Warning, /games/kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_MAZ.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // G037 T MAZ C 0002 i18n("Mazes"); 0003 i18n("Mazes, mazes, mazes. Some with enemies, some without. While occasionally you will need to kill an enemy, as a general rule it is best not to kill them, because they reappear at the top and block your exit. You also need to dig while falling sometimes.\n" 0004 "\n" 0005 "Another great set of Championship levels from Steve Mann <smann at cgl uwaterloo ca>. The levels are named after dwarves in myths and stories (with a few named after elves), beginning with the seven dwarves from Disney's version of Snow White."); 0006 // L001 0007 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M H N M HHHHHHHHH M HHHHHHHHHHHHH M H H M Z E X H XE ZM H XXXXX H XXXXXXXXX H XXXXM H M H M H M HHHHH M HHHHHHHHH M HHHHH M X H M X H M H H MXXXX H XXXXXXXXX H X H X H M H M M H M H M H M HHHHH M HHHHH M H M H M H M H M H H M H M H M H M H XXXXX H X H X H X H X H M H M N M H M H H M HNM H M H M H M H M HHHHH M HHM H M H M H M H M M M H M H X H X H XXXXXXXXXXXXX H XRH M H H H MHH M HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH M M X 0008 i18n("Dopey"); 0009 i18n("Fairly simple, just avoid falling off the ladders. There are several ways to get past the two enemies at the end. One of the quickest is to wait on a tall vertical ladder, just below the second highest horizontal ladder, until the path to the exit is clear."); 0010 // L002 0011 // M M NM M T ZH HMXXMH M HXH MMMMMMMMMMMH HX XH M HMH M HT HMH MH M HMH T M H MXMMH MH M HMMMX HMH M HXHH X H M H H M XM HMH HMHH M H M H H MX M HMH HMHH MMMMH MXMXMXMMMMXMMMXXXMMHH MXNMHT T M MHH M XFH H M E MHH MMMMH XMMMH MMMM HMMMXH MHH H M H MX M H MH MHHT H M H X NM H MH MHH MMMMMMMXXXMXMMMMMMMH MH MHH M M M H MH H M M M H MH HMMM HMH M HMH M HXXXXMXXMMMH HMH HMH HM HR HMH HMH HMN H 0012 i18n("Sleepy"); 0013 i18n("A lot of backtracking, but nothing too difficult here."); 0014 // L003 0015 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHN M M NM HXXXMMMHMHMXMHMXXMHMMFHMMXMHM M H H XHX H FH X HNMFH MMHMMMMMHMMFXXXMXXXMHMMFMFMH H HMHM F M HX MXMFXXMXXXHMHMHFHMHMHMXXMMHF NX H H HFH HMHX NHNMXXXHXXXXMMXMXMFMXMMHMHXXFMF H X M MHMH XXXXMMHMHMHMHMMMHMMMHMHMMMHF HMHMHMH T H T HMH MH MMHMHMHMHMHMMX XMM FHMHMMMMFRMHMHMHXH H TMXN X XH H N HMMMHMMMHMMXM HMHM MHMHFHMXFH HM MHMTNTMNMHM MHMNXHXHNHMMMHMHMHFMXMXFFHMMMMXXMHMHFHM MH HMH H H HM M MH HMHMMMHMMMHMHMMMHMMMHMHMXMHF MH H M M M H HMH H 0016 i18n("Doc"); 0017 i18n("A few tricks to figure out how to get the gold, but nothing too hard."); 0018 // L004 0019 // R M M M M M M M M M M M M MMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMNM HHHH HHHHH MHH HHH HHHHHHHHMMHMNMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHMHHHHMHMHMHHHMHHHMHMHMHMHMHH MMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMNHHHH HHM HHMNHHMHHNHHHHHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHNHHMHHHMHHHMHMHMHHHMHMHMHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHMHMHMHMHMHHHHMHHHMHH HHHHMHHHHHH MHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHMHMHMHM HMHMHHHMHMHMHHHMHMHMHHHMHMHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHH HHMHHNMHHHH HHMHHHH HHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MNMHMHHHHMHMHMHHHMHMHMHHHMHMHMHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHNHHMNHHHHHHH HHHHHHH HHHHH MM MHMHMHM MHMHMHM MHMHMHMHMH 0020 i18n("Grumpy"); 0021 i18n("Visually confusing, but otherwise a simple maze."); 0022 // L005 0023 // R M M H M HM M H M ZM NM HXXMHXXXXXXXXXXHXHXXXXXXXXXHHHHHH HH M HMH HH M H FXXM H M HMXXXMH MHXX MN M HH MXXXXM MH MHTH M HM HH HE H M HXXXMXHMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHMXXH T M HHH HHT NM XN HM HH HH HMMXXXMHXFHM HXXMM HH MMXMM NMH MMMHXXH M HH M HXHH H XH NMH ME HMXXXXHMXXHMHMXXXMHXXMHXXMXXHN M HMEMHHHM MHTNMHM HH H HM HM M HM MHM MHMHMH HH M HM M HHH HH FMH HMH HXHMHXMMHMXMFMXXXMMXXMNMHMXXM HMH MHTTHMN H M MHM N HMH MH HMXXXXMH M MHM H H H HFFH H M H H 0024 i18n("Sneezy"); 0025 i18n("Mostly straightforward, the only trick here is how to draw off the enemies so as to get past them. In the beginning, try to lure the top two enemies into the top-center pit. This gives you enough time to slip past them. The enemy on the bottom is relatively easy to avoid (twice). To get past the top two enemies on your way back, lure the first one deep into the maze until you find a way back past him, then lure the second one to the section with the pole near the top."); 0026 // L006 0027 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZMN MMMNM T M MN ZMZMHMMMHMHMXXXX XHMHXHXHMXMHM MH MH HM MNMH HMHMH MHM MHXHM MFMHXHMFMMM MHMMMHMHM MHMHMNM MHMH MNMH MH HM MHMHMXXXMHMMMMXHMMMMMHMMXHM XHMHM MH MH HMNMHMMMHMHMHXHMMMMMHMMXXXXXMM MHM HMH HMH HMN NM HMHXMMMXMMMXXXXXFMFMHMXXXMHXMMHM N MXMHM HMNMHMHMMMXMNMMMMMMMMMHMHXXXMMHMHMH MNM HMH M HMHMMMMMHMMMHMMMXXXXHMMMHMHM MH MH MH M MH HMHM M XXXHXMX MMMHM MHMMMMMMMHM M NMH MT MHMNMH MFXN HM MMMMMMMHM XHMHMMMMMHMMMMMHM MR HX MH H H HMNM 0028 i18n("Bashful"); 0029 i18n("To reach the two pieces of gold stacked one above the other, you have to drop through a trap below one of the ladders above that section.\n" 0030 "\n" 0031 "Leave the piece of gold at the upper left until the very last."); 0032 // L007 0033 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMEHHH MNMEHHHNMNMNM H MNM RHMHMHMHMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHMHHNMHMHMHMHMHEHMH HMHMHMMMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMMHHHHMHHHMHMHHHMHMHHHHHMHMHH HHMHMMMHMHMHMMMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMHH MHMHMHHNMHMHMEHHMHHHMH HMHMHMHMMMHMMMHMHMHMMMMMHMMHHMHMHMHH MHHHHHHHMHHHHHMHH HHMHMHMMMHMHMMMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHMHMHMNMHMHHHMHMHHHMH HMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMMHHHHMHHHMHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHH HHMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHM MHMHMHMH HMHMHMHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMH HM HHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMMHHMHMHMHHHMHMHHHMHHHMHMHEHMHHHMHMHMHMMMHMMMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHNHMH H NMH N HMH HMHMH H 0034 i18n("Happy"); 0035 i18n("There are two tricks to this level. First, if you want gold that is high, move low to draw the enemies down, then move up to get the gold - and vice-versa. Second, at times you will need to use the ladder trick: if you are on a vertical ladder with an enemy above you, sometimes the enemy will run away from you."); 0036 // L008 0037 // R MN NM H XHH E M HHHX MH MMHH HHH XH MM H MMXH MH MH H H MH MHXH MH MZMXH H MMH HXH M MH H MH HM MH MHHXH H MHHHM H MM MH H H MXM H MN MHMZMN H XH H M M XHH H MH M MMH H HX MH HX HHHHME MH HM XH MMM H HM H HHXHTTTT HHHHHXM XHHHM XHMMMM HH N HXHTTTTHX 0038 i18n("Glorfindel"); 0039 i18n("To get the piece of gold at mid-left, you will need to lure the enemy across the pole and run across him as he gets to the end of the pole. The same trick will be needed to get back, unless he follows you back across the pole; then you will need to find another place to dodge past him."); 0040 // L009 0041 // RHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHEMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHNHHMHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMHMHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHEMHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHNHHMNMHMHMHMEMHMHMHMHMNMHMHMHMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHMEMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHMMMHMHMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEHHHHHHHNMHMHMHMHMHFHFHFHMHMHFHFHMHMH 0042 i18n("Hreidmar"); 0043 i18n("Be careful not to let the enemies get the gold - it is hard to get it away from them! Otherwise, by moving into the middle section, you can get most of the enemies to move up and to the right. This allows you to get the gold on the bottom level. Some of the bricks on the bottom level are traps. When an enemy gets close, you can drop into the trap, step to the side and move over the enemy. But it is better to maneuver the enemies so that they stay away from the bottom section while you are down there getting the gold."); 0044 // L010 0045 // MXXM MH N MXXM E MH T MMMH MMMM HXMMXH MMXMXMX HMH H HM H M M HMH H HM H M MNHMH HMMXXXXXXMM HMMXM HM MXMMH HXN M HM HM H HM H T M HM HM H HMXMX HMH M HM HMMMM HMMMMH H M HMH M H HMXXM HMXXMH H M HMNHM H HMXXM HMXXMH HXH M HMXMMXMXXMMMMM HMMMMM HMH M HH M M H MX HMH M H M M H MX HMH MXXMH M HMMMMH MMMMH MM HMH XH M H XH M H MNNHMH MH M H MH M H MHXMMMMMH MH MXFXH MH M HMMMMH H MH H MH H HR H MH E H MH H E H 0046 i18n("Ori"); 0047 i18n("A straightforward maze: the false brick underneath the ladder near the bottom center may prove useful."); 0048 // L011 0049 // MMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMM MMMN HMN Z ZMZ M MN Z MMHMMMMMHMMMMMHMHMMMMMHMHMHM HM HM H HM HMHMHEMMHMHMHMHMHMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMM HMNMNMHHH M MHXN HMHMXXXXM MMHMMMHMHMMFHMMMHMHMH MNMH NMHMH NXHM MH MMHMMMMMHMHMHXMMHMHFMMHMHXMH HM H HMH HMH H HMNHMMMMHMXXMXMMMMMMHMMMMMHXMMXM MH HM M H H HMHMMMHMHMHMHMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMH H HMHMHMHMN H H H M NMMHMMMMMHMHMMMXXXMMMHMHMMMHMN H EM EHMHMN HMHM H MMHMMMHMHMHMXXXXXXXMHMHMHMMMN HMNMHMH HMNM MHMH H MMHMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMMMHMHMMMHMN H HMH NXH H HMHM HMH EMHR 0050 i18n("Nori"); 0051 i18n("The hardest part is when two enemies get in the center of the maze and you need to pass them. Try to move down and to their left, lure one down, trap it and then go up to trap the other. Otherwise, clever digging should deal with them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i18n("Dori"); 0055 i18n("The only trick to this level is using the hidden passages and enticing the enemies to use them."); 0056 // L013 0057 // M M M M M X MZ X T TTM T TTMZE HX HX HM HXXXMHEX HX MXMXH HM HM HM H M MXX HM TM HNHM HM HM H X HM HXMM HM HMXMXH M HXXMM HXMMXH M HM HM HMMH M M HMXXMHN HM HMN EH MH MN HMXXMH HMMMM HMXMXH MH MXXXXMMMMMH HMFMM HE MMHNMH M MMH HMMMMFXHEMMHMMH M MH HX MMMMHMMMMMH M HMMMMH MH HM TTTTHMM FMH M HX H MHMHM E HMMM MH HM H MH HMMHFXXMMXMFMMMXXXMM HXMXMH HM HM M M TTMTT HMN MH HM HM M H EHM HMH HMMHM HMH M HXXXXXXXXMMMHMH HM H HMH HMM M H HRHM H HMH HMN HMHMH 0058 i18n("Bombur"); 0059 i18n("There are several ways to get past an enemy who is in the ladder-trap loop. One is to wait next to the trap and when the enemy is half-way up the ladder, step into the trap and move immediately to the left and down. However, at the start, you might get three enemies in the ladder-trap loop. Avoid this. One of the three can break out of the loop, but the other two remain trapped, leaving you no way to get past them."); 0060 // L014 0061 // R M N H XHM H E HHHHHH M N H XHHHHH HMMMMMH M H H MMMMMXHH MH XH MH MMH MXH H MH MH MH H H MH MH MH M H MXHHHHHH MH MH XHHH MMMMMHX MXH MH MMH N H MH MH H H M E HM H MH MH H XH HHM NM MH H H HH XMM MH H H H MH H H TTTTHN HH H H H H M XH X HEH HN H H MHH M H H X H H MMH H X M H H HXHTTTTTTNH M M H HHMMM X M X M 0062 i18n("Luthien"); 0063 i18n("After dodging the first enemy you come to, try not to jump off and grab the floating piece of gold in the center too soon. If you do, the enemy you just dodged will drop to the lower level, grab a piece of gold and head for the floor where you can not get the gold away from him."); 0064 // L015 0065 // ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MZM E M MHMHXXXXXXXHMMMHXXMHMMMHMXXXMHMH M MH MHM HM HM MHMMXHMHMHMMMHMHMHMMMHMMMHMHMH EMHMHMHM HMHMH MH E HMHMHMMMHMHMHMXXMMHMMMHMMXXMMMHMH MHMHMH M EHM HM X H ZMHMHMHMMXHMHXMMHXMMHMHMHXMZZMHMHMH MH HM HM HMHMHMMNZMHMHMMXHMMMZMHXMMHXMMHMHM ZZFH HM MH MZMHM HMNMHMH MF MMMMMHMMXHMMMHMMMHMHMHMMHHM X H MHM HM HMH H XHMMMHMMMHXHMHMHMMMHMHMMXMXMMHME H HMHMH H HMHM M MH HXMXXXMMHMMXMXMXMMHMHMHMMMHM M MNM M ME HMHFHM MHMFMHMMMHMFMHMHMMMXXMMHMHMMMHMR HME H HMH HMH HM 0066 i18n("Bofur"); 0067 i18n("If you have two or more enemies between you and where you want to go, you may find the diggable columns useful. Dig two layers, wait one from the top to trap the first enemy and then move to the top to trap the second enemy."); 0068 // L016 0069 // MN M N NM M MMMHMHXXXXXXXXXXXHMHMXXXMHMMMH HMH M M HMHX MH MHMMMMMHMHMHMHMHMMMHMHXHMMFHMHMNMNMHMNMHMHMH MNMHMH HMHMFMHMHMMMHMHMMMHXX HMMXXXHMH MH H HMNMNMH MHMN HMHMXMHMMXXXMMMMMMMMHMHMFXHXMMHX HX HMH MH MHMHMFMHMMXXXXXXXMMHMMMHMMM MHMHMNMH M N M NXNHMNMH M MHMHFXMMXHMHX MHMXXMMHMHXHM MHMHX MHMHM MH T H HMHMNMHMHMHM MHMHMFMHFF HXMXHMHMMMH HMHM HMHM MHH MHMN HMH MMXMMHMXXFMHM MMXFHMHMMMMMHM HX HMTMH NFHMHM M HMHXXXMMHMHXMM MHFMMHMMXHXEMHRHMN HMHN H HMN HMNMHMMMMMMMMMMMFMMFMMMMMM HMM HM 0070 i18n("Bifur"); 0071 i18n("Lots of gold, only one enemy and he is trapped! It should be a cake walk!\n" 0072 "\n" 0073 "The first part just involves digging (at most) to collect the gold. But then there is no obvious way to get the gold on the bottom and on the left. Look for a trap under the bottom of a ladder to get to it. The only other trick is to get all the other gold and leave the enemy and its piece of gold to the last. And watch out - since there is only one enemy, it is pretty fast!"); 0074 // L017 0075 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M T M ZMMXMXHX XMXMXHMHXXXXXXXXXX M HM MX XMH HM MZ NHXMXHM M M MMMMMHXMXXMXHMXMMHM HMX MXMXMH MHH XFHXXMMMXMMMH E MMMMMHMMMHHFH M M MFMHXMXM NX H MHMHXHM MHXMMHMTNTM XXMHMMMMMHMHMH HMN H XZM HM HM HMXXMHMXMMXXXHMMMHMMXHXXXHMMH MNXH X NMH H MHM HNNXHMHMMXMMHMMMMXXMMMFMHMMMMM HMH MHMXM MXMNMH HMHMMMMMHMHMHM MHXHMMMMMMXXXHMH E HMHEH NMHMH H MXXXXXMXMXM HMHMMXXMXXXXXMHXR M M MHM X NXHMHMMMHMHMMMHMMMHM MHMHMHM MHMHMNEH HME H HMNMHEHMH H 0076 i18n("Gloin"); 0077 i18n("The pit in the upper right is tricky. To leave the maze, you need an enemy in the pit. But you would rather not have him there before you have taken the gold out. And if two enemies get in the pit before you get the gold, forget it."); 0078 // L018 0079 // R M M M M M M M M M M M M MMHMHMHMHMHMHMNMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHHHHHHH HHH MHHHHHHH HH MMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHM FHNTMHMHHFHMHMHMHHHMHMHMHMHM MHMHHHMMHMHMNMHMHMHMHMHMHFHMHMHMHMHHHHMHH MHHHMNHH HHHMHHHHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHFHMHMHMHMHMHHNHH MHHHFHH MHMHMHFHMHHHMHM FMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM HHHHHHHMHHHH HHHHHH NHHHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHM MHMHMHMHHHHMHMHMHMHMHHNMHHHMHMHMHHHMMHMHMNMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHMHNHHMHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM MHMHMHMNMHMHHMHMHNHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHMMNMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMNMHMHMHMHHHHHHHHMHHHH HHHHH HHHHHHHHMMHM M FH HMHMHMHMHM MHMHMHM 0080 i18n("Oin"); 0081 i18n("Look for false floors to get to places that are otherwise inaccessible. You have to dig to find a couple of them."); 0082 // L019 0083 // RMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Z MN MN M MN HMHMXXHMXXHXHMHXXMXXXXXXHMXXHXH MH HMH H E HMN MMHMXMMXXXFMMXHMXXXXXMXXHMMH HX NM HX XN H HXMHMHMHXXXMMHXMMHXXXHMXXMXXM H HMH H HMN HM M MN XMMMHMHXXXXMHMXXHMXXMMHMHMMH X HMH XHX H H HM HHNXMMMHMMMHMHMHXMMHXXMHMHMMHH X H XHMHMH NXH NXHXH HHXMMHMMMHMMMHMMXXMMXXMMMHMMMH MHXN HM H EM H HMHMMMXXMMXXXMXXHMXMXMXMMXMHHXH H EMN HXNX NXE MHHMXMXXHMXMXXXMXXMMHMHXXMMXMHH X HM X E M M HMH MN MHMXHMXMHMHMHMHMHMHMMMHXXNMXXHN HM H H HXH H H H H H 0084 i18n("Kili"); 0085 i18n("Get the gold in the middle and on the top before getting the gold on the bottom or lower left. That way, if you have to kill an enemy (the one at the left is just asking for it) then they only block your way to the exit rather than make it impossible to gather the remaining gold."); 0086 // L020 0087 // MMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMM MN M M N X N M ZHMHMMMHMHFMMHMXXXFHMXMFMHMHMHXH HMHM HX NFH XHMHMHMHXXMFMHMMMMMHFMMMXXMXMHMHMHM NM HX HF F H HMHMTFMMHMMMHMMMMMHMMMNMMMMMFXH NM HX MH H M M NMHTFMHMXMHMMMHMFMMMHMMMMMHFMMH HX H HMFM H MH MHXXXMMMMHMHMMZFMHMMMMMXMMMHMH HXHX ZFMHM X M HNFXXXXXXFMMHMHMMMHMHM MMMXMMX N F XHMH NMHMHMNMNN HXXMXXXFMXHMHFFMHMHMMMFFXMHMH F M HMHF H HM N XHMMXXMHMFMHFHMHMXXMXXMHMFMHMHMR HX MNFHMHM MHM XHMHMHMXXMM MFFHMHMHMMMHMHXHMHMHM X HMH HM H HMH H H 0088 i18n("Fili"); 0089 i18n("Lots of false bricks to trap you, or give you access to different parts of the maze. Test below the ladders and other places.\n" 0090 "\n" 0091 "The four high trap in the middle is a show stopper: you can only get back past it once you have gathered all the gold. So stay out of the lower right until you have cleared the rest of the gold. Then drop through the trap below the top right ladder - there is no other way to get the piece of gold below it. Once you are down here, there is no getting back to the top right until you have cleared all the gold. After getting the piece of gold at center right, dig down to get the left of the two adjacent pieces. The escape from the lower right comes when all the gold is gathered and a small section of ladder appears in the center."); 0092 // L021 0093 // NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHMHHHHHHHRHMFMMMMMMMFMMMHMMMHMHMMMFMFMHMHMHHHHHMHHHMHHHHHHHHHMHMHHHMFMFMMMHMMMMMFMMMMMMMMMFMMFHMHMHMHMHMHHHMHHHMHHHHHHHMHHHMMMFMHMHMFMHMFMMMFMMMMMFMFMHMHHHMHHHHHMHMHMHHHMHHHMHMHHHMFMMMMMMMMMHMMMFMFMHMHMHMFMHMHHHHHMHHHMHMHHHMHHHMHHHMHHHMFMMMFMHMFMHMFMFMHMMMMMFMMFHMHHHMHHHMHMHMHMHHHHHHHMHHHHHMMMFMFMMMFMHMFMMMFMMMHMFMMMHMHHHHHMHHHMHMHHHMHMHHHMHHHHHMFMFMMMFMFMHMMMFMMMHMMMMMFMHMHHHMHHHMHMHHHMHHHMHHHHHMHHHMMMFMFMMMFMMMHMFMFMFMHMFMFMHMHHHMHMHHHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHMMMMMFMHMMMMMMMMMFMMMHMMMMFHNHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHH 0094 i18n("Dwalin"); 0095 i18n("A maze, but you can not see the path out. You have to use the false floors. Trial and error is your only hope - try mapping it on paper if you are having trouble."); 0096 // L022 0097 // RMH MH MH MH M EMH HH HH MHNH MH MH MH MH HH MH MH MHXMHMH HH MH MH HHXMH MH MH M HNMH MH HH MH MH MH HH MH HH H MH MH MH HX MH MH MH MHXMHHH MH MX MHXMH HH MH MH MH MHMH MH MH M MH MH HH MH MH H MX MH MH HHNMH MHXMH MXNMHMH M MH MH MH MH M MH HH H MH HH MH MH MH MH HH MH MH H HH MH HH MH MH MHXMH MHHMHMH MH MH MH HX MH MH MH MX M MH MH MX MH MHNHX MH HH MHNH MH MH MHNMX MH MH MHXMH HHHH MH MH HH MH MH HH MH HH MHMH MH MH MX HH MH MX MH MH H MH HX MZXMH MH HX MH MH MHMH MH MH MH MH MHXMH MH MH M HH MH HHHHH MH M H MH HHNHNMH MHHMZ MHNMH HH MHNMH MH 0098 i18n("Durin"); 0099 i18n("This diagonal maze is not too hard, except there is the occasional pit to get trapped in and that lone enemy is fast. Try to lure the enemy down and into one of the pits. Then the rest is almost a cake walk."); 0100 // L023 0101 // M M E E E E MH M T HMXXMXXXXXXXXMH M HMH XXXH HX TTT TTTTH M H HX H HM H H H M H HM H HMXXMXXXH HXXMXMMXMXH M HMX HTTTT XHTHTTX MH M HN H E H MH H M H MHEM H XMXXXMH MMXMH M HMH MMXMXXMH TTTXH M NXH T HXH XH H MH MH MH E HMH MH HMH MH MH MMXXXMMMXXXXXH MH HXHTTH MH M H MH HMH H MH E M H MH HMMXXMXM HXXXXH M HXXXXXXMH HTT M H MH M HXTTTTTTH H M T H MH M HM HXMMH MH XXMXH MMFM HM HXXMH H MH XH TTTT H HX H N H MH NMH EH H HMR H 0102 i18n("Dain"); 0103 i18n("There are too many enemies to fight up on the top level (there are not many bricks there for a reason). Instead, wait on the level below and let them come to you. Dig to escape and get the gold at bottom left.\n" 0104 "\n" 0105 "On the way back, stand on the top level and use the same trick to draw the enemies up there. Dig a brick leading down and head for the exit.\n" 0106 "\n" 0107 "The only tricky parts come when two enemies end up in the lower left, in the center (on your way back) or at the upper right. Except for the last case, you should be able to complete the level without intentionally trapping any enemies, but some may inadvertently fall into your two pits."); 0108 // L024 0109 // N N N HMMMMFFMHMFFMMMHMMMMMMMMHMMHHXXXXXXXHXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXHXXHH N H N H H HHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFMHMMMMMFMHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXHH N N H N HMMFMMMMHMMFMHMMMMMMMFFMHMFMHXXXXXXXHXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXHXXXH N H N H N N N H N HHMMHMMFMMMMHMFMMHMFMHMFMHMMMHXXHXXXXXXXHXXXXHXXXHXXXHXXXH H N H N H N H N H HMFMMMMMHMMMMMFMHMMFMMMFMMMHHXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXHH N H N N H N HMMMMFFMHMFMMHMMMMMMHMFMMHMMMXXXXXXXHXXXXHXXXXXXHXXXXHXXXR H H N H N H N MMMMMMMMMMFMMMMMMMFMMMMMMMMM 0110 i18n("Duergar "); 0111 i18n("A maze without walls or enemies - how hard can it be? But the traps act as walls, and the enemies would just fill the traps, so perhaps this is another one where you will want to draw a map. Note that you can probe for traps by digging, but that can lead to a rather slow game while you wait for the bricks you dig to refill."); 0112 // L025 0113 // MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MZ M M M N M MMMMMHFHM XHX MHM MMMHMHMHMHM HMHM HMT H MHMHMHMHNHMMMMMHMXMHM MMXXMHMHMHMHMXFH MH XHM X XHEHMHMH FHXMHX MMHMHM MHMHMMXMXHMMMHFHM HM N HMHM MHMH MH EMHFHMH MH T MHM MH MXMMHMFMHMHFZNXHMFH XEHM M M HM H HFHMMH FMH XH X X MHMMMXXMMHFH XHMMMH MH XN MH XMXNMMHMHM NMH MH X MMMMHMMFMMMF HMHMH MH MH M EHM HMMMHMMHTHMH MXXMMHMMMHMMMHMHMRMHE X HEMH TMH H MHMHM MMMHMHMHMMXXX MMMMMMMMMHMH M HM XHM M M HMMMXMHXMMH HMHMHMXXMXXMHMHMHMN HMN HMH HMH H HM M 0114 i18n("Balin"); 0115 i18n("To get through the center, you will have to clear it of enemies, but there is only one diggable brick. Use it to drop through, race to the right and go up to the row above the dug brick. There is just enough time to entice the enemy into the closing hole. Repeat as necessary.\n" 0116 "\n" 0117 "To leave the maze, you need to find a way through the long diagonal barrier of ladders. Beneath one of them is a false floor to use for your escape route."); 0118 // L026 0119 // R H H T HMEHHTHTHTH HM HH HMMHMHFHMHM HHMZFZMZMHTHHTMH H X MHXHHTXHM X M X MZXZM XHMM MHM MHMTH M M M MNM MNHHHHHMH HMHH FTH M HNMHH MTHTMHF H H HEHM FTHHH M H H T HTHXHMHXHM XHMHX MHXHH X MNXZMHHMNMNMNM MTHTM HTMNH H M MNHM H HHH MHH MTH MHHHM H MHHH MTH M H MHMNMH MTMNM H MHHX FHXHH XHZHX MHX M XTMHXHHHHFHHNMHMNMHM M HTM HHM H NHHMHHTMTHHHHHHM HTM H MHH FTHH M M M M MZM HTM MHMNFH MHHXHM X M X M XHM X H XHMHXHHHHM HHT M MNM H MNM HTH HTMHHM HTMHTHMHHHM HHMHH MTHHMEHH HTM MTH M H HTM MTH MZM HH X MNX MHX HHXZMNXNMHX M XHMMHM H H H H M M H H H H H H 0120 i18n("Gimli"); 0121 i18n("The enemies are paper tigers, although you need a trick to get past the first one. Stand on top of the ladder to the left of the false brick. When the enemy moves over the ladder to the right of the false brick, move down your ladder, enticing the enemy to move down into the false brick. Quickly move up and over the enemy's head.\n" 0122 "\n" 0123 "Otherwise, it is just a matter of maneuvering the enemies to a place where you can trap them or pass by them. The only real problem occurs if an enemy grabs a piece of gold and gets stuck somewhere and you can not dig him out. Oh, well, sometimes you lose.\n" 0124 "\n" 0125 "To get out of the center section, search for the double trap on the left."); 0126 // L027 0127 // MN M H H HM H MM HHHM NR XHHMH MNMMH HHMH NXHMFH HTMHMMH THHMH HMM HXHMH MHMFMH MH MH HXM XHMM HMZMH E HMH MH MHXM HHHM HHMM HXZMHMMHNMHMM MHMFH HHMM MHMMMH MZMH H H MHMM HH H H HMM H HXMH XZMM NXH MH FHXTMH XHXH EMZMM HMMH MZMHMM H H MH MHMM HXM MH MNH NXZXMH MZMHM HXM HH MH M HHMM MH M H HXM HHMMH MHMFHME HHHMH XHXM HHMM HMHM H XHMMH MHMM HHMM XHHM HMHHHMHM MHM MHMF HHMMH HHMMHM H MHMHMH H XH M MHMH H XZMHMHMH MHHXZMHH MHHM HXHHHMM HMH MH MZMM MHMHH HHMMHM HHMMH H MN HMH HMHMM NH HHMH MHMMH XHMF HHMHE HH 0128 i18n("Brokkr"); 0129 i18n("Leave the piece of gold just down and to your right until last. To get back to this section of the maze, you will need to dig through the wall a bit further down and to the right. The easiest way to handle most of the enemies is to lure them along until they fall into a pit. But beware, the pits fill with ladders once you have all the gold, allowing the trapped enemies to escape."); 0130 // L028 0131 // MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM T M T E ZHMHXZEXMXMXMHMHM ZXNMMMMHXXFHMH XX Z HMH XXNX HM FHMMH MHFXXXXMMMHHMHMHMMXMNHFH NXHMHXN MNXH HMH M HFMXXMHMHMMMHMHMHMMMHMMMHMHMMFM HMH HMHXHMH NMHMNXHMHMNFEHXXMMMMHMHMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHFHMN H HMHMH EH HMHMHMHFHM MXXXMXXMMHMMXXXMMMMHMHMHFHMEM XN H MHMH HFHMMMHMHMMMMMMXXXXXXF MHMMMHFH HMH M NX HM HFMMMMMMMMMMHMHMMMHMXMXXMMHMMFR M MHMH MHX E HXNFHXHMHMMMHMHMMMHMHMHMMMMMMMHFHMHMHM HMH MHMHMH MN HMHMHMHMHMMMMMHMHMMMMMHMMMHF MH HEHMH E HMH H HMHM 0132 i18n("Thrain"); 0133 i18n("Mostly straightforward, but beware of a couple of one-way gates, in particular in the section at the top, right of center. Be sure to clear out all the gold before freeing the trapped enemy at top right, who has a piece of gold. You will also need to use the false floor on the far right at the top."); 0134 // L029 0135 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ E NM MMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMXMHMM MHMN NM H M MHMXXXXXXXXXXXMH M HMH MHMMXHM E HM HMNMHMH TMHMHMXXXXXXXXXXM HMH MHMMH HMHM T HM H H NM MHMHMHMXXXM X HMXMM HMMHXXMHXHMHMH X H M H MHMN HMHMHMMXXMHM HXXXMHMXMHMHMMMFMHMH HMHXN H MHMHMNXNMHMMXXMXXMHHMXXXXMMHMHMH T MHM H HMM XHMHMHX XHMHMHMXXXXMXMMHMHMHMXMHMMMMMHMHMHX MHMHXH HE MHMHMHMHMXXXMHMHMHMMXXXMXXXXMHMHMHMHXN HMHMNM E HMHMHMHMXXXXMXHMMMHMXXXXXXXXMMHMHRH E H MH HM 0136 i18n("Thorin"); 0137 i18n("In the beginning, rush to the top of the pyramid-like structure, dig off the top, go down and get two pieces of gold. Then lure the enemies into the area under the pyramid and move down and to the left. This can cause an enemy to be trapped and others to move into areas where they are harmless. If any enemies follow you, escape to the bottom left, collecting some gold on the way.\n" 0138 "\n" 0139 "To get the piece of gold in the upper left, you first have to lure the one enemy out of that section. After collecting the gold, you may find yourself threatened by enemies to your right. If so, go to the lowest level of the section that you can reach without digging. The enemies will go into a side corridor, giving you enough time to run up over the bar and reach the top of the pyramid just ahead of them.\n" 0140 "\n" 0141 "The rest is just hard work."); 0142 // L030 0143 // XHR X X X X X X NMHH T MN TTT E TT MN H XH HTHXHT HHXHTT HHXH H MH HM M H M M HM HXH HXH HX X HHX X HX H H H M H HTT H M H HHM HH HH XHTH HHX TTH HXHH H HH H MZ HM H HM M H X EHX H XH HX H XTTTX X HE HHM H H MZM H FZMHTH H HH X N H N X H HX T H HXH H M H H M MH M F HMHHXH XH HX XH X H X HHXHHH HT MHM TTTTH H H H HHMHHHHH T X H TTTTXHH HXHHHHH H TM H M MH HMNFHHHHXH X H XH HX XZ HXH HXHHH H F HE MHM TTTTH MHHHHHHHHH X H H XH N ZXH H H XHH F H HHMNMH H MH HNM 0144 i18n("Telchar"); 0145 i18n("False floors are the key to this level. The way into a section is often not the way out. Many of the enemies will get trapped if you move low enough. Save the middle bottom gold for last: you can not get out of this section until a hidden ladder appears."); 0146 // L031 0147 // M MMMMMMMZMMMMMMMZMMM MMMMMMZZNMZ Z ZNM HZ MMHMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMHMMMHMMNZZMMHMMMMMMMHMNMMMZMHMNMHMFMMMMXHXXXMMXXHXXXMXXXHZFXHXFXMMMMHMMMMMMMHMMM MMMHM MHMMMMMMZH M HM Z H M H Z MMMMMFMHMMFMMMMMFMFMFMMMHMMXHFXXXXXHXXXMMMXMMXXXXMXXHXMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMNZ Z NMH MN M E ZZ M H ZMHMMMMFMMHMMM MHMMHMMMZM MHFXHXXMMXXXHMNMZ MXMHXMMMXXMHMMHMMMMMMMHMNM MMMMHMMMMMMMHMZHNMNNNM HNM NM HMNNNMZ HZMHMMMMMMMHMMMZMMMHMMMMMMMHMMXHXXXMMXXHXXM XXXHXMXMMMMHHMMHMZMMMMMHM MZMMMHMMNMMNNMHMMHMMMMMMMHMMM MMMHMMMM MM HMRH M Z Z H X Z Z H XN Z ZH X 0148 i18n("Dvergar"); 0149 i18n("When you collect the gold at top left, you may have trouble leaving the section. The obvious way out (at the foot of the ladder) does not work because of a false brick. Instead, you need to plan ahead when you dig into this section. Dig out the piece of wall that blocks your exit to the right, then quickly go up and grab the gold, then back down and out through the missing wall before it reappears. There is a false brick here, so be sure to dig as you fall into it.\n" 0150 "\n" 0151 "After getting the last piece of gold, you can exit through the center, where a new piece of ladder allows you to dig and re-enter the left of the maze."); 0152 // L032 0153 // R M H M HTH T H MTHHTHT HTH MHM MNM MH HMHH MMHM HM MHHTHHM M M MHM MN H THM H MM MMTNM HTHHHM M MH M HMHH THH THHM MMZHHTHT HMHTHM HMH MMH MMH MNZMMNMEHM MNM HM MH MHH MZ HMH MZM H HHTHNMH MMHTHZM MH MH M HHMM MH MHT MM MHTH M MZHHHMM HNMH MEH HT MNMH TH HMM HTE MHNMHHHMHM HH MMH MHHTTHM HH MHHHM HMNHMMZN MZ MMZ M MMH MM M MHZMNM HHTTH N H TH H NHTHTHMHTHMZMMZ MH HMH MH MH M M MNMZM HTHZTHMZM MH M MHHTHMHTHMH TM MH M ZM H MTHHM M MHF H T MZTHHT ZMHH MM HM THM HMHTHTTH MM H M MH H M H M HM MZMZHMHT TMHT MHM HM HM H HH ZMZ HM H 0154 i18n("Thingol"); 0155 i18n("There is one piece of gold that must be grabbed at the start.\n" 0156 "\n" 0157 "When you go to the lower part of the maze, the enemies will go down and stay there. This makes it easy to get the gold up high, but it becomes hard to collect the gold in the lower left. Try to get one or two pieces on your first trip down.\n" 0158 "\n" 0159 "By moving up and down on the bottom right ladder you can persuade the enemies to group on the left or right. Grouping them to the left makes it easy to get the piece of gold just down and to the right of center. Getting one enemy on the left and two on the right gives you a chance to get the remaining gold on the lower left, but consider getting it last after grouping all three enemies on the right, because you will then have more choice of ladders when dodging enemies on your way to the top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i18n("Dvalin"); 0163 i18n("There are two problems. First, in the early part you want to get the enemy just to the right of middle trapped in the bottom of that section. This requires getting the gold on the left and passing through the trap doors at the right time, as well as racing to get the gold on the bottom left. The gold on the bottom right is no big trick: just a small amount of timing and passing through the traps.\n" 0164 "\n" 0165 "The second problem is that at least one enemy will pick up a piece of gold. Getting him to let go of that piece of gold is tough. You need to lure that enemy into the top right section or the section down and to the left of that. Draw the enemy to the ladder with a gap above it, in the middle of the section. Wait two over to either side of this vacant square, leaving a brick between you and the vacant square. The enemy will move up and down the ladder, in and out of the vacant square. Eventually he will drop the gold on top of the ladder, at which point you have to move down to prevent him from moving back up the ladder and retaking the gold. The timing is tight - good luck! Alternatively, you can run around and trust to luck - the enemy will drop the piece of gold eventually!"); 0166 // L034 0167 // RM M M M M HH H HH M HH MH HH MNHMHMMH MHMMH HHMHMMH MHFMH MHMF MHHM MHMFMF NMH HFNMHMM HHMHH HHHM H HH MH MHMHM HHMF HMHMMHEMNMHMMH MHMF HHHMMHNMHMMH HH MMM NMHMM MHMM NM MM MHMMH H HHMHM HMM HHMHM HH M HHFH M HMHMM HHMM HMH MH HH MFMH HHM H HHMH HHMMH MHMMH NMHMMHHMHMM HHMMH HHMM HH HMM M MM MHMMHNFH MH HHMMHM HMM HHMHH MH MH MHMHM H HHMHM HHMH MMH MH MHMHMHHHMHMMHHMH M HHMMH FH HMHMHMZMM HFHMMH MHMM NMHMMF MHMM Z HHFM MHMF HHMHH MHMHM HHMHMH HH HM MH M HMHHM HMHMMMH MHHFFH MHM H HHMFHHHHMH NNH HMF FHMM MHMF MHMF ZMH 0168 i18n("Thrain"); 0169 i18n("Lots of false floors to use and avoid."); 0170 // L035 0171 // HHHHHNM HEHHHHHHHNM HHH HNHMMH MM HMHHMMMMMMXMHMMMHMHHHMMH HHHMMHMHHHHHH MHH MHM MHMNMHMMMNMHHHMMMMMHMMMHMHMM HMH M MHHMHMMNHHMHM HHMHH HMNMH HHHHH MMHHMMMHMHMMMMMHHMHHHHMHMHMH MFHM HHMHMNM HH HMMM HMHHMHMMHMHMMMHMHMHMHMHMMH HM HM HNMHMHHHHHMHMHMH FHNMHMHHHM HMMHMMMMMMHHMHMHHNMHHHMHMMHHM HH M M HMHHMNFMMHMM HMMHMMHHMH HHEHH MH MRF HM HMNHH HMHMHHMHMHHHMH HMHHHH MHHMHHMMHNMM MNHMM MHHMMMMHMMMMMMMM MH H XHNM HHMN MH MH M HH M HMHHMHMHHHHMHHHHHM HHHMMHHHMMMH M HMHHMMMMMMMMHMMMMNHMMMH MHMH MH H M M HMN H HMHNHHHHMHMNHHMH H H HM HMHHNMH MH HHEMH 0172 i18n("Rumpelstiltskin"); 0173 i18n("The main trick for this level is luring the enemies so that you can get around them, or in one case, so that you can walk over an enemy to collect a piece of gold. The luring is not so hard, but the distances you have to lure them are long. Maneuvering the enemy so that you can walk over him to get the piece of gold has timing that is a bit tight, but not too bad.\n" 0174 "\n" 0175 "When you reach the section above your starting point, there are two ways out: one is a false brick under the short ladder. But if you dig the other square and drop down, there is a path through a false floor that avoids retracing all the early part of the maze."); 0176 // L036 0177 // R MHM M MHM MHM MHM M MHM MMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHH HHHHH HHH HHHHHHHEHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMH MHMHMHMHMHMHHHMHMHMHMHMHHHMMNMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHHHH HHHM HHHHHNMHHHNHHHMM MHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHFHMHMTMHMHHMHMHMHMHHHMHHHMHMHMHHHFHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHH HHHHHM HHMHHNM HHHHHHMHH MMHMHMHFHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHNHHMHHHFHHHMHMHMHHHMHM MHHHMMHMHMH TMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHMHHHMHHHMHHHHHHHM HHHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM HMHMHHHMHHHM HHMHMHMHHHM MHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHNHHHHHMHHHHHHHMHHNHHHHHHH MMHMHMZMHMZMHMZMHMZMZMHMZMHMN 0178 i18n("Thror"); 0179 i18n("The two gold in the lower left are cut off from the rest of the maze. On the right of this section, there is an empty square where you can dig a brick. To visit the isolated section, dig out the brick and move left and down through a false brick. You have to race to get one piece of gold and return through another false brick, just in time to cross the dug brick before it closes.\n" 0180 "\n" 0181 "The enemy is a bit of a pain. Try luring him to the bottom of the maze, dropping to the floor where you have a ladder to climb back up, but with the enemy above a square without a ladder, thus trapping him."); 0182 // L037 0183 // M MMMM MM MMNMMMMMM MMMMM MM Z T NMH MZ TTTTT MHT M THM H M H MHHMMNTTM H MN HMH HMH M H HXMH MXHMFHXXXHXMXXXXXHXXFHNFXXHM XHMHH M H M TT TH MNZXF THM HMFHHMH HMM M HMH MFH NX HMEFHXH HMNMHMH NMH MFH XEH MN HXXHXXX XM MXXXHXFXXHXXXXM MHM H M H MXX M H F TH TT MXHHMH H TH HFH HM HMHEHMHZ M HMH HFH TM H MFHXMXXXMXXXMXXXMXXXM XZFHXXM H M TTTF H M H MH HFHT MH HM MH H H H FM HMH HMHMHXHENMH MH HM HM H MXXXXXX HXXXX H XXXXXXXXXHXXX HH ZHH HH H H H TZMHT MH ZM H M H M H MHTHTH M HMRH ME HFH HXE HX H HMFEHNX 0184 i18n("Durin"); 0185 i18n("The maze is sparser and harder. The enemies are trickier. The traps are more wicked. The maze changes. May you walk through interesting mazes.\n" 0186 "\n" 0187 "To get the last few gold pieces, you have to enter a section of maze at the left and lower left that is walled off from the rest. This section is shaped like a large letter 'L'. Dig two bricks on the right edge of the L (at left of center) and jump in - there is a false brick that lets you through.\n" 0188 "\n" 0189 "After you have gathered all the gold, the maze changes. You have to drop down to somewhere near the beginning and make your way back through. At the upper right the exit seems to be blocked. Dig down two bricks and fall for a while, then you will find the way out.");