File indexing completed on 2025-02-02 14:23:16

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002                                cmaptext.h
0003                              -------------------
0004     begin                : Sat Mar 10 2001
0005     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Kmud Developer Team
0006     email                :
0007  ***************************************************************************/
0009 /***************************************************************************
0010  *                                                                         *
0011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0015  *                                                                         *
0016  ***************************************************************************/
0018 #ifndef CMAPTEXT_H
0019 #define CMAPTEXT_H
0021 #include "cmapelement.h"
0023 /**The class used to store text data
0024   *@author Kmud Developer Team
0025   */
0027 class QString;
0028 class QStringList;
0029 class QColor;
0030 class QFont;
0031 class QPoint;
0033 #include "kmemconfig.h"
0035 class KMUDDY_EXPORT CMapText : public CMapElement
0036 {
0037 public:
0038     CMapText(QString str,QFont f,QColor col,CMapManager *manager,QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level);
0039     CMapText(QString str,CMapManager *manager,QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level);
0040     ~CMapText() override;
0042     elementTyp getElementType(void) override    { return TEXT ; }
0043         void setLevel(CMapLevel *level) override;
0045     /** Sets the text of the text element
0046       * @param str The new string that the text element should be set to
0047       */
0048     void setText(QString str);
0049     /** Gets the text of the text element
0050       * @return The text
0051       */
0052     QString getText(void);
0053     /** Used to set the font of the text. This font is used when drawing the text.
0054       * @param f The required font of the text
0055       */
0056     void setFont(QFont f);
0057     /** This menthod will return the font used to display the text
0058       * @return The font used to display text
0059       */
0060     QFont getFont(void);
0061     /** This is used to return the color of the text
0062       * @return The color of the text
0063       */
0064     QColor getColor(void);
0065     /** This method is used to set the color of the text
0066       * @param color The color to set the text to
0067       */
0068     void setColor(QColor color);
0070     /** Used to paint the text on the map
0071       * @param p The painter used to paint the text
0072       * @param zone The zone the text is being painted in
0073       */
0074     void paint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0075     void dragPaint(QPoint offset,QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0076     void lowerPaint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0077     void higherPaint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0079     /** This is used to create  a new copy of the text element and return
0080       * a pointer to the new text element
0081       * @return A pointer to the copy of the text element.
0082       */
0083     CMapElement *copy(void) override;
0085     void setLinkElement (CMapElement *element)   { m_linkElement = element; }
0086     CMapElement *getLinkElement(void)            { return m_linkElement; }
0087     void updateLinkElements(void);
0089     /** This is used to set the cursor position within the text element
0090      * @param pos The cursor position
0091      */
0092     void setCursor(QPoint pos);
0093     /** This is used to return the color of the text
0094       * @return The color of the text
0095       */
0096     QPoint getCursor(void);
0097     /** This is used to return the actual cords in the view of the cursor
0098       * @return the cords */
0099     QPoint getCursorCords(void);
0100     /** Move the cursor left */
0101     void cursorLeft(void);
0102     /** Move the cursor right */
0103     void cursorRight(void);
0104     /** Move the cursor up */
0105     void cursorUp(void);
0106     /** Move the cursor down */
0107     void cursorDown(void);
0108     /** Move the cursor to the end */
0109     void cursorEnd(void);
0110     /** this will insert a caridge return at the cursor */
0111     void insertCR(void);
0112     /** This will delete a character behind the cursor */
0113     void deleteChar(void);
0114     /** This will delete a character infront of the cursor */
0115     void backspace(void);
0117     /** Used to load the properties of the element from a list of properties
0118       * @param properties The properties to load into the element */
0119     void loadProperties(KConfigGroup properties) override;
0120     /** Used to save the properties of the element to a list of properties
0121       * @param properties The properties to load into the element */
0122     void saveProperties(KConfigGroup properties) override;
0123     /** Used to save the element as an XML object
0124       * @param properties The XML object to save the properties too
0125       * @param doc The XML Document */
0126     void saveQDomElement(QDomDocument *doc,QDomElement *properties) override;
0127     /** Used to load the properties from a XML object
0128       * @param properties The XML object to load the properties from */
0129     void loadQDomElement(QDomElement *properties) override;
0131     /** This is used to convert mouse cordinates into a cursor position
0132       * @param mousePos The position of the mose */
0133     QPoint convertPosToCursor(QPoint mousePos);
0134     /** This is used to conver a offset from the element orgin into a cursor position
0135       * @param offset The offset of the curosr */
0136     QPoint convertOffsetToCursor(QPoint offset);
0138     /** This method is called to insert a string at the cursor position
0139       * @param s The string to insert */
0140     void insertString(QString s);
0141     /** This method is called to restore the orginal text of the element. When editing, if
0142       * esc is pressed, then this method is called to restore the text to the value it had
0143       * before editing */
0144     void restoreText(void);
0146     /** This is used to convert a Actual size to it's closet font size
0147       * @param size The actual size of the font
0148       * @param font The text font
0149       * @return The closet matching font size */
0150     static int getActualToFontSize(QSize size,QFont font,QStringList *text);
0151     /** This is used to paint the text. It is capable of painting multiline
0152       * of text. It is static so that it can be called with out creating a instance of CMapText
0153       * @param p The painter used to paint the text
0154       * @param col The color to paint the text
0155       * @param pos The position to paint the text
0156       * @param font The Font used to paint the text
0157       * @param text A point to the text list
0158       * @param size The size of the text */
0159     static void paintText(QPainter *p,QColor col,QPoint pos,QFont font,QStringList *text,QSize size);
0160     /** This method is used to convert a text string into a text list
0161       * @param str The string of text
0162       * @param textList The list to add the text to
0163       */
0164     static void stringToList(QString str,QStringList *textList);
0165     /** This is used to get a unique ID for the text */
0166     unsigned int getTextID(void)                                   { return m_ID; }
0167     /** This is used to set the ID of the text */
0168     void setTextID(unsigned int id);
0171 protected:
0172     /** This method is called when the element looses it's edit mode */
0173     void editModeUnsetEvent(void) override;
0174     /** This method is called when the element gains it's edit mode */
0175     void editModeSetEvent(void) override;
0176     /** Used to paint the element at a given location and size
0177       * @param p The painer to paint the element to
0178       * @param pos The position to paint the elmenet
0179       * @param size The size the element should be draw
0180       * @param zone The current zone being viewed */
0181     void paintElementResize(QPainter *p,QPoint pos,QSize size,CMapZone *zone) override;
0183 private:
0184     /** This used internaly to calculate the offset of the cursor */
0185     void setActualCursorPosition(void);
0186     /** This is used to paint the text. It is capable of painting multiline
0187       * of text. It is static so that it can be called with out creating a instance of CMapText
0188       * @param p The painter used to paint the text
0189       * @param col The color to paint the text
0190       * @param pos The position to paint the text
0191       * @param font The Font used to paint the text
0192       * @param text A point to the text list */
0193     static void paintText(QPainter *p,QColor col,QPoint pos,QFont font,QStringList *text);
0194     /** This method is used to update the size of the text element */
0195     void setTextSize(void);
0197 private:
0198     QString m_orgText;
0199     QColor m_col;
0200     QStringList m_text;
0201     QFont m_font;
0202     CMapElement *m_linkElement;
0203     QPoint m_cursorPos;
0204     QPoint m_cursorOffset;
0205     unsigned int m_ID;
0206 };
0208 #endif