File indexing completed on 2025-02-02 11:09:24
0001 /*************************************************************************** 0002 cmapmanager.h - description 0003 ------------------- 0004 begin : Wed Mar 7 2001 0005 copyright : (C) 2001 by KMud Development Team 0006 email : 0007 ***************************************************************************/ 0008 0009 /*************************************************************************** 0010 * * 0011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * 0012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * 0013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * 0014 * (at your option) any later version. * 0015 * * 0016 ***************************************************************************/ 0017 0018 #ifndef CMAPMANAGER_H 0019 #define CMAPMANAGER_H 0020 0021 0022 #include <qfont.h> 0023 #include <qstring.h> 0024 #include <qcolor.h> 0025 #include <qpoint.h> 0026 #include <qobject.h> 0027 #include <QStringList> 0028 #include <qcursor.h> 0029 0030 #include <kconfig.h> 0031 #include <kselectaction.h> 0032 #include <ktoggleaction.h> 0033 #include <kconfiggroup.h> 0034 0035 #include "cactionbase.h" 0036 0037 #include "cmapcommand.h" 0038 #include "cmapdata.h" 0039 0040 #include <vector> 0041 0042 #include <kmuddy_export.h> 0043 0044 class CMapPath; 0045 class CMapText; 0046 class CMapRoom; 0047 class CMapView; 0048 class CMapLevel; 0049 class CMapToolBase; 0050 class CMapPluginBase; 0051 class CMapFilter; 0052 class CMapCmdGroup; 0053 class CMapFileFilterBase; 0054 class CMapClipboard; 0055 class CMapElementUtil; 0056 class CMapPropertiesPaneBase; 0057 class CMapZoneManager; 0058 0059 class DlgMapRoomProperties; 0060 class DlgMapTextProperties; 0061 class DlgMapPathProperties; 0062 class DlgSpeedwalkProgress; 0063 class DlgMapDirections; 0064 class DlgMapMovement; 0065 class DlgMapColor; 0066 class DlgMapSpeedwalk; 0067 0068 class KMuddyMapper; 0069 0070 class QActionGroup; 0071 class QUndoStack; 0072 0073 /**This is used to make the mapper perform different tasks 0074 *@author KMud Development Team 0075 */ 0076 0077 class KMUDDY_EXPORT CMapManager : public QObject, public cActionBase 0078 { 0079 Q_OBJECT 0080 public: 0081 /** Constructor used to creat the map manager */ 0082 CMapManager (QWidget *parent, KMuddyMapper *mapper, int sess); 0083 ~CMapManager() override; 0084 0085 void eventStringHandler (QString event, int, QString &par1, const QString &) override; 0086 0087 /** Used to get a list of the plugins */ 0088 std::vector<CMapPluginBase *> getPluginList(); 0089 /** 0090 * Used to create a new view of the map 0091 * actually returns a CMapView*, dynamic_cast if necessary 0092 */ 0093 void openMapView(); 0094 /** 0095 * Used to change the view to the given level 0096 */ 0097 void displayLevel(CMapLevel *level, bool centerView); 0098 /** 0099 * Used to create a new view of the a given level and 0100 * center the view on the given position. 0101 */ 0102 void openNewMapView(QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level); 0103 /** Create new map */ 0104 void createNewMap(); 0105 /** Used to set properties of the view widget */ 0106 void setPropertiesAllViews(QCursor *cursor,bool mouseTracking); 0107 /** Create new bottom or top level depending on the given direction */ 0108 CMapLevel *createLevel(directionTyp dir); 0109 /** Used to create a new room */ 0110 void createRoom(QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level); 0111 /** Used to create a new path, this method will display the path properties 0112 * dialog to obtain the porperties of the path to be created */ 0113 CMapPath *createPath(CMapRoom *srcRoom,CMapRoom *destRoom); 0114 /** Used to create a new path*/ 0115 CMapPath *createPath(QPoint srcPos,CMapLevel *srcLevel,directionTyp srcDir, 0116 QPoint destPos,CMapLevel *destLevel,directionTyp destDir); 0117 /** Used to create a new path*/ 0118 CMapPath *createPath (CMapRoom *srcRoom,directionTyp srcDir,CMapRoom *destRoom,directionTyp destDir,bool undoable = true,bool twoWay = true); 0119 /** Used to create a new text label */ 0120 void createText(QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level,QString str,QFont font,QColor col); 0121 /** Used to create a new text label */ 0122 void createText(QPoint pos,CMapLevel *level,QString str=""); 0123 0124 bool isClean() const; 0125 CMapFileFilterBase *nativeFilter(bool isLoad = true); 0126 /** Used to load a map */ 0127 void importMap(const QString& url,CMapFileFilterBase *filter); 0128 /** Used to save a map */ 0129 void exportMap(const QString& url,CMapFileFilterBase *filter); 0130 0131 void setDefaultOptions(); 0132 /** Used to read the map options */ 0133 void readOptions(); 0134 /** Used to write the map options */ 0135 void saveGlobalConfig(); 0136 0137 /** Used to alter the path properties */ 0138 bool propertiesPath(CMapPath *path); 0139 /** Used to alter the room properties */ 0140 bool propertiesRoom(CMapRoom *room); 0141 /** Used to alter the text properties */ 0142 bool propertiesText(CMapText *text); 0143 0144 /** This method is used to covert cords so that they snap to the grid */ 0145 QPoint cordsSnapGrid(QPoint oldPos); 0146 0147 /** Used to get a pointer to the map data */ 0148 CMapData *getMapData() const; 0149 /** Pointer to the zone info that stores levels */ 0150 CMapZone *getZone(bool noCreate = false); 0151 0152 /** Used to set the login room */ 0153 void setLoginRoom(CMapRoom *room); 0154 /** Uesd to return teh login room */ 0155 CMapRoom *getLoginRoom(); 0156 /** Used to set the current room */ 0157 void setCurrentRoom(CMapRoom *room); 0158 /** Uesd to return the current room */ 0159 CMapRoom *getCurrentRoom(); 0160 /** move the player relative to the current position of the player 0161 * This command has support for special paths, but can only move 0162 * anlong exsiting special paths. In other words, it is unable to 0163 * create special paths. 0164 */ 0165 void movePlayerBy(directionTyp dir,bool create,QString specialCmd); 0166 /** move the player relative to the current position of the player 0167 * @param cmd The move command used to move the player */ 0168 void movePlayerBy(QString cmd); 0169 /** This method is used to convert a direction into a offset */ 0170 void directionToCord(directionTyp dir, QSize distance,QPoint *pos); 0171 /** This method is used to move the elements in a zone by the given vector */ 0172 void moveMap(QPoint inc,CMapZone *zone); 0173 /** This method is used to make a path one way */ 0174 void makePathOneWay(CMapPath *path); 0175 /** This method is used to make a path two way */ 0176 void makePathTwoWay(CMapPath *path); 0177 0178 /** Used to convert a text direction to a direction type */ 0179 directionTyp textToDirection(QString text); 0180 /** Used to convert a direction type to a text direction */ 0181 QString directionToText(directionTyp dir, QString specialCmd, bool shortName = false); 0182 0183 /** Get the level that has focues at the moment */ 0184 CMapView *getActiveView(); 0185 /** Used to inform the various parts of the mapper that a element has changed */ 0186 void changedElement(CMapElement *element); 0187 /** Used to inform the various parts of the mapper that a element has added */ 0188 void addedElement(CMapElement *element); 0189 /** Used to walk the player in the mud to a given room */ 0190 void walkPlayerTo(CMapRoom *toRoom); 0191 /** Used to inform to change the state of the navigation tools */ 0192 void activeViewChanged(void); 0193 0194 /** Used to cound the diffent elements of the map */ 0195 void getCounts(int *levels,int *rooms,int *paths,int *labels); 0196 0197 /** Get the opsite direction */ 0198 directionTyp getOpsiteDirection(directionTyp dir); 0199 0200 /** Used to add a command to the command history */ 0201 void addCommand(CMapCommand *command); 0202 0203 /** Used to set the current tool */ 0204 void setCurrentTool(CMapToolBase *tool); 0205 /** Usd to get the current tool */ 0206 CMapToolBase *getCurrentTool(void); 0207 /** Used to unselect all the elements in a level */ 0208 void unselectElements(CMapLevel *level); 0209 /** Used to tell that map views that a level has chaned */ 0210 void levelChanged(CMapLevel *level); 0211 /** This method puts a element into edit state */ 0212 void setEditElement(CMapElement *element); 0213 /** This is used to remove edit state from element being edited */ 0214 void unsetEditElement(void); 0215 /** This gets the element that is being edited */ 0216 CMapElement *getEditElement(void); 0217 /** This cancels any editing */ 0218 void stopEditing(void); 0219 /** Check to see if a string is a valid move command 0220 * @param dirCmd The command that was typed 0221 * @return True, if a valid command otherwise false */ 0222 bool validMoveCmd(QString dirCmd); 0223 /** This is used to find a level with a given id 0224 * @param id The id of the level to find 0225 * @return Null if no level is found otherwise a pointer to the level */ 0226 CMapLevel *findLevel(unsigned int id); 0227 0228 /** Obtain the command history */ 0229 QUndoStack *getCommandHistory() { return commandHistory; }; 0230 /** Used to create a new command group */ 0231 void openCommandGroup(QString name); 0232 /** Used to close a command group */ 0233 void closeCommandGroup(void); 0234 /** Should only be called by CMapRoom.setCurrentRoom() */ 0235 void setCurrentRoomWithoutUndo(CMapRoom *room); 0236 /** Should only be called by CMapRoom.setLoginRoom() */ 0237 void setLoginRoomWithoutUndo(CMapRoom *room); 0238 /** Delete a level from the map */ 0239 void deleteLevel(CMapLevel *level); 0240 /** Find the first room in the map,if one can't be found then create one */ 0241 CMapRoom *findFirstRoom(CMapRoom *exsitingRoom); 0242 /** This is used to tell the mapper if commands should be added to the history list */ 0243 void setUndoActive(bool active); 0244 int getUndoActive(void); 0245 /** Used to erase the map. This will erase all elements and can't be undone */ 0246 void eraseMap(void); 0247 void eraseZone(CMapZone *zone); 0248 0249 CMapZoneManager *zoneManager() { return m_zoneManager; } 0250 0251 /** Used to repaint all the views */ 0252 void redrawAllViews(void); 0253 0254 /** This method is used to find a element from a list of properties 0255 * @param properties The list of proerties 0256 * @return The element if it's found otherwise NULL */ 0257 CMapElement *findElement(KConfigGroup properties); 0258 0259 void createGlobalConfigPanes(); 0260 void createProfileConfigPanes(); 0261 0262 /** Return property panes from all the plugins */ 0263 virtual QList<CMapPropertiesPaneBase *> createPropertyPanes(elementTyp type,CMapElement *element,QWidget *parent); 0264 0265 QString defaultSavePath () const; 0266 0267 public: 0268 /** A count of the number of levels created */ 0269 unsigned int m_levelCount; 0270 /** A count of the number of zones created */ 0271 unsigned int m_zoneCount; 0272 0273 public slots: 0274 /** Used to delete a element from the map */ 0275 void deleteElement(CMapElement *element,bool delOpsite = true); 0276 /** Used to abort a speedwalk that is in progress */ 0277 void slotAbortSpeedwalk(void); 0278 0279 0280 private slots: 0281 void slotWalkPlayerAlongPath(void); 0282 0283 private: 0284 /** Used to delete a element from the map, should only be used by the deleteElementMethod() */ 0285 void deleteElementWithoutGroup(CMapElement *element,bool delOpsite = true); 0286 /** This will setup the import/export file filters */ 0287 void initFileFilters(); 0288 /** Used to create the plugins */ 0289 void initPlugins(); 0290 0291 private: 0292 /** A list of import/export filters */ 0293 std::vector<CMapFileFilterBase *> m_fileFilter; 0294 /** If this is true then commands are added to the history, otherwise they are not */ 0295 bool m_commandsActive; 0296 /** The filter used to proces mud input/output */ 0297 CMapFilter *filter; 0298 /** list of all the zones */ 0299 CMapZoneManager *m_zoneManager; 0300 /** out session */ 0301 int m_sessId; 0302 /** The element currenly being edited */ 0303 CMapElement *elementEdit; 0304 /** The current tool */ 0305 CMapToolBase *currentTool; 0306 /** A list of all loaded tools */ 0307 std::vector<CMapToolBase *> toolList; 0308 /** The undo/redo history */ 0309 QUndoStack *commandHistory; 0310 /** Points the command history currently being used */ 0311 CMapCmdGroup *historyGroup; 0312 /** Used to store the amount of steps taken in the speedwalk */ 0313 int speedwalkProgress; 0314 /** A pointer to the active map view */ 0315 CMapView *activeView; 0316 /** The zone combo box */ 0317 KSelectAction *zoneMenu; 0318 /** A pointer to the current room */ 0319 CMapRoom *currentRoom; 0320 /** A pointer to the login room */ 0321 CMapRoom *loginRoom; 0322 /** A pointer to the map data */ 0323 CMapData *mapData; 0324 /** A list of all the plugins */ 0325 std::vector<CMapPluginBase *> pluginList; 0326 /** pointer to the speedwalk status indicaor */ 0327 DlgSpeedwalkProgress *speedwalkProgressDlg; 0328 0329 // config pages: 0330 DlgMapDirections *mapDirection; 0331 DlgMapMovement *mapMovement; 0332 DlgMapColor *mapColor; 0333 DlgMapSpeedwalk *mapSpeedwalk; 0334 0335 /** Used to tell if speedwalk is active */ 0336 bool speedwalkActive; 0337 /** The rooms that are to be speed walked */ 0338 QStringList pathToWalk; 0339 0340 KMuddyMapper *mapperPlugin; 0341 private: 0342 0343 /** This is a debug function and not for genreal use */ 0344 void changeProperties(CMapElement *element,QString key,QString oldData,QString newData); 0345 /** This is a debug function and not for genreal use */ 0346 void changeProperties(CMapElement *element,QString key,int oldData,int newData); 0347 0348 public: 0349 /** This is a debug function and not for genreal use */ 0350 void generateTestMap(); 0351 }; 0352 0353 #endif