File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 03:48:50

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002                                cmapelement.h
0003                              -------------------
0004     begin                : Sat Mar 10 2001
0005     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Kmud Developer Team
0006     email                :
0007  ***************************************************************************/
0009 /***************************************************************************
0010  *                                                                         *
0011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0015  *                                                                         *
0016  ***************************************************************************/
0018 #ifndef CMAPELEMENT_H
0019 #define CMAPELEMENT_H
0021 #include <qpainter.h>
0022 #include <qpoint.h>
0023 #include <qrect.h>
0024 #include <qregion.h>
0025 #include <qobject.h>
0026 #include <qdom.h>
0027 #include <QList>
0029 #include "kmemconfig.h"
0030 #include <kconfiggroup.h>
0032 #include <kmuddy_export.h>
0034 enum directionTyp { NORTH=0 , SOUTH=1 , WEST=2 , EAST=3 , NORTHWEST=4, NORTHEAST=5, SOUTHEAST=6, SOUTHWEST=7 , UP=8, DOWN=9, SPECIAL=30 };
0035 //typedef enum direction_type directionTyp;
0037 enum elementTyp { ROOM=0, PATH, TEXT, ZONE, OTHER };
0038 //typedef enum element_type elementTyp;
0040 /**The base class for all map elements
0041   *@author Kmud Developer Team
0042   */
0044 class CMapZone;
0045 class CMapManager;
0046 class CMapLevel;
0048 class KMUDDY_EXPORT CMapElement : public QObject
0049 {
0050     Q_OBJECT
0051 public:
0052     CMapElement(CMapManager *manager,CMapLevel *level);
0053     CMapElement(CMapManager *manager,QRect rect,CMapLevel *level);
0054     ~CMapElement() override;
0056     // Genomerty methods
0057     /** Used to set the position of the top left of the element */
0058     void setLowPos(QPoint pos);
0059     QPoint getLowPos(void)                              { return position.topLeft(); }
0060     void setHighPos(QPoint pos)                         { position.setBottom(pos.y()); position.setRight(pos.x()); geometryChanged(); }
0061     QPoint getHighPos(void)                             { return position.bottomRight(); }
0062     void setSize(QSize size)                            { position.setSize(size); geometryChanged(); }
0063     void setWidth(int width)                            { position.setWidth(width); geometryChanged(); }
0064     void setHeight(int height)                          { position.setHeight(height); geometryChanged(); }
0065     QSize getSize(void)                                 { return position.size(); }
0066     void setRect(QRect rect)                            { position = rect; geometryChanged(); }
0067     QRect getRect(void)                                 { return position; }
0068     int getHighX()                                      { return position.x()+position.width() -1; }
0069     int getHighY()                                      { return position.y()+position.height() -1; }
0070     int getX()                                          { return position.x(); }
0071     int getY()                                          { return position.y(); }
0072     int getWidth()                                      { return position.width(); }
0073     int getHeight()                                     { return position.height(); }
0075     /** Used to load the properties of the element from a list of properties */
0076     virtual void loadProperties(KConfigGroup grp);
0077     /** Used to save the properties of the element to a list of properties */
0078     virtual void saveProperties(KConfigGroup grp);
0080     /** Used to save the element as an XML object 
0081       * @param properties The XML object to save the properties too
0082       * @param doc The XML Document */
0083     virtual void saveQDomElement(QDomDocument *doc,QDomElement *properties);
0084     /** Used to load the properties from a XML object
0085       * @param properties The XML object to load the properties from */
0086     virtual void loadQDomElement(QDomElement *properties);
0088     virtual elementTyp getElementType(void)             { return OTHER ; }
0090     // Painting methods
0091     /** Used to paint the element to the map */
0092     virtual void paint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *currentZone);
0093     /** Used to paint the element while it is being dragged */
0094     virtual void dragPaint(QPoint offset,QPainter *p,CMapZone *currentZone) =0;
0095     /** Used to paint the lower level repesnation of the element */
0096     virtual void lowerPaint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *currentZone)=0;
0097     /** Used to paint the higher level repesnation of the element */
0098     virtual void higherPaint(QPainter *p,CMapZone *currentZone)=0;
0099     /** This is used to paint a element while it is being resized
0100       * @param offset The offset of the mouse pointer since the start of the resize operation
0101       * @param p The painter to paint the element too
0102       * @param currentZone The current zone being viewed
0103       * @param resizeId The id of the resize handle being moved */
0104     virtual void resizePaint(QPoint offset,QPainter *p,CMapZone *currentZone,int resizeId);
0106     // Mouse functions
0107     /** Used to find out if the mouse is in the element */
0108     virtual bool mouseInElement(QPoint mousePos);
0109     /** Used to find out if the mouse is in the resize box
0110       * @param mousePos The position of the mouse pointer
0111       * @param currentZone A pointer to the current zone
0112       * @return the ID of the resize box, or 0 if not in any */
0113     virtual int mouseInResize(QPoint mousePos,CMapZone *currentZone);
0114     /** Used to find out if the element is in a rectangle */
0115     virtual bool elementIn(QRect rect,CMapZone *currentZone);
0117     /** This method is used to put a element in a selected state
0118       * @param sel The selected state to set the element too */
0119     virtual void setSelected(bool sel);
0120     /** This method is used to get the selected state of the element
0121       * @return The selected state of the element */
0122     virtual bool getSelected(void);
0124     /** This method is used to set the elements edit mode state */
0125     virtual void setEditMode(bool edit);
0126     /** This method is used to find out if the element is in edit mode */
0127     virtual bool getEditMode(void);
0129     /** This method is called to return a copy of the element */
0130     virtual CMapElement *copy(void) =0;
0131     /** Used to move the element relative to it's current position */
0132     virtual void moveBy(QPoint offset);
0134     /** This method is used to set the level that the element is in */
0135     virtual void setLevel(CMapLevel *level);
0136     /** This method is used to get the level that the element is in */
0137     CMapLevel *getLevel(void);
0139     CMapZone *getZone(void);
0140     /** This is used to resize the element */
0141     virtual void resize(QPoint offset,int resizeId);
0142     /** This is called to set if the element should be painted */
0143     void setDoPaint(bool paint)                         { doPaint = paint; }
0144     /** This is called to see if the element is to be painted */
0145     bool getDoPaint(void)                               { return doPaint; }
0147 signals:
0148     void deleteElement(CMapElement *,bool);
0150 protected:
0151     /** Used to paint the element at a given location and size
0152       * @param p The painer to paint the element to
0153       * @param pos The position to paint the elmenetposition
0154       * @param size The size the element should be draw
0155       * @param zone The current zone being viewed */
0156     virtual void paintElementResize(QPainter *p,QPoint pos,QSize size,CMapZone *zone)=0;
0157     /** This method is used to calculate the positions of the resize handles */
0158     virtual void generateResizePositions();
0159     /** Used to get the map manager */
0160     CMapManager *getManager(void)                       { return mapManager; }
0161     void geometryChanged(void)                          { }
0162     /** This method is called when the element is put into edit mode */
0163     virtual void editModeSetEvent(void)                 { }
0164     /** This method is called when the element looses it's edit mode */
0165     virtual void editModeUnsetEvent(void)               { }
0166     /** This method is used to paint the resize handles
0167       * @param p The painter used to do the painting
0168       * @param resizePos The positions of the handles to be painted */
0169     void paintResizeHandles(QPainter *p,QList<QRect> &resizePos);
0170     /**
0171      * This is used to read a color value from a XML object
0172      * @param e The XML object
0173      * @param key The key of the color to read
0174      * @param defaultCol If the color is not found then this will be used
0175      * @return The Color value
0176      */
0177     static QColor readColor(QDomElement *e,QString key,QColor defaultCol);
0179     /**
0180      * This is used to write a color value to a XML object
0181      * @param doc The XML document   
0182      * @param e The XML object
0183      * @param key The key of the color to write
0184      * @param col The color value to write
0185      */
0186     static void writeColor(QDomDocument *doc,QDomElement *e,QString key,QColor col);
0188     /**
0189      * This method is used to read a int value from a XML object
0190      * @param e The XML object
0191      * @param key The key of the int to read
0192      * @param defaultCol If the int is not found then this will be used
0193      * @return The int value
0194      */
0195     static int readInt(QDomElement *e,QString key,int i);
0197     /**
0198      * This metod is used to write a int value to a XML object
0199      * @param doc The XML document
0200      * @param e The XML object
0201      * @param key The key of the int to write
0202      * @param i The int value to write
0203      */
0204     static void writeInt(QDomDocument *doc,QDomElement *e,QString key,int i);
0206     /**
0207      * This method is used to read a boolean value from a XML object
0208      * @param e The XML object
0209      * @param key The key of the boolean to read
0210      * @param defaultCol If the boolean is not found then this will be used
0211      * @return The boolean value
0212      */
0213     static bool readBool(QDomElement *e,QString key,bool b);
0215     /**
0216      * This metod is used to write a boolean value to a XML object
0217      * @param e The XML object
0218      * @param key The key of the boolean to write
0219      * @param i The boolean value to write
0220      */
0221     static void writeBool(QDomElement *e,QString key,bool b);
0223 protected:
0224     /** This is used to store the cords of the resize handles */
0225     QList<QRect> resizePos;
0227 private:
0228     /** This method is used to calc the resize handle positions for a rectangle
0229     * object and add them to a list
0230     * @param rect The coridantes of the object
0231     * @param resizePos The list to add the positions too */
0232     void generateResizePositions(QRect rect, QList<QRect> &resizePos);
0234     void calcResizeCords(QSize *size,QPoint *pos,signed int *offsetx,signed int *offsety,QPoint *offset,int resizeId);
0236 private:
0237     bool doPaint;
0238     // Position attrubites
0239     CMapLevel *mapLevel;
0240     QRect position;
0242     // States
0243     bool selected,editing;
0244     CMapManager *mapManager;
0246 };
0248 #endif