Warning, /games/kmuddy/libs/kmuddyplugin.desktop is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 [Desktop Entry]
0002 Encoding=UTF-8
0003 Type=ServiceType
0004 X-KDE-ServiceType=KMuddy/Plugin
0005 X-KDE-Derived=KPluginInfo
0006 Comment=KMuddy Plugin
0007 Comment[bs]=KMuddy Servis
0008 Comment[ca]=Connector del KMuddy
0009 Comment[ca@valencia]=Connector de KMuddy
0010 Comment[de]=KMuddy-Modul
0011 Comment[en_GB]=KMuddy Plugin
0012 Comment[eo]=KMuddy Kromaĵo
0013 Comment[es]=Complemento para KMuddy
0014 Comment[et]=KMuddy plugin
0015 Comment[fi]=KMuddy-liitännäinen
0016 Comment[fr]=Module externe KMuddy
0017 Comment[gl]=Complemento de KMuddy.
0018 Comment[hu]=KMuddy bővítmény
0019 Comment[it]=Estensione per KMuddy
0020 Comment[ka]=KMuddy -ის დამატება
0021 Comment[km]=កម្មវិធី​ជំនួយ KMuddy
0022 Comment[ko]=KMuddy 플러그인
0023 Comment[mr]=के-मडी प्लगइन
0024 Comment[nl]=Plugin van KMuddy
0025 Comment[pl]=Wtyczka KMuddy
0026 Comment[pt]='Plugin' do KMuddy
0027 Comment[pt_BR]=Plugin do KMuddy
0028 Comment[sl]=Vtičnik KMuddy
0029 Comment[sv]=Insticksprogram för Kmuddy
0030 Comment[tr]=KMuddy Eklentisi
0031 Comment[uk]=Додаток KMuddy
0032 Comment[x-test]=xxKMuddy Pluginxx
0033 Comment[zh_CN]=KMuddy 插件
0034 Comment[zh_TW]=KMuddy 外掛程式
0036 # version of plug-in, used to prevent loading plug-ins with incompatible API
0037 [PropertyDef::X-KMuddy-Version]
0038 Type=int