File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 13:14:55

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002                                cmappath.h
0003                              -------------------
0004     begin                : Sat Mar 10 2001
0005     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Kmud Developer Team
0006     email                :
0007  ***************************************************************************/
0009 /***************************************************************************
0010  *                                                                         *
0011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0015  *                                                                         *
0016  ***************************************************************************/
0018 #ifndef CMAPPATH_H
0019 #define CMAPPATH_H
0021 #include <qrect.h>
0022 #include <QList>
0024 #include "cmapelement.h"
0026 #include "kmemconfig.h"
0027 #include <kconfiggroup.h>
0029 class CMapRoom;
0031 /**The class used to store path data
0032   *@author Kmud Developer Team
0033   */
0034 class KMUDDY_EXPORT CMapPath : public CMapElement
0035 {
0036 public:
0037     CMapPath(CMapManager *manager,CMapRoom *srcRoom,directionTyp srcDir,CMapRoom *destRoom,directionTyp destDir, bool twoWay);
0038     CMapPath(CMapManager *manager,CMapRoom *srcRoom,CMapRoom *destRoom);
0039     ~CMapPath() override;
0041     elementTyp getElementType(void) override     { return PATH ; }
0042     /** This method is used to set the cords of the path */
0043     void setCords(void);
0045     bool getDone(void)                           { return done; }
0046     void setDone(bool set)                       { done = set; }
0048     void paint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0049     /** Used to paint the element while it is bined resized */  
0050     void resizePaint(QPoint offset,QPainter *p,CMapZone *currentZone,int resizeId) override;
0051     void dragPaint(QPoint offset,QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0052     void lowerPaint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0053     void higherPaint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone) override;
0054     void editPaint(QPoint pos,QPainter *p,CMapZone *,int editBox);
0056     /** Used to find out if the mouse is in the element */
0057     bool mouseInElement(QPoint mousePos) override;
0059     /** Used to create a deep copy of the path */
0060     CMapElement *copy(void) override;
0062     /** Get the directions of the start and finish directions of the path */
0063     directionTyp getSrcDir(void)                 { return srcDir; }
0064     directionTyp getDestDir(void)                { return destDir; }
0066     void setOpsitePath(CMapPath *path)           { opsitePath = path; }
0067     CMapPath *getOpsitePath(void)                { return opsitePath; }
0069     /** Get a pointer to the destination room */
0070     CMapRoom *getDestRoom(void)                  { return destRoom; }
0071     CMapRoom *getSrcRoom(void)                   { return srcRoom; }
0073     /** Set the source direction of the path */
0074     void setSrcDir(directionTyp SrcDir);
0075     /** Set the destination directions of the path */
0076     void setDestDir(directionTyp DestDir);
0078     /** Set a pointer to the destination room */
0079     void setDestRoom(CMapRoom *DestRoom);
0080     /** Set a pointer to the source room */
0081     void setSrcRoom(CMapRoom *SrcRoom);
0083         void makeOneWay();
0084         void makeTwoWay();
0086     /** Set the special exit command string */
0087     void setSpecialCmd(QString cmd)              { specialCmd = cmd; }
0088     /** Return the special exit command string */
0089     QString getSpecialCmd(void)                  { return specialCmd; }
0091     /** Tell the mapp if this path is a special exit */
0092     void setSpecialExit(bool special)            { bSpecialExit = special; }
0093     /** Return if this path is a special exit */
0094     bool getSpecialExit(void)                    { return bSpecialExit; }
0096     /** Get a list of bends in the path */
0097     int getBendCount(void)                       { return bendList.count(); }
0098     /** Used to set the before walking command */
0099     void setBeforeCommand(QString command)       { beforeCommand = command; }
0100     /** Used to get the before walking commnad */
0101     QString getBeforeCommand(void)               { return beforeCommand; }
0102     /** Used to set the after walking command */
0103     void setAfterCommand(QString command)        { afterCommand = command; }
0104     /** Used to get the before walking commnad */
0105     QString getAfterCommand(void)                { return afterCommand; }
0107     /** Used to load the properties of the element from a list of properties */
0108     void loadProperties(KConfigGroup grp) override;
0109     /** Used to save the properties of the element to a list of properties */
0110     void saveProperties(KConfigGroup grp) override;
0111     /** Used to save the element as an XML object
0112       * @param properties The XML object to save the properties too
0113       * @param doc The XML Document */
0114     void saveQDomElement(QDomDocument *doc,QDomElement *properties) override;
0115     /** Used to load the properties from a XML object
0116       * @param properties The XML object to load the properties from */
0117     void loadQDomElement(QDomElement *properties) override;
0119     /** Used to move the element relative to it's current position */
0120     void moveBy(QPoint offset) override;
0122     /** This is overridden to stop a path be resized */
0123     void resize(QPoint,int) override { }
0124     /** Used to find out if the mouse is in the resize box
0125       * @param mousePos The position of the mouse pointer
0126       * @param currentZone A pointer to the current zone
0127       * @return the ID of the resize box, or 0 if not in any */
0128     int mouseInResize(QPoint mousePos,CMapZone *currentZone) override;
0129     /**
0130      * This method is used to find out if the mouse pointer is in a path segment.
0131      * @param mousePos The position of the mouse
0132      * @param currentZone The current zone being viewed
0133      * @return 0 if not in any segament, otherwise return the number of the segment
0134      */
0135     int mouseInPathSeg(QPoint mousePos,CMapZone *currentZone);
0137     /** Used to find out if the mosuse is in the edit box of the path
0138       * @param mousePos The position of the mouse pointer
0139       * @param currentZone A pointer to the current zone
0140       * @return the ID of the edit box, or 0 if not in any */
0141     int mouseInEditBox(QPoint mousePos ,CMapZone *);
0143     void setDontPaintBend(int bend);
0144     /** Used to add a bend to the path */
0145     void addBendWithUndo(QPoint pos);
0146     /** Used to move a bend to a new position */
0147     void moveBendWithUndo(int bend, QPoint pos);
0148     /** This method is used to delete bends from a path
0149       * @param seg The path segment number to delete */
0150     void deletePathSegWithUndo(int seg);
0153 protected:
0154     void deleteBend(QPoint bend);
0155     /** Used to add a bend to the path */
0156     int addBend(QPoint pos);
0157     /** Used to move a bend to a new position */
0158     void moveBend(int bend, QPoint pos);
0159     /** This method is used to delete bends from a path
0160       * @param seg The path segment number to delete */
0161     QPoint deletePathSeg(int seg);
0163     /** This method is used to calculate the positions of the resize handles */
0164     void generateResizePositions(void) override;
0165     /** Used to paint the element at a given location and size
0166       * @param p The painer to paint the element to
0167       * @param pos The position to paint the elmenet
0168       * @param size The size the element should be draw
0169       * @param zone The current zone being viewed */
0170     void paintElementResize(QPainter *p,QPoint pos,QSize size,CMapZone *zone) override;
0172 private:
0173     /** This method is used to calcualte the distance from a path segment */
0174     int getDistance (int x,int y,int x1,int x2,int y1,int y2);
0175     directionTyp generatePath();
0176     /** Used to draw an arrow head */
0177     void drawArrow(directionTyp dir,QPainter *p,QPoint end);
0178     QPoint getIndent(directionTyp dir,QPoint pos);
0179     /** Used to draw the path */
0180     void drawPath(QPainter *p,CMapZone *zone,QPoint offset,QColor color,int editBox=0,QPoint editPos=QPoint(0,0));
0182     QRect getBoundRectOfSeg(QPoint pos1,QPoint pos2);
0184 private:
0185     typedef QList<QPoint> PointList;
0187     /** If this is greater than 0 then the bend will not be painted */
0188     int m_dontPaintBend;
0190     /** This is used to store a tempray list of path cords */
0191     PointList tempPathCords;
0193     bool done;
0194     /** The commands of the path */
0195     QString afterCommand,beforeCommand;
0196     /** A pointer to the path going in the opsite direction. Null if no path */
0197     CMapPath *opsitePath;
0198     /** These are used to store the directions the path enters and leaves a room */
0199     directionTyp srcDir,destDir;
0201     /** Used to store a pointer to the desination room */
0202     CMapRoom *destRoom,*srcRoom;
0204     /** Used to flag if this is a special exit */
0205     bool bSpecialExit;
0206     /** Used to store the special command string for a path */
0207     QString specialCmd;
0209     /** A list of bends in the path */
0210     PointList bendList;
0211 };
0213 #endif