Warning, /games/katomic/README.themes is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 This file describes how to create a new KAtomic theme.
0003 (Last update: 29.05.2007 by dimsuz)
0005 KAtomic theme consists of single svgz file which contains game elements
0006 with predefined svg ID's. Required elements and their corresponding ID's
0007 are listed below in "FORMAL DESCRIPTION: ID" format (note that ID's
0008 are case sensitive).
0010 -= Atoms =-
0012 H-atom:   atom_H
0013 C-atom:   atom_C
0014 O-atom:   atom_O
0015 N-atom:   atom_N
0016 S-atom:   atom_S
0017 F-atom:   atom_F
0018 Cl-atom:  atom_Cl
0019 Br-atom:  atom_Br
0020 P-atom:   atom_P
0021 J-atom:   atom_J
0022 Crystal:  atom_Crystal
0024 -= Bonds =-
0026 Single bond at top:         bond_I_top
0027 Single bond at right:       bond_I_Right
0028 Single bond at bottom:      bond_I_Bottom
0029 Single bond at left:        bond_I_Left
0030 Single bond at upper-right: bond_I_TopRight
0031 Single bond at lower-right: bond_I_BotRight
0032 Single bond at upper-left:  bond_I_TopLeft
0033 Single bond at lower-left:  bond_I_BotLeft
0035 Double bond at top:    bond_II_Top
0036 Double bond at right:  bond_II_Right
0037 Double bond at bottom: bond_II_Bottom
0038 Double bond at left:   bond_II_Left
0040 Triple bond at top:    bond_III_Top
0041 Triple bond at right:  bond_III_Right
0042 Triple bond at bottom: bond_III_Bottom
0043 Triple bond at left:   bond_III_Left
0045 -= Movement arrows =-
0047 Left arrow:  arrow_Left
0048 Right arrow: arrow_Right
0049 Up arrow:    arrow_Up
0050 Down arrow:  arrow_Down
0052 -= Other elements =-
0054 Wall: wall
0055 Horizontal connector: connectorHor
0056 Vertical connector:   connectorVer
0057 Diagonal connector 1: connectorSlash
0058 Diagonal connector 2: connectorBackslash
0059 Background image:     background
0061 You may want to take a look at
0062 /path/to/kdedir/share/apps/katomic/pics/default_theme.svgz 
0063 for visual reference