Warning, /games/kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_plwv.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // G020 T plwv C 0002 // .dwf false 0003 i18n("Vengeance of Peter W"); 0004 i18n("Gooood luck!\n" 0005 "Mwarrhh hwwarrrr haarrrr!"); 0006 // L001 0007 // .dwf true 0008 // R Z H H H H H H MMMXH H MNHXH H XXXXXH H HXH H HTH H HMMHXMMM H H H HM HX X H H HMNHX N M H H HMXHXXXXM H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXHH 0009 i18n("Impossible?"); 0010 i18n("No, it is not impossible. There is a trick in how you dig the bricks next to the gold nuggets."); 0011 // L002 0012 // E TTT T ETTT TT T TEZ TTH T TH TH T H TTMH H TZH TT T T T MTTM H HTTZHHT THT TTTTH T TTMM H HTZH TH T T T TTT H HT ZHH TH H TH TMTHMMM MTHTTZH HT TTH H T MM M H TZH H H H TT T THTT ZH TTH H HT H T TH TH T T ZHHT TH TH T H T TTH TZN TH HT H T HT THT HTHTT H TH T TTT THT TT H HT TH H TH HT HT HT H TH T TH THT H T H HTH T H THT THT TTHTT RHXE TTTTHTTTTTTTTTTTTTHTTTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0013 i18n("The Runaround"); 0014 i18n("Go up the left side to the top and across. Drop down left of the bricks. There is more than one route from these bars to the gold.\n" 0015 "\n" 0016 "When starting, wait on a short ladder while the enemy above falls past you on the left."); 0017 // L003 0018 // HTTTTTTTTTH TTTTTTTTTTTTZH TT HHTHFM T H ZFFFMH M HMHTHMHHEMMMMMMHTTZMMMMH MFMHTTTMH MMMMMH Z THE MHHTTHMH T TTTTT Z TH T HHT MMH THTTTT ZH TTT H HMHH HTTTT T Z HT HMTHTTHMHT H H H Z T H HMMMMMM H THTTTTH ZH TTH THE TH T TTTHT Z HTT TTTH TTT H H E Z TTT H HT T H HTTTT H FZH T TH TH TTHT HTTHTHFZHT HT H THTHT TTTTTH Z T TH H THTTTTTHTTTH T NZRH H HM TH H H H H HFFHZZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0019 i18n("Short Cut?"); 0020 i18n("Yes, you just have time to zip across the bottom, dodging all the enemies to get to the gold."); 0021 // L004 0022 // Z ZT TTT TT T T TZ TT TZ T TZ T ZT ZT ZT TZ T ZT T ZT TZ ZT T Z Z ZT TZZT Z T ZT Z Z TZ ZT T Z MHN ZT ZT T E NNMMH NE ZT ZTTT HMMMN MMMMH N H N MM N EH TTTTTT HMMHN MMHN MHMFMNHHNN TT HN HH MH MHMFMHNMMMMH MMHT MN H MHMFMNH HM M THNHMMMMMHMFMHN HMMHM MNNH NHMN MHMFMNHRHFNHHM MM ENMHMFMMMHMFNHNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0023 i18n("Sky Walker"); 0024 i18n("To get the gold in the cave, dig two bricks, wait till they start to re-appear, then quickly dig the third brick (your escape route). Run back up, dig and drop onto the gold.\n" 0025 "\n" 0026 "You can JUST get past the fourth enemy if you wait on the bottom ladder as he falls to the floor next to you. Finally, take a wandering route through the sky and emerge at the top left."); 0027 // L005 0028 // R TT M T EHTTT ZZMMH MMMMMMTT HMNNN HMMMMMMZZ H MMNMTTTHMMH HMMMHNMZZMM MMH MFMTTTHMMHM HMMMMMMZZNNNMMH H TTHM M HM ZZMMMMMH MMMH HM XMMHMHXXXXX M MMMHTHMH TMHN X MHMH X M NHTHMH HMMXMX MHM XXXXXZXX M NNHMH MN MX MHM H E MNNHMH HMM MX MHMHXXXXXHHXH MMMMMMM MMXMXNMHMH HH HN XFMHMXXXXXXHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXH MHM EN HHH EN HXXMMHMHXXXHTTHXXXXXXXXXXXXXH H HMH H T NNN MMHMXXXXH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0029 i18n("The Vault"); 0030 i18n("You can trap enemies in the bottom vault by waiting at the bottom of the long ladder. To kill them, come out, dig one brick, then go back and wait again."); 0031 // L006 0032 // TRMMMMMM E FF ZFXMMMMMMHMFMHM FFHMXMXMXMZMZF H MHM MHFH MHFZFZFZZNMZM H MHM MHNH MHMZMZMZMMMZM H MHM MHFHNMHMZZZZZZHMZMHMMHNEMHMM HFHZZHMXMXMXMHMZMHMMFXXMHMTHMFHFZHMHFHFHFHMZMFMMFMMMHMMFMMMFMHMFMMMMMZMZM TTTTHMHXT T TMHMNHNHNHNMZMNNNNNHMHM H HT MHMHNHNHNHMZMNNNNNHMHMHT T HMNHNHNHNMZMNNNNNHMHM H HHMZHMHNHNHNHMZMNNNNNHMHMTHTHTHMHMNHNHNHNMZMNNNNNHMH T H NMHMHNHNHNHMZMMMMMMFMHMZ MFFFMHMFXFXFXFMZ H FZ H M ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0033 i18n("Patchwork Quilt"); 0034 i18n("To get the gold in the top middle section, dig three bricks next to the trapped enemy, wait till they start to re-appear, dig once more, then run up and right to fall back to where the enemy was.\n" 0035 "\n" 0036 "Now you can dig and get onto the ladders before he gets back to you."); 0037 // L007 0038 // NNTT T HH T HHMMFMHMM H FXMHXXFHXXFEXHH F H HTFHMFF MH HT MM HHMHF HMTH HMM MHT H H TTH HFXH TH HT X M H H H MHHMMMMHF H HM XMMMH H X HH T H XH H X M H H THMXFHXXXMXXHH H M TH M HMM HM TT H H MH H MH THHX HMHXTH H XXX MHT MH MHH XMMHTTTTM MHMHTH H MHXHHHT N H FHH H XMMMH MMHH HX MXH X H TN H HHXM H M MXH HTMXXTHH TH HXM HTN HN HRHX M H FXX FHXM FNHXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0039 i18n("Do You Need Him?"); 0040 i18n("You can leave the enemy where he is.\n" 0041 "\n" 0042 "Go nearly to the gold at the bottom right. Do not pick it up yet, but go up and get the two nuggets at the top left. Then you can come back down to where you were and complete the level."); 0043 // L008 0044 // NRN TTTTTT HT TT N N FMMHMMMMH N H MMMHN MMMMMFFFZFFFMHMMMM H N XHN N N N NNZNN MHTNTTH H XHN MMMMMFXXXXXXMH MFFH H XMXHN N N FMMMMM NTTTTTH H NXHN MMMMMFMMMMM HM M H XHN N N NMMMMMMEHH T N H XHN MMMMMN TTH FFMMMH XHN N N MMMMMMTNH N XHN MMMMMNTTTTTTNH FMM XHNZ M TTTTTTTHTTTTTNT MMMFMMMMH HFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFMHMM MMH HFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFNHMM Z MMH HTTT N HMMZNN MMH H E MMMMMMMMMMMH EMHFMMHHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0045 i18n("Stuck in Storage"); 0046 i18n("First clean out the cave by digging three bricks at the right. Later you can kill enemies on the bottom bricks and trap them in the cave.\n" 0047 "\n" 0048 "At the right, get the vertical row of gold first, then go across and get the gold on the horizontal platforms. Stay right, dig through the last platform, then dig and get the right hand nugget in the cave. Finally pick up the left hand nugget."); 0049 // L009 0050 // ERT T TT T NXX XXX X XHX HXXX HXXXMFXH XX X HTHX H XH XXH XXX X H X H T X HXHX H X XX TX XTHT X XXHXXMFHXX X XH FXH H XXXHT FH XXX XHFXH H XH XHFH XX X XHXH XXXXHXHXX HMH HX X XHXHX H H XX XHXXXX X XHXHX XHXXX H T X HXH X H HXXXX HFH XXXX HX HX H HXXXX X TH XX XX HX H HXX HMXXXXX HX XXHXXXXXXXX HFTTTTTTTHXXXX TTTHXXXXXXXXXXTH E XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0051 i18n("So Far for So Little"); 0052 i18n("At the start, go down and dig. At the finish, approach the gold from below."); 0053 // L010 0054 // E TTTTTTTTTTRTTTTTTTTTTT ENMH ZM HMNX H ZMX H X H MZT M H H TMZMN H HH M MZMNHMH TTTTTT HH TMHMZMM NHM HH MNMHMZMM MHMT HH MM MHMZMM NHM M HH TMM NHNZMM MHMNMM T HHT HMNNNNX MZMMNNNM MHM HH HMMXXXMM MZMMMMH THXM HH MNNNNNMM MZM N MMMNNNMM HH XXXMM TTMZMHMNNNNMXXMXM HHMNNN MMMMMMZMH MXXXMMMT MMHH MMM MMMNNNZNMH M HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0055 i18n("Pharaoh's Tomb"); 0056 i18n("Finish by collecting the two nuggets either side of a ladder on the left, then the four at the very bottom of the tomb. You need to get an enemy to fall onto the hanging nugget in the left side of the pyramid. You need another to fill the pit at bottom left.\n" 0057 "\n" 0058 "The rest is several digging puzzles, often with limited time to get out before your escape route closes. Enjoy!"); 0059 // L011 0060 // HHHHT M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZHFM M MHM MZHZH MHHHHMZZZZZHFMMHF MHMM ZM M MHMHMMZMMMHHHHHHFMHHHH ZMFHHHHMHM ZZZZZMMMMHFHHMMMNZM MMMMHZMFMMMMHHMMMHMMMMHMZZMHHHHHZFHHZZHMHHHHHHHMHHHM MHHMMMMF MHFFHMHHMMMMMTT ZHMHHMTTT MMZHHFHMHHMHMMHHHTFHHZMH H FFMHHHMHHHHMHM MM MMFMHF HHH HHMMFHMMHMHMMMMFMMMHHM MHMMTHM HHZHMHMZHHHHHHHHHM MHHMHMMHMH ZHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMHZHM HMMHMH HHMMM HHHHHHHHHHFM HMH HHH HHMZH MMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHFM HHRFH FHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHZFFHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0061 i18n("Entangled"); 0062 i18n("Drop from the bar at top left and you will get to the gold. Exit right and up, on the ladders that appear. Go across the top until you are seven or eight spaces from the right, then go down.\n" 0063 "\n" 0064 "As you head diagonally down to the left, there are two false bricks. Drop into the second one, stay inside it and dig right. Now fall into a string of ladders that leads down and to the left ..."); 0065 // L012 0066 // NNNNNNZZ FRNENE F ZZNNNNNN XMXMXMHZ FMMMMM ZHMXMXMX HZ HNHHT ZH NNNNNNHZ HHNH T ZHNNNNNN MXMXMXHZ HNHH NZHXMXMXM HZ THHNH FZH NNNNNNHZ TNHNHHT NZHNNNNNN XMXMXMHZNNNHHNHNTNZHMXMXMX HZFNNHNHHNNNZH NNNNNNHZNNTHHNHNNFZHNNNNNN MXMXMXHZNT HNHHTNNZHXMXMXM HHN HHNH TNZH NNNNNHZM HNHH NHHNNNNN MZMMMMMHZ HHNH MZHMMMMMZM MMMMXXMFFMMMZMMMMFFMXXMMMF HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH E XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0067 i18n("Flying Tower"); 0068 i18n("Well you just have to be fast and accurate on this one and that is all we can say ..."); 0069 // L013 0070 // Z Z MMMMMMMM Z M HRHHHM Z MHN NHNHNHHM Z MHNHNHHNHNNNHM Z MEHNNHNHNHNNNHEMZ MTHTTTTHTHTTTTTMZ MNHNNNNHNHNNNNNMZ MNHNNNNHNHNNNNNMZ MNHNNNNHNHNNNNNMZ MNHNNNNHNHNHHHNMZ MHNNNNHNHNNNHM Z FNNNNHNHNNHF Z MNNNHNHHHF Z MMMFMFMMNNNNZMMMMMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0071 i18n("Pot Hole"); 0072 i18n("Well, the old MG was pretty fast and agile in its day and you have to be too.\n" 0073 "\n" 0074 "You can try digging three bricks left and one centre to kill one of the enemies right at the start, but chances are he will fall into the pot hole on the right and you will have no chance of collecting the last lot of gold."); 0075 // L014 0076 // M Z M Z Z N Z EEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMFFFFMM ZZZNZZZH Z H Z H NNNNN Z H FFFMM Z H ZFMMMMMMMMMMH M FMMMMFFM H M MMMMFMMRNNH M MMMMMFMMMMMH MMMMNNNNNNMHHH NNNNNNNNNNNNMXXXXXXXXXXXXFFXXXHXXHXXHXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0077 i18n("Sticky Ladders"); 0078 i18n("Start by going about three quarters the way up the ladder. The enemies run right. Run to the top in time to get one to fall through a false brick while the others run towards you. Go left, dig two holes to trap them, then run right, dig and fall to the bottom of the first small ladder on the right. The enemies should come down the long ladder and fill up the two false bricks at its foot.\n" 0079 "\n" 0080 "Dig and catch the third enemy on top of the thick brick area, then run to the second space from the bottom of the long ladder, next to a row of bricks. The enemy should run into the pits on the left."); 0081 // L015 0082 // TTTTTTTTH EZ NNN H N T MMMFFMMHMMFMMHTTTTTTT H T MMMMMHHMMMMM HHH H T FMMHHTTT HHMMFH H N TNMHH T NT TTTTTHH H X T H T H EH H TH M M TH HNH TT N H M M TTTH T N H HHHHH M M THH N H HMFMH M M HT N N H HMNMH MNM HTTH N H HMNMH MFF H TH T N H HMNMH E MMMMM H N HR HMNMH HH N XXXXX HXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0083 i18n("The Laboratory"); 0084 i18n("You have to go up the leftmost ladder to get to every nugget and then exit to the next level. Come across from the right to collect the top centre nugget.\n" 0085 "\n" 0086 "Get past enemies on the 'bunsen burner' by killing them on the right of it, by dropping through the middle of it when they are nearly touching you and will fall after you OR by jumping left over their heads before they get to the top of the burner."); 0087 // L016 0088 // HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHNHHHNHHHHNHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHNHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHHNHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHNHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHNHHHHNHHHHRHNHEHHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0089 i18n("Pete likes Ladders"); 0090 i18n("Keep going between the top and bottom to dodge the enemy. Pick up nuggets when you can. If the enemy gets one he can only drop it in one of the empty spaces. So keep him running through them and wait patiently ..."); 0091 // L017 0092 // ZZZZZZZZZZZ EE MMH Z HHHHTTT Z F HTTTTT Z HNNNN N Z N N H HTTTT N Z F N ZH TTTTH MMM Z M N ZZZ H HTTTTNNNMMF Z MMNZZ Z H HTTHMMMMNF Z ZZZ ZH TTTH N MMFFMMMHZXN MMM FHTT N NNNNHZXH FFMTTH N NN MMMFHZXH FNH TH HHNNNNNNHZXH TH FMFH FF NNHNMFFMHZXH T HTTTTHH N NH FNNNNHZXHT H TT F NH FMMFMHZN R TTTH H F HH F HHMMMMMMMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0093 i18n("Where is the Roof?"); 0094 i18n("First clear up all the gold at the left and top, then dig out the cave and collect the gold on the ladders between the two low walls of false brick.\n" 0095 "\n" 0096 "If there is an enemy in that section, kill him by hiding in the bottom of a false wall and digging one hole next to it. He will die as he attempts to get you. This will not work if there is gold on the brick you want to dig ..."); 0097 // L018 0098 // H NHNTHTTNMMMM HHHE XX H H H H NMMMMM HHHHXXX T T H MM H XHXXX HNNHNHTHTT MMMM HXXXXXX H H HNHHNNNMMMM MM XMEH H H TNHHNNMMMM MMM XMNH H T H THNMMMMMM MMMHN XMNH HNH HTH MMMMMMMM MM NHNXMNH THH HHH MMMMMMMMFMMNHHHXMNHEHHHH HHNMMMMMMMMFMNMMHHH NH H TH H HMMMMMMMMFMMMMHHXFNH H HT T HMMMMMMNMFMFHTHNXFNH HNHH H HMMMMMMHN M HNN XFNH T HHNH THHHHHHHH HN XFNH H HHNT HMMMMMMHHN HN XFNHRH HH H HMMMMMHNNH HN E NHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0099 i18n("Ninja Style"); 0100 i18n("After collecting all the gold on the left, stay over there, go up high, get the enemy to follow you, then drop to the floor. If an enemy falls near the middle ladder on the right, quickly climb to a point higher than that ladder. After a few tries, you should get all three enemies at the right onto the long rightmost ladder. Now it is easy to clear out the first two areas of gold on the right.\n" 0101 "\n" 0102 "Attract three or maybe only two enemies onto the middle ladder at the right. Go up near the hole in the concrete, drop, run right, go up the long ladder, drop left and collect the gold.\n" 0103 "\n" 0104 "If you get only two enemies onto the middle ladder, make sure the third one is dropping off the right ladder before you run across. You will then have to go all the way up the long ladder and wait till it is safe to drop left and collect the gold.\n" 0105 "\n" 0106 "If the enemies are still carrying gold, keep them chasing you around on the middle ladder and falling to the concrete until they release it."); 0107 // L019 0108 // RTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHT N N N M TTT MMN HH T FFF FH M T MH MHTTTMHH MENMMMMNNH MNMHH MHTTTMHH XMXMHHHFM MHH MHTENMHH MHHHHMHN NTMN H EMMMMMMMHH MFHMF FMH FXMXM T HH TTN NT H HNNH MH MHMHHMN MFM HNMNMHHH MMMMMHM F HHN M H NMMMHFF MMMMMH N HHNNNNN NNNNTTHX MMNMMH M HHMMMMMFMMMMZXFXXX MMMMMHN MHH Z HHHHHH HH TT NZNNNNNNNNNNNNN HMFFH FFM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0109 i18n("Cooperation?"); 0110 i18n("It looks as though you should trap two enemies in the two pits at the bottom. Try it, but it is very hard to get one into the right hand pit and you are apt to get an enemy with gold in the left hand pit. Four false bricks further left prevent you running over from the left and digging.\n" 0111 "\n" 0112 "It is best to pick up the bottom row of gold last, dropping in via the hanging nugget at the right and escaping via the ladder that appears.\n" 0113 "\n" 0114 "The key to clearing up the left hand section is the line of ladders embedded in the bricks. Exit via the three places that have false bricks beneath them. It is suicide to drop onto the middle of the T-shaped bricks.\n" 0115 "\n" 0116 "Start by collecting the gold on the right of the T: then you can get an enemy to run into the U-shaped pit.\n" 0117 "\n" 0118 "Watch out for the false brick in the middle of the platform at the lower left. You have to collect the gold in separate trips from the left and the right."); 0119 // L020 0120 // H T XHXNNNNNNNNHTNTNNNNNNNNHHFMEXHXXXXXXXXXXFXFMXXXXXXXHFFFMXH HT F XH H XHX HXXXXH HM MHHXXXXX H E TH M H TTH HX H MNM H ZZ H TTH HXHM X XX HFH ZH TTH HXHH X TT HTH ZH TTHTH XFMX TXX N H ZH TEH MHM H N H TZH X H T H XH N HXZ XX H XX H N H Z H NNNN H N HZ NRHXMN HMFMMM MMHX XHMM H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0121 i18n("Triple Trap"); 0122 i18n("Trap the first enemy immediately. Go up and right and hang on the ladder to the right of a short bar. As the enemy arrives, climb up quickly. As he reaches you again, go left, drop and go up the left hand ladder to the top.\n" 0123 "\n" 0124 "The enemy should head right, over the concrete, and fall. Now go down to the bottom left corner. The enemy should drop into a false brick next to the gold.\n" 0125 "\n" 0126 "Collect all gold at the top, then dig and drop to the next enemy. Stand on him, dig left and move right. The enemy will drop into the pit. Move to the right and collect more gold as you fall.\n" 0127 "\n" 0128 "Climb to the top, drop onto the trapped enemy via a false brick under a bar and collect five more nuggets. Now dig and go down the short ladder at the right of the bricks, to kill the enemy in the pit (who has more gold). He should reappear above you and fall through a false brick back into the pit.\n" 0129 "\n" 0130 "Dig three bricks between the two enemies and go down the short ladder until the enemies bunch up. Dig two more bricks to release them. Go up the ladder, over the concrete and, just before the enemies get up to the concrete, drop down to the floor and run to the bottom of the short ladder. The enemies should come down and run into the double pit on the right.\n" 0131 "\n" 0132 "Quickly run out to the right, over the enemies. Drop onto the last piece of gold, over on the right and the hidden ladders appear. Phew!\n" 0133 "\n" 0134 "P.S. Another way to trap the left hand enemy in the false brick is to get him to follow you up the leftmost ladder while you run across the top and dig to drop onto the second enemy. Timing is VERY tight. You must dig and drop before the enemy climbs over the top left and runs right.\n" 0135 "\n" 0136 "Later, climb the right hand ladders to the top, wait on the left hand bar over a false brick till the leftmost enemy starts to run towards you, then drop. Wait again till he starts to drop, then dig two bricks at the right of a short ladder, go right and drop, then run left to the bottom of a short ladder. The enemy should drop through a false brick and a ladder into the false brick beneath.\n" 0137 "\n" 0138 "P.P.S. There is no room for error or hesitation in this method! Not much in the first method either!");