File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 13:14:56

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002                                cmapview.h
0003                              -------------------
0004     begin                : Mon Mar 19 2001
0005     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Kmud Developer Team
0006     email                :
0007  ***************************************************************************/
0009 /***************************************************************************
0010  *                                                                         *
0011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0015  *                                                                         *
0016  ***************************************************************************/
0018 #ifndef CMAPVIEW_H
0019 #define CMAPVIEW_H
0021 #include <qlayout.h>
0023 #include <kxmlguiwindow.h>
0024 #include <kmuddy_export.h>
0026 class QLabel;
0027 class QScrollArea;
0028 class QPushButton;
0029 class QAction;
0030 class KToggleAction;
0031 class KSelectAction;
0032 class QActionGroup;
0034 class CMapWidget;
0035 class CMapManager;
0036 class CMapElement;
0037 class CMapLevel;
0038 class CMapRoom;
0039 class CMapZone;
0040 class CMapViewStatusbar;
0041 class HVBoxLayout;
0042 class CMapClipboard;
0045 /**This widget is used as a view of the map.
0046   *It should be create only from the map manager.
0047   *@author Kmud Developer Team
0048   */
0049 class KMUDDY_EXPORT CMapView : public KXmlGuiWindow
0050 {
0051    Q_OBJECT
0053 public:
0054   CMapView(CMapManager *manager, QWidget *parent);
0055   ~CMapView() override;
0057   void initGUI();
0059   CMapWidget *getMapWidget() { return mapWidget; }
0060   CMapManager *getManager() { return mapManager; }
0062   // FIXME: Follow/create mode needs to be saved/restored somewere
0063   /** Set the state of the follow combo box */
0064   void setFollowMode(bool follow);
0065   /** Get the state of the follow combo box */
0066   bool getFollowMode();
0067   /** Set the state of the create combo box */
0068   void setCreateMode(bool create);
0069   /** Get the state of the create combo box */
0070   bool getCreateMode();
0072   /** Used to let the map manager know if it should register the focus of this widget */
0073   virtual bool acceptFocus();
0075   /** Used to get the currently viewed zone */
0076   virtual CMapZone *getCurrentlyViewedZone(void);
0077   /** Used to get the currently viewed level */
0078   virtual CMapLevel *getCurrentlyViewedLevel(void);
0079   /** This method is called when the current position of the player changes */
0080   virtual void playerPositionChanged(CMapRoom *);
0081   /** Used to set the current level. This is for internal use */
0082   virtual void setLevel(CMapLevel *level);
0084   /** Tell this map view to display a different level. view wiil
0085   * center on the first room */
0086   void showPosition(CMapLevel *level,bool centerView=true);
0087   /** Tell this map view to display the level with a given room in it
0088   * @param room The room to center on
0089   * @param centerView used to tell center view
0090   */
0091   void showPosition(CMapRoom *room,bool centerView=true);
0092   /** Tell this map widget to display a different zone */
0093   virtual void showPosition(QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level,bool centerView=true);
0094   /** This method is used to set the element when that a popup menu is to be showed for */
0095   void setSelectedElement(CMapElement *element);
0096   /** This methid is used to set the position that a element was selected when the contex menu is shown */
0097   void setSelectedPos(QPoint pos);
0098   /** This method is used to get the element that a popup menu is being displayed for */
0099   CMapElement *getSelectedElement();
0101   /** This method is called when an element is added */
0102   virtual void addedElement(CMapElement *element);
0103   /** This method is called when an element is deleted */
0104   virtual void deletedElement(CMapLevel *deletedFromLevel);
0105   /** This method is called when an element is changed */
0106   virtual void changedElement(CMapElement *element);
0107   /** This method is called when a map level is changed */
0108   virtual void changedLevel(CMapLevel *level);
0109   /** This method is called when something else is changed, it should trigger a repaint */
0110   virtual void changed();
0111   /** Asks the widget to repaint itself */
0112   virtual void requestPaint();
0113   /** Get the max x cord of all elements */
0114   int getMaxX(void);
0115   /** Get the max y cord of all elements */
0116   int getMaxY(void);
0118   /** Used to find out if a element is visible in the view */
0119   virtual bool isElementVisible(CMapElement *element);
0120   /** Used to find out if a level is visible in the view */
0121   virtual bool isLevelVisible(CMapLevel *level);
0123   /* Used to calculate the correct size for the widget */
0124   void checkSize(QPoint pos);
0126   /** This is used ensure a location is visiable for views that scroll */
0127   virtual void ensureVisible(QPoint pos);
0129   /** This will pass cursor changes to the mapWidet */
0130   void setCursor ( const QCursor & cursor);
0132   void readOptions();
0134   QActionGroup *toolGroup () { return m_toolGroup; }
0136 protected:
0137   /** Used to get the width of the widget */
0138   virtual int getWidth(void);
0139   /** Used to gt the height of the widget */
0140   virtual int getHeight(void);
0141   void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *) override;
0142   virtual void slotWidgetBeingClosed();
0143   virtual void slotDockWindowClose();
0144   void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *e) override;
0145   /** Used to set the view to active */
0146   void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e) override;
0148 private slots:
0149   void slotToolsGrid();
0150   void slotToolsLevelUp();
0151   void slotToolsLevelDown();
0152   void slotToolsLevelDelete();
0153   void slotToolsZoneCreate();
0154   void slotToolsZoneDelete();
0156   void slotViewUpperLevel();
0157   void slotViewLowerLevel();
0159   /** Used to change the position of room/zone labels */
0160   void slotChangeLabelPos();
0161   /** Used to room under the point the current room */
0162   void slotRoomSetCurrentPos(void);
0163   /** Used to room under the point the login room */
0164   void slotRoomSetLogin(void);
0165   /** Used to set speedwalk to the room under the pointer */
0166   void slotRoomSpeedwalkTo(void);
0167   /** Used to delete the room under the pointer */
0168   void slotRoomDelete(void);
0169   /** Used to display the properties of the room under the pointer */
0170   void slotRoomProperties(void);
0171   /** Used to make  the path under the pointer one way */
0172   void slotPathOneWay(void);
0173   /** Used to make the path under the pointer two way */
0174   void slotPathTwoWay(void);
0175   /** Used to add a bend to the path under the pointer */
0176   void slotPathAddBend(void);
0177   /** Used to delete the path segment under the pointer */
0178   void slotPathDelBend(void);
0179   /** Used to edit the bends of the path under the pointer */
0180   void slotPathEditBends(void);
0181   /** Used to delete the path under the pointer */
0182   void slotPathDelete(void);
0183   /** Used to display the properties of the path under the pointer */
0184   void slotPathProperties(void);
0185   /** Used to delete the text element under the pointer */
0186   void slotTextDelete(void);
0187   /** Used to display the text properties of the text element under the pointer */
0188   void slotTextProperties(void);
0190 signals:
0191   void closed ();
0193 private:
0194   void initMenus();
0195   /** Used by slotToolsLevel(Up/Down) */
0196   void levelShift(bool up);
0197   bool queryClose () override;
0199   /**
0200    * Used to enable/disable the view actions
0201    * @param If true then enable the actions otherwise disable the actions
0202    */
0203   void enableViewControls(bool enable);
0204   /**
0205    * This method is used to disable/enable mapper actions that are not done by enableViewControls()
0206    * @param If true then enable the actions otherwise disable the actions
0207    */
0208   void enableNonViewActions(bool enabled);
0211 private:
0212   /** A pointer to the map manager */
0213   CMapManager *mapManager;
0214   /** A pointer to the current level for this map widget */
0215   CMapLevel *currentLevel;
0217   /** The element that is selected ( when the right mouse button menu is show for it) */
0218   CMapElement *m_selectedElement;
0219   /** The position that the mouse is in when the context menu is show for a element */
0220   QPoint m_selectedPos;
0222   /** This is the map clipboard used for copy and paste actions */
0223   CMapClipboard *m_clipboard;
0224   /** Main layout */
0225   HVBoxLayout *layout;
0226   /** A toggle button to tell the map view to follow the player. */
0227   QPushButton *cmdFollowMode;
0228   /** A toggle button to automatically create rooms as we walk. */
0229   QPushButton *cmdCreateMode;
0230   /** The scrolling area wrapping the map widget */
0231   QScrollArea *scroller;
0232   /** The Widget used to draw the map */
0233   CMapWidget *mapWidget;
0234   /** The status bar */
0235   CMapViewStatusbar *statusbar;
0236   /** The max size of all the components */
0237   QSize maxSize;
0239   //Actions
0240   KToggleAction *m_toolsGrid;
0241   QAction *m_toolsUpLevel;
0242   QAction *m_toolsDownLevel;
0243   QAction *m_toolsDeleteLevel;
0244   QAction *m_toolsCreateZone;
0245   QAction *m_toolsDeleteZone;
0247   KToggleAction *m_viewLowerLevel;
0248   KToggleAction *m_viewUpperLevel;
0250   KSelectAction *labelMenu;
0252   QActionGroup *m_toolGroup;
0255 };
0257 #endif