Warning, /games/kbreakout/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 
0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0005 ]>
0007 <book id="kbreakout" lang="&language;">
0008 <bookinfo>
0009 <title>The &kbreakout; Handbook</title>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>
0013 <firstname>Fela</firstname>
0014 <surname>Winkelmolen</surname>
0015 <affiliation>
0016 <address><email>fela.kde@gmail.com</email></address></affiliation>
0017 </author>
0019 <author>
0020 <firstname>Stephanie</firstname>
0021 <surname>Whiting</surname>
0022 <affiliation>
0023 <address><email>stephaniewhiting03@hotmail.com</email></address></affiliation>
0024 </author>
0026 </authorgroup>
0028 <copyright>
0029 <year>2008</year>
0030 <holder>Fela Winkelmolen</holder>
0031 </copyright>
0033 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0035 <date>2021-06-25</date>
0036 <releaseinfo>KDE Gear 21.04</releaseinfo>
0038 <abstract>
0039 <para>
0040 &kbreakout;, a Breakout-like game.</para>
0041 </abstract>
0043 <keywordset>
0044 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0045 <keyword>kdegames</keyword>
0046 <keyword>game</keyword>
0047 <keyword>KBreakOut</keyword>
0048 <keyword>Breakout</keyword>
0049 <keyword>brick</keyword>
0050 <keyword>bricks</keyword>
0051 <keyword>ball</keyword>
0052 </keywordset>
0053 </bookinfo>
0055 <chapter id="introduction">
0056 <title>Introduction</title>
0058 <para>
0059 &kbreakout; is a Breakout-like game.
0060 </para>
0062 <screenshot>
0063 <mediaobject>
0064 <imageobject>
0065 <imagedata fileref="gameboard.png" format="PNG"/>
0066 </imageobject>
0067 <textobject>
0068 <phrase>&kbreakout; gameboard</phrase>
0069 </textobject>
0070 </mediaobject>
0071 </screenshot>
0073 <para>
0074 The object of the game is to destroy as many bricks as possible without losing the ball.
0075 </para>
0076 </chapter>
0078 <chapter id="how-to-play">
0079 <title>How to Play</title>
0081 <para>
0082 The player is presented with a game field containing a number of bricks. A ball travels across the screen, bouncing off the top and side walls. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces away and the brick is destroyed. The player loses a life when the ball touches the bottom of the field. To prevent this from happening, the player has to use a movable bar to bounce the ball upward, situated at the bottom of the window. The purpose of the game is to progress through the levels destroying all bricks present in each, and trying to get a highscore.
0083 </para>
0085 <para>
0086 Some bricks have a special behavior, or may let a gift fall down when hit. The gifts can be caught with the bar, their behavior can be either positive or negative. For further information on the different types of bricks and gifts see the next chapter.
0087 </para>
0089 <para>
0090 To fire the ball press the spacebar, to move the bar use the mouse or the arrow keys. The ball will bounce in the direction of the side of the bar it bounced on hit, the more it bounces near the left end of the bar the more it will bounce toward the left, the same applies for the right side; if it bounces in the middle of the bar it will bounce straight toward the top.
0091 </para>
0093 <para>
0094 If you enable the option <guilabel>Fire on mouse click</guilabel> in the settings dialog, you can click with the &LMB; to fire.
0095 Enabling the option will make the game steal the mouse cursor, pause the game to get the cursor back.
0096 </para>
0098 </chapter>
0100 <chapter id="rules-strategies-tips">
0101 <title>Game Rules, Strategies and Tips</title>
0103 <sect1 id="rules">
0104 <title>Rules</title>
0105 <itemizedlist>
0106 <listitem><para>Passing a level awards 300 points to the player. A level is passed when all breakable and visible bricks are destroyed, or alternatively if the next level gift is caught. In the latter case an additional score for each remaining brick is awarded.</para></listitem>
0107 <listitem><para>A score is awarded for every brick destroyed, the smaller the interval between one hit and the following the higher this score.</para></listitem>
0108 <listitem><para>The gifts hidden in a given level are fixed, their position however is random.</para></listitem>
0109 <listitem><para>30 points are awarded for every gift caught.</para></listitem>
0110 <listitem><para>The player loses a life when the ball touches the bottom of the field and there are no other balls left in the game, or when the player catches a lose life gift. When losing a life, 1000 points are detracted from his score.</para></listitem>
0111 <listitem><para>Additional lives can be gained by catching the add life gifts.</para></listitem>
0112 <listitem><para>The game ends when the player loses the ball while not having any additional lives left, or when all levels have been won.</para></listitem>
0113 </itemizedlist>
0114 </sect1>
0116 <sect1 id="brick-types">
0117 <title>Brick Types</title>
0118 <note>
0119   <para>
0120     Pictures for the bricks below are for the default theme of &kbreakout;.
0121   </para>
0122 </note>
0123 <variablelist>
0124   <varlistentry>
0125     <term>
0126       <inlinemediaobject>
0127         <imageobject>
0128           <imagedata fileref="PlainBrick1.png" format="PNG" />
0129         </imageobject>
0130         <textobject>
0131           <phrase>
0132             Plain Brick
0133           </phrase>
0134         </textobject>
0135       </inlinemediaobject>
0136       Plain Bricks
0137     </term>
0138     <listitem>
0139       <para>
0140         Simple bricks, while their appearance may vary they all behave the same way, they get destroyed when hit by the ball and may contain a gift.
0141       </para>
0142     </listitem>
0143   </varlistentry>
0144   <varlistentry>
0145     <term>
0146       <inlinemediaobject>
0147         <imageobject>
0148           <imagedata fileref="UnbreakableBrick.png" format="PNG" />
0149         </imageobject>
0150         <textobject>
0151           <phrase>
0152             Unbreakable Brick
0153           </phrase>
0154         </textobject>
0155       </inlinemediaobject>
0156       Unbreakable Brick
0157     </term>
0158     <listitem>
0159       <para>
0160         Never gets destroyed unless hit by a burning or unstoppable ball, or an exploding brick next to it gets hit. These bricks do not need to be destroyed to win the level.
0161       </para>
0162     </listitem>
0163   </varlistentry>
0164   <varlistentry>
0165     <term>
0166       <inlinemediaobject>
0167         <imageobject>
0168           <imagedata fileref="BreakableBrick.png" format="PNG" />
0169         </imageobject>
0170         <textobject>
0171           <phrase>
0172             Breakable Brick
0173           </phrase>
0174         </textobject>
0175       </inlinemediaobject>
0176       Breakable Brick
0177     </term>
0178     <listitem>
0179       <para>
0180         Unbreakable bricks can be turned into breakable bricks using <link linkend="gift-magic-wand">Magic Wand gift</link>.
0181       </para>
0182     </listitem>
0183   </varlistentry>
0184   <varlistentry>
0185     <term>
0186       <inlinemediaobject>
0187         <imageobject>
0188           <imagedata fileref="HiddenBrick.png" format="PNG" />
0189         </imageobject>
0190         <textobject>
0191           <phrase>
0192             Hidden Brick
0193           </phrase>
0194         </textobject>
0195       </inlinemediaobject>
0196       Hidden Brick
0197     </term>
0198     <listitem>
0199       <para>
0200         This brick is not initially shown to the player. When hit for the first time it becomes visible, and becomes a plain brick. If hit by a burning ball, or an exploding brick next to it gets hit it gets destroyed as soon as it appears. As long as it remains hidden it does not need to be destroyed to get to the next level.
0201       </para>
0202     </listitem>
0203   </varlistentry>
0204   <varlistentry>
0205     <term>
0206       <inlinemediaobject>
0207         <imageobject>
0208           <imagedata fileref="MultipleBrick3.png" format="PNG" />
0209         </imageobject>
0210         <textobject>
0211           <phrase>
0212             Multiple Brick
0213           </phrase>
0214         </textobject>
0215       </inlinemediaobject>
0216       Multiple Brick
0217     </term>
0218     <listitem>
0219       <para>
0220         Needs to be hit three times before getting destroyed, unless hit by a burning or unstoppable ball, or an exploding brick next to it gets destroyed.
0221       </para>
0222     </listitem>
0223   </varlistentry>
0224   <varlistentry>
0225     <term>
0226       <inlinemediaobject>
0227         <imageobject>
0228           <imagedata fileref="ExplodingBrick.png" format="PNG" />
0229         </imageobject>
0230         <textobject>
0231           <phrase>
0232             Exploding Brick
0233           </phrase>
0234         </textobject>
0235       </inlinemediaobject>
0236       Exploding Brick
0237     </term>
0238     <listitem>
0239       <para>
0240         When this brick gets hit also the bricks to the top, bottom, left and right of it will get destroyed, regardless of their type.
0241       </para>
0242     </listitem>
0243   </varlistentry>
0244 </variablelist>
0245 </sect1>
0247 <sect1 id="gifts">
0248 <title>Gifts</title>
0249 <note>
0250   <para>
0251     Pictures for the gifts below are for the default theme of &kbreakout;.
0252   </para>
0253 </note>
0254 <variablelist>
0255   <varlistentry>
0256     <term>
0257       <inlinemediaobject>
0258         <imageobject>
0259           <imagedata fileref="Gift1000Points.png" format="PNG" />
0260         </imageobject>
0261         <textobject>
0262           <phrase>
0263             Gift 1000 Points
0264           </phrase>
0265         </textobject>
0266       </inlinemediaobject>
0267       Score Gifts
0268     </term>
0269     <listitem>
0270       <para>
0271         If caught they award the player the number of points written on the gift.
0272       </para>
0273     </listitem>
0274   </varlistentry>
0275   <varlistentry>
0276     <term>
0277       <inlinemediaobject>
0278         <imageobject>
0279           <imagedata fileref="GiftAddLife.png" format="PNG" />
0280         </imageobject>
0281         <textobject>
0282           <phrase>
0283             Add Life Gift
0284           </phrase>
0285         </textobject>
0286       </inlinemediaobject>
0287       Add Life Gift
0288     </term>
0289     <listitem>
0290       <para>
0291         Gives the player an additional life.
0292       </para>
0293     </listitem>
0294   </varlistentry>
0295   <varlistentry>
0296     <term>
0297       <inlinemediaobject>
0298         <imageobject>
0299           <imagedata fileref="GiftLoseLife.png" format="PNG" />
0300         </imageobject>
0301         <textobject>
0302           <phrase>
0303             Lose Life Gift
0304           </phrase>
0305         </textobject>
0306       </inlinemediaobject>
0307       Lose Life Gift
0308     </term>
0309     <listitem>
0310       <para>
0311         Makes the player lose all balls and resets the bar.
0312       </para>
0313     </listitem>
0314   </varlistentry>
0315   <varlistentry>
0316     <term>
0317       <inlinemediaobject>
0318         <imageobject>
0319           <imagedata fileref="GiftEnlargeBar.png" format="PNG" />
0320         </imageobject>
0321         <textobject>
0322           <phrase>
0323             Enlarge Bar Gift
0324           </phrase>
0325         </textobject>
0326       </inlinemediaobject>
0327       Enlarge Bar Gift
0328     </term>
0329     <listitem>
0330       <para>
0331         Enlarges the bar.
0332       </para>
0333     </listitem>
0334   </varlistentry>
0335   <varlistentry>
0336     <term>
0337       <inlinemediaobject>
0338         <imageobject>
0339           <imagedata fileref="GiftShrinkBar.png" format="PNG" />
0340         </imageobject>
0341         <textobject>
0342           <phrase>
0343             Shrink Bar Gift
0344           </phrase>
0345         </textobject>
0346       </inlinemediaobject>
0347       Shrink Bar Gift
0348     </term>
0349     <listitem>
0350       <para>
0351         Shrinks the bar.
0352       </para>
0353     </listitem>
0354   </varlistentry>
0355   <varlistentry>
0356     <term>
0357       <inlinemediaobject>
0358         <imageobject>
0359           <imagedata fileref="GiftSplitBall.png" format="PNG" />
0360         </imageobject>
0361         <textobject>
0362           <phrase>
0363             Split Balls Gift
0364           </phrase>
0365         </textobject>
0366       </inlinemediaobject>
0367       Split Balls Gift
0368     </term>
0369     <listitem>
0370       <para>
0371         Doubles the balls.
0372       </para>
0373     </listitem>
0374   </varlistentry>
0375   <varlistentry>
0376     <term>
0377       <inlinemediaobject>
0378         <imageobject>
0379           <imagedata fileref="GiftAddBall.png" format="PNG" />
0380         </imageobject>
0381         <textobject>
0382           <phrase>
0383             Add Balls Gift
0384           </phrase>
0385         </textobject>
0386       </inlinemediaobject>
0387       Add Balls Gift
0388     </term>
0389     <listitem>
0390       <para>
0391         Gives the player an extra ball attached to the bar, which can be fired whenever the player wants.
0392       </para>
0393     </listitem>
0394   </varlistentry>
0395   <varlistentry>
0396     <term>
0397       <inlinemediaobject>
0398         <imageobject>
0399           <imagedata fileref="GiftStickyBar.png" format="PNG" />
0400         </imageobject>
0401         <textobject>
0402           <phrase>
0403             Sticky Bar Gift
0404           </phrase>
0405         </textobject>
0406       </inlinemediaobject>
0407       Sticky Bar Gift
0408     </term>
0409     <listitem>
0410       <para>
0411         After catching this gift, every time a ball touches the bar it remains attached to it, allowing the player to fire again.
0412       </para>
0413     </listitem>
0414   </varlistentry>
0415   <varlistentry>
0416     <term>
0417       <inlinemediaobject>
0418         <imageobject>
0419           <imagedata fileref="GiftMoreExplosion.png" format="PNG" />
0420         </imageobject>
0421         <textobject>
0422           <phrase>
0423             More Exploding Bricks Gift
0424           </phrase>
0425         </textobject>
0426       </inlinemediaobject>
0427       More Exploding Bricks Gift
0428     </term>
0429     <listitem>
0430       <para>
0431         Makes all bricks to the top, bottom, right, and left of exploding bricks exploding bricks themselves. This also applies to hidden and unbreakable bricks.
0432       </para>
0433     </listitem>
0434   </varlistentry>
0435   <varlistentry>
0436     <term>
0437       <inlinemediaobject>
0438         <imageobject>
0439           <imagedata fileref="GiftBurningBall.png" format="PNG" />
0440         </imageobject>
0441         <textobject>
0442           <phrase>
0443             Burning Ball Gift
0444           </phrase>
0445         </textobject>
0446       </inlinemediaobject>
0447       Burning Ball Gift
0448     </term>
0449     <listitem>
0450       <para>
0451         Transforms all the balls into burning balls. When a burning ball hits a brick also the bricks to the top, bottom, left and right of it get destroyed. A burning ball destroys all types of bricks regardless of their types.
0452       </para>
0453     </listitem>
0454   </varlistentry>
0455   <varlistentry>
0456     <term>
0457       <inlinemediaobject>
0458         <imageobject>
0459           <imagedata fileref="GiftUnstoppableBall.png" format="PNG" />
0460         </imageobject>
0461         <textobject>
0462           <phrase>
0463             Unstoppable Ball Gift
0464           </phrase>
0465         </textobject>
0466       </inlinemediaobject>
0467       Unstoppable Ball Gift
0468     </term>
0469     <listitem>
0470       <para>
0471         Transforms all the balls into unstoppable balls. An unstoppable ball destroys all bricks it encounters on its path, regardless of their type, and never bounces against them.
0472       </para>
0473     </listitem>
0474   </varlistentry>
0475   <varlistentry>
0476     <term>
0477       <inlinemediaobject>
0478         <imageobject>
0479           <imagedata fileref="GiftMagicEye.png" format="PNG" />
0480         </imageobject>
0481         <textobject>
0482           <phrase>
0483             Magic Eye Gift
0484           </phrase>
0485         </textobject>
0486       </inlinemediaobject>
0487       Magic Eye Gift
0488     </term>
0489     <listitem>
0490       <para>
0491         Shows all hidden bricks.
0492       </para>
0493     </listitem>
0494   </varlistentry>
0495   <varlistentry>
0496     <term id="gift-magic-wand">
0497       <inlinemediaobject>
0498         <imageobject>
0499           <imagedata fileref="GiftMagicWand.png" format="PNG" />
0500         </imageobject>
0501         <textobject>
0502           <phrase>
0503             Magic Wand Gift
0504           </phrase>
0505         </textobject>
0506       </inlinemediaobject>
0507       Magic Wand Gift
0508     </term>
0509     <listitem>
0510       <para>
0511         Transforms all multiple and unbreakable bricks into simple bricks.
0512       </para>
0513     </listitem>
0514   </varlistentry>
0515     <varlistentry>
0516     <term>
0517       <inlinemediaobject>
0518         <imageobject>
0519           <imagedata fileref="GiftIncreaseSpeed.png" format="PNG" />
0520         </imageobject>
0521         <textobject>
0522           <phrase>
0523             Increase Speed Gift
0524           </phrase>
0525         </textobject>
0526       </inlinemediaobject>
0527       Increase Speed Gift
0528     </term>
0529     <listitem>
0530       <para>
0531         Increases the speed of the ball by 30% of the current speed.
0532       </para>
0533     </listitem>
0534   </varlistentry>
0535   <varlistentry>
0536     <term>
0537       <inlinemediaobject>
0538         <imageobject>
0539           <imagedata fileref="GiftDecreaseSpeed.png" format="PNG" />
0540         </imageobject>
0541         <textobject>
0542           <phrase>
0543             Decrease Speed Gift
0544           </phrase>
0545         </textobject>
0546       </inlinemediaobject>
0547       Decrease Speed Gift
0548     </term>
0549     <listitem>
0550       <para>
0551         Decreases the speed of the ball dividing the current speed by 1.3.
0552       </para>
0553     </listitem>
0554   </varlistentry>
0555     <varlistentry>
0556     <term>
0557       <inlinemediaobject>
0558         <imageobject>
0559           <imagedata fileref="GiftNextLevel.png" format="PNG" />
0560         </imageobject>
0561         <textobject>
0562           <phrase>
0563             Next Level Gift
0564           </phrase>
0565         </textobject>
0566       </inlinemediaobject>
0567       Next Level Gift
0568     </term>
0569     <listitem>
0570       <para>
0571         Opens the next level of the game immediately.
0572       </para>
0573     </listitem>
0574   </varlistentry>
0575 </variablelist>
0576 </sect1>
0578 <sect1 id="strategies-and-tips">
0579 <title>Strategies and Tips</title>
0580 <itemizedlist>
0581 <listitem><para>If possible, it is usually a good idea to send the ball above the bricks, doing so you will have a smaller chance of losing the ball. Sometimes you need to first make a small hole in the layer of brick to accomplish this. The smaller the hole, the smaller the chance the balls comes back down.</para></listitem>
0582 <listitem><para>When catching the add ball gift it is wise to not fire it right away but to keep in instead, in case the other balls are lost. It is also advisable to not catch a sticky bar gift in such a case, as doing so would force you to fire all balls.</para></listitem>
0583 <listitem><para>When receiving a next level gift you may not want to catch it if you know that there are add life gifts in the level.</para></listitem>
0584 <listitem><para>In levels where there are a lot of hidden bricks there may be a way to win the level without having to destroy most of them.</para></listitem>
0585 </itemizedlist>
0586 </sect1>
0588 </chapter>
0590 <chapter id="interface-overview">
0591 <title>Interface Overview</title>
0593 <sect1 id="menu">
0594 <title>Menu Items</title>
0596 <variablelist>
0597 <varlistentry>
0598 <term><menuchoice>
0599 <shortcut>
0600 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
0601 </shortcut>
0602 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0603 <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>
0604 </menuchoice></term>
0605 <listitem>
0606 <para>
0607 Starts a new game.
0608 </para>
0609 </listitem>
0610 </varlistentry>
0612 <varlistentry>
0613 <term><menuchoice>
0614 <shortcut>
0615 <keycap>P</keycap>
0616 </shortcut>
0617 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0618 <guimenuitem>Pause</guimenuitem>
0619 </menuchoice></term>
0620 <listitem>
0621 <para>
0622 Pause and resume the current game.
0623 </para>
0624 </listitem>
0625 </varlistentry>
0627 <varlistentry>
0628 <term><menuchoice>
0629 <shortcut>
0630 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo>
0631 </shortcut>
0632 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0633 <guimenuitem>Show High Scores</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0634 <listitem>
0635 <para>
0636 Shows a dialog containing the High Scores.
0637 </para>
0638 </listitem>
0639 </varlistentry>
0641 <varlistentry>
0642 <term><menuchoice>
0643 <shortcut>
0644 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0645 </shortcut>
0646 <guimenu>Game</guimenu>
0647 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0648 </menuchoice></term>
0649 <listitem>
0650 <para>
0651 Quits the program.
0652 </para>
0653 </listitem>
0654 </varlistentry>
0656 <varlistentry>
0657 <term><menuchoice>
0658 <shortcut>
0659 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>
0660 </shortcut>
0661 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0662 <guimenuitem>Full Screen Mode</guimenuitem>
0663 </menuchoice></term>
0664 <listitem><para>
0665 <action>Play the &kbreakout; game in full screen mode. Leaving this mode is only possible using the shortcut.</action>
0666 </para></listitem>
0667 </varlistentry>
0669 </variablelist>
0671 <para>
0672 Additionally &kbreakout; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
0673 menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings"
0674 >Settings Menu</ulink> and <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
0675 of the &kde; Fundamentals.
0676 </para>
0678 </sect1>
0680 <sect1 id="keybindings">
0681 <title id="keybindings-title">Shortcuts</title>
0683 <para>The default shortcuts are:</para>
0685 <table>
0686 <title>Shortcuts</title>
0687 <tgroup cols="2">
0688 <tbody>
0689 <row>
0690 <entry>Fire</entry>
0691 <entry>
0692 &Space;
0693 </entry>
0694 </row>
0695 <row>
0696 <entry>Pause/Resume</entry>
0697 <entry>
0698 <keycap>P</keycap>
0699 </entry>
0700 </row>
0701 <row>
0702 <entry>Start a new game</entry>
0703 <entry>
0704 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
0705 </entry>
0706 </row>
0707 <row>
0708 <entry>Show High Scores</entry>
0709 <entry>
0710 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo>
0711 </entry>
0712 </row>
0713 <row>
0714 <entry>Quit</entry>
0715 <entry>
0716 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0717 </entry>
0718 </row>
0719 <row>
0720 <entry>Full Screen Mode</entry>
0721 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0722 </row>
0723 <row>
0724 <entry>Help</entry>
0725 <entry><keycap>F1</keycap></entry>
0726 </row>
0727 <row>
0728 <entry>What's this?</entry>
0729 <entry>
0730 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo>
0731 </entry>
0732 </row>
0733 </tbody>
0734 </tgroup>
0735 </table>
0737 </sect1>
0738 </chapter>
0741 <chapter id="credits">
0742 <title>Credits and License</title>
0744 <para>
0745 &kbreakout;
0746 </para>
0747 <para>
0748 Program copyright 2008 by Fela Winkelmolen <email>fela.kde@gmail.com</email>
0749 </para>
0750 <para>
0751 Documentation copyright 2008 by Fela Winkelmolen <email>fela.kde@gmail.com</email>
0752 </para>
0756 &underFDL;
0757 &underGPL;
0759 </chapter>
0761 &documentation.index; 
0762 </book>
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