Warning, /games/kpat/autotests/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 include(ECMAddTests)
0002 remove_definitions(
0004 )
0005 include_directories(
0006     AFTER
0007         ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src
0008         ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src
0009 )
0010 ecm_add_test(
0011     shuffle_test.cpp
0012     TEST_NAME ShuffleTest
0013     LINK_LIBRARIES Qt6::Test
0014     NAME_PREFIX "kpat-"
0015 )
0016 ecm_add_test(
0017     freecell_solver.cpp
0018     TEST_NAME FcSolveTest
0019     LINK_LIBRARIES Qt6::Test
0020     NAME_PREFIX "kpat-"
0021 )
0023 ecm_add_test(
0024     solve_by_name.cpp
0025     TEST_NAME SolveByVariantName
0026     LINK_LIBRARIES Qt6::Test
0027     NAME_PREFIX "kpat-"
0028 )
0030 ecm_qt_declare_logging_category(SolverFormatTest_LOG_SRCS
0031     HEADER kpat_debug.h
0033     CATEGORY_NAME org.kde.kpat
0034 )
0036 if (WITH_BH_SOLVER)
0037     ecm_add_test(
0038         golf_solver_wins.cpp
0039         TEST_NAME GolfSolveTest
0040         LINK_LIBRARIES Qt6::Test
0041         NAME_PREFIX "kpat-"
0042     )
0044     ecm_add_test(
0045         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/dealer.cpp"
0046         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/dealerinfo.cpp"
0047         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/golf.cpp"
0048         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/patsolve/golfsolver.cpp"
0049         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/patsolve/memory.cpp"
0050         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/patsolve/patsolve.cpp"
0051         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/messagebox.cpp"
0052         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/patpile.cpp"
0053         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/pileutils.cpp"
0054         "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/renderer.cpp"
0055         ${SolverFormatTest_LOG_SRCS}
0056         "settings_for_tests.cpp"
0057         solver_format.cpp
0058         TEST_NAME SolverFormatTest
0059         LINK_LIBRARIES
0060             Qt6::Test
0061             kcardgame
0062             KDEGames6
0063             KF6::I18n
0064             BlackHoleSolver::BlackHoleSolver
0065         NAME_PREFIX "kpat-"
0066     )
0067     # kpat code may include generated files, so by using any kpat file in the test
0068     # the test itself becomes dependent on the entire kpat target, even when not
0069     # using the target directly.
0070     # TODO: make libkpat a static library linked into the test and kpat itself so
0071     # the dependency order is "correct" and the compilation units are only built
0072     # once.
0073     add_dependencies(SolverFormatTest kpat)
0075 endif()