File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 03:48:05

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE games kwin4 program
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Martin Heni <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0008 #ifndef INTRO_SPRITE_H
0009 #define INTRO_SPRITE_H
0011 // own
0012 #include "pixmapsprite.h"
0013 #include "thememanager.h"
0014 // Qt
0015 #include <QElapsedTimer>
0016 #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
0017 #include <QList>
0018 #include <QPointF>
0020 class AnimationCommand;
0022 /**
0023  * The sprite to display the introduction pieces and their animation.
0024  */
0025 class IntroSprite : public PixmapSprite
0026 {
0027 public:
0028     /**
0029      * Constructor for the sprite.
0030      * @param id            The theme id
0031      * @param theme         The theme manager
0032      * @param no            The sprite number [0..41]
0033      * @param scene        The scene
0034      */
0035     IntroSprite(const QString &id, ThemeManager *theme, int no, QGraphicsScene *scene);
0037     /**
0038      * Destructor
0039      */
0040     ~IntroSprite() override;
0042     /**
0043      * Clear the animation script.
0044      * @param restartTime Reset the timer too (default)
0045      */
0046     void clearAnimation(bool restartTime = true);
0048     /**
0049      * Create a set position command. The sprite is directly set to the given
0050      * position.
0051      * @param start The position [rel coord.]
0052      * @return The command.
0053      */
0054     AnimationCommand *addPosition(QPointF start);
0056     /**
0057      * Create a relative pause command. The sprite does nothing for the given
0058      * amount of [ms].
0059      * @param duration The pause duration [ms]
0060      * @return The command.
0061      */
0062     AnimationCommand *addPause(int duration);
0064     /**
0065      * Create an absolute wait command. The sprite does nothing until the given
0066      * animation time. If the time is in the past nothing is done. Used to
0067      * synchronize several sprites.
0068      * @param duration The time until when to pause [ms]
0069      * @return The command.
0070      */
0071     AnimationCommand *addWait(int duration);
0073     /**
0074      * Create a command to show the sprite.
0075      * @return The command.
0076      */
0077     AnimationCommand *addShow();
0079     /**
0080      * Create an command to hide the sprite.
0081      * @return The command.
0082      */
0083     AnimationCommand *addHide();
0085     /**
0086      * Create a linear movement from start to end with the given duration.
0087      * @param start    The start point [rel. coord]
0088      * @param end      The end point [rel. coord]
0089      * @param duration The duration of the move [ms]
0090      * @return The command.
0091      */
0092     AnimationCommand *addLinear(QPointF start, QPointF end, int duration);
0094     /**
0095      * Create a linear movement from the current position to end with the given duration.
0096      * @param end      The end point [rel. coord]
0097      * @param duration The duration of the move [ms]
0098      * @return The command.
0099      */
0100     AnimationCommand *addRelativeLinear(QPointF end, int duration);
0102     /**
0103      * Create a command to move in a full circle around the given center position.
0104      * The circle will have the given radius and take the given amount of time to
0105      * perform.
0106      * @param start   The center of the circle [rel. coord]
0107      * @param radius  The circle radius [rel. coord]
0108      * @param duration The duration of the move [ms]
0109      * @return The command.
0110      */
0111     AnimationCommand *addCircle(QPointF start, double radius, int duration);
0113     /**
0114      * Create a linear manhatte movement (edge following) from the current position to end
0115      * with the given duration.
0116      * @param end      The end point [rel. coord]
0117      * @param velocity The velocity of the move  times 1000 [rel]
0118      * @return The command.
0119      */
0120     AnimationCommand *addRelativeManhatten(QPointF end, double velocity);
0122     /**
0123      * Retrieve the time the whole animation script takes.
0124      * @return The animation duration  [ms]
0125      */
0126     int animationDuration();
0128     /**
0129      * Standard QGI advance function.
0130      *  @param phase The advance phase
0131      */
0132     void advance(int phase) override;
0134     /**
0135      * Retrieve the type of QGI. This item is UserType+1
0136      *  @return The type of item.
0137      */
0138     int type() const override
0139     {
0140         return QGraphicsItem::UserType + 1;
0141     }
0143     /**
0144      * Retrieve the sprite numbers (which introsprite e.g. 0-42)
0145      *  @return The sprite numbers.
0146      */
0147     int number()
0148     {
0149         return mNo;
0150     }
0152     /**
0153      * Main theme notification method. Is called for any theme changes. It must be
0154      * implemented so that the item redraws correctly when the theme changed.
0155      */
0156     void changeTheme() override;
0158     /**
0159      * Retrieve the duration of an animation.
0160      * @return The duration [ms]
0161      */
0162     int duration(AnimationCommand *anim);
0164     /**
0165      * Delay the animation of this sprite by the given amount in [ms].
0166      * Used to compensate for long delays in SVG resizes etc.
0167      * @param duration The delay [ms]
0168      */
0169     void delayAnimation(int duration);
0171 protected:
0172     /**
0173      * Execute a given animation command for the given time relative to the
0174      * start of the command.
0175      * @param anim    The command
0176      * @param elapsed The time since the begin of the command [ms]
0177      */
0178     void executeCmd(AnimationCommand *anim, int elapsed);
0180     /**
0181      * Retrieve the start position of the last added animation command.
0182      * @return The position [rel. coord].
0183      */
0184     QPointF previousStart();
0186     /**
0187      * Retrieve the end position of the last added animation command.
0188      * @return The position [rel. coord].
0189      */
0190     QPointF previousEnd();
0192 private:
0193     /// The current running time for the animation.
0194     QElapsedTimer mTime;
0196     // List of animation commands
0197     QList<AnimationCommand *> mAnimList;
0199     // Time since start of an animation command [ms]
0200     int mDeltaT;
0202     // Global animation delay [ms]
0203     int mDelayT;
0205     // Start animation
0206     bool mStartAnimation;
0208     // Debug timer
0209     QElapsedTimer mDebugTime;
0210 };
0212 #endif