Warning, /games/kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_GMGR.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // G023 T GMGR C 0002 i18n("Gold Rush"); 0003 i18n("Some little levels with Traditional rules which could take a while to solve. You need to dig while falling sometimes.\n" 0004 "\n" 0005 "Created by Gabriel Miltschitzky [gabriel dot miltschitzky at freenet de]"); 0006 // L001 0007 // T E RHX HFXHXXMM NHTHXXXXX MHH XHX FFXHMMMMMFMH H X XH XHX MM HMFFFFMMH H X XH XHX MM HMFFFFMMH H H XHX MM HMFFFFM H HXX XXX H XHX FHFMMMMM H H X X HH XHXEMMMMMMMMMM H H X XHXM X H H MT XXXXXXXHX MXHMFFFFFMMH H HXM XHMMMMMMMMH H X XXHXXXXXX M HMMMMMMMMH H XXHHHX X HM H H HXXX MMHX XMFMMFFMMMM THXXXXXX MMHX XMMMMMM TH MFMMHXXXMMMMMMHMFM H MMMMFMMMMMH MMHX X H MMMMMFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMHX XX H MMMMMMMMMMXXXXXXXXX HX H HXXXXXX 0008 i18n("Too Easy?"); 0009 i18n("It may seem to be fairly straightforward but unfortunately it is not, because there are many false bricks on the way to the gold.\n" 0010 "\n" 0011 "Dig the first brick while falling, then fall through it, run up the ladder and wait until the enemy jumps into the hole. Now you can fall on his head and go left. Jump into the hole on the left and dig another brick while falling. This will allow you to continue left on the bar.\n" 0012 "\n" 0013 "Of course there are still quite a lot of traps on the way, but they are easier to avoid, so you will have to find them yourself. You know, you can always press 'Q' to restart the level."); 0014 // L002 0015 // ZEXEEEEEE EEEE XE RZ XXXXXX XX NXXXXXXXXXZE X N ZX X N ZX X N Z X X N Z X N Z X N Z N ZX N Z X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXZ Z Z Z Z X Z Z ZTTTTTTTTTTTTT 0016 i18n("Have A Nice Flight..."); 0017 i18n("It should not be too difficult.\n" 0018 "\n" 0019 "Just put the mouse in the upper left corner and the hero will automatically finish the level."); 0020 // L003 0021 // R MH MHT X TTN X XXMMMHMMXMMH MMXHMXMXH MXHMNXMMMHMNM HME XHXMNMH MXHXXXMMMHMMMMMMMMMXHX H MXHH MMMHMFMXXXXXMXHXX MH MXXH MMMHMFM XH XMMMMMNXH MMMHMFMNMXXXXXXXH XXXXXNXHH MMMHMFMNMEM XHHX TTTTXXH NMMHMFMNMEMHMMMXMHXMN MXH NMMHMFMNMEMHMXMMMHXNM HMMXH MMMHMFMNMEMHMXNNMHXMN HMMXH MNMHMFMNMEMHMXXMMHXNM HMMXH MMMHMFMNMEMHMXNNMHXMN HMNXH N MHMFMNMEMHMXMMMHXNM HMMXH NNMHMFMNMMMHMXEMMHXMN HMMXH MMMHMFMNMNNHMXM MHXNM HMMXH MMMHMFMMMMMMMT X HXMN HMMXH MMMHMFM TT X HXNM HMMXH MMMHMFM HTT MX HXMN HMN H HMFM H M HXNM HMN H 0022 i18n("Golddigger"); 0023 i18n("My suggestion: dig!"); 0024 // L004 0025 // R E E HE MMMN X X E HMMMMMMHTTTTTHTTTTTHTTTTTTT HNNNNNMHTTTTTHTTTTTHTTTTTTT HNNNNNMHNNNNNNNNENNHNNNNNNNNHMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMHMNMNMMHHNHNHTTTTTTHTTTTTTNNHMMMMMMHHHNHNH N NNHNNNNNNNNHTTTTHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN HMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN HMHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHMHHNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNHMHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHTTTTTTHTTTTHHHTTHTTHHTTHH HHHNHHNHHNNHNHNHHNHNHHHHHHH HHNHNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHNHNH HH H HHH HH HHH HHHH H H H HH HTTTTTT H H H H HMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM E 0026 i18n("Golden Town"); 0027 i18n("You have to collect the gold to the right of you first. Then try to dig a way down. It is easier to control the enemies when you are on the lower levels."); 0028 // L005 0029 // Z RNNNNNNNNNNNNNZNNNNNNNNNNE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H Z H H Z H HZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZH H Z H H Z H H ZZZZ H H ZZ ZZZ H H ZZZ Z ZZ H H ZZZ Z Z H H ZZZZ Z ZZZ H HZZZ Z Z H H ZZZ ZH H Z Z Z H H Z Z Z H HNNNNNNNNNZNNNZNNNZNNNNNNH HHHHHHHHHHZHHHHHHHZHHHHHHH 0030 i18n("A Hectic Enemy"); 0031 i18n("You do not have to be quick. You just have to know how to avoid the enemy.\n" 0032 "\n" 0033 "By jumping down to the lower level you can make your enemy run up and down on one ladder as you fall. As soon as you reach the lower level the enemy will follow, but you will have time to collect some gold or get past him and move over to another section.\n" 0034 "\n" 0035 "Two important notes: do not let the enemy fall onto the middle row of ladders and leave the gold down there till last."); 0036 // L006 0037 // R Z EEEEEEEE T H XZZZZZZZZXZ ZZZ ZT ZTZT H XXXXXXXXXXZ Z Z Z H ZZ Z ZZ Z T ZTZTZ Z HH Z ZZZ ZZ ZT Z H Z EEE Z T Z H T H ZTT Z HH T TTH HXZZZX Z Z Z TH Z ZXXXXX TZTZ Z Z ZZHZ ZH T Z Z Z Z H H Z Z ZZ ZZ Z H H Z ZZ ZZZ Z Z H Z ZZ Z HH Z ZZ H Z ZZZZZ H ZZ ZZZZZZZZ H ZZ ZZZZNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ 0038 i18n("Don't Wake Them Up"); 0039 i18n("This is not very easy because there are so many enemies who block the only way out of the level.\n" 0040 "\n" 0041 "The best way to get past them is to go up on the right and wait until most of the enemies go up the middle ladders. Then, by moving up and down, try to group them. Finally fall down to the lowest level and wait for them to do the same. When the first enemies arrive, run up and try to get to the highest concrete pit ahead of the others. You may have to try several times before succeeding.\n" 0042 "\n" 0043 "When there are only one or two enemies blocking the exit, you can try getting past them by moving up a ladder just before they reach you. Then walk over their heads. Good luck!"); 0044 // L007 0045 // REEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEXNX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXHX MM HX NNNTTTTTTTX XHX MMMMMMMXHXMHXXXX HX XHX MMMNMNMXHXHTNNNXNNNNNHX XHX MMNMNMNXHXH TTHXHXXXXXX XHX MM HXH XHX XHX MMMMMMXHXXXXXXXHX XHX MNNNNNNXH HXMMMMMMXHX MMMMMMMXHXXXXXXXH HX MMNMM XHX TTTTXXXXXXXXXXHX MMMNM XHXMHXXH HX MMMNMM XHXHTTTXMXXXXXXXXXHX MMMMM XHXN HMM TTTTTTTTHX MMMMMMMXHXN NH MM HX MMMM EMXHXN H MNM HX MMMMMMMXHXN HTNMN MM HX MMNNNNNXHXNNTNHMN M HX MMMMMMMXHXNH THMN MM HX MMNNNNMNHX H MN M H 0046 i18n("On The Brink"); 0047 i18n("To wait or not to wait? Well, just try...\n" 0048 "\n" 0049 "Before entering any of the structures on the right, make sure you have an escape route."); 0050 // L008 0051 // Z EXXEEEXXE ZZ EXXEEEXXE ZZ XXEEEXX ZZ XXEEEXX ZZ XX XX ZZ XX XX ZZ MM RHMM ZZ MMHHNMM ZZ MMNNHMM ZZ MMNHNMM ZZ MMHNHMM ZZ MMNHNMM ZZ MMNHNMM ZZ MMNNHMM ZZ MMHHHMM ZZ MMNNNMM ZZ MMHHNMM ZZ MMHNHMM ZZ MHNHNHM ZZ HNNNH Z 0052 i18n("Dropping Enemies"); 0053 i18n("No, there is no special trick for solving this level.\n" 0054 "Just be faster than your enemies."); 0055 // L009 0056 // MMMMHEHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRNNHMMMMHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMNNMHHHHHMHHFMHHMMMEHMHMMHHHMNMMHMMMHHMHHMMHHHMMHMHHNMMHMNMMHHHMMHHMHHMHMHHHMMMMMMMHMNHMMMHHHMHHMHMMHMMHHNHHHHHHMNN NHMMHEMHMHHMHHHHHMMMMMMMMNNMMHNMHMHHMHMMHHMHMMNMMMMMMNNMHHMMHMHFHHHMMHMMMHMHHHHHMNMMHMMHHMHHMMHHMHMHHHHMMMFHMNMMHMHHMMMHHHMHHHMHMHHHHHFHMNNMHMMHHHHMMHHMMHMFHHMMMHFHMNHMHMMMMMHHHMHHHMHFHHMHHMMHMNHMHHHHHMMMHHMMHHHMHHMMHHHH NHMMEHMHHHHMHHHHMHHMHHMMHHHMNHMMMMMMMMHHMMMMMMHHMHHMHHHMNHMHHHHHHHMHHM HNMMHHMHMMHHMNHHHMMMMMHHHM ZFHNMMMHHEMHHMNMMMMHHHMMMMMZMNMHMMMMMMMHHMNNNHHHMHHHHHHZMNMHHHHHHHHHHMN 0057 i18n("The Big Maze"); 0058 i18n("You can avoid some enemies by finding a false brick to fall through. As for the others, you must find a place where you can dig or go around them.\n" 0059 "\n" 0060 "You have to reach the single piece of gold above a ladder on the left by digging through. If you go all the way round, the enemy will chase you and block your exit."); 0061 // L010 0062 // R EX XHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXXXXXXMXXXXXH HX X X XHFMMMMMXHXMMXHXXXXXXXX X XHXMXMXMXHXMMXH X XH XXHX XXXXXXXXXXXX XHMXXXMXXHX XXXX X H X X XH XXXXHXM X XXX H M XXXXXXXXXHXM X H M HM HXM X X HXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX M X H X XX X XX NNNNH XHXXXXXXX X X XHXXXXH XHX XMMMMMXHX XHXXXXXXHX XXXXXXXMMXXMXHX XHXH HX XM MMXMMXHX XHXHXXXXXXXXXX XMMMXXMMXHX XHXH X X HX XHXXXXXHX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHE HX H 0063 i18n("Hurry Up!"); 0064 i18n("As the level name tells you, you should not hang around for too long. Run immediately, dig the first brick and let the enemy fall into it, then run to the second brick and dig through.\n" 0065 "\n" 0066 "You are not done yet, because you have to reach the gold before the second enemy arrives. So speed up!"); 0067 // L011 0068 // R TTTTTTTTTTTHX MMMMMMXXXE HX ZMMMMMMM XXXXX T HX ZMM M TTTTXX XXXXXX ZMMMXXXHXMMXX HX X Z X H FF X HX XXXXHXFMEXZ XXM M H FF XHHX XHXT XXZ X M HHFF XHXXXXX XHX T Z XXXX HFF XHX XHX ZXZZ X HFF XHX XXXXXHXXX NNXXMXXXTTHFF XHT TTTTXHX XX HFF XXZ HXHX HFF XXXXXXXHX XMXMX HFF HX XXXXFXXM H F HXXXXXXXX X H F HX MMMMT H F H HXNNNNNNNN X MMMMM H XXXX XMMMMMMMMHXNNNNNM H X MNNNNNMMHXXXXXXX H X MMFMMMMMH H 0069 i18n("Two Useful Enemies"); 0070 i18n("To get out of the concrete structure below you, go down first, wait for the enemy, then walk over his head and escape. Use a similar trick with the second enemy.\n" 0071 "\n" 0072 "The line of gold on the bricks near the bottom requires a bit more thinking. Because one of the bricks is a trap, you need to dig all bricks as far as the trap, then run over the bricks above, dig through to the remaining gold and get out fast.\n" 0073 ""); 0074 // L012 0075 // HHH F FFH FNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFH MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH T X T TH HXXMXXMFX XMTHX HX MXMXHX HX HX X T X HXXMXMX HXHMX HHX HX XXH HM F HXXHHXXH X HX HXXXXX H HXXXH HMX HXXHX H X HMHHXF HHH HX F XHXXFXXHX XH HX H MXXHXHXXHXHH XHX H M H X HHXM HHMH XH XXXX HXH XHTHHXH H MTHX HHH HH XXHXH HHX H XTHMXXH TH H XH T HHX XXH X X HT T XTH THHX XH X XXXXTH HX THT H XX H X XXXXX HXX HH THRHXXXXF X HXX H H H 0076 i18n("The Prison"); 0077 i18n("When you reach the enemies, take all the gold. Then dig one of the bricks, jump into it and dig immediately on both sides. The enemies either side of you will in 9 out of 10 cases get trapped. Now step onto one of the enemies, dig the middle brick and jump through.\n" 0078 "\n" 0079 "You are free again!"); 0080 // L013 0081 // EXEEEEEX NNNN X TTT ZZRX XHXXXXMMX H MM XZZZX XHXXXXXM X H XXMEXZEXEEEEEXHNNNN XX MEXH N XZZZ XXXXXH X MX H XX Z ZX XHNNNH X M H T Z EXEEEEEXHXXXX X MH TZZZ ZX XHNNHX X MH Z ZX XXXXHX X MH ZZ EXEEEEE NNNHX X XTH X ZZ ZXZZZZZXXXXXXXXXX X Z ZXZZZZZXNTT XXXXXTT ZZZ EXZZZZZXN H TTTTT ZZZXZZZZZXN H H ZZXZZZZZXN HXX H N ZEXZZZZZXN H XX ZZXZZZZZXNZZZZ HHTTTTT ZZXZZZZZXZ Z ZEXZZZZZX ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXZZZZZX 0082 i18n("Free Fall"); 0083 i18n("This needs a bit of timing.\n" 0084 "\n" 0085 "When you have entered the niche in the concrete, wait for the right moment to walk over the enemies: not too early, because you would walk straight into their arms, and not too late, because then you will not reach the other side."); 0086 // L014 0087 // XNNTTTH T H XMM HX H HXXX XX H XMM HXMFMFHXE MHRX H XH XMM H M M HXXX XXX H NXH XNM XXXX HTTT X HXZXH XNM X HX XH XMM FFFFFFFFXXXXXXXX HX XH XMM X X X HXMXH XMMXXX XHXFXXHX HHHXH XM T X XHXF HX XH XMM M XHXF HXX XH X X XXXXXXXXXHXF H X XH X X NNNNNH XHXFN HX X XH X NX HXNXH F HX X XH X HXXXXXXXXXNXHXXXXX X XH X HNNNNNNNNNNXHX XH XH X XXXXXXXXXXXXHXMMXXXHHMXXH X NNNNNNNNNNNNHX M HXMXXH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFXXH H 0088 i18n("Two Friends"); 0089 i18n("Make use of your friend.\n" 0090 "\n" 0091 "Dig him out, then walk over his head to reach the bar to the left and below you. After taking the gold at the top left, let your friend free again.\n" 0092 "\n" 0093 "When he runs towards you and falls into the pit, jump onto his head and then collect five pieces of gold while walking on his head. You need to adjust your speed to match his.\n" 0094 "\n" 0095 "To reach the piece of gold next to a tube of false bricks, jump through the tube, run up the ladder and wait for the enemy to fall in. Now you can ride on his head and step to the right to take the gold."); 0096 // L015 0097 // HTTT X H X HMEEEEEX H XHHHXXXXXXXXXX H XH X H XH X HMMMMM H XHMMX HMN NMH H XHM X HMN NMH XXX HH XHM X HMN NMH HMNNHM HH XXFXXXHXXXXXXH MHXNH X HH M HMMMM H MHXNHNX HH M ME M M H MHXNNHX HH M MMXMMMXHMMM H MHXXXXX HH MH HM M H MHHHHHHHHH MHMMXMMMMMXHX HTH H MH RMMM H MMMMXMMMMMFMX X H XXXXXXXXXXXXHEEEE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMFFFMMFHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0098 i18n("Impossible?"); 0099 i18n("No hint this time!\n" 0100 "\n" 0101 "But it is not impossible."); 0102 // L016 0103 // NNNH X HNHN XMMMMMMMXH R NHHN XMXMXMXMXH NNNH XF MMMMFXH HHHN X M MM FXH NHNH XFMMXMMMXH HNHN X FMMMFXXH NHNN XMMM MXH NHHH XMMEMMMMXH HNNH XMMMFMMMXH HHNN XMMMFMMMXH T NNHH X MMMXH M M NHNN XMMMFMMMXHH M M HNHN XMXFXMXMX HH M M EHNN X MEMX H M M MMMMHNXMX XMMMX H M M NHXFXFXMMMX H M M HNXFMMHMHMX H M M NH FMMMMHHX H M MEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0104 i18n("The Wall"); 0105 i18n("There is only one ladder up to the top of the wall and to reach it you need an enemy. So you have to dig right and left all the way to the floor as you fall.\n" 0106 "\n" 0107 "On the other side of the wall you have to wait on the ground until the enemy nearly reaches you, then run up very quickly.\n" 0108 "\n" 0109 "But how do you get to the other side?\n" 0110 "\n" 0111 "Trial and error..."); 0112 // L017 0113 // Z MMMMMMM MEX EE Z Z MM MZ M MMEMH ZR T M ZZ FMZ M MEM H EE ZZ ZMZZMFMMZZ M MF H ZEEEZ M M MMZE M MX H ZE ZT M MMMMZ M H Z ZT FMMMMZ H ZZZ ZT ZZZ H Z Z XXXZZ HZ Z E N Z H Z Z TMMM H T ZXE XZ H T ZXXXXXXXZ MEM H ZZZZZZZZZ M H Z T ZXEM EX Z MEEM ZXXXMMX Z MM Z ZZZZ Z EEEEE E E EEEEE 0114 i18n("Snakepits"); 0115 i18n("After you reach the ladder and as you work your way down through the middle section, you will need to release five enemies, no more no less. They will help form a bridge to the ladders that appear on the left.\n" 0116 "\n" 0117 "To make the enemies in the boxes on the left move into position as you make your escape, just stand at the same height on one side or the other."); 0118 // L018 0119 // EX X XMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHMMMMXXXMMXR XMMMMMNMNMMHMMMMMMMM M X XMMMMMMMMMMHM XXMM MHMHX XMNMNMMNMNMHM MM MMHX XMMMFMMMMMMHM MM MMMHX XN HMM XXMM NMMHX XMXMFMMFMMMHMNMHXNMM MMHXE XMMMMMMMMMMHMNMHXNMM MMHX XMMFXMMMMMMHMM HXNMM NMHX X XXHMZZZZMMM NMHX X N ZZ XXHMMMMMMFM MMHX XFMHXXMM XXH NMMMM XXHX XMMHNMMMXXXHMFFMM HXXXHX XMMHMMMMXHHHXXXXX HHHHHX XMMHMMMMXH X XM HMM H X XXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TTHTTTTTTTHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT H H 0120 i18n("Get In And Up"); 0121 i18n("After you reach the first ladder, go down and wait for the enemies to run towards you. When they are nearly upon you, run up, go left and enter the building. Take the two pieces of gold and dig yourself through."); 0122 // L019 0123 // M EE RMH M MH MZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZNZZMH MFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMMMH XHHXXMH M MHM MHM MZZZXHHXXXH M MHM MHM M MM HHXXXXXXXXXXXMXXXMXXXMXXXXXXHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHHHHMHMHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXHM FHHHMHMHMHM MHM M M F MHXHHMHMHMHHHMHHHMHMHFHMHMHMHHXHFHMHM MHFHMHFHMHMHMHMHMHMHXHHMHMHMHHHFHHHMHMHMHHHMHFHHXHFHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHHHFHM FHMHXHHMHFHFHHHMHHHM FHFHHHMHHHHXHHHM MHHHM MHM MHM MHMHMHMHXHMHHMHMHMHM MHMHMHMHMHHHHHHXH MMMMMMMMMMMMFMMMMMMMMMMMMXH H 0124 i18n("No Way Out"); 0125 i18n("You have to dig before you take the gold and before the ladders appear."); 0126 // L020 0127 // MMMMZMMZMMMMMMMMZMMMMMMMMMMR Z M TT Z T HMMMMMMMMMHXHMM HXFMMM XXH X M XXXXMMXHXHMM HXXXXM MX FM MMMHXHMM HXHHMMHX X XM M HMMMHXHMM H FHXXFX XHMHM TM HMMXHXHMM HFHMX XFXMHMMH F H M HXHMM H FHMX HMHMMMFMFMFMHXH M HFHHMFX XXXFXXXXXXXHMM HXFFHHMMXMXMMM MMMMMMMXXXHMMMFMH XMMXMX ZX MZZZZM HMHHMMHH M MHMHM MZMMF ZMMHMFH MMH XH MHXM MZZZZXMMMH FHHMMH MHMMMHX MMMZ MMMMHMF HMMMX MHX X ZZZX MXMHMFMHHHHXMMF HXFMMX MMMMMMMH MMMFMHMFMFM HXNZZX MMXMMMMMH MMFHHMMMMXMHXXFMXZ FMMH FHMMMM FH ZMFMXFMMMMMMMFH F 0128 i18n("How To Get There"); 0129 i18n("First you must find a way to the upper-left corner.\n" 0130 "\n" 0131 "When you arrive, there are two ladders below you, a very short one and a longer one. Between them there is a column of bricks. The top two are real bricks: the rest is a tube of traps and you have to go through it.\n" 0132 "\n" 0133 "Dig through two columns of bricks over on the right, step left and run up the ladder. Jump to the left and dig two bricks while falling. Run back to the right, but dig the last brick, because the one to the left of it is a trap. Run up the big ladder, go left and dig through the brick above the little ladder. Fall onto it, then head right and fall through the tube.\n" 0134 "\n" 0135 "The timing is very tight. The tiniest hesitation will kill you!"); 0136 // L021 0137 // XE E R E EX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX H HHHME XNN NNX H M X XXX XXXHXXXXXXXXXXM MXXX XNN NNXHXNNNNNNNNNM MEEEE XXX XXXHXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX HHHH X X Z X X Z X X Z NNNNN X X Z XXXXX NNNN XXX Z X XXXXH XXXZ X H Z X X H Z X XXX H Z X X H Z XXXXX Z N ZZZZZZZ 0138 i18n("The Bull"); 0139 i18n("For the gold on the left you need very good timing, similar to 'Free Fall', only a bit harder. Try to find the right moment to run over an enemy's head.\n" 0140 "\n" 0141 "On the right hand side, start by digging two single bricks, to let the enemy run left and into the hole. Step onto his head, dig on both sides at once while falling, then run to the left, take the gold, run back and step onto the last falling enemy. Be quick, because you can only reach the five pieces of gold on the left by riding on an enemy."); 0142 // L022 0143 // ZHM M MHM M M M HXEXEXN ZH M M H MHFEM HXHXHXXE ZHM M MHM M M M HXXXXXXXXXXXXH M M H M M M H HM M MHM MHF M H H HHHHH H X MM H H XMMXXXXXXXHM MH H H H HMEMNNNNNNNXH MEMH H H H MXXXXXXMXXXXXXXXX H H H XHHHH HHHHH HM EXXXXXXXXHN MEEEEEXXXXXXXXHHHHHHHHHHHFFFFXXXXXX XHHHTTTTTTTX X X H XH TTHXXXXXXXXX H H XHX EEEX H H H HXXXXXX TTTTTT H H H H H MXEEEEEEEEEH H H H HRXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0144 i18n("Long Way Up"); 0145 i18n("You have to climb up on the pyramid of ladders and run over the heads of the enemies. You need more luck than skill. It is better to wait for an instant before climbing up.\n" 0146 "\n" 0147 "To get the single gold above the traps near the center, dig the enemies free then go down and left to the big bar. The enemies will fill the pit under the traps, so then you can take the gold easily.\n" 0148 "\n" 0149 "The rest is a bit hard, but it is easy to understand how to do it. In general, it is best to avoid killing enemies."); 0150 // L023 0151 // HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH HH MMM MMM HH MEEEM MEEEM HH MEEEMMMMMEEEM HH MEEEMMNMMEEEM HH MEEEMMMMMEEEM HH MEEEMMMEEEM HH MEEEFEEEM HH MEEFEEM HH ZZZ MEFEM ZZZZ HH Z Z MFM Z HH ZZZ Z F Z Z HH ZZZZZ Z R Z ZZZ HHM Z Z ZZZZZ Z MHHM Z Z Z Z MHHM ZZZZ Z ZZZZ MHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0152 i18n("A Little Present To Say Goodbye"); 0153 i18n("After some very hard levels, maybe you would like an easy one. Goodbye!");