File indexing completed on 2024-12-01 06:51:47

0001 //
0002 // C++ Interface: KMuddyMapper
0003 //
0004 // Description: Plugin interface file for the KMuddy mapper.
0005 //
0006 //
0007 // Author: Tomas Mecir, (C) 2007
0008 //
0009 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
0010 //
0012 #include "kmuddy_mapper.h"
0014 #include "cactionmanager.h"
0015 #include "cmenumanager.h"
0016 #include "cprofilemanager.h"
0018 #include "cmapmanager.h"
0019 #include "cmapview.h"
0020 #include "cmapfilter.h"
0021 #include "cmapzonemanager.h"
0023 #include <kactioncollection.h>
0024 #include <KLocalizedString>
0025 #include <kpluginfactory.h>
0026 #include <kpluginloader.h>
0027 #include <QDockWidget>
0028 #include <map>
0030 K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON(KMuddyMapper, "mapperplugin.json")
0032 struct MapperSession {
0033   CMapManager *manager;
0034   CMapFilter *filter;
0035 };
0037 struct KMuddyMapperPrivate {
0038   KToggleAction *showmapper;
0039   QDockWidget *docker;
0040   std::map<int, MapperSession *> sessions;
0041   int currentSession;
0043   CMapManager *curManager() { return sessions.count(currentSession) ? sessions[currentSession]->manager : nullptr; };
0044   CMapZoneManager *curZoneManager() { return sessions.count(currentSession) ? sessions[currentSession]->manager->zoneManager() : nullptr; };
0045   CMapFilter *curFilter() { return sessions.count(currentSession) ? sessions[currentSession]->filter : nullptr; };
0046 };
0048 KMuddyMapper::KMuddyMapper (QObject *, const QVariantList &)
0049 {
0050   d = new KMuddyMapperPrivate;
0052   _priority = 200;
0054   // we need to create an instance of CMapManager, which is the main class
0055   // The class is stored inside a docker, for now - we may want to get rid of all the xmlgui there
0056   KMainWindow *mainWindow = cActionManager::self()->mainWindow ();
0057   d->docker = new QDockWidget (mainWindow);
0059   d->docker->hide ();
0060   d->docker->setWindowTitle (i18n ("Mapper"));
0061   d->docker->setObjectName ("mapper");
0062   mainWindow->addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, d->docker);
0063   d->docker->setFloating (true);
0064   connect (d->docker, SIGNAL (visibilityChanged(bool)), this, SLOT (mapperClosed()));
0065   d->docker->setWidget (nullptr);
0067   d->currentSession = 0;
0069   KActionCollection *acol = cActionManager::self()->getACol ();
0070   d->showmapper = new KToggleAction (this);
0071   d->showmapper->setText (i18n ("Show &mapper"));
0072   connect (d->showmapper, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (showMapper (bool)));
0073   d->showmapper->setChecked (false);
0074   acol->addAction ("ShowMapper", d->showmapper);
0076   // plug things into the menu
0077   cMenuManager *menu = cMenuManager::self();
0078   menu->plug (d->showmapper, "view-global");
0079 }
0081 KMuddyMapper::~KMuddyMapper()
0082 {
0083   // delete the CMapManager, remove menus, and all that
0084   cMenuManager *menu = cMenuManager::self();
0085   menu->unplug (d->showmapper);
0086   delete d->showmapper;
0087   std::map<int, MapperSession *>::iterator it;
0088   for (it = d->sessions.begin(); it != d->sessions.end(); ++it) {
0089     delete it->second->filter;
0090     delete it->second->manager;
0091     delete it->second;
0092   }
0093   delete d;
0094 }
0096 /** Called when a session has been added. If the session has existed before, fresh is set
0097 to false. This can happen if the plug-in is loaded manually. */
0098 void KMuddyMapper::sessionAdd (int sess, bool) {
0099   if (d->sessions.count(sess)) return;
0100   MapperSession *mp = new MapperSession;
0101   mp->manager = new CMapManager (d->docker, this, sess);
0102   mp->filter = new CMapFilter (mp->manager);
0103   d->sessions[sess] = mp;
0104 }
0106 /** Called when a session should be removed. Closed is false, if the session isn't being
0107 closed. This hapens when the plug-in is being unloaded manually. */
0108 void KMuddyMapper::sessionRemove (int sess, bool) {
0109   if (!d->sessions.count(sess)) return;
0111   // TODO: do things if needed, like closing maps
0113   // delete the filter and manager
0114   MapperSession *mp = d->sessions[sess];
0115   delete mp->filter;
0116   delete mp->manager;
0117   delete mp;
0118   d->sessions.erase(sess);
0120   if (sess == d->currentSession) d->currentSession = 0;
0121 }
0123 /** called when the user switches to another session. Sess is the number of the new session. */
0124 void KMuddyMapper::sessionSwitch (int sess) {
0125   if (!d->sessions.count(sess)) sessionAdd(sess, false);
0126   CMapManager *manager = d->curManager();
0127   if (manager && manager->getActiveView()) manager->getActiveView()->hide();
0128   if (!cProfileManager::self()->settings (sess)) {  // this means that it's a profile connection
0129     d->currentSession = 0;
0130     return;
0131   }
0133   d->currentSession = sess;
0134   manager = d->curManager();
0135   if (manager) {
0136     manager->getActiveView()->show();
0137     d->docker->setWidget (manager->getActiveView());
0138   }
0139 }
0141 /** The session has just been connected. Not called when manually loading the plug-in. */
0142 void KMuddyMapper::connected (int sess) {
0143   if (cActionManager::self()->activeSession() != sess) return;
0144   // Whatever data was loaded previously is now invalid, we need to do that anew.
0145   sessionRemove(sess);
0146   sessionSwitch(sess);
0147   d->sessions[sess]->manager->zoneManager()->loadMapList();
0148 }
0150 /** The session has just been disconnected. Not called when manually unloading the plug-in. */
0151 void KMuddyMapper::disconnected (int sess) {
0152   // TODO: deactivate the map perhaps ?
0153   if (sess != d->currentSession) return;
0154   CMapManager *manager = d->curManager();
0155   if (manager) manager->getActiveView()->hide();
0156   d->docker->setWidget (nullptr);
0157 }
0159 /** Request to load data. */
0160 void KMuddyMapper::load (int sess) {
0161   if (!d->sessions.count(sess)) return;
0162   d->sessions[sess]->manager->zoneManager()->loadMapList();
0163   // TODO: load the current map? First map? Some map?
0164 }
0166 /** Request to save data. */
0167 void KMuddyMapper::save (int sess) {
0168   if (!d->sessions.count(sess)) return;
0169   CMapZoneManager *zones = d->sessions[sess]->manager->zoneManager();
0170   zones->saveMapList();
0171   zones->save();
0172 }
0174 void KMuddyMapper::processInput (int sess, int phase, cTextChunk * chunk, bool) {
0175   if (phase != 1) return;  // don't do things twice
0176   if (sess != d->currentSession) return;
0177   CMapFilter *filter = d->curFilter();
0178   if (filter) filter->processServerOutput (chunk->toText());
0179 }
0181 /** Command that is to be sent to the MUD. Aliases have already been expanded.
0182 Command can be modified if desired. If you set dontSend to true, the command won't be
0183 sent and plug-ins with lower priority won't receive this command either. */
0184 void KMuddyMapper::processCommand (int sess, QString &command, bool &) {
0185   // TODO: send the command for further processing, and handle the situation when the command is to be blocked
0186   if (sess != d->currentSession) return;
0187   CMapFilter *filter = d->curFilter();
0188   if (filter) command = filter->processCommand (command);
0189 }
0191 void KMuddyMapper::showMapper (bool b)
0192 {
0193   b ? d->docker->show() : d->docker->hide();
0194 }
0196 void KMuddyMapper::mapperClosed ()
0197 {
0198   d->showmapper->setChecked (d->docker->isVisible());
0199 }
0201 #include "kmuddy_mapper.moc"
0202 #include "moc_kmuddy_mapper.cpp"