Warning, /games/kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_wad.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // G022 T wad C 0002 // .dwf false 0003 i18n("Challenge"); 0004 i18n("These tricky little levels were composed by Peter, Simon, Genevieve and their father Ian Wadham. They use traditional playing rules. Enjoy!"); 0005 // L001 0006 // TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZ EZ EH EH EH EH HMF T R H HXXXFXMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HX HXMMXX HXMXXX HXNXXX HXNXXX HTT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0007 i18n("Easy Start"); 0008 i18n("Drop through the false brick under the bar."); 0009 // L002 0010 // R ZEEEEE Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Z XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0011 i18n("Mobile Bricks"); 0012 i18n("Just run over the enemies' heads."); 0013 // L003 0014 // N N E N E H H H H H HZNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHNNNHNNNHZMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMM NNNNNNNNHNNNNNNNNNNHNNZZZZZZHMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMHMH NNN H NNNNNENNNNNNNNNNNNNH MMH HZHMMMHZMMMMMMMMHHMMMH NNH H HNNNHZ HHNNNH HMM H HMMMHZZNNNNNNNHHMMHM HNN H HNNNH ZHMMMMMMHNNNH MMH H HMMMH H NNNNMMMHNN HN HNHNNNHN HNNNHMMM ZMM ZMM MMHMMMMM HMMMH RNNZNNNZNNNNNZNNNNNNZ NNHNNEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0015 i18n("The Big Haul"); 0016 i18n("Advance to the right and trap the oncoming enemies. Now retreat under the enemies who are falling behind you, then dig, dig, dig and kill all the enemies.\n" 0017 "\n" 0018 "Now go right and clear out all the brick and ladder structures in right-to-left order."); 0019 // L004 0020 // TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZ ZN HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM N H N H N HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH N H N HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHEN H EN HXMXMXMXMXMXXXXXXXXXXXXXHEN HEN HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHEN H RN MXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMHNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0021 i18n("Quick Off The Mark"); 0022 i18n("Move very quickly to the left to start. Keep digging until the enemies have brought down all the gold. Retreat to higher ground and dig there, if necessary."); 0023 // L005 0024 // R HH HH NN M M H HNNNNHH MX NHNMMMMMMH HX HHHHHHHHHH NHMH HMMMMMMMMMM HMHHHH HMMMMMMMMMM HH H HMMMMMMMMMM HHT MMMMHMMMMMMMMMM NNNH T HMMMMMMMMMM HMMHMH T HMMMMMMMMMM HNTH H T HHMMMNNMMMMM MNHNH THMMMMMMMMMMM MMMH H HN NM HM M HH HH H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0025 i18n("Who Needs Enemies?"); 0026 i18n("Keep digging rows of three bricks next to the ladder."); 0027 // L006 0028 // ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ XH ZZ HX FXH ZZ HXM N H ZZ H N RHXTH H ZZ H HTXH XM H ZZ H FX FTT H ZZ H TTMMZN NH ZMFZ HN NZFMZFX HFH Z Z HMH XMZFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0029 i18n("Asymmetrical"); 0030 i18n("Leave the bottom left nugget till last. False bricks give you access to most of the nuggets, but they are not symmetrically placed."); 0031 // L007 0032 // HMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMM Z HMNNNNNNREM HMNN NMMHMM HMNMMMMMMMM HMNMFFMEMH HMNM HMNMNNMNMH HMNM HMNMNNMNMH HMNM HMNMNNMNMH HMNM HMNMMMMNMHNNNNNHMNM HMNNNNNMHHXXMMMHMNM HMNMMMMMHNNNN HMNM MMMMMMHMNM MHMMMHTHHMNM MNNNNNHMNMH MNM MNHHMNM MMNHMMFMNMH MNM MNHHMNMMMMMMNHMNNMNMH MNMMMMNHHMNNNNNNNNHMNNMN H ZZNNNNHNH FMMMMMMNH MMHM FMMMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0033 i18n("Goldrunner Prophecy"); 0034 i18n("Peter W. composed this in 1985. Do you see the prophetic letters GR? Spooky!\n" 0035 "\n" 0036 "When you collect the row of gold at bottom left, wait there and the first enemy will obligingly fall into the pit above you.\n" 0037 "\n" 0038 "When you move over to the right side, collect all nuggets except the three hanging under a ladder. Leave them till last.\n" 0039 "\n" 0040 "To get the gold above the trapped enemy, climb the ladder, dig down four bricks, wait till they start to re-appear, then dig one more, climb back up, re-dig the first two and the way will be clear to fall in, collect the gold and escape over the enemy's head.\n" 0041 "\n" 0042 "When you release the enemy, retreat quickly to where you can trap and kill him. After one or two tries he will re-appear harmlessly over on the left."); 0043 // L008 0044 // M MNHHMMHHHHHHHHHHMMHHEM M MRHHNHHHNFFFFFFNHHHNHHEM MEHHNHHNHHNNNNNNHHNHHNHHEM MEHHNHHNH NHHHHHHN HNHHNHHNM HHNHHNH NHHNNNNHHN HNHHNHH NHNHHNH NHHNHHHHNHHN HNHHNHNNHNHNH NHHNHHFFHHNHHN HNHNHNNHNHNH NHNHHFNNFHHNHN HNHNHNNHNHNH NHNHHFNNFHHNHN HNHNHNNHNHNH NHHNHHFFHHNHHN HNHNHNNHNHHNH NHHNHHHHNHHN HNHHNHNMHHNHHNH NHHNNNNHHN HNHHNHHMMNHHNHHNH NHHHHHHN HNHHNHHNMNMNHHNHHNHMNNNNNNMHNHHNHHNMNNNMNHHNHHHNMMMMMMNHHHNHHNMNNFNNMNHHNNHHHHHHHHHHNNHHNMNNFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0045 i18n("The Rosette"); 0046 i18n("Try to get all the enemies together, by going to the middle then down. Now trap them in the trough at the bottom, ignoring the gold there for now. Stand on one side just above the trough, then drop down one square as the enemies get above the trough.\n" 0047 "\n" 0048 "Collect all the gold not in the trough, then release the enemies and lead them around over the tops of ladders, until they drop their gold."); 0049 // L009 0050 // Z X HT Z HMXXXX HF Z HMN HF Z NN HN NNN NNNHFFTT Z MHN NNNNMHMMMMMMMMM N HZ MXH MMMMMHNNTTN M HNZ N H M HMHHMHN X N HNZ N HMMMMHH HX X TTTH TTTHZ F HM NMHH M MH H NFFZ N M HMFMMHH E HH H FFZ M HTTTTH H NHTTTZF FM H N HTTTTHXXFFXXM Z NF H NNM HTT NN F ZMMMMMH NFM TTH H EZMMMNMHMMMM HTTT H X NZN MF H MH RHMMMMMHFMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0051 i18n("He Has The Gold"); 0052 i18n("The right hand enemy gets trapped holding some gold.\n" 0053 "\n" 0054 "You can kill him and destroy the gold by digging to the left of the small ladder. You may need to kill the other enemy and trap him in there too."); 0055 // L010 0056 // ZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZZMNZMZHEMNZMZHZMNZMEHZMNZMZZZMMMMZHZMMMMZHZMMMMZHZMMMMZZZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZHNNNZZZNNZFHFZNNZFHFZNNZFHFZHXXXZZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZHNNNZZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZHMMMZZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZHNNNZZZTTTTHTTTTTTHTTTTTTHZZHXXXZZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZNNZZHZZHNNNZZZNNNNHNNNNNNHNNNNNNHNNHMMMZZMFFMMFMMFFMMFMMFFMMMMMHNNNZZZNNZNNNZNNZNNNZNNZNZZNHXXXZZZNNZNNNZNNZNNNZNNZNZNHHHNEZZRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEHHHHHZZFMMMMMMMMMMMMXMXMXMXMXMXMXZFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0057 i18n("Towers of Gold"); 0058 i18n("Before you kill any enemies, you must collect all the gold in the tops of the towers and above the bars.\n" 0059 "\n" 0060 "One place to get started is just under the second tower from the left. Dig once to trap the first enemy that comes towards you, run right to clear some gold, step back and trap the second enemy just to the left of the third tower. Now run right, with three enemies in hot pursuit and very much alive!"); 0061 // L011 0062 // XZXXXXXXXXX XHTTT TTTX XHR MMFNXX XHHH MMFXX XH XHMM FXX XH HM MXXX XH XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX 0063 i18n("The Box"); 0064 i18n("Dig the two bricks next to a ladder, then look for fall-through bricks."); 0065 // L012 0066 // ZMMMEMMMMMMM MMMMMMMEMMMRMMMHN H HMMMMMMMMMMT TMMMMMMMMMMMMM H M H N H N H N H N H N H MMMH H H H H H H H H H H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0067 i18n("Delayed Drop"); 0068 i18n("The enemy on the left falls before you can get past the one on the right.\n" 0069 "\n" 0070 "So stay up there with him, repeatedly digging one hole and trapping him, until the second enemy gets back up the ladders and well clear of the concrete."); 0071 // L013 0072 // N Z TTTZTNNNHT HH HHTZ Z HM ZMNMMMHN ZHTH Z N HTNHHM ZMNNN HTT ZH H HT HNT HM ZMMMMNHN TZ HT N HN THN HM ZM NNNZZ N H NNT HT N THM ZMNMMMZ N H XFZT ZT N HMNZMNNN Z TZHT ZZTZ NNNNZXXXXXXXN H N ZH H FMXMXZ Z N H H N NTTTTTT T T H MMMNHXMXH T N H R N FHM MNHNNMHHXN XHNTN H M N H MNMMHMMMH XMX HXNT H M N MEMMNHMHMN MHTTTTX XZTH M NNXXNNNHMHMNNMH Z Z THNXXXXXXHMXMNHXMH HMMH HXMXMXMXMXMXMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0073 i18n("Maze of Ladders"); 0074 i18n("Move to left of centre and go high, then you can drop and move left or right to get all the gold.\n" 0075 "\n" 0076 "Leave the nugget in the U-shaped space till last.\n" 0077 "\n" 0078 "Ignore the enemy. Let him stay trapped."); 0079 // L014 0080 // R E E HN EE Z MM M HMTTTTTTTTTTZ MEM HMNT H TZ M M HMNNT H TNZ M MMMMMMMM HMNNNT H TNNZ N HMNNNNTHTNNNZ M MNNNNNN HMTTTTTHTTTTZ XXMMMMMMMMMM HMNNNNNHNNNNZ HMNNNNNHNNNNZ MMMMMMMMMM HMNNNNNHNNNNZ HMNNNNNHNNNNZ MNNNNNHNNNNZ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMXXMMXMXM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0081 i18n("Ride Them Down"); 0082 i18n("Quickly get the first two enemies into the double pit to the left of the gold. First get both of them into the little box, then release them left.\n" 0083 "\n" 0084 "Now fall onto them and collect the gold, then ride the third enemy down and use him to get across to the ladder."); 0085 // L015 0086 // N X ZZHTTTN RNNNNNHMMXXX ZNMMHNNHTTTTTHMMMMMMNNXXHT NHMMMHHNHNNNNNHMMNNNNMMXHH NHHMMMHNNHNNNNNHMMHHHHMXHH TNHHMHHHHMXXXXXXXXXXXXXHHTT TTHHHMHFH HHHHHHTTTT NH MMFNXHTHTMHTTT TTH NFHHFHN MMFXZH TTTTN TH TTTHMNNHFH MM FXHMHFH XHNNTT HHTTHMXHM MXHZTTFTTXHXXHFMFF HXH XXXXXHZ NHNTHH M HMMF TXXXXXXXXXXHMFHNNHMHX H N ZHHT TTZTTTTHMF MXXXXHZXHNX ZXHTHMFFMHTTHMFMTTTTTHZXXXXXXXHZHMFFMHTTHMFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFMMMMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0087 i18n("Hair's Breadth Timing"); 0088 i18n("At top centre dig two bricks. As they re-appear, dig two more, run across the top and dig next to the short ladder. Drop in and collect the gold. You have no time to spare!\n" 0089 "\n" 0090 "Clear the bottom left last. To go right, fall into a false brick under a short ladder, then climb along just under the concrete.\n" 0091 "\n" 0092 "In the middle of the right hand side, stand under the right hand bar next to the hole, dig left, drop into a false brick, then dig twice more, moving down and left. Lastly, stand on the short ladder, dig your escape brick on the right, run like mad round to the hole, drop in, collect the gold, fall through some bricks and dig again to escape."); 0093 // L016 0094 // HTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTXTTTTTTTHHTFFHTTNTT TTTTTTTTTFFTTTTTHHXNNMMMMTXFXHN TNXE FF H N HHFF M XFXHNN HXNMXFNH NHM HHXXXXX XFXHTT H X FHX FH N H NN NXNHNN HN F FH MEFHXXXXXXXXXMXXXXXMMMMMMFHMMMMHRTTTTTTXNNTTT NZ XNNNNHTTT HMFHTT NXMMN HXEMNHMMFZ HMMHN FXTTN HXXFHNNNFHXMMXHNMNH FXNFHNNHXNF HMMFHXXNXHFXH MXFFHMFHXHN H FHNNFXH HN N T HMFHXHMMHX FXXH XH HNMMM HNMFHXH TH MX N H NNNNNHFMZNMMMHHXHMNMXNNHX HFEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0095 i18n("The Three Musketeers"); 0096 i18n("You have to kill all three Musketeers, so that they fill the false bricks under the gap in the bars at the top. Ignore d'Artagnan at the bottom right. You only walk over him to get a nugget.\n" 0097 "\n" 0098 "Collect the gold left to right across the bottom of the play area, then right to left across the top. Be sure to leave the nugget left of centre on the concrete. Collect that one last.\n" 0099 "\n" 0100 "Before you do so, dig away a row of three bricks above and to the left of it, then exit to the next level along roughly the same route as you used earlier."); 0101 // L017 0102 // N NHN N H HTHN H N N TT NNNNHT NHN TH THHXXHXM XHXMMH NHN TNH T H MNHN MHNNNH T NHNTNNH T H MMHXMNMHXXXX TNHTNNNHT H M HNFHMHNNNN N N N NH M MMMHMHMMXHNHXXXXXXXXXMXMMMMFMNNHMHNNNHFHN N N N N MMTNHHMHXXXX HXXXXXXXXXXXXH MTNXNHMHNNNN N N N NH M TXHHMHXXXHNHXXXXXXXXXMXMM MTMXHNMHNNNHFH N N N N N MNT HMHXXMX HXXXXXXXXXXXXX MTNTTHMHTT NEHEN N N N NR XFMFFXMHNNHXMMMXXXXXXXXXMMX MMHMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0103 i18n("Rat Trap"); 0104 i18n("Move ultra-quickly to trap the two enemies and run over them. If you wait till they are almost touching you, they may both survive, then you can run up and around to the bottom right, descend the ladder to the concrete and trap them permanently in the nearby pit.\n" 0105 "\n" 0106 "If one gets stuck in the tower structure, use the same trick. There are false bricks in the bottom of the tower. If one is trapped and still has some gold, dig one hole at the right hand end of the pit, go back down the ladder and lead the enemy to his death, whereupon the gold will be destroyed."); 0107 // L018 0108 // H TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRHTTTTTTTHM NNNNNNNNNNNNNNMH HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMH H H H MEMFFFH H M H H MFFFH H MNNNNH HM MXXXXH H M H H FFFH H H HMMMMFFFH N N N N N N N N HHH H H H H H H H H H H HMHMHMHMH HMHMHMHMHMMMNMMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0109 i18n("Head Case"); 0110 i18n("This is a warmup for a later level. To get the gold at the right, descend onto the enemy's head, release him to the left, move left after him and, as you ride down on his head, dig right. You can then run in, get the gold and exit before the brick closes.\n" 0111 "\n" 0112 "If you move to the bottom right corner, you can get the enemy to fall into the hole containing gold."); 0113 // L019 0114 // Z TTT TTTTT TTTTT TTTTT TTTTZ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHXZF HMMX ZF HXHXH HX NHT HMMXXXX H T HXHTTHXT HTT R HXNNH XH TT HMMXXXXNTN HXH H H HXH TTNXNNH XHT H N N HX H NXNTN HXH H TH HMMXXXXNTHTNNXNTH XH H H HXHTTTHXNH XXMX NHX HT T EE HXN MTH XH NXFXFX H H MMMXXXM HNNXHMHNHX X XH HT HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0115 i18n("Under the Stairs"); 0116 i18n("Start by killing the enemies. When they fall into the space at the right, move down and to the left to get them to drop further in and stop them getting the gold. If they go more than one third of the way in, they will be permanently trapped.\n" 0117 "\n" 0118 "Now tackle the three dig-and-run puzzles. You may have to make several trips to empty an area. Finally, collect the rightmost nugget."); 0119 // L020 0120 // HTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRHTTTTTTTH NN MH HFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMHMM MFFFHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH H H M M FFH HH HH H MNMNNH H H H MFFFH H H H MNNNNH M H H M HM MXXXXH MNH MMMMMHNM H M H HXM MXH EH H HX HMMH XXXXXXXXH H HX HHMNNXHHHHHHHHH XH H HX H M NN XXXXXXXXX XXXH HHMNH MNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXH NXHMMH MM XXXXXXXMHXXXHXXXHMM HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0121 i18n("Bertie Beetle"); 0122 i18n("The top of this one is similar to the Head Case level (13). Trap the enemy to the right near the top of the ladder. Run down the ladder part way and get him to fall into the first of the pits. You will need to repeat this a few times.\n" 0123 "\n" 0124 "Now you must get the enemy into the pit at the far bottom left, so that you can run over him as you get the gold from inside the beetle.\n" 0125 "\n" 0126 "Trap the enemy at the end of the row of bricks under the beetle's antennae. Stand on his head, dig right and drop down. Step right, dig left and trap him again as he runs in after you.\n" 0127 "\n" 0128 "Run down to the left, dig the brick to the right of the pit and trap him again. Collect the nugget, dig left and escape left onto the concrete. As the enemy climbs out he will fall into the pit.\n" 0129 ""); 0130 // L021 0131 // Z Z NNZ HMX H N H H NNNNN H HNXXXXXXXXM MH H N H NMNH HMHN HT N M NH HN H M NH HMEF HMMMMH M H HNMN H TH M H HTTT H HX M H T E HMM MM H H MN MHXHMFMM H HR MM H FM H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0132 i18n("Short Circuit"); 0133 i18n("Go anti-clockwise around the circuit and take an enemy with you, trapping him in the pits at bottom left, lower right and upper right. Then you can run across the concrete and collect the gold up there.\n" 0134 "\n" 0135 "Next, clear out all of the left side except for one nugget above a ladder. To get this one, release the second enemy and take him all the way around the circuit. Follow him up the long ladder, staying on it till he runs over to the left and falls. Now go to the left end of the concrete as he circulates around the left side of the play area. As he falls past your feet, run over to the small ladder and get the gold.\n" 0136 "\n" 0137 "To get past the lower left pit, stand on the enemy and dig left. When you fall, dig right and escape, but stay low until the bricks close, then you can use the short ladder to lead the enemy up, across, down and out.\n" 0138 "\n" 0139 "To operate the lower right pit, go and get the gold in the centre of the circuit, then dig each side of the short ladder there. Fall to the left as the enemy is caught on the right. When the enemy emerges, he will go right and drop into the pit. Stand on his head and dig left to release him.\n" 0140 "\n" 0141 "You can push the enemy up the right hand ladder and to the left by standing a little way from the bottom of the ladder. You will need careful timing and digging to get him into the top right pit. Once there, you can run over him. If he still has gold, stand to the left of the pit and dig repeatedly until he drops the gold somewhere on his rounds."); 0142 // L022 0143 // Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH RNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH E H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0144 i18n("Synchronised Running"); 0145 i18n("Yes, you must run on the enemy's head --- all the way across! All it takes is a steady hand.");