File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 03:48:12

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Marco Krüger <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Ian Wadham <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Ian Wadham <>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0009 #ifndef KGRGLOBALS_H
0010 #define KGRGLOBALS_H
0012 #include <QByteArray>
0013 #include <QString>
0015 enum Owner {SYSTEM, USER};
0017 const char FREE      = ' ';
0018 const char ENEMY     = 'E';
0019 const char HENEMY    = 'a'; // NEW - 2/1/09
0020 const char HERO      = 'R';
0021 const char CONCRETE  = 'X';
0022 const char BRICK     = 'M';
0023 const char FBRICK    = 'F';
0024 const char HLADDER   = 'Z';
0025 const char LADDER    = 'H';
0026 const char NUGGET    = 'N';
0027 const char FLASHING  = 'b'; // NEW - 2/1/09
0028 const char BAR       = 'T';
0029 const char HOLE      = 'O';
0030 const char USEDHOLE  = 'U';
0032 const char BACKDROP  = '0';
0034 const char EDIT_HINT = '1';
0035 const char EDIT_TEST = '2';
0037 const int  FIELDWIDTH   = 28;
0038 const int  FIELDHEIGHT  = 20;
0040 const int STEP = 4;
0041 const int gameCycle = 4;        // Animation frames per playfield tile.
0042 const int graphicsCycle = 8;        // Animation frames per running cycle.
0044 // Keyboard action codes
0045 enum KBAction       {KB_UP, KB_DOWN, KB_LEFT, KB_RIGHT,
0046                          KB_DIGLEFT, KB_DIGRIGHT, KB_STOP};
0048 // Action codes when selecting a level or game for play, editing or replay.
0049 enum SelectAction   {SL_START, SL_ANY, SL_CREATE, SL_UPDATE, SL_SAVE,
0050                          SL_MOVE, SL_DELETE, SL_CR_GAME, SL_UPD_GAME,
0051                          SL_REPLAY, SL_SOLVE, SL_SAVE_SOLUTION, SL_NONE};
0053 /// Codes for the rules of the selected game and level.
0054 const char TraditionalRules = 'T';
0055 const char KGoldrunnerRules = 'K';
0056 const char ScavengerRules   = 'S';
0058 // Codes and array indices for the sounds of the game.
0059 enum {GoldSound, StepSound, ClimbSound, FallSound, DigSound, LadderSound, 
0060       DeathSound, CompletedSound, VictorySound, GameOverSound, NumSounds};
0062 /// Centralized message functions: implementations in kgrdialog.cpp.
0063 class QWidget;
0064 class KGrMessage
0065 {
0066 public:
0067     static void information (QWidget * parent, const QString & caption,
0068                              const QString & text,
0069                              const QString & dontShowAgain = QString());
0070     static int  warning     (QWidget * parent, const QString & caption,
0071                              const QString & text, const QString & label0,
0072                              const QString & label1,
0073                              const QString & label2 = QString());
0074 };
0076 /// KGrGameData structure: contains attributes of a KGoldrunner game.
0077 class KGrGameData
0078 {
0079 public:
0080     Owner       owner;      ///< Owner of the game: "System" or "User".
0081     int         nLevels;    ///< Number of levels in the game.
0082     char        rules;      ///< Game's rules: KGoldrunner or Traditional.
0083     bool        digWhileFalling;///< If all levels allow "dig while falling".
0084     QString     prefix;     ///< Game's filename prefix.
0085     char        skill;      ///< Game's skill: Tutorial, Normal or Champion.
0086     int         width;      ///< Width of grid, in cells.
0087     int         height;     ///< Height of grid, in cells.
0088     QString     name;       ///< Name of game (translated, if System game).
0089     QByteArray  about;      ///< Optional info about game (untranslated).
0090 };
0092 /// KGrLevelData structure: contains attributes of a KGoldrunner level.
0093 class KGrLevelData
0094 {
0095 public:
0096     int         level;      ///< Level number.
0097     int         width;      ///< Width of grid, in cells.
0098     int         height;     ///< Height of grid, in cells.
0099     QByteArray  layout;     ///< Codes for the level layout (mandatory).
0100     QByteArray  name;       ///< Level name (optional).
0101     QByteArray  hint;       ///< Level hint (optional).
0102     bool        digWhileFalling;///< If this one level has "dig while falling".
0103 };
0105 /// KGrRecording structure: contains a record of play in a KGoldrunner level.
0106 class KGrRecording
0107 {
0108 public:
0109     QString        dateTime;    ///< Date+time of recording (UTC in ISO format).
0110     Owner          owner;   ///< Original owner, at time of recording.
0111     char           rules;   ///< Rules that applied at time of recording.
0112     QString        prefix;  ///< Game's filename prefix.
0113     QString        gameName;    ///< Name of the game (translated at rec time).
0114     int            level;   ///< Level number (at time of recording).
0115     int            width;   ///< Width of grid, in cells (at rec time).
0116     int            height;  ///< Height of grid, in cells (at rec time).
0117     QByteArray     layout;  ///< Codes for the level layout (at rec time).
0118     QString        levelName;   ///< Name of the level (translated at rec time).
0119     QString        hint;    ///< Hint (translated at recording time).
0120     bool           digWhileFalling; ///< If this level has "dig while falling".
0121     long           lives;   ///< Number of lives at start of level.
0122     long           score;   ///< Score at start of level.
0123     int            speed;   ///< Speed of game during recording (normal=10).
0124     int            controlMode; ///< Control mode during recording (mouse, etc).
0125     int            keyOption;   ///< Click/hold option for keyboard mode.
0126     QByteArray     content; ///< The encoded recording of play.
0127     QByteArray     draws;   ///< The random numbers used during play.
0128 };
0130 // Offsets used to encode keystrokes, control modes and speeds in a recording.
0131 // Allow space for 16 direction and digging codes, 12 control modes, 4 keyboard
0132 // click/hold option codes, 16 special actions and 30 speeds.  We actually have
0133 // (as at July 2010) 12 direction and digging codes, control modes from 2 to 4,
0134 // two keyboard options, one special action (code 6) and speeds ranging from
0135 // 2 to 20.
0137 #define DIRECTION_CODE 0x80
0138 #define MODE_CODE      0x90
0139 #define KEY_OPT_CODE   0x9c
0140 #define ACTION_CODE    0xa0
0141 #define SPEED_CODE     0xe0
0142 #define END_CODE       0xff
0145                     KILL_HERO, HINT,
0146                     DEMO, SOLVE, SAVE_SOLUTION,
0147                     INSTANT_REPLAY, REPLAY_LAST, REPLAY_ANY};
0150                     DELETE_LEVEL, CREATE_GAME,  EDIT_GAME};
0152 enum Setting       {PLAY_SOUNDS,            // Sound effects on/off.
0153                     STARTUP_DEMO,           // Starting demo on/off.
0154                     MOUSE, KEYBOARD, LAPTOP,        // Game-control modes.
0155                     CLICK_KEY, HOLD_KEY,        // Key-control method.
0156                     NORMAL_SPEED, BEGINNER_SPEED,   // Preset game-speeds.
0157                     CHAMPION_SPEED,
0158                     INC_SPEED, DEC_SPEED,       // Adjustments of speed.
0159                     PLAY_STEPS};            // Footsteps on/off.
0161 const int  ConcreteWall = 1;
0163 typedef char    DirectionFlag;
0164 typedef char    AccessFlag;
0165 typedef char    Flags;
0167 enum  Direction    {STAND, RIGHT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, nDirections,
0168                     DIG_RIGHT = nDirections, DIG_LEFT, NO_DIRECTION,
0169                     UP_LEFT, DOWN_LEFT, UP_RIGHT, DOWN_RIGHT, EndDirection};
0171 const DirectionFlag dFlag [nDirections] = {
0172                 0x10,       // Can stand.
0173                 0x1,        // Can go right.
0174                 0x2,        // Can go left.
0175                 0x4,        // Can go up.
0176                 0x8};       // Can go down.
0178 const AccessFlag ENTERABLE = 0x20;
0180 enum  Axis {X, Y, nAxes};
0182 const int movement [EndDirection][nAxes] = {
0183                 { 0,  0},   // Standing still.
0184                 {+1,  0},   // Movement right.
0185                 {-1,  0},   // Movement left.
0186                 { 0, -1},   // Movement up.
0187                 { 0, +1},   // Movement down.
0188                 { 0,  0},   // Dig right (placeholder).
0189                 { 0,  0},   // Dig left (placeholder).
0190                 { 0,  0},   // No direction (placeholder).
0191                 {-1, -1},   // Up and left (with hold-key option).
0192                 {-1, +1},   // Down and left (with hold-key option).
0193                 {+1, -1},   // Up and right (with hold-key option).
0194                 {+1, +1}};  // Down and right (with hold-key option).
0196 enum AnimationType {
0197                 RUN_R,      RUN_L,
0198                 CLIMB_R,    CLIMB_L,
0199                 CLIMB_U,    CLIMB_D,
0200                 FALL_R,     FALL_L,
0201                 OPEN_BRICK, CLOSE_BRICK, nAnimationTypes};
0203 const AnimationType aType [nDirections] = {
0204                 FALL_L, RUN_R, RUN_L, CLIMB_U, CLIMB_D};
0206 enum  DebugCodes {
0207                 DO_STEP, BUG_FIX, LOGGING, S_POSNS, S_HERO, S_OBJ,
0208                 ENEMY_0, ENEMY_1, ENEMY_2, ENEMY_3, ENEMY_4, ENEMY_5, ENEMY_6};
0210 const int TickTime = 20;
0212 enum  HeroStatus {
0213                 NORMAL, WON_LEVEL, DEAD, UNEXPECTED_END};
0215 #endif // KGRGLOBALS_H