Warning, /games/kpat/doc/man-kpat.6.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > 0004 ]> 0005 0006 <refentry lang="&language;"> 0007 <refentryinfo> 0008 <title>KPat User's Manual</title> 0009 <date>2021-06-21</date> 0010 <releaseinfo>21.04</releaseinfo> 0011 <productname>KDE Gear</productname> 0012 </refentryinfo> 0013 0014 <refmeta> 0015 <refentrytitle><command>kpat</command></refentrytitle> 0016 <manvolnum>6</manvolnum> 0017 </refmeta> 0018 0019 <refnamediv> 0020 <refname><command>kpat</command></refname> 0021 <refpurpose>A highly addictive card game</refpurpose> 0022 </refnamediv> 0023 0024 <refsynopsisdiv> 0025 <cmdsynopsis> 0026 <command>kpat</command> 0027 <group choice="opt"><option>--solvegame</option> <replaceable> file</replaceable></group> 0028 <group choice="opt"><option>--solve</option> <replaceable> num</replaceable></group> 0029 <group choice="opt"><option>--start</option> <replaceable> num</replaceable></group> 0030 <group choice="opt"><option>--end</option> <replaceable> num</replaceable></group> 0031 <group choice="opt"><option>--gametype</option> <replaceable> game</replaceable></group> 0032 <group choice="opt"><option>--testdir</option> <replaceable> directory</replaceable></group> 0033 <group choice="opt"><option>--generate</option></group> 0034 <group choice="opt"><option><replaceable>file</replaceable></option></group> 0035 </cmdsynopsis> 0036 </refsynopsisdiv> 0037 0038 <refsect1> 0039 <title>DESCRIPTION</title> 0040 <para> 0041 &kpatience; is a compendium of several well known patience card games, 0042 ranging from the well known Klondike and Freecell, to lesser known 0043 games such as Grandfather's Clock and Mod3. In all there are 12 0044 variations for you to while away time.</para> 0045 </refsect1> 0046 0047 <refsect1> 0048 <title>OPTIONS</title> 0049 <para> 0050 This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, 0051 with long options starting with two dashes (`--'). A 0052 summary of the options supported by <command>kpat</command> 0053 is included below.</para> 0054 0055 <variablelist> 0056 0057 <varlistentry> 0058 <term><option>-h</option> <option>--help</option></term> 0059 <listitem><para>This lists the options available at the command line</para> 0060 </listitem> 0061 </varlistentry> 0062 0063 <varlistentry> 0064 <term><option>-v</option> <option>--version</option></term> 0065 <listitem> 0066 <para>Lists version information for &kpatience;</para></listitem> 0067 </varlistentry> 0068 0069 <varlistentry> 0070 <term><option>--solvegame</option> <replaceable> file</replaceable></term> 0071 <listitem> 0072 <para>Try to find a solution to the given savegame</para> 0073 </listitem> 0074 </varlistentry> 0075 0076 <varlistentry> 0077 <term><option>--solve</option> <replaceable> num</replaceable></term> 0078 <listitem> 0079 <para>Dealer to solve (debug)</para> 0080 </listitem> 0081 </varlistentry> 0082 0083 <varlistentry> 0084 <term><option>--start</option> <replaceable> num</replaceable></term> 0085 <listitem> 0086 <para>Game range start (default 0:INT_MAX)</para> 0087 </listitem> 0088 </varlistentry> 0089 0090 <varlistentry> 0091 <term><option>--end</option> <replaceable> num</replaceable></term> 0092 <listitem> 0093 <para>Game range end (default start:start if start given)</para> 0094 </listitem> 0095 </varlistentry> 0096 0097 <varlistentry> 0098 <term><option>--gametype</option> <replaceable> game</replaceable></term> 0099 <listitem> 0100 <para>Skip the selection screen and load a particular game type. Valid values are: acesup, fortyeight, freecell, golf, grandfather, grandfathersclock, gypsy, klondike, mod3, simplesimon, spider, yukon</para> 0101 </listitem> 0102 </varlistentry> 0103 0104 <varlistentry> 0105 <term><option>--testdir</option> <replaceable> directory</replaceable></term> 0106 <listitem> 0107 <para>Directory with test cases</para> 0108 </listitem> 0109 </varlistentry> 0110 0111 <varlistentry> 0112 <term><option>--generate</option></term> 0113 <listitem><para>Generate random test cases</para> 0114 </listitem> 0115 </varlistentry> 0116 0117 <varlistentry> 0118 <term><option>--author</option></term> 0119 <listitem><para>Lists &kpatience;'s authors in the terminal window</para></listitem> 0120 </varlistentry> 0121 0122 <varlistentry> 0123 <term><option>--license</option></term> 0124 <listitem><para>Shows license information</para></listitem> 0125 </varlistentry> 0126 0127 <varlistentry> 0128 <term><option>--desktopfile</option> <replaceable>file name</replaceable></term> 0129 <listitem><para>The base file name of the desktop entry for this application.</para></listitem> 0130 </varlistentry> 0131 0132 <varlistentry> 0133 <term><replaceable> file</replaceable></term> 0134 <listitem> 0135 <para>File to load</para> 0136 </listitem> 0137 </varlistentry> 0138 0139 </variablelist> 0140 0141 </refsect1> 0142 0143 <refsect1> 0144 <title>SEE ALSO</title> 0145 <simplelist> 0146 <member>More detailed user documentation is available from <ulink 0147 url="help:/kpat">help:/kpat</ulink> 0148 (either enter this &URL; into &konqueror;, or run 0149 <userinput><command>khelpcenter</command> 0150 <parameter>help:/kpat</parameter></userinput>).</member> 0151 <member>kf5options(7)</member> 0152 <member>qt5options(7)</member> 0153 </simplelist> 0154 </refsect1> 0155 0156 <refsect1> 0157 <title>AUTHOR</title> 0158 0159 <para>&kpatience; is by:</para> 0160 <simplelist type="vert"> 0161 <member>Paul Olav Tvete</member> 0162 <member>Mario Weilguni <email>mweilguni@kde.org</email></member> 0163 <member>Matthias Ettrich <email>ettrich@kde.org</email></member> 0164 <member>Rodolfo Borges <email>barrett@labma.ufrj.br</email></member> 0165 <member>Peter H. Ruegg <email>kpat@incense.org</email></member> 0166 <member>Michael Koch <email>koch@kde.org</email></member> 0167 <member>Marcus Meissner <email>mm@caldera.de</email></member> 0168 <member>Shlomi Fish <email>shlomif@vipe.technion.ac.il</email></member> 0169 <member>Stephan Kulow <email>coolo@kde.org</email></member> 0170 </simplelist> 0171 </refsect1> 0172 </refentry>