Warning, /games/kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_GotD.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 i18nc("Note to translators: the hints for the levels of Gold Of The Living Dead, a KGoldrunner game, are sometimes rather complicated, so it may help you to open the game and display the layout of a level as you translate the hint. It may also help to play the solution, by pressing H (for Hint) and then Escape (or click the 'Show a Solution' button). You can move easily from one level to the next by using the Y key and you can prevent a level from playing by using the Pause key (P or Escape).", " "); 0002 // G050 T GotD C 0003 i18n("Gold Of The Living Dead"); 0004 i18n("The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us and you are the last human left alive on Earth, but the zombies still have plenty of gold. However, being zombies, they are more interested in you than the treasure...\n" 0005 "\n" 0006 "Fifty Championship levels, including hints and recorded solutions, from Gabriel Miltschitzky, April 2021."); 0007 // L001 0008 // HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHM HHHHHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMMMMMMMMMFHMHHMMMMFMMMMFMMMHMMNM HNMFHMHMMM MF MMMM NMHMMMNM H FHMHHHHHMMMMM MHMH MNFH FH FH FMMMHHMF MMFHHMHMMMF H H FMMMMMMMHHMM MHHMMMNN MF TH MMMMMMMMMHHFMMHMHHMHNMTTH FMMMMMMMMMMHHMMHMFHMH H MF HMMHHFHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMHM MMMNMNMNMNMHMMMHHHMMMMMMMMHMMMNMNMNMFMMHM HMMMMMNMMMHHMMMMNMNMNMNMHMMMMMMMNMMMNMHMMMMNMNMNM MMH RMMMMMMNMHMHMMMFMMMFMNMHMMMMMMMM MMMHMHMMNMNMNMNMMHMNNNNMM H MHMHMMMMFMMMMMMHMNNNNMMM M MHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHMNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFMMMMMM 0009 i18n("Last Person On Earth"); 0010 i18n("You are the only human being to survive the Zombie Apocalypse and still you can think of nothing but your gold? Well then, let us see what good it will do you...\n" 0011 "\n" 0012 "First hint: every level has a recorded solution, so when in doubt have a look at it. Second hint: you can easily get stuck if you were not smart enough to prepare an escape route before going after some gold.\n" 0013 "\n" 0014 "In the bottom right corner you need timed digging to prepare that escape route. Dig the highest brick next to the ladder, then wait a little and dig the bricks beneath it, just before the top one refills again. This enables you to walk over the upper brick and run through the lower bricks on your return.\n" 0015 "\n" 0016 "Among the gold pieces in the center there are fall-through bricks (or traps) that can catch you. It is best to collect the outside columns of gold first. In other areas you may need to dig while falling through traps.\n" 0017 "\n" 0018 "The bottom left corner is quite hectic. The escape route for the leftmost gold is on the right where there are two pieces of gold. Leave a hole there before you go over to the left. To collect the leftmost gold and get back in time, try digging holes on both sides of you at once.\n" 0019 "\n" 0020 "Even with this hint the timing will be tight. You can save a little time by digging just the third-highest brick next to the ladder. As you drop back from the left, dig the brick on the right that blocks your exit. This will give you more room for error, because you will not get killed when the brick refills."); 0021 // L002 0022 // RMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH MXH M M MMMMM H MXHMMHMMHMMM HM MMMM MMMMMH XHMMHMMH MM HMMMMMMMFXX FH MXHMMHMMH MM HMMMMMMXM MFH MXHMMHMMH NM HMMMMMM MHFH MXHMMHMMH MN HMM MM MFM HFH MXHMMHMMH NM HMMMMM MMH HMMXHMMHMMH MN HMMMMM MHM HMMXHMMHMMH NM HM M MMFM HH HMMXHMMHMMH MM HMMMM M MN MHMMXHMMHMMH MM HMMM MMMFMXHMMXHM HMMH MM HMMMMMXFXXXX H MXHMH MMH MM HMMMMMMMMMMMHM MXH MMH N HMMMMMM H M XHM HMMH HMMMMMMHMMMM M MX H HMMHX HMMMMMMHMMMMMMM XMMMHMMHXHHHHMMMMMMHMMMMMM MX HMMH MMMMMMHMMMMM M H MHM HX XMMMM HMMMMMN 0023 i18n("A Little Digging Warm-Up"); 0024 i18n("This level is a good opportunity to practice some digging skills you will need in later levels.\n" 0025 "\n" 0026 "Although it is quite straightforward, a naughty little trap awaits you at the end. To avoid it, you have to collect the gold by coming from the left side, which is a little dig-timing puzzle. The last steps to the gold and back out need you to dig bricks on both sides at the same time, by pressing both mouse keys."); 0027 // L003 0028 // XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX Z H XHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H HRX N XH H HX N H H H X H N H X X H X H H H H H XMMEX NHN X N H HH HHH H XMMX NH HNX HH H XMMX H HX H H XMMX X H XXXXXXX N HHHHH XX H N Z XX H HHHN Z XX H HH HH ZZZZZ XX H HHH HH Z XX HH HHH ZZ Z XX ZZZZZZZ XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0029 i18n("Patient Zero"); 0030 i18n("Watch out! This is a zombie. As soon as you let him loose, he will try to kill you!\n" 0031 "\n" 0032 "On the other hand, there is no other way past him...\n" 0033 "\n" 0034 "However, he is not completely useless. Walking on his head will enable you to reach certain pieces of gold that would otherwise be out of reach.\n" 0035 "\n" 0036 "P.S. Sometimes he appears somewhere he really should not. If so, you can only kill the hero and restart the level. Sorry for that one!"); 0037 // L004 0038 // ERE Z HTT NTT NZ H T HT T HN Z XZXZX NH TZ HHTH NZ N Z HN TH H TTN Z XZX X NH HNT H T NZ ZN HN H NHTTTHTT Z X XZX NH HT HTN THZ ZN HN H T TH Z XZX X NH HHTTT H T Z ZN HN TTT H H H Z X XZX NH HHTTT HT HZ N Z HN T H T TH Z XZX X H H HH Z Z H HTTT TH ZZ XZX X H TTTTTTH ZZ H H H Z H H H ZZZZZZH Z EZ 0039 i18n("Zig Zag"); 0040 i18n("This is as easy as it gets..."); 0041 // L005 0042 // Z E Z HHHHHHHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHHZ Z H H Z H XMXXXXXXMXXXXXXMXX Z Z H XTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTX H Z H XX X X M M X X XX Z H X X X M X FX MX H H X X X M X X M X Z H XF M F ZMX MX H H X F M X Z MM X Z H XX MMX X Z MX MX H H X M MM HXM M X Z H X NMH HXMMMM F XMX H H XH ZMH X F XX Z H XMXXXXXXMXXXXXXMXX H H E E R Z HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0043 i18n("The Box"); 0044 i18n("Avoiding the zombies at the start might be the worst part. You need to wait on top of a ladder until a zombie comes really close to you and then you sneak away beneath him at the right moment."); 0045 // L006 0046 // HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH X X XX XXXXXXHXHM MHXHXXXXXXXXXHXXHX MMMHXHXXXH HX X T HXXXXHM HXHX XXX MMHXM HXHX NXHMMM MHHXHM XMMMHXM HXHXHNXHMMMMHHXXHMFM MMMHXM HXHXHNXH HXHHHMFNXHHMH M HXHXHNXXXXXXXXHMMMF MHFHMHX HXHXHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHH HXXHX X HX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXM HXXX X HXH X XHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH XNNXHX H XMMMHX E E NNN HRX ZZHXFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH H HXH NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0047 i18n("Manipulation"); 0048 i18n("Zombies can be manipulated to walk in directions other than just heading for you. For example they might run away from you if you are below them on a ladder (but not at the bottom of the ladder). This knowledge may save your life when you have nowhere to dig and can be very useful when you want to go up a ladder to the next level.\n" 0049 "\n" 0050 "A special case is when one zombie is close below you on a ladder and another one is above you. Then the upper one will not run away but descend towards you. But usually he will turn around just before he reaches you. You will have this situation at the very start and it needs strong nerves, but it should not be too difficult to handle once you know how they will react.\n" 0051 "\n" 0052 "Another useful trick is to stand at some level but away to the left or right of one or more zombies. They may go to that level and stay frozen, if there is no direct way towards you, or they may stumble towards you and fall into a pit - permanent or freshly dug.\n" 0053 "\n" 0054 "P.S. When you are at the bottom right ladder, it is possible to walk over both zombies, even if they are slightly apart. In fact, it is crucial to keep them minimally apart, otherwise one of them will walk on top of the other's head and make it impossible for you to reach the ladder on the left side which leads to the top. Just head straight to the ladder at the bottom right and wait there until they are near - the distance they keep if you do not change anything is ideal."); 0055 // L007 0056 // Z RZ ZZZZZZZZZZZ XXXXXNMEEEEEEEEXZ XXXX XFXXXXXXXXZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z XZ HXXH XXXXXXNXH HHHHHHHHHHXHHHHHH H H H H ZXFX H ZXFX H ZXFX H ZXFX H ZXFXZZZH N Z X ZZZZZZZZZZZ 0057 i18n("Do Not Worry"); 0058 i18n("Come on, they are completely harmless ;-)"); 0059 // L008 0060 // Z Z EEEEEEEEZR NNNNNNZ NNNNNNNNN ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZZ Z NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNZ ZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ ZNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Z ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZZ Z NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNZ ZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ ZNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNZZ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0061 i18n("They Are So Many!"); 0062 i18n("You may realize that not all zombies are equally fast. Those that gather in bigger groups are slower than single ones - a small relief at least.\n" 0063 "\n" 0064 "They also take the gold - probably an old instinct from their former lives.\n" 0065 "\n" 0066 "In this case, however, it is useful because they can bring the gold down to you.\n" 0067 "\n" 0068 "Place your traps thoughtfully: you do not have unlimited space to evade them.\n" 0069 "\n" 0070 "Also note that zombies are somehow immortal: they will all reappear somewhere. Given time, some of them will not appear above the bricks and will fall to the floor, which will make this level a bit easier for you."); 0071 // L009 0072 // Z R Z MMMMMMMMMMMMZ Z Z Z N Z Z N Z Z N Z Z N Z Z N Z Z N Z Z N Z ZEEEEEE E Z 0073 i18n("Never Trust The H-Ladders"); 0074 i18n("You think your ladder is too short?\n" 0075 "\n" 0076 "In my opinion the H-ladder is high enough for you to climb over the zombies' heads. Going up immediately will help you to group them. Make sure no zombie is walking on the others' heads when you lure them towards you."); 0077 // L010 0078 // HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMNHMMEHMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMRMHMMHMMMHMMMMXHMMMMEMMMMMMMHMHMNHMMMHMMMMMHMMMMHMMMHHMMHMHMMHMMMHMMMMMHMHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMNHHHMHM MMMHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMHMMMHMMMMMHMHMMMMMMHMMMMMHMNHMMMHMMMMMHMHMMMMMMHMMMMMHMMHMMMHMMMMMHMHMMMMMMHMMMMMHMNHMM HMMMMMHMHMMMMMMHMMMMMHMMHMMMHMMMMMHMHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMNHMHMHMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHMMHMHMHMMMMMHMMMMEMMMMMMMHMHMNHMMMHMMMMMHMHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMMHMMMHMMMMMHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMNHMMMHMMXMMHMHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMMHMMMH MMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHMNHMMMMXXMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0079 i18n("Please Do Let Me Pass!"); 0080 i18n("There are no false bricks to fall through, so you have to do things the hard way. Getting past the last of the zombies may pose some kind of challenge.\n" 0081 "\n" 0082 "Remember that the zombies run away from you if you are on the ladder below them. This one will pace up and down next to the gap to the left of the ladders. Find the right moment to get up and dig the bricks on the left, then you will be able to avoid him."); 0083 // L011 0084 // XXXXXX Z XMMMMX Z XR XX XXXXXXXXZX XHMMXX X MZX XHMNEX XZMMXXMMZX XXXXMX XZMM FMZX XZMFM FXZX XXXXXXXXXMX XZMFMMFMZX X TTNNN X XZMFMXMMZX XMMMFMMMMHX XZMFMMMMZX XMMMM MMHX XZ FF ZX X MFTM MMHX XZXXXXXXXX XMMMMM MMHX Z XMMM FFTMHX Z XMMMMMMMHHX Z XMM TNNMMHX Z XM MMMMMMHX Z XXMXXXXXXXX Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 0085 i18n("Three Little Pieces Of Elegance"); 0086 i18n("Here you are confronted with timing problems. In most cases you need to dig one brick, then wait until just before it refills and dig the brick under it. In the first box, for example, this saves your life, because you can run over the upper brick and then trap the zombie."); 0087 // L012 0088 // H HE EH HR E THT MHTTN NTTHTM M HH HMNNHNNNMH TNNT H MN M HH HMNNHNNNMH NTTN H M N THH HMNNHNMNMHENTMMTNEH MNMM HH HMNNHNNNMH TF FT H M NF HH HMNNHNNNMHTNMNNMNTHEMNM THH HMNNHNMNMH TNFFNT H M NM HH HMNNHNNNMH TNNT H MNMF HH HMNNHNNNMH NTTN H M N THH HMNNHNMNMH NTFFTN H MNMM HH HMNNHNNNMH TFNNFT H M NM HH HMNNHNNNMHTNFNNFNTH MN THH HM H MH TNFFNT H MM M HH HMMMHMMMMH TNNT H MMMM HH H H H TT H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0089 i18n("Thieves"); 0090 i18n("You will notice that getting gold back from the zombies is the hardest part of this level. The trick is to separate the zombies with the gold from the others and dig them in."); 0091 // L013 0092 // MMMM H HHHH H H H H HH H H H HHH H H HH MHM H H H HEH NHN HN H H HH MHM NH NH H H H H NHN HN HN H H HH MHM NH NH H H HH H NHN HN HN H H MHM NH NH H H HEH NHN HN HN H HHH MHM H H H H H NHN H H H HH MHM H H HEH NHETTTTTH H HH MHM H HRH H HH HHH 0093 i18n("Climbing And Falling"); 0094 i18n("On the right hand side, you need the last zombie to follow you.\n" 0095 "\n" 0096 "Well, he may be a bit reluctant, but do not worry, you can always go back if he somehow had other plans and went in another direction.\n" 0097 "\n" 0098 "To make sure he is following you, you sometimes have to wait until he nearly catches you before you move, otherwise he will turn around.\n" 0099 "\n" 0100 "Last piece of advice: the exact height where you stand on a ladder, while you wait for the zombie to fall down, is sometimes important - especially at the last gap."); 0101 // L014 0102 // H X H H XEX H H X H X H H X H H X H H X H X H X H H X H XHX H X HH X H XHH X H X HH X H XHHF M H X HH X H XHHFFMRHM H X HH XEH XEHMFNMFH M HEX HH X H XHHFMMHHM H X H H X H XHHMHHM H X H H M H XH HM H X H H X H X M H X H H X H X H X H H X HEH X H H X H X H H X X H H X H Z Z Z Z 0103 i18n("Temple Of Gold"); 0104 i18n("Getting the gold is the easier part: get out into the outer temple and enter the inner temple from above - from there it is possible to dig your way to the gold.\n" 0105 "\n" 0106 "The harder part is getting past the zombies. You cannot get past three of them at once, so the solution is to lure most of them away.\n" 0107 "\n" 0108 "Lure the zombie from the inner temple into the bottom pit, then get the zombie on the right into the inner temple. Try to get him into the place where the gold was. Then it is easier to get the other zombies into the inner temple as well. \n" 0109 "\n" 0110 "However the zombies will sometimes be a bit reluctant to go where you want them. The place they start from when you lure them down is crucial. Trial and error will help you figure this one out."); 0111 // L015 0112 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHM MMHHHHHMM HHHHMHHHHHHHHMMH M MHHM HMMMHMHMMMMMMFHMHM MMMHMH MMH H HHHMHHHMHMH M MMHMHMHHMHMFMMMMHMHMHMHMHM MMHHMHMHHMHM MMH HMH H H M MHHMHMHHMHMRN MMMMMMFM HM MMHMHHMHFHHMMMFME EEEEEMH M MHHHMHHMMMHX MMMMMMMM HM MMHHMHHMMHMHHX H M MHMHHMMHHMFHHX XFMMMMMMM M MMHMHMMHHMEMFHHX MEM M M MHMHMHHMHHHMFHMEEE M M M M MMHMHMHMHH HHFHHMMMM MEM M M MHMHMHMHM HHMHM MXM M M M MMHMHMHMHM HHMH M M MEM M M MHMHMHMHM HMHM M M M M M MMHMHMHMHMXXXXMH M M M M M M MHMHMHMHMXXXXMHM M M M M M MMHHHHHHHMXXXXMH 0113 i18n("Always Know Your Way Out"); 0114 i18n("You can dig on both sides simultaneously.\n" 0115 "\n" 0116 "This will be necessary a few times to let a zombie free on one side while you escape to the other side."); 0117 // L016 0118 // Z E E Z Z ERE Z X Z ENE Z X Z ENE Z X Z ENE Z X Z ENE Z X Z ENE Z N Z ENE Z X Z ENE Z X Z NZ Z 0119 i18n("Patience?"); 0120 i18n("Sometimes it is better to wait, but sometimes you should take what is yours before the zombies steal it."); 0121 // L017 0122 // HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHMMMMHHHHHHHHHH MMM RMMMMMMMHMMMMHMFMMMMFMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMHMFMMM FMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMHMFMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMHMF MMFHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMEMHMFM FHMMMMMMMMMMMM MHM HMHMFFHFMHMMM MMMMHMMHHMHMHHHFHFMHMMMHFMMMMMMMHM HMHMMMMFMMMHMMMHMMMMMMMMHMM MMHHHHHHHHMHMMMHMMMMM T HMMMMMHMMMM MMMHMMMHMMMMMHMEHM MHMMMMMMMMH EHMMMMMHMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMM MHMMMMMHMMMMMMHMMHHHHHHZZMMFMHMMMMMHMMMMMMHMMHFMFMM ZMMMMHMMMMMHMMMMMMHMMHM NM HHHMMHMMMMMHMMMMEMHM HMMMFM HMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMHMMMMMMMMH MMMMM MMHMMMMMMMM 0123 i18n("Lock Them Away!"); 0124 i18n("How do you deal with the first zombie? Next to the ladder there is a false brick into which he will jump as he loops around forever. Your way past him is to drop into the trap at the right time (which is during his climb up the ladder), then quickly go left and down.\n" 0125 "\n" 0126 "Now you will need him to fill the gap to the next ladder. You might have learned by now that zombies can be manipulated to jump into such holes. Unfortunately the brick beneath the gap is a trap, so the hole is two blocks deep. That means you have just a small moment when you can run over his head before he has sunk too deep. You can have more than one try at this if you dig the bricks behind you. Then you can let him out again if you were not fast enough.\n" 0127 "\n" 0128 "The next area is a dig-timing puzzle that should not be too hard to crack.\n" 0129 "\n" 0130 "Clearly the second zombie is to be led into the hole where he cannot do any harm.\n" 0131 "\n" 0132 "You need the third zombie to grab the gold for you. There are two false bricks under the ladders above the box with the gold. One is right next to the left-hand ladder which you can use to get behind the enemy. If you then move down one step he will fall through the trap in the middle and take the gold. Then you have to lure him down by digging him free. Make sure he does not drop the gold on the way!\n" 0133 "\n" 0134 "After this there is only one last zombie for you to worry about. You will realize that he runs towards you when you are one step below the top of the leftmost ladder. Find the right moment to walk over his head and reach the next ladder. Now dig the upper two bricks right next to it, jump to the right to get past the zombie and lure him into the gap on the right by going down the ladder to the same height."); 0135 // L018 0136 // R H Z H ZE H Z H ZE H Z H ZE H ZX XH ZXZ ENZXH ZXXXZXMXH Z ZZZ HHH Z Z E ZZZZZ E 0137 i18n("Harder Than It Looks"); 0138 i18n("Timing is everything."); 0139 // L019 0140 // XXXXXXXXXXXXXNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H XXXXXXXXX XXHXXXXXXXXXXXHXX XXXXXXXXX HE EH XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX E H H H E XXXXXXXXX HXXXXXHXXXHXXXXXH XXXXXXXXX H H E H H XXXXXXXXX HXXXHXHXXXHXHXXXH XXXXXXXXX HEEEH HEEEH XXXXXXXXX HXHXXXXXHXXXXXHXH XXXXXXXXX H H EE RH EE H H XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX 0141 i18n("Concrete Desert"); 0142 i18n("Climb up the ladder, but wait minimally on the same level as the concrete row. Then run to the first ladder to the left. You need to reach it before the zombies to the left, but the single zombie above should drop down behind you.\n" 0143 "\n" 0144 "Now climb the ladder and go right. Go one step down on the next ladder and wait until the zombie below passes, then drop down and go back to your very first ladder. Go down one step and wait until most of the zombies pass over your head. The ladders to the right should now be the best escape route as only two zombies should remain there while the rest are crowding to the left.\n" 0145 "\n" 0146 "Please watch the solution to get a better idea of how all this works."); 0147 // L020 0148 // EMMMHNMMHNMMHNHNHNHNHNHNHNHNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMNHNHNHNHNHNHNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMN N N N MNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMN N N NMNHEMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMN N NMNHNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMN NMNHNH HNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMNMNHNH MNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNMNHNM EMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNHNM N HNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNHNM NHNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNHNM MNHNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMHNHNMEMNHNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMMH HNHNMNHNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNMM HNHNMNHNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNM H MNHNMNHNMNHNMNHNMMMHNMMHNH M MNHNMNHNMNHNMNHNMMMH MMH M N MNHNMNH MNHNMNHNMMMHHHHM MM M H M H MNHNMNHNMRH M M H H M M N 0149 i18n("Diagonal"); 0150 i18n("In general it is best to keep all the zombies where they are. Of course you can always try to lure them to the right and dump them in one of the pits (after clearing them of gold, needless to say), but this is quite a complicated process.\n" 0151 "\n" 0152 "It is better to lure them to the very top of their diagonals before quickly descending and taking as much gold as possible - never staying too long at the bottom!"); 0153 // L021 0154 // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXTN T NHHH T XHXXXXHTTT T XNTH NHNNN H XHXXXXHTXXF HX H HNHH H HXHXXXXHXN HXHTNH NHNN H XHXXXXHTX F HX H HNHH H XHXXXXHT ME HXNTH NH H H XHXXXXHRXXXEHX HT HN H H XHXXXXHXXXXXXXNTH NH H H XHXXHNNX NTN N HT HNH H XHXXHXXXN H N HTH HNH H H XHXTTT N H H H H HNH H H XHX N H H H ZH HH HHXXXH H H H H T H NH HXXXXX H H HT HT H T HNT XXXXX HH H T H H XXXXXX HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0155 i18n("Give Me That Gold!"); 0156 i18n("You need to lure one of the zombies into the pit. When they drop through the false brick, the upper zombie can walk over the other one's head and thus move into the pit.\n" 0157 "\n" 0158 "Where the zombies go depends on where you stand on the ladder and what distance they have between them. Too close and they will stick together, too far and both will just fall.\n" 0159 "\n" 0160 "To be able to step over the trapped zombie's head and get the gold, you have to fall through the false-bricks on top of the other zombie. To get back out of the box, dig the brick under the trapped zombie as you fall.\n" 0161 "\n" 0162 "The reappearing zombie might make your life a bit difficult. Make sure that he does not drop to the lower ladders with a piece of gold. If he reappears near his original starting position, lucky you..."); 0163 // L022 0164 // X RX M NEMHX M M M N HMXXH M HM H XXXXXXXXXXXHXMXXXXXX H NH N N H MH MH MH HH H N H N H M H H H MH H MH HNN XH H HN H H H MM H M H HM H H HN M H H H HM H H H M M H N H HN H HM H HM M M H H NH N M M H H MH M M H H H NH H MH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0165 i18n("Too Fast?"); 0166 i18n("Release the zombie and use him to reach the gold on the left side.\n" 0167 "\n" 0168 "When you finally land on the low ladders there is just one way to pass the zombie: be quick. Wait for him to get close to you, then step down or up in the last moment and pass him."); 0169 // L023 0170 // HXEE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXX XHHHMHNHMHHHMHRXHX E EXHMHMHHMHHMHHHHXHX XXXXXXXXXXHMHHHMHHMHMHHMXHX E E XHHMHMHHMHHHHMHXHXXXXXXXXXX XMHHMHHMHHMHMH XHX E XHMHHHMHMHHMHHMXHX XXXXXXXXXXMHMHMHHHHMHHMHXHXE XHHHMHHMHMHHMHHXHXXXXXXXXXX XHMHHMHHMHHMHNHXHX XHMHMHHMHHMHMHMXHX XXXXXXXXXXHMHHHMHHMHHHMHXHX XHMMHMHMHHHMHHHXHXXXXXXXXXX XHHHMHHHMHMHMHHXHXXXX XHMHHHMHHMHHHMHXHXXXX XXXXXXXHHMHMMMHHHMHHHXH X XXHXXXXXXXXXXXHX X XXXXXXHHHHHHHHNXXXHXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0171 i18n("Running Against Time"); 0172 i18n("Be quicker than the zombies - otherwise they will eat you."); 0173 // L024 0174 // Z RZ EEEEEEEEEEXZ T XXXXXXXXXXXZ Z TZ ZZ H H H Z H H Z TH H H ZZ H H ZZ H H H ZZ HNHN ZZ HNHNH ZZ NHNHN ZZ HNHNH ZZ NHNHN ZZ HNHNH ZZ NHNHN ZZZZZ H H H 0175 i18n("The Big Drop"); 0176 i18n("The two columns of gold on the left need to be taken first. The rest can be collected on the way back up."); 0177 // L025 0178 // HH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHM MHHHHMHHHHHE E E EHHHHHMHHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHMHHHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHH HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHH M HHH M R HHH M HHH MHMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHFNHHMHH HHHMMMHHHMHEMMMHHMHHFHMHMH HHMEHHMHHMHMNNNMHMHHFHMHMH HMHHHH MHMHMMMMMHMHHF HHMH HMHHH MMHMFHHHHHEMHHFHHMHH HMMHHMNMHHMMMMMMMHHHFHMHH HHMMH MHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH HHMHHHHH H HHHH H HH H E E 0179 i18n("Diving"); 0180 i18n("Rule number 17: Don't be a hero! (Quotation from the movie Zombieland)\n" 0181 "\n" 0182 "When diving down, never try to do two things at once. On the left side, for example, it needs one dive down to lure the zombie out of his cave, one to get him out of the passageway and one to go for the gold.\n" 0183 "\n" 0184 "You might notice that there is not enough time to get the gold over on the right-hand side, so look for a short cut."); 0185 // L026 0186 // MEMMMMMMMEHMMMMMMMMEHMMMMMEMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMHHHH H H H H MMHHMMHHHHHH H HHHHH HHNHHH HHMMHHNHHHHHHHHH HHH HMMMH HHHMEHHMN HH NHHHHHH HHHHH H HHEMHHHMHHHHMHHHH HH H H NHHMMHH HHHHHHHHNHHHHHHHHHHMHHMMHHHH HNHHH HMH HHHN H NHHMMHHHHHHMHHHH HHRHHNMHH MHHMMHHNHHHHH HHHHHHHHMHHHH HHHMMHHMHHNHHMNNNNNNNNMH HHHH HMMHHHHHMHHMMMMMMMMMMHH HHHHHMMHHH HHHHHHHHMHHHHHHNHHHHHHMMHNHHHNHHHH HHH HHHMHHHHHHMEHMHH M HHHHHHHHH HHH HHHNHEHHHH MHHHN HNNHNH HHHHHHMHMMHHHHH HMH MMMHH HHMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMEHMMMMMMEHMMMMMMMMEHMMMMEHM 0187 i18n("Encircled"); 0188 i18n("The essence of this level is to get the zombies who do not have a piece of gold separated from the others and locked away in the pit. So it is helpful to get as much of the gold as you can before any of the zombies get it. It is no real problem if zombies who have gold land in the pit: you can always release them later and get back the gold."); 0189 // L027 0190 // ENNNNNN NNNN NNNEHMMMMMMHNN MMMMHNNN HMMMHH HMF NNNE HMFMH H HH NN NNH HMMFH HNNNHNNH HHFMMHMMH H H HFFFHMMH HH HNNNNNH HNHNNN HH HMMMMMH HFHMMM HHNNNN NNNN NNH ENNNNNHHFMMMHMMMM HMFH HFMMMMH NNNH NNN H H H HMMMH MMM HNNNNENNNNH H HN H NNN HMMMMHMMMMH NNNH HMH HEMMM HNNNNN HMMMHNNNH H NNN HMMMMMH NNNH HMMH H MMM NNNNH MMMH HNNN H HMMMMH NNNH HMMM H NNNNH NNH HMMFH H NNNH MMMMHEHMFH H HNNN H HMMH H H HFMMHHEH H H H E RH 0191 i18n("Up And Down"); 0192 i18n("The three rightmost ladders at the bottom have false bricks near them, so you cannot climb very high that way. The two leftmost ladders at the bottom lead higher.\n" 0193 "\n" 0194 "To get over there, you first have to go up the rightmost ladder to escape the nearest zombie. Then you can take the gold above the second ladder. But wait at the bottom of that ladder until the next zombie arrives from the left, so you can step over his head at the last moment.\n" 0195 "\n" 0196 "Now go up the third ladder, take the gold there, fall and go up again. Wait for the ideal moment to run for the leftmost ladders. If one zombie from the left comes after you, step over his head and begin your run.\n" 0197 "\n" 0198 "If you cannot make it to the left, climbing the little ladder in the middle can buy you some space and time. It might also offer you a shorter way upwards - play the solution to see how.\n" 0199 "\n" 0200 "Now try to clear all the gold on the upper levels, but watch for traps! Finally you have to collect the remaining gold from the zombies. Never land on the ground to the right of them."); 0201 // L028 0202 // XH R E NHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XHX HNX T T NHNFHMHNXZ ZXH H H XHXNH HNXZNZX TH H TH NHNMH HNXZX H HTH H XHXNH HNX H H TH NHNMH HNX H TT TH TH XHXNH HNX H HZ H H NHNMH HNX H XHXNH HNX X X X X H NHXMH H XNXNXNXNXH XZHHH Z H H H H H X HHHH H H H H X XX XX X XXXX X X XXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX 0203 i18n("Do Not Fall Down"); 0204 i18n("Get every piece of gold, otherwise your way back will be blocked.\n" 0205 "\n" 0206 "The last piece of gold can only be reached with the help of the zombie: the same goes for the ladders leading back to the top."); 0207 // L029 0208 // MHMRMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHHMHMHHHH HHHHMHMHHHHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHHMHEHMHHHMHMHFHMHMHMHMHMHMMMHHFHMHMH HHHMHMHMHMHHHHHHHHMMHHMHMHM HMHHHHHMHMHMHMHMMHMHFHHHHHHHMHMHMHFHMHHHMHMHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHFHMHMHMHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHMHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHFHMHMHMHMMMMHHHHHHHHHMHMHMHMHFHMHHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHHHHHHHHHFHFH HMHMMHHHHHMHFHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHHMHMHFHMHMHMHMHMHMHFHMHMHMHMM Z M M Z MZM MEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEM MZMM Z M M MZZZZZZZZZZZM M M Z MZM MZMMZ ZMMZM FZMM M M M MZ ZMZM M M M M M MMZ NNNNN ZMM M M M 0209 i18n("Surprise, Surprise"); 0210 i18n("I would not want to spoil the surprise...\n" 0211 "\n" 0212 "However, when you reach the bricks above the gold, you should plan an escape route carefully before you dig down. Zombies can also be used to fill the gaps."); 0213 // L030 0214 // M HHE M M HMN M H M MEH H MM EH MHH H H H H MMH H H MM HEH MH H M H H H M H M HH MNNM HEHM NMHE M NM H HR MM H NM H MMH H H MM H H MM H H MM H H MH H H HEH MNH M MHE MNNM HEHMNNMH H EMNMM H MM HH MMH EH MMNNMM H MMEH H MM H H MMNM M H H H HH M H M M EH MHEH MNNM H M H H H HMM H MM EH HEMMH H H H MM H H MM H H M HE N H M H HE H MH M H NH H EH MNNMH H M NM H M H H M H MM H MM H HEM H M HN MM H MM H H H M NH H M M NM M NN H M 0215 i18n("Busy Town"); 0216 i18n("If you are not too happy with that many zombies running around, there is more than one opportunity to get rid of them!"); 0217 // L031 0218 // HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHMMMMMMMMMFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHMEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRMHHMXMMMMMMFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMHHM HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMHHMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFMMMMMXMHHMEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MHHMXMMMMMFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMHHM HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MHHMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFMMMMXMHHMEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MHHMXMMFFFFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMHHM HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMHHMXMMMFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMHHMEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MHHMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFMXMHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMHHMFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMHHMFMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0219 i18n("Jailbreak"); 0220 i18n("Use the false bricks to slide away under the zombies. When you arrive at the bottom, let all the zombies out of the prison. You might have to enter it again..."); 0221 // L032 0222 // RXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX HHHHHHHHHH H HX H H HXXXXXXX HHHHH HHHHH H H H H HXZEEEEX H H HXXXXXXXH H H HHH HHHHHHHHH H H H H H H XEEXH H H H XZEX H H H XXXX H H H H H HHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H H HXZEZXZNZXZEX 0223 i18n("Is It Really Worth It?"); 0224 i18n("This level depends on strange behaviour of the zombies. It is worth watching the solution to see what happens.\n" 0225 "\n" 0226 "After you get down to the floor and collect the gold, extra ladders will appear. These make it possible to dodge the zombie on the left by luring him into your pit and then stepping up the ladder on the right and walking over his head. You should get this done as quickly as possible.\n" 0227 "\n" 0228 "Now wait on top of a short ladder or concrete block over to the left. This will cause some zombies from the left to climb above you and fall down from there. They will do that only if you got to this point soon enough.\n" 0229 "\n" 0230 "When all four zombies are falling, climb up and wait on the right of the concrete pit until the zombies come up and fill it again. Then change sides and wait to the left of the concrete. They will start this creepy zombie-dancing...\n" 0231 "\n" 0232 "Go to the top of the ladder and step over their heads to the row of short ladders. Wait on top of the leftmost short ladder and step over their heads again when they start circling. You should now be on the ladders that lead to the right.\n" 0233 "\n" 0234 "The zombies on the right are a bit tricky to deal with. Going to the same height as the upper zombie will make them start circling, but as soon as you go above them they will stop. It requires very good timing to wait downstairs long enough for them to start circling, then to go upstairs as quickly as possible, so as to step over their heads."); 0235 // L033 0236 // HT THT TH HT THT THH T T H T T H TH T T H T T HH T H T HT H T H TE HH TET H T T H TH T T H T T HHT THT THT HT THT THH H H H H HH H H H H THHT N N N N N N HH X N X X X X X HH N X N N T N TN HH NN X X NN X N NX N HH XX N N XX X X NTHH N X X N N N X HH X N N N XN X X HHN X X X XX N N HH NNN XN N X X HH XXX X X NN N HH XX X HH HH E E R H 0237 i18n("Free Fall"); 0238 i18n("Lets face it: the ground with nowhere to run or dig is not where you want to be when the zombies come for you. However, every time you collect some gold you end up down there. The trick is to have the zombies falling overhead as you run beneath them to one of the side ladders.\n" 0239 "\n" 0240 "One possibility is to wait near the top of a ladder (but not an outer one) until the zombies also gather up high. Then descend, take as much gold with you as possible and quickly return to the ladder. If you are lucky the zombies will still be in the air when you reach it.\n" 0241 "\n" 0242 "If one of the zombies has reached the ladder before you, try going up it. Often that will make the zombie run away from you and maybe exit to one side and fall. The zombie will go up only as far as what he thinks is the nearest exit, but he does not understand gravity very well... On the right there is a bar next to the ladder, which is fine, but on the left there is a piece of gold next to the ladder and the zombies think they can walk on it, so they will go only one space past it if you push them up the ladder.\n" 0243 "\n" 0244 "If you are lucky, the zombies will remove that gold before you get there. Or they may be some distance away when you arrive, so it is easy to collect. Failing that, you have to push the zombies up just a bit higher than the gold, then quickly run up, dive sideways and collect the gold. After that you must run back to the ladder and push them up and over the bar, up higher, which is their new exit point.\n" 0245 "\n" 0246 "Another possibility, which is faster but maybe riskier, is to wait above a series of gold pieces you wish to collect until the zombies get above their exit point on a side ladder, then fall and collect the gold and either rest on your last concrete block or be falling when the zombies reach their exit. They will then leave the ladder and fall while you run across under them and climb the ladder one more time.\n" 0247 "\n" 0248 "These possibilities are demonstrated in the recorded solution for Free Fall, but it does things the hard way: it is actually easier to work from right to left when collecting the gold. One last hint: if a zombie drops some gold, collect it on your next trip, before it gets picked up again."); 0249 // L034 0250 // Z Z R XXZXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXX X H ZZZXHX X XHM MHMM ZXHXN HM MHX XHMMMH M ZXHXMM MH HMMMHX X XMMZXHXXMMMH HMMMHX XXXXXXX MMZXHHXXXXXXXFXXHX X MMZXHHXHHXHH H MHX XHXX XH MMZXHHXHF XFXH MHX XHX XH MMZXHXXHFM NXH MHX XHX H MMZXHXMHFMXXXH MHX XHXNZXH MMZXHXMH X H MHX XHXZZXH NNZXHXM HHHHH MHX XHXXXXH MMZXH MFXXXXXXXMHX XH H ZXH E HX XXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0251 i18n("The Passage"); 0252 i18n("You need to start with the gold on the right first, which means you have to dodge the zombie in the small passage.\n" 0253 "\n" 0254 "Over there, you can not retrieve the lower gold (you can get in, but not back out). So you need to lure the zombie into the pit and kill him, along with the gold, by digging the bricks to his left and luring him into them. Sometimes he gets smart and drops the gold before getting trapped, so you have to repeat the whole process. Moving quickly in the first place makes this less likely...\n" 0255 "\n" 0256 "When the zombie reappears at the top, lure him into the left hand side, get past him and make sure he follows you when you dig through the double column of bricks.\n" 0257 "\n" 0258 "For the last piece of gold, lure the zombie into the concrete cave, ride on his head, take the gold and get out as quickly as you can when the hidden ladders appear. This is probably the hardest part.\n" 0259 "\n" 0260 "When you reach the pit before the exit ladder, step down to the same level as the pit and wait for the zombie to walk over you and fall in. Then you are free to go."); 0261 // L035 0262 // R E E XHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH X XH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH XX E E H XX HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XX HX XX HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H E E E XX HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XX XH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH XX H XX HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XX HX XX HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN X HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0263 i18n("Out Of My Way!"); 0264 i18n("It is easier to pass below the zombies. Wait until one comes really close to you (wait until the last moment) then switch past him.\n" 0265 "\n" 0266 "After you are past the last one, let them fall onto the concrete, then collecting the gold will be a cakewalk."); 0267 // L036 0268 // Z X Z XZEEEEEEEEEXR Z XZEEEMMMMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZZZZZ XXMMMMNNNNNNNXMZZZMZMZMZZMZZZZMNNNNMMMMMMXZMMMZZZZZMZZZZMZMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZZMMMMZZMZZZZMZZZZZZZZMMZZMMZZZZZMZZZZZMZMZMZZZZMMMMZZZMMMZZZMMZZMMZZMZZMMMMMZZZMZMZZMZZZZMMZZZMZMMZZZZZZZMZMMMMZZZZZZZMZMZZZZMMZZMMZMZZMMZZZZZZZZZMZZZZMMZMMMZMMZZMMMZZZZMZZZZMZZZZMZZZMMZZZZZZMZZZZZMZZZZMXZZMZZMZZXXZZMMMZZZZZZMMZZZZXZZZZMZZMZXXZZMMMZZZZMMMMZZZXZZMZMZMZZXXZMZZMZMMMZZMZZZXXZZZZZZZZMZXXZZZZMZZZZZZZZXXZZZZMZMZMZZZXEEEEEEEEEEZXZXZZZZZMZZZZZMZZXXXXXXXXXXXXZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 0269 i18n("Waking Up The Dead"); 0270 i18n("You will realize that zombies move vertically in your direction first before going horizontally. This means that most of the time they will move in a straight line upwards. Use this to descend next to them.\n" 0271 "\n" 0272 "Of course the first wave of zombies is too big to get past with just this trick, so you should lure a few zombies into the little cave first. Then move upwards first to make them climb and then descend. However, descending requires a little zig-zag at the start because the zombies will not form a straight line.\n" 0273 "\n" 0274 "You will need to group the second wave of zombies before you can get past them."); 0275 // L037 0276 // Z EZ Z Z E E E E E E Z H MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Z H HXMNMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMN Z HXHHHMHHHHNMHMHHHHHHHHZ H HXMHF FHMHMHM FHMHMHMHZ H XHHHMHHHMHFHMHHHM F MZ H HXMHMHMHF MHFHMHMHMNMNZ HXHHHMHHHMHMHMHHHFHMHMZ H HXMHMHFHMNMHFHMHMHMHMH Z H XHHHMHHHFHMHMHHHMHMHM Z H HXMHF MHMHMHFHMHHHHHHHZ HXHHHMNM MHFHM MHMHMHMZ H HXMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHHZ H XHHHHHHHHNNNNNHHHHHHMZ H XMMMMMMMMMMFMMMMMMMMMZ H X T T HZ H R H 0277 i18n("Zombie Lemmings"); 0278 i18n("You go up by walking over the zombies' heads. It only gets difficult with the last two because you need precise timing there.\n" 0279 "\n" 0280 "Start with the gold on the right. Finish with the middle one of five at the bottom of the box.\n" 0281 "\n" 0282 "If you wonder why there are two groups of h-ladders where you need to step over a zombie as you climb the pop-up ladders, note that the zombies use the same trick themselves to come after you, so you will have to do it twice."); 0283 // L038 0284 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHHHHHHHHMHHH HHHHHHH NMHMHMMMMMMMHHHMMMMFMMMMMMMMHMHMHHHHHHHHFMMHMMMMMHHHHHHMHMHMFMMHMMMMHMHHHHMMHHMMMM MHMHMHHMH HHMHMMMMHHMHMEHHHMMHMHMHFMHFMHMFHHHHMHHHMHMM MMHMHMHFHHHMHHMMMMHHMMMMHHMFHHHMHMHFMMMM HH HHMHHHHMMHMMHMMMHMHFHHHHMHMFMHMMMMHMMHMMH HMHMH FMHFHHMMHHMMMEFMMHHMHFHMHMMHHMHFHMMHHMHHHMHHHMHH FHMHMRMMMHMMMMHFHHMMMMMMHHFFMHMHMHHHHHHHHHHFHHHHHHHHHFHHHHMHM MHX MHXXNZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZMHXXXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHXX HXMMFFFFFFFFMMMMFMMMMMMMMMMMM 0285 i18n("Death Trap"); 0286 i18n("Rule Number 22: When in doubt, know your way out!"); 0287 // L039 0288 // HHMHHHHHMHHHHHHMHHHHMHMHHMNHHHHHHHHEHHHHEHHHHHEHHHHEHMMHMHEHHMMHHHHHMMHHMHHHHMMHHHHHHHMMHHHMMHHMHHHNMHMMHHMMHMHEHHHMMHHEHHMMHHMMMHHMMHHMHMMHHHHNMMHMMHHHEHHHHEHHHEHHHHMMHHEHHHHMHHHMMMHHMMMHHMMHEHHHHMMMHHMMHHHHHMMHHHMMHMHHHMHHHHNMHHHHMMHHHHHMM HHHMHHHMMHHHHMMHEMMHHMMMHHHMHHHHEMHHMHHHHHHHMMNHEHHMMHHHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHMHHMMHHNMMHHHMHMMHHM HMMMHHHHHHMHHHHHMMHMMHHHHHMMNHNMMHHHHMMHMMMHHHHMNHHNHHHMMHHHMMHHMHHHMHHHMHHHHHHMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHMMHHHHHMHHMHHHHHHMMHHHHMMHHHHMMHHHMHHNMHHMMMHHMMMMHHHHHHNHHHMNHHNMMHHHHMHHHHHMMHHNNMMHHHMMHHMHHHHNHHHHMHHHRHHMMMHHHHHMHHHHHHH 0289 i18n("Overcrowding"); 0290 i18n("The zombies will eventually group themselves, which makes it easier for you to avoid them, but harder to steal their gold. Best if you get as much gold as possible before anyone else. You might not manage to get every piece before them, but there are some places where it is easier to rob them."); 0291 // L040 0292 // HXE E E RXHHXE E E EXHHXE E E EXHHXXXXXXXXXX H H HXXXXXXXXXXHH H H H HHMXXXXXXXXX HNH HXXXXXXXXXMHHMHNH H H MHNHNH XNHNHNHNHMHHXNH H H M H N HXNNHNHNHNXHHMHNM MHMFMHNNNH XXXXXXMNHMHHXNH M HMNX HHHNHMMNHNHMHNXHHMHNM MHMNXH NNNHMNMNHNXNHMHHXNH M HMNX HHHHNMHNHNHXHNXHHMHTN MHMNXH HNHNMNHNMNXNHMHHXNTHM HMFX H HNHMHNHNMXHNXHHMHTN M HHMH N HNXXXXXXXNHMHHXNTHM F FM H HNHXH H HNHNXHHMH MH H X H H HNHMHHXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXXXHHH H H H H HH H H H H H H H 0293 i18n("Fear Of Heights"); 0294 i18n("As you walk left on top of the two zombies, there will be another one that moves in your direction at some point. Jump left and run over him immediately, otherwise you will not be able to move down to the ladders.\n" 0295 "\n" 0296 "It is best if you collect all the gold in the middle in one run (with one exception), otherwise it will be a long and weary job to get some pieces of gold back from the zombies.\n" 0297 "\n" 0298 "When you arrive at the bottom, it might come in handy if you make every zombie move in the same direction by waiting long enough at the bottom of the big ladders.\n" 0299 "\n" 0300 "As for the dig-timing puzzles in the boxes, take my advice that it is better to go inside more frequently than try to get everything at once and be locked in..."); 0301 // L041 0302 // Z E E E EZE E E E Z Z Z Z E RZE NNNNNNNZNNNNNN HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH H H HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH HMMMMMMMHMMMMMMH H H H HNNNNNNNHNNNNNNH HMMMMMMMHMMMMMMH H H H HNNNNNNNHNNNNNNH HMMMMMMMHMMMMMMH H H H H 0303 i18n("Raining Zombies"); 0304 i18n("Let us see if you have learned your lesson about zombies and ladders..."); 0305 // L042 0306 // Z Z XEEEE R Z XXXXXXXX Z E Z HH H HH XXXXXXXXXZ H H H Z EH HH H Z H H HT Z HE E Z H H H H H Z EHEH H H Z HEH H H Z H H H H Z H Z H Z H ZN Z E E E E E 0307 i18n("A Desperate Jump"); 0308 i18n("Wait for the moment when the zombie has reached the top of the ladder and is starting to descend - that is when you make your jump.\n" 0309 "\n" 0310 "To get past the other zombies, you sometimes need to run over their heads."); 0311 // L043 0312 // Z ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ TZZ Z ZZ TZ ZZ N Z R ZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 0313 i18n("Among Zombies"); 0314 i18n("All it takes is good strong nerves..."); 0315 // L044 0316 // HXEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE XHXEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE XHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XHX XHX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX XHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XHX XHX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHHXRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNXHHXMMMMMMMNXXXXXXXXHMNMHHMMXHHXMMMMMMMN TT TT HMNMHNMMXHHXMMMMMMMNHM M XXHMNMHNMMXHHXMMMMMMMNHNFMM XHMNMHNMMXHHXMMMMMMMNHM MMXNXHNNMHNMMXHHXNMMMMMMNHM MM XHMNMHNMM H 0317 i18n("The Horde"); 0318 i18n("That is the thing with zombies: the slower the creepier.\n" 0319 "\n" 0320 "Hurry up and do those puzzles. The clock is ticking..."); 0321 // L045 0322 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXHRT XHE XHMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFXH NN XH XHMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFXH NN XH XHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFXH NN XH XHFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFMMMMMMMMMXH NN XH XHXXXXXFFFFFFFFMMMMMMMMXXXXXXHX NNNNNXH HXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFMMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0323 i18n("Dance With Death"); 0324 i18n("The only way to get the gold is to ride the whole way on his head. Yee-hah! Ride him cowboy!"); 0325 // L046 0326 // MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH H H HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0327 i18n("Zombie Invaders"); 0328 i18n("Watch what happens if you climb up a ladder on the side, but only to where you are level with the bricks the zombies are walking on..."); 0329 // L047 0330 // E E E E H H H H H H H H H H H H H H E HEH H H E H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHH H H H H HEH HEH H H H H H EH H H HEH H H H H HEH H HEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEH H HEH H H HEH H H HEH H HH H H H H H H H H HEH HEH H EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHH H H H H HEH H HEH H H H H H H H HEH H H HEH HEH H H HHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE H H H H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H HRH H H H H H 0331 i18n("Just Survive"); 0332 i18n("Avoiding the zombies is easier than you might think. Only the few zombies who are on their own and not in a row with the others will ruin your day. Therefore the left side is easier, because there are fewer lone zombies. "); 0333 // L048 0334 // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXX XHXE XXHXXXXXXXXXXXXMXHXXXXXXXXX XXHNX XHX XXHXX M MHM MHM XHX XXXXXXXXXXHNX M MHM MHM XHX XXHXXMMXMXMXMXMXXHXXXXXXXXX XXHNXMMXXXXXXXXXXHX XXHXXMM XHX XXXXXXXXXXHNXXXXXXXXXXX XHX XXHXXX TTTT TTTTXHXXXXXXXXX XXHNRXH M M FXHX XXXXXXH MMMMMFXHX XXXXXXXXXXMX H MMM MNXHX XXMX XXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXX XXMX XHX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XHX XXXXXXXXXX XHX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXX XX H X 0335 i18n("Death Race"); 0336 i18n("You can distract the zombie from running down when you are on the same level as him. Who said it had to be fair play?"); 0337 // L049 0338 // HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHMHMFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHXXNTT NNNNNNNNNNNNNNHMMHXXMFMMMMHXHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHXXMM MMHXHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMHXXFTM MMHXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMHXXMMMFMMHXNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHMMHXMMMFFMMHXHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHXMMMFF MHXHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMHXMMMFMMMHXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMHXMMM XXXXXHNNNNNNNNNNNN HMMHX HXHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHXMXXXXMMHXHTTTTTTTT T T TMMHX MMHXNNNNNNNNHMNMNMNMMHX TM HMMHXNNNNNNNNHNMNMNMMMHXH M HMMHXNNNNNNNNHMNMNMNMMHXXXFTHMMHXNNNNNNNNHNMNMNMMMHX MMMMHXNNNNNNNNHMNMNMNMMHNMFMMMMMHXNNNNNNNNHNNNNNRMMMMMMMMMMMHXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0339 i18n("Zombie Free Zone"); 0340 i18n("Finally, you have escaped the horrors of the zombie-infested world. Now that you are in the zombie-free zone, nothing can go wrong, can it?"); 0341 // L050 0342 // ZZ Z Z ZZ R Z Z MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZN EHHHH H H HH HHHH EH Z H HH H H H H H Z HHH HHH H H H HH H Z H H HHH H H H H Z H H HH H H H ZN HHHH H H HHH HHHH HNZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0343 i18n("The End"); 0344 i18n("CONGRATULATIONS !!!!\n" 0345 "\n" 0346 "You have conquered all levels of the Gold Of The Living Dead game !!!\n" 0347 "\n" 0348 "Or have you?");