-default one.
0068       * By default system-default color is used.
0069       */
0070     property bool useCustomBorderColor: false
0071     /**
0072       * Border's color.
0073       * By default system-default color is used.
0074       */
0075     property color borderColor: popup.border.color
0076     /**
0077       * Border's width in pixels.
0078       * By default it's equals 1
0079       */
0080     property int borderWidth: 1
0081     /**
0082       * Sets whether new message is replacing already showing one or ignored
0083       */
0084     property bool isReplacing: false
0086     // API signals
0087     /**
0088       * Emitted when user clicks on a link in item.
0089       */
0090     signal linkActivated(string link)
0091     /**
0092       * Emitted when popup hides.
0093       */
0094     signal hidden()
0096     // private properties
0097     height: row.height + 2 * marginOnSides
0098     width: row.width + 2 * marginOnSides
0100     color: colorScheme.background
0101     border.color: useCustomBorderColor ? black : colorScheme.border
0102     border.width: borderWidth
0104     function show(message, showing_state) {
0105         if (!timer.running || isReplacing) {
0106             text.text = message
0107             timer.restart()
0108             state = showing_state
0109         }
0110     }
0112     ColorScheme {
0113         id: colorScheme
0114     }
0116     Timer {
0117         id: timer
0118         repeat: false
0119         interval: timeout
0120         onTriggered: {
0121             state = ""
0122             hidden()
0123         }
0124     }
0126     Row {
0127         id: row
0128         anchors.centerIn: parent
0129         spacing: marginIconText
0131         Image {
0132             id: icon
0133             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0134             width: visible ? 32 : 0
0135             height: width
0137             visible: iconName != ""
0139             source: "image://icon/" + iconName
0140         }
0143         Text {
0144             id: text
0145             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0146             color: colorScheme.foreground
0147             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0149             onLinkActivated: popup.linkActivated(link);
0150         }
0151     }
0153     MouseArea {
0154         id: mouseArea
0155         anchors.fill: parent
0157         onClicked: {
0158             popup.state = ""
0159             timer.stop()
0160             hidden()
0161         }
0162     }
0163 }