Warning, /games/kpat/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!--IMPORTANT: please note that'do not change this!' notice does not apply to translators -->
0003 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0004   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
0005   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> <!-- do not change this! -->
0006 ]>
0008 <book id="kpat" lang="&language;"> <!-- do not change this! -->
0009 <bookinfo>
0010         <title>The &kpatience; Handbook</title> <!-- This is the title of the docbook. Leave as is unless change is necessary.-->
0011 <!-- List of immidiate authors begins here. -->
0012 <!--INPORTANT! - All other contributors: [to be determined] -->
0013 <authorgroup>
0014 <author>
0015 <firstname>Paul Olav</firstname>
0016 <surname>Tvete</surname>
0017 </author>
0018 <author>
0019 <firstname>Maren</firstname>
0020 <surname>Pakura</surname>
0021 </author>
0022 <author>
0023 <firstname>Stephan</firstname>
0024 <surname>Kulow</surname>
0025 </author>
0027 <othercredit role="reviewer">
0028 <firstname>Mike</firstname><surname>McBride</surname>
0029 <contrib>Reviewer</contrib>
0030 <affiliation><address>&Mike.McBride.mail;</address></affiliation>
0031 </othercredit>
0033 <othercredit role="developer">
0034 <firstname>Paul Olav</firstname>
0035 <surname>Tvete</surname>
0036 <contrib>Developer</contrib>
0037 </othercredit>
0039 <othercredit role="developer">
0040 <firstname>Stephan</firstname>
0041 <surname>Kulow</surname>
0042 <contrib>Developer</contrib>
0043 </othercredit>
0046 </authorgroup>
0048 <copyright>
0049 <year>2000</year>
0050 <holder>&Paul-Olav.Tvete;</holder>
0051 </copyright>
0053 <copyright>
0054 <year>2001</year><year>2004</year>
0055 <holder>&Maren.Pakura;</holder>
0056 </copyright>
0058 <copyright>
0059 <year>2007</year>
0060 <holder>&Stephan.Kulow;</holder>
0061 </copyright>
0063 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0065 <date>2021-06-20</date>
0066 <releaseinfo>KDE Gear 21.04</releaseinfo>
0068 <!--Short description of this document. Do not change unless necessary!-->
0069 <abstract>
0070         <para>This documentation describes the game of &kpatience; version 21.04</para>
0071 </abstract>
0073 <!--List of relevan keywords-->
0074 <keywordset>
0075         <keyword>KDE</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0076         <keyword>kdegames</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0077         <keyword>game</keyword> <!-- do not change this! -->
0078         <keyword>KPatience</keyword><!--Application name goes here-->
0079 <!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
0080         <keyword>card</keyword>
0081         <keyword>card game</keyword>
0082         <keyword>playing cards</keyword>
0083 <!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
0084         <keyword>one player</keyword>
0085 <!--All other relevant keywords-->
0086         <keyword>patience</keyword>
0087         <keyword>solitaire</keyword>
0088 </keywordset>
0089 </bookinfo>
0090 <!--Content begins here: -->
0091 <chapter id="introduction"><title>Introduction</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0092         <note><title>Gametype:</title><para>Card</para></note><!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
0093         <note><title>Number of possible players:</title><para>One</para></note><!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
0095 <!--Short game description starts here. 3-4 sentences (paragraphs)-->
0097 <para>
0098 To play patience you need, as the name suggests, patience. For simple games,
0099 where the way the game goes depends only upon how the cards fall, your patience might be
0100 the only thing you need.
0101 </para>
0103 <para>
0104 There are also patience games where you must plan your strategy and think
0105 ahead in order to win.
0106 </para>
0108 <para>
0109 A theme common to all the games is the player must put the cards in a special order &mdash; 
0110 moving, turning and reordering them.
0111 </para>
0112 </chapter>
0114 <chapter id="howto"><title>How to Play</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0115 <!--IMPORTANT: If the game has no defined objective, please remove the below line.-->
0116         <note><title>Objective:</title><para>Rearrange the cards by suit in as few moves as possible.</para></note><!--Describe the objective of the game.-->
0117 <!--How to play description. Don't be to specific on rules as they have a separate section in this document-->
0118         <para>
0119         As &kpatience; offers you a multiplicity of different solitaire games, there is no straightforward how-to which could fit all of them. Therefore, it is essential that you read each individual subsection of Game Rules, Strategies and Tips section before you start playing a version you are not familiar with.</para>
0120 <para>
0121 Essentially there are two types of solitaire games – the ones that let you arrange the cards by same color and the ones that let you arrange the cards by alternating color. You can easily determine which game you are trying out using trial-and-error method. Once you know which one you are dealing with the rest is easy; keep arranging and rearranging the cards and collecting the matching ones.</para>
0122 <para>
0123 From the beginning, however, pay attention to your card stacks. Do not rush to move individual cards around. See if it might be more useful elsewhere.</para>
0124 <para>
0125 For additional help you can also take quick peeks onto the statusbar. Each of the games has a built in solver which informs you whether the game
0126 you are currently playing can be completed or not. If you see that solver could
0127 not complete the current game, chances are you will not be able to do so as
0128 well. At this point you can either restart the current game, or start a
0129 completely new game.
0130 </para>
0131 <note><title>Note:</title><para>Playing solitaire games helps you to greatly improve your attention span and enhance the ability to concentrate.</para></note>
0132 </chapter>
0134 <chapter id="rules_and_tips"><title>Game Rules, Strategies and Tips</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0136 <sect1 id="rules-general">
0137         <title>General Rules</title>
0138         <para><indexterm><primary>suits</primary></indexterm>A card game contains one or more card decks of 52 cards each. Each deck contains the four suits:</para>
0139         <informaltable pgwide="0" frame="none">
0140                 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec/><colspec/>
0141         <tbody>
0142                 <row valign="middle">
0143                         <entry><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="clubs.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></entry>
0144                         <entry>Clubs</entry>
0145                 </row>
0146                 <row valign="middle">
0147                         <entry><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="spades.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></entry>
0148                         <entry>Spades</entry>
0149                 </row>
0150                 <row valign="middle">
0151                         <entry><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="hearts.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></entry>
0152                         <entry>Hearts</entry>
0153                 </row>
0154                         <row valign="middle"><entry><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="diamonds.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></entry>
0155                         <entry>Diamonds</entry>
0156                 </row>
0157         </tbody></tgroup>
0158         </informaltable>
0159         <para>Each of these suits contains the following card types: ace, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, and king.</para>
0160         <para><indexterm><primary>family</primary></indexterm> This complete order of cards is called a family. There are real families and alternating ones. The real families are all of one suit (&eg; Hearts). In the alternating families the card color changes from one to another, between a black color (Clubs and Spades) and a red color (Hearts and Diamonds).</para>
0161         <para>If the family is not complete it is called a sequence.</para>
0162         <mediaobject>
0163                 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="playfield.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0164                 <textobject><phrase>The game field of &kpatience;</phrase></textobject>
0165         </mediaobject>
0166         <para>There are a number of features found in typical patience games. These are described below.</para>
0167         <variablelist>
0168                 <varlistentry><term>1. Talon</term>
0169                         <listitem><para><indexterm><primary>talon</primary></indexterm>At the beginning of each game all cards are mixed in the deck. In some games not all cards are dealt out. The remaining cards are put down on the talon (also called the stock). You can find this quite easily, since in most games it is the only pile in which all cards are face down.</para>
0170                         </listitem>
0171                 </varlistentry>
0172                 <varlistentry><term>2. Waste Pile</term>
0173                         <listitem><para><indexterm><primary>waste pile</primary></indexterm>Many games use a waste pile to hold cards taken from the talon. Typically clicking on the talon will cause the topmost card to be flipped face up and placed on the waste pile, at which point the card enters play.</para>
0174                         </listitem>
0175                 </varlistentry>
0176                 <varlistentry><term>3. Foundation</term>
0177                         <listitem><para><indexterm><primary>foundation</primary></indexterm>The foundation piles are where you want your cards to end up. Typically, the game is won only once all cards have been moved to the foundation piles in the correct order. The number of foundation piles and the ordering required varies from game to game.</para>
0178                             <para>Most games start with the foundation piles empty. Choosing the <guimenuitem>Drop</guimenuitem> action from the menu or toolbar will cause &kpatience; to scan through all the piles move as many cards to the foundation piles as it can. If you have the <guimenuitem>Enabled Autodrop</guimenuitem> setting activated, &kpatience; will attempt to perform a drop whenever possible.</para>
0179                         </listitem>
0180                 </varlistentry>
0181                 <varlistentry><term>4. Playing Piles</term>
0182                         <listitem><para><indexterm><primary>playing piles</primary></indexterm>These piles are those where the actual reordering happens. The rules for these piles vary a lot between games. Some show all cards on them, some do not. Some allow only one card to be removed, some allow every card to be removed, &etc;</para>
0183                         </listitem>
0184                 </varlistentry>
0185         </variablelist>
0186 </sect1>
0188 <sect1 id="rules-specific"><title>Rules for Individual Games</title>
0190 <sect2 id="klondike">
0191 <title>Klondike</title>
0193 <para><indexterm><primary>Klondike</primary></indexterm>
0194 Klondike is the most famous patience &mdash; most likely because it comes with a well-known operating system. 
0195 It is played with one deck.
0196 </para>
0198 <para>
0199 The goal in Klondike is to put all cards, as real families, ascending on the
0200 foundation. This gets easier once all cards are lying face
0201 up in the playing piles.
0202 </para>
0204 <para>
0205 The sequences on the playing piles have to be put there in descending order. The cards
0206 should alternate in colors (red and black). You can move whole sequences or
0207 parts of it, if the first card fits on another pile.
0208 </para>
0210 <para>
0211 On a free pile you can put a king of any color, or a sequence starting with a
0212 king.
0213 </para>
0215 <para>
0216 When you click on the talon, one card from it will be moved to the waste pile.
0217 You can move it to the playing piles or the foundation from there.
0218 If the talon is empty, you can move the complete waste pile to the talon
0219 by clicking on the empty talon.
0220 </para>
0222 <para>
0223 You can look through the cards on the talon as much as you like.
0224 </para>
0225 </sect2>
0227 <sect2 id="grandfather">
0228 <title>Grandfather</title>
0230 <para><indexterm><primary>Grandfather</primary></indexterm>
0231 This game was introduced to &Paul-Olav.Tvete;, the original developer of &kpatience;, by his grandfather; it is named after this. 
0232 No other patience games are known to implement this patience game variant.
0233 </para>
0235 <para>
0236 In Grandfather, one deck is dealt to seven playing piles. Some cards on each pile
0237 are face down on the initial deal.
0238 </para>
0240 <para>
0241 The goal is to put all cards as real families ascending on the foundation piles.
0242 </para>
0244 <para>
0245 You can move every card on every pile if it fits on another card, to build a real
0246 sequence of descending order. For example, you can move the five of spades on
0247 top of the six of spades, no matter how many cards on are on top of the five of
0248 spades. Just the six of spades has to be on top of its pile.
0249 </para>
0251 <para>
0252 On a free pile you can place a king (again no matter how many cards are on top of
0253 it).
0254 </para>
0256 <para>
0257 If there are no more possible moves, you can redeal the cards. A redeal
0258 consists of picking up the cards from the playing piles (pile by pile, left to
0259 right) and redealing them in the starting pattern (zigzagging rows of face down
0260 cards forming a peak and then left to right rows of face up cards on top). Note
0261 that the cards are <emphasis>not</emphasis> shuffled and that cards on the foundation piles
0262 are left untouched. You may redeal no more than twice in a single game.
0263 </para>
0265 <para>
0266 Even though the rules are simple and allow many moves, the game is still
0267 hard to win. Despite this, or because of it, this game remains a joy to play.
0268 </para>
0269 </sect2>
0271 <sect2 id="aces-up">
0272 <title>Aces Up</title>
0274 <para><indexterm><primary>Aces Up</primary></indexterm>
0275 This patience has simple rules, yet is hard to win. It is played
0276 with one deck. The goal is to put all cards besides aces onto the
0277 foundation. There should be an ace left on every playing pile afterwards.
0278 </para>
0280 <para>
0281 Each top card that is of the same suit (&eg; spades) and has a lower
0282 value than another top card (&eg; six of spades and four of spades) can be
0283 put on the foundation by clicking on it.
0284 </para>
0286 <para>
0287 If you cannot move any more cards to the foundation, you can get a new card for
0288 each playing pile by clicking on the talon.
0289 </para>
0291 <para>
0292 On a free pile you can move every other card on top of a pile. You should use these
0293 moves to free piles. That way, new cards can be moved to the foundation.
0294 </para>
0296 <para>
0297 The auto drop feature is disabled in this patience game.
0298 </para>
0300 </sect2>
0302 <sect2 id="freecell">
0303 <title>Freecell</title>
0305 <para><indexterm><primary>Freecell</primary></indexterm>
0306 Freecell is played with one card deck. You have four free cells in the top left
0307 corner. In addition there are four foundation piles, and eight playing piles below.
0308 </para>
0310 <para>
0311 The goal of the game is to have all cards as real families ascending on the
0312 foundation. You can achieve this often if you know how to play: 
0313 Freecell is solvable at a rate of 99.9% approximately &mdash; of the first 32,000 deals there is only
0314 one unsolvable (11,982 if you want to know).
0315 </para>
0317 <para>
0318 In the playing piles you have to build descending sequences, where red and black
0319 cards alternate. You can put any card in a free cell.
0320 </para>
0322 <para>
0323 You can only move one card that lays on top of a pile or a free cell.
0324 Sequences can only be moved if you have enough free space (either free cells or free
0325 playing piles) to place the cards.
0326 </para>
0328 <para>
0329 The maximum amount of cards you can move is calculated by:
0330 </para>
0332 <sidebar><para>
0333 (#{free cells} + 1) * 2<superscript>#{free piles}</superscript>
0334 </para></sidebar>
0336 <para>Variations:</para>
0337 <itemizedlist>
0338   <listitem><para><quote>Baker's Game</quote> is like <quote>Freecell</quote>, but the piles are built down by suit.</para></listitem>
0339   <listitem><para><quote>Eight Off</quote> is like <quote>Freecell</quote>, but the piles are built down by suit. You have 8 reserves and only kings can fill empty spaces. Four reserves are filled at game start.</para></listitem>
0340   <listitem><para><quote>Forecell</quote> is like <quote>Freecell</quote>, but the reserves are filled at game start, and only kings can fill empty spaces.</para></listitem>
0341   <listitem><para><quote>Seahaven Towers</quote> is like <quote>Freecell</quote>, but with 10 piles which are built down by suit, and only kings can fill empty spaces. Two reserves are filled at game start.</para></listitem>
0342 </itemizedlist>
0344 <para>
0345 To solve this game it is recommended to grab the cards out of the playing
0346 sequences in the same order they have to be put into the foundation (first the
0347 aces, then the twos, &etc;)
0348 </para>
0350 <para>
0351 You should try to keep as many free cells and/or playing piles empty, so you can
0352 build sequences as long as possible.
0353 </para>
0355 </sect2>
0357 <sect2 id="mod3">
0358 <title>Mod3</title>
0360 <para><indexterm><primary>Mod3</primary></indexterm>
0361 Mod3 is played with two card decks. The goal is to put all
0362 cards on the top three rows. In those you have to build sequences of the same
0363 color. In the first row you have to create the sequence 2-5-8-J, in the second
0364 row the sequence 3-6-9-Q, and in the third row the sequence 4-7-10-K. The suit of
0365 the cards must be the same in each sequence, so you can only put a five of hearts
0366 on top of a two of hearts.
0367 </para>
0369 <para>
0370 The fourth row is both your waste pile and playing pile. On an empty slot you can
0371 put any card from the first three rows, or one from the top of the fourth row.
0372 </para>
0374 <para>
0375 You can put aces on the aces piles, on top of the talon. They are in the game
0376 so you have a starting point for creating free slots.
0377 </para>
0379 <para>
0380 If you cannot move any more cards, you can get new cards on the fourth row by
0381 clicking on the talon.
0382 </para>
0384 <para>
0385 The auto drop feature is disabled in this patience game.
0386 </para>
0387 </sect2>
0389 <sect2 id="gypsy">
0390 <title>Gypsy</title>
0392 <para><indexterm><primary>Gypsy</primary></indexterm>
0393 Gypsy is played with two card decks. The aim is to put all cards in
0394 real families ascending on the foundation.
0395 </para>
0397 <para>
0398 The playing piles have to be descending, while red and black cards have to
0399 alternate. You can only move sequences or single cards. On a free slot you can
0400 put any card or sequence.
0401 </para>
0403 <para>
0404 If you cannot move any more cards, you can click on the talon to get new cards on each playing pile.
0405 </para>
0407 <para>
0408 In using the <guibutton>Undo</guibutton> feature you can ease the game quite a lot, as you have to take
0409 many decisions and some of them might turn out to be wrong after you
0410 clicked the talon.
0411 </para>
0413 </sect2>
0415 <sect2 id="forty-and-eight">
0416 <title>Forty &amp; Eight</title>
0418 <para><indexterm><primary>Forty &amp; Eight</primary></indexterm>
0419 Forty &amp; Eight is played with two card decks. The goal is to put all
0420 cards as real families on the foundation.
0421 </para>
0423 <para>
0424 The playing piles have to be descending. 
0425 Colors are important. You can only put a five of hearts on a six of hearts, for example.
0426 </para>
0428 <para>
0429 You can only move one card on top of a pile. You can put any card in a free slot.
0430 </para>
0432 <para>
0433 By clicking on the talon you can put a card on the waste pile; from there you
0434 can put it on a playing pile or the foundation (&kpatience; will do this for you).
0435 If the talon is empty you can put all cards on the waste pile back on the talon.
0436 This works only once: after the second time the talon empties, the game is over.
0437 </para>
0439 <para>
0440 This patience is difficult to solve. With some experience you can
0441 solve many of the deals, especially if you use the <guibutton>Undo</guibutton> feature from time to time to
0442 correct your decisions, and the decisions &kpatience; makes in putting cards on the
0443 foundation.
0444 </para>
0445 </sect2>
0447 <sect2 id="simple-simon">
0448 <title>Simple Simon</title>
0450 <para><indexterm><primary>Simple Simon</primary></indexterm>
0451 Simple Simon is played with one card deck. The goal is to put all cards
0452 as real families on the foundation.
0453 </para>
0455 <para>
0456 In the playing piles you can build sequences. In general you don't have to care
0457 about the suits of the cards, but sequences can only be moved if they are part
0458 of a real sequence. For example, you can move the six of spades if the five 
0459 of <emphasis>spades</emphasis> is on top of it, 
0460 but may not move it if the five of <emphasis>clubs</emphasis> is on top of it.
0461 </para>
0463 <para>
0464 The cards can only be moved to the foundation if all 13 cards of one family lay
0465 on top of each other in the playing piles.
0466 </para>
0468 <tip>
0469 <title>Suggestion</title>
0470 <para>
0471 You should try as soon as possible to move the cards to the correct piles, to
0472 create free piles to place cards on temporarily, since you can put any card on those.
0473 </para>
0475 <para>
0476 With enough free room you can build families on free slots independently of the
0477 color. If you have all cards in such families you can sort them by color, so they can be moved to the foundation.
0478 </para>
0479 </tip>
0481 </sect2>
0483 <sect2 id="yukon">
0484 <title>Yukon</title>
0486 <para><indexterm><primary>Yukon</primary></indexterm>
0487 Yukon is played with one card deck. The goal is to put all cards as real
0488 families ascending on the foundation.
0489 </para>
0491 <para>
0492 The sequences on the playing piles have to be descending with alternating red and
0493 black cards. You can move every face up card no matter how many cards are on top
0494 of it. So you can put a five of hearts on a six of spades if that one is on top of its pile.
0495 </para>
0497 <para>
0498 In a free slot you can put a king of any color (again, no matter how many cards are on top
0499 of it).
0500 </para>
0501 </sect2>
0503 <sect2 id="grandfathers-clock">
0504 <title>Grandfather's Clock</title>
0506 <para><indexterm><primary>Grandfathers Clock</primary></indexterm>
0507 Grandfather's clock is a simple patience game. With some experience you should
0508 be able to solve most deals. It is played with one card deck. The aim is to put the cards 
0509 as real ascending sequences on the foundation.
0510 </para>
0512 <para>
0513 The foundation is on the right-hand side and consists of 12 piles that form the shape
0514 of a clock. The nine is at 12 o'clock, the queen is at 3 o'clock, the three is at 6 o'clock
0515 and the six is at 9 o'clock.
0516 </para>
0518 <para>
0519 There are 8 playing piles beside the clock and on each are 5 cards. On the
0520 playing piles you can build descending sequences. The color of the cards is not important. 
0521 You can only move one card at a time.
0522 </para>
0524 </sect2>
0526 <sect2 id="golf">
0527 <title>Golf</title>
0529 <para><indexterm><primary>Golf</primary></indexterm> 
0530 Golf is played with one card deck. The goal of Golf is to move all the cards on the tableau to the foundation.</para>
0532 <para>The layout of golf solitaire is straightforward. At the beginning of the game you will see the tableau. 
0533 On it are seven columns each containing five cards. The talon and the foundation are below. 
0534 </para>
0536 <para>Playing golf solitaire is simple, but requires strategy to win.
0537 The cards at the base of each column on the tableau are available for play. 
0538 Available cards are built upon the top foundation card in ascending or descending sequence regardless of suit. 
0539 If there are no moves available a card may be dealt from the talon to the foundation. 
0540 The game is over when all the cards in the talon have been dealt and there are no more possible moves.</para>
0542 </sect2>
0544 <sect2 id="spider">
0545 <title>Spider</title>
0547 <para><indexterm><primary>Spider</primary></indexterm>
0548 Spider is played with two card decks. The cards are dealt out into 10 playing
0549 piles, 4 of 6 cards and 6 of 5 cards each. This leaves 50 cards that can be
0550 dealt out 10 at a time, one on each playing pile.
0551 </para>
0553 <para>
0554 In the playing piles, a card can be placed on another card of any suit and
0555 of one higher value. A sequence of descending cards of the same suit may be
0556 moved from one playing pile to another.
0557 </para>
0559 <para>
0560 The goal of spider is to put all cards as real families descending from
0561 Kings anywhere in the playing piles. When such a family is built in a
0562 playing pile, it is removed to the lower-left corner of the window.
0563 </para>
0565 <para>
0566 The different levels determine how many suits are dealt - Easy uses 1 suit,
0567 Medium uses 2 suits, and Hard uses all 4 suits. The game is fairly easy to
0568 win at Easy level, and very difficult to win at Hard level.
0569 </para>
0571 </sect2>
0573 <sect2 id="bakers-dozen">
0574 <title>Baker's Dozen</title>
0576 <para><indexterm><primary>Baker's Dozen</primary></indexterm>
0577 Baker's Dozen is played with one card deck. The game's name originates from  
0578 the 13 columns in the game, the number in a baker's dozen. 
0579 The cards are dealt into columns of four on the tableau, resulting in 13 columns. 
0580 Any king that is in the top or middle of each column must be placed on the 
0581 bottom before the game starts. Two kings that are mixed into one column are 
0582 placed on the bottom without changing their order.
0583 </para>
0585 <para>
0586 The object of the game is to build all the cards onto the four foundations by suit, each from ace to king
0587 </para>
0589 <para>
0590 In the playing piles you have to build descending sequences, regardless of suit.
0591 You can only move one card that lays on top of a pile.
0592 </para>
0594 <para>Variations:</para>
0595 <itemizedlist>
0596   <listitem><para>In <quote>Spanish Patience</quote>, any card can fill empty tableau spaces. (In some sources, the foundations are built up regardless of suit).</para></listitem>
0597   <listitem><para><quote>Castles in Spain</quote> is akin to <quote>Spanish Patience</quote>, but the cards in the tableau are built down by alternate color. In some variations, the tableau is dealt face-down aside from the top cards of each column.</para></listitem>
0598   <listitem><para><quote>Portuguese Solitaire</quote> is halfway between <quote>Baker's Dozen</quote> and <quote>Spanish Patience</quote> because empty columns can only be filled with Kings.</para></listitem>
0599 </itemizedlist>
0601 <para>
0602 To solve this game it is recommended to grab the cards out of the playing
0603 sequences in the same order they have to be put into the foundation (first the
0604 aces, then the twos, &etc;) Typically, you want to avoid emptying a column until 
0605 the last card is ready to be moved to a foundation.
0606 </para>
0608 </sect2>
0610 <sect2 id="castle">
0611 <title>Castle</title>
0613 <para><indexterm><primary>Castle</primary></indexterm>
0614 Castle is a family of patience or solitaire card games typically played with a deck of 52 playing cards. It is sometimes described as "Freecell without cells" because its game play is similar but without extra empty spaces to maneuver in most variations.
0615 </para>
0617 <para>
0618 The object of the game is to build all the cards onto the four foundations by suit, each from ace to king.
0619 </para>
0621 <para>
0622 In the playing piles you have to build descending sequences, regardless of suit.
0623 You can only move one card that lays on top of a pile.
0624 </para>
0626 <para>Variations:</para>
0627 <itemizedlist>
0628   <listitem><para><quote>Beleaguered Castle</quote>. Aces are dealt to the foundations. Any card can fill empty spaces.</para></listitem>
0629   <listitem><para><quote>Citadel</quote> is like <quote>Beleaguered Castle</quote>, but matching cards are moved to the foundation during the deal, leaving uneven piles.</para></listitem>
0630   <listitem><para><quote>Exiled Kings</quote> is like <quote>Citadel</quote>, but only kings can fill empty spaces.</para></listitem>
0631   <listitem><para><quote>Siegecraft</quote> is like <quote>Beleaguered Castle</quote>, but with one free cell.</para></listitem>
0632   <listitem><para><quote>Streets and Alleys</quote> is like <quote>Beleaguered Castle</quote>, but aces are included in shuffling.</para></listitem>
0633   <listitem><para><quote>Stronghold</quote> is like <quote>Streets and Alleys</quote>, but with one free cell.</para></listitem>
0634 </itemizedlist>
0636 <para>
0637 To solve this game it is recommended to build evenly on the foundations. Try to create empty piles which can be used to facilitate longer moves to free up buried cards.
0638 </para>
0640 </sect2>
0642 </sect1>
0644 </chapter>
0646 <chapter id="interface"><title>Interface Overview</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0647 <!-- This section has to do with menubar. Describe every single entry in order. Use <variablelist> and <varlistentry>. Split the chapter into sections using <sect1(2,3)> for better viewing.-->
0648 <sect1 id="game-menu">
0649         <title>The Game Menu</title>
0650                 <variablelist>
0651                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-new-game">
0652                                 <term><menuchoice>
0653                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0654                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0655                                         <guimenuitem>New Game...</guimenuitem>
0656                                 </menuchoice></term>
0657                                 <listitem><para><action>Return to the game selection screen.</action> This action abandons the deal in progress.</para></listitem>
0658                         </varlistentry>
0659                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-new-deal">
0660                                 <term><menuchoice>
0661                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0662                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0663                                         <guimenuitem>New Deal</guimenuitem>
0664                                 </menuchoice></term>
0665                                 <listitem><para><action>Start a new deal of the same game type.</action> This action abandons the deal in progress.</para></listitem>
0666                         </varlistentry>
0667                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-new-numbered-deal">
0668                                 <term><menuchoice>
0669                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0670                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0671                                         <guimenuitem>New Numbered Deal...</guimenuitem>
0672                                 </menuchoice></term>
0673                                 <listitem>
0674                                         <para><action>Start a new deal by specifying the game type and deal number.</action> This action abandons the deal in progress.</para>
0675                                         <para>&kpatience; gives each deal a unique indentifying number (which it uses internally to randomize the deck during the initial deal). This feature allows you to replay a deal of interest or to attempt a particularly difficult deal recommended by a friend. Especially dedicated players may wish to <quote>beat</quote> &kpatience; by playing all 2147483647 deals consecutively for each of the game types.</para>
0676                                         <para>Note that for Freecell, &kpatience;'s deal numbers match those described in <ulink url="http://www.solitairelaboratory.com/fcfaq.html">the Freecell &FAQ;</ulink>.</para>
0677                                 </listitem>
0678                         </varlistentry>
0679                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-restart-deal">
0680                                 <term><menuchoice>
0681                                         <shortcut><keycap>F5</keycap></shortcut>
0682                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0683                                         <guimenuitem>Restart Deal</guimenuitem>
0684                                 </menuchoice></term>
0685                                 <listitem><para><action>Return the current game to its initially dealt condition.</action></para></listitem>
0686                         </varlistentry>
0687                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-load">
0688                                 <term><menuchoice>
0689                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0690                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0691                                         <guimenuitem>Load...</guimenuitem>
0692                                 </menuchoice></term>
0693                                 <listitem><para><action>Load a saved game.</action> This action abandons the deal in progress.</para></listitem>
0694                         </varlistentry>
0695                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-load-recent">
0696                                 <term><menuchoice>
0697                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0698                                         <guisubmenu>Load Recent</guisubmenu>
0699                                         <guimenuitem><replaceable>List of recently accessed files</replaceable></guimenuitem>
0700                                 </menuchoice></term>
0701                                 <listitem><para><action>List recently accessed save files in order of last use.</action> Selecting a game will load it. This action abandons the deal in progress.</para></listitem>
0702                         </varlistentry>
0703                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-save">
0704                                 <term><menuchoice>
0705                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0706                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0707                                         <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>
0708                                 </menuchoice></term>
0709                                 <listitem><para><action>Save the current game to disk.</action></para></listitem>
0710                         </varlistentry>
0711                         <varlistentry id="game-menu-statistics">
0712                                 <term><menuchoice>
0713                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0714                                         <guimenuitem>Statistics</guimenuitem>
0715                                 </menuchoice></term>
0716                                 <listitem><para><action>Display various statistics about your performance broken down by game type.</action></para></listitem>
0717                         </varlistentry>
0718                         <varlistentry  id="game-menu-quit">
0719                                 <term><menuchoice>
0720                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0721                                         <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0722                                         <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0723                                 </menuchoice></term>
0724                                 <listitem><para><action>Quit</action> &kpatience;.</para></listitem>
0725                         </varlistentry>
0726                 </variablelist>
0727 </sect1>
0728 <sect1 id="move-menu">
0729         <title>The Move Menu</title>
0730                 <variablelist>
0731                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-undo">
0732                                 <term><menuchoice>
0733                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0734                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0735                                         <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem>
0736                                 </menuchoice></term>
0737                                 <listitem><para><action>Undo</action> your last move.</para></listitem>
0738                         </varlistentry>
0739                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-redo">
0740                                 <term><menuchoice>
0741                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0742                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0743                                         <guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem>
0744                                 </menuchoice></term>
0745                                 <listitem><para><action>Redo</action> the move that was just undone by <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem>.</para></listitem>
0746                         </varlistentry>
0747                         <varlistentry id="move-menu-hint">
0748                                 <term><menuchoice>
0749                                         <shortcut><keycap>H</keycap></shortcut>
0750                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0751                                         <guimenuitem>Hint</guimenuitem>
0752                                 </menuchoice></term>
0753                                 <listitem><para><action>Provide some hints as to possible moves, should the player become stuck. Cards that can be legally moved to another pile are temporarily highlighted.</action></para></listitem>
0754                         </varlistentry>
0755                         <varlistentry  id="game-menu-demo">
0756                                 <term><menuchoice>
0757                                         <shortcut><keycap>D</keycap></shortcut>
0758                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0759                                         <guimenuitem>Demo</guimenuitem>
0760                                 </menuchoice></term>
0761                                 <listitem><para><action>Start the demo mode.</action> While in demo mode, &kpatience; attempts to solve the deal for you. Activate this action a second time to exit demo mode.</para></listitem>
0762                         </varlistentry>
0763                         <varlistentry  id="game-menu-draw">
0764                                 <term><menuchoice>
0765                                         <shortcut>&Space;</shortcut>
0766                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0767                                         <guimenuitem>Draw</guimenuitem>
0768                                 </menuchoice></term>
0769                                 <listitem><para><action>Flip one of more cards from the talon and move them to the waste pile.</action> This action is available in only certain games.</para></listitem>
0770                         </varlistentry>
0771                         <varlistentry  id="game-menu-deal-row">
0772                                 <term><menuchoice>
0773                                         <shortcut>&Enter;</shortcut>
0774                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0775                                         <guimenuitem>Deal Row</guimenuitem>
0776                                 </menuchoice></term>
0777                                 <listitem><para><action>Flip several cards from the talon and place one on each playing pile.</action> This action is available in only certain games.</para></listitem>
0778                         </varlistentry>
0779                         <varlistentry  id="game-menu-redeal">
0780                                 <term><menuchoice>
0781                                         <shortcut><keycap>R</keycap></shortcut>
0782                                         <guimenu>Move</guimenu>
0783                                         <guimenuitem>Redeal</guimenuitem>
0784                                 </menuchoice></term>
0785                                 <listitem><para><action>Collect all the card left in play and redeal them without shuffling.</action> This action is available in only certain games.</para></listitem>
0786                         </varlistentry>
0787                 </variablelist>
0788 </sect1>
0789 <sect1 id="settings-help-menu">
0790         <title>The Settings and Help Menu</title>
0791 <para>Apart from the common &kde; Settings and Help menus described in the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html">Menu</ulink>
0792 chapter of the &kde; Fundamentals documentation &kpatience; has these application specific menu entries:
0793 </para>
0794                 <variablelist>
0795                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-game-type-options">
0796                                 <term><menuchoice>
0797                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0798                                         <guisubmenu><replaceable>Game Type Options</replaceable></guisubmenu>
0799                                         <guimenuitem><replaceable>List of game type specific options</replaceable></guimenuitem>
0800                                 </menuchoice></term>
0801                                 <listitem><para><action>List options specific to the current game type.</action> This menu is available in only certain games (Klondike and Spider).</para></listitem>
0802                         </varlistentry>
0803                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-stack-options">
0804                                 <term><menuchoice>
0805                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0806                                         <guisubmenu>Stack Options</guisubmenu>
0807                                         <guimenuitem>Face Down (harder)/Face Up (easier)</guimenuitem>
0808                                 </menuchoice></term>
0809                                 <listitem><para><action>Allows you to choose if the card faces should be shown.</action> This menu is available in Spider only.</para></listitem>
0810                         </varlistentry>
0811                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-autodrop">
0812                                 <term><menuchoice>
0813                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0814                                         <guimenuitem>Enable Autodrop</guimenuitem>
0815                                 </menuchoice></term>
0816                                 <listitem><para>Enable automatically moving cards to the foundation piles when possible.</para></listitem>
0817                         </varlistentry>
0818                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-solver">
0819                                 <term><menuchoice>
0820                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0821                                         <guimenuitem>Enable Solver</guimenuitem>
0822                                 </menuchoice></term>
0823                                 <listitem><para><action>Enable the automatic solving engine.</action> When enabled, the solver will constantly try to determine whether the current game state is winnable. You may wish to disable the solver to conserve processor or battery usage.</para></listitem>
0824                         </varlistentry>
0825                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-playsounds">
0826                                 <term><menuchoice>
0827                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0828                                         <guimenuitem>Play Sounds</guimenuitem>
0829                                 </menuchoice></term>
0830                                 <listitem><para><action>Sounds are played when you taken or place cards.</action> More sounds are expected in the future.</para></listitem>
0831                         </varlistentry>
0832                         <varlistentry id="settings-menu-remember">
0833                                 <term><menuchoice>
0834                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0835                                         <guimenuitem>Remember State on Exit</guimenuitem>
0836                                 </menuchoice></term>
0837                                 <listitem><para><action>Enable automatic saving of the game state when &kpatience; is shut down.</action> If enabled, &kpatience; will load the previous game state automatically the next time it is started.</para></listitem>
0838                         </varlistentry>
0839                         <varlistentry id="help-menu-remember">
0840                                 <term><menuchoice>
0841                                         <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0842                                         <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
0843                                         <guimenuitem>Help with Current Game</guimenuitem>
0844                                 </menuchoice></term>
0845                                 <listitem><para>Opens the section with the Rules for the current game in this handbook.</para></listitem>
0846                         </varlistentry>
0847                 </variablelist>
0848 </sect1>
0850 </chapter>
0852 <chapter id="faq"><title>Frequently asked questions</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0853 <!--This chapter is for frequently asked questions. Please use <qandaset> <qandaentry> only!-->
0854 <qandaset>
0855 <!--Following is a standard list of FAQ questions.-->
0856 <qandaentry>
0857  <question><para>I want to change the way this game looks. Can I? </para></question>
0858  <answer><para>You can change the faces and backs of the playing cards and the game theme. To do so please use <menuchoice>
0859                                         <shortcut><keycap>F10</keycap></shortcut>
0860                                         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0861                                         <guimenuitem>Change Appearance...</guimenuitem>
0862                                 </menuchoice> on the menubar.</para></answer>
0863 </qandaentry>
0864 <qandaentry>
0865  <question><para>Can I use the keyboard to play the game?</para></question>
0866  <answer><para>No, &kpatience; features no keyboard only play. However, most menu options do have keyboard shortcuts.</para></answer>
0867 </qandaentry>
0868 <qandaentry>
0869  <question><para>Even with hints I still have no clue how to play. Help!</para></question>
0870  <answer><para>Besides the <quote>Hint</quote> feature there also is a useful <quote>Demo</quote> mode, where the built-in artificial intelligence will play the game for you. You can try to watch and learn. However, if you have any questions it is better to read the <link linkend="howto">How to Play</link> and <link linkend="rules_and_tips">Game Rules, Strategies and Tips</link> sections of this handbook.</para></answer>
0871 </qandaentry>
0872 </qandaset>
0873 </chapter>
0875 <chapter id="credits"><title>Credits and License</title> <!-- do not change this! -->
0876 <!--This chapter is for credits and licenses.-->
0878 <para>
0879 &kpatience;  <!-- do not change this! -->
0880 </para>
0881 <!--List all the copyright holders here-->
0882 <para>
0883 &kpatience; Copyright &copy; 1995-2000 &Paul-Olav.Tvete;
0884 </para>
0886 <para>
0887 &kpatience; Copyright &copy; 2001-2007 &Stephan.Kulow;
0888 &Stephan.Kulow.mail;
0889 </para>
0891 <para>
0892 Freecell Solver by Shlomi Fish
0893 <email>shlomif@vipe.technion.ac.il</email>
0894 </para>
0896 <para>
0897 Documentation Copyright &copy; 2000 &Paul-Olav.Tvete;
0898 </para>
0900 <para>
0901 Documentation updated for &kde; 2.0 by &Mike.McBride;
0902 &Mike.McBride.mail;
0903 </para>
0905 <para>
0906 Documentation rewritten for &kpatience; 2.0 (&kde; 2.1) by &Maren.Pakura;
0907 &Maren.Pakura.mail;
0908 </para>
0910 <para>
0911 Documentation proofread and update for &kpatience; 3.6 by &Richard.Hawthorne;
0912 &Richard.Hawthorne.mail;
0913 </para>
0916 &underFDL;
0917 &underGPL;
0919 <!-- !!!do not change ANYTHING after this line!!!! -->
0921 </chapter>
0923 &documentation.index; 
0924 </book>
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