File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 04:02:31

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002                           dlgprofilesettings.h  -  profile settings
0003     This file is a part of KMuddy distribution.
0004                              -------------------
0005     begin                : oct 18 2002
0006     copyright            : (C) 2002-2007 by Tomas Mecir
0007     email                :
0008  ***************************************************************************/
0010 /***************************************************************************
0011  *                                                                         *
0012  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0013  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0014  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0015  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0016  *                                                                         *
0017  ***************************************************************************/
0022 #include <config-mxp.h>
0023 #include <kpagedialog.h>
0025 class QCheckBox;
0026 class QComboBox;
0027 class QPushButton;
0028 class QLineEdit;
0029 class KCodecAction;
0030 class cDirList;
0032 /**
0033 Dialog that allows changing of profile-related settings.
0034   *@author Tomas Mecir
0035   */
0037 class dlgProfileSettings : public KPageDialog {
0038    Q_OBJECT
0039 public: 
0040   dlgProfileSettings (QWidget *parent=nullptr);
0041   ~dlgProfileSettings () override;
0043   QSize sizeHint() const override;
0044   bool useAnsi ();
0045   void setUseAnsi (bool val);
0046   bool limitRepeater ();
0047   void setLimitRepeater (bool val);
0048   bool negotiateOnStartup ();
0049   void setNegotiateOnStartup (bool val);
0050   bool promptLabel();
0051   void setPromptLabel (bool val);
0052   bool LPMudStyle();
0053   void setLPMudStyle (bool val);
0054   QString encoding ();
0055   void setEncoding (const QString &encoding);
0056   QString movementCmd (int which);
0057   bool statusPrompt();
0058   void setStatusPrompt(bool val);
0059   bool consolePrompt();
0060   void setConsolePrompt(bool val);
0061   bool autoAdvTranscript();
0062   void setAutoAdvTranscript(bool val);
0064   void setMovementCmd (int which, QString val);
0065   QString scriptDir ();
0066   void setScriptDir (const QString &s);
0067   QString scriptWorkDir ();
0068   void setScriptWorkDir (const QString &s);
0069   QString transcriptDir ();
0070   void setTranscriptDir (const QString &s);
0071   bool useMSP ();
0072   void setUseMSP (bool val);
0073   bool alwaysMSP ();
0074   void setAlwaysMSP (bool val);
0075   bool midlineMSP ();
0076   void setMidlineMSP (bool val);
0077   const QStringList &soundDirList ();
0078   void setSoundDirList (const QStringList &list);
0079 #ifdef HAVE_MXP
0080   int MXPAllowed ();
0081   void setMXPAllowed (int allow);
0082   void setVariablePrefix (const QString &prefix);
0083   QString variablePrefix ();
0084 #endif
0085 protected slots:
0086   void choosedir1 ();
0087   void choosedir2 ();
0088   void choosedir3 ();
0089   void encodingChanged (const QString &);
0090 protected:
0091   QCheckBox *useansi, *limitrepeater, *startupneg, *promptlabel;
0092   QPushButton *btencoding;
0093   KCodecAction *codecAction;
0094   QCheckBox *lpmudstyle, *statusprompt, *consoleprompt;
0095   QCheckBox *autoadvtranscript;
0096   QLineEdit *edcmd[10];
0097   QLineEdit *edscriptdir, *edscriptworkdir;
0098   QLineEdit *edtranscriptdir;
0099   QCheckBox *usemsp;
0100   cDirList *dirlist;
0101   QCheckBox *alwaysmsp, *midlinemsp;
0102 #ifdef HAVE_MXP
0103   QComboBox *cbmxpallowed;
0104   QLineEdit *edvarprefix;
0105 #endif
0106 };
0108 #endif