File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 07:51:11

0001 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
0003 """
0004 Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
0006 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
0008 """
0010 import os
0011 import tarfile
0012 import subprocess
0013 import datetime
0014 from io import BytesIO
0015 from hashlib import md5
0017 from common import Debug, Internal, StrMixin, cacheDir
0018 from util import which, removeIfExists, uniqueList, elapsedSince
0019 from log import logWarning, i18n, logDebug, logException
0021 from qt import QStandardPaths
0023 from tile import Tile
0025         # Phonon does not work with short files - it plays them
0026         # simultaneously or only parts of them. Mar 2010, KDE 4.4. True for mp3
0027         # and for wav. Also, mpg123 often plays distorted sounds. Kubuntu 9.10.
0028         # So we use ogg123 and ogg sound files.
0029         # = Phonon.MediaObject(self)
0030         # self.audioOutput = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.GameCategory, self)
0031         # Phonon.createPath(, self.audioOutput)
0032         #
0033         #
0035 if == 'nt':
0036     import winsound  # pylint: disable=import-error
0039 class Sound:
0041     """the sound interface. Use class variables and class methods,
0042     thusly ensuring no two instances try to speak"""
0043     __oggBinary = None
0044     __bonusOgg = None
0045     playProcesses = []
0046     lastCleaned = None
0048     @staticmethod
0049     def findOggBinary():
0050         """set __oggBinary to exe name or an empty string"""
0051         if Sound.__oggBinary is None:
0052             if == 'nt':
0053                 Sound.__oggBinary = os.path.join('share', 'kajongg', 'voices', 'oggdec.exe')
0054                 msg = ''  # we bundle oggdec.exe with the kajongg installer, it must be there
0055             else:
0056                 oggBinary = 'ogg123'
0057                 msg = i18n(
0058                     'No voices will be heard because the program %1 is missing',
0059                     oggBinary)
0060                 if which(oggBinary):
0061                     Sound.__oggBinary = oggBinary
0062                 else:
0063                     Sound.__oggBinary = ''
0064                     Internal.Preferences.useSounds = False
0065                     # checks again at next reenable
0066                     if msg:
0067                         logWarning(msg)
0068             if Debug.sound:
0069                 logDebug('ogg123 found:' + Sound.__oggBinary)
0070         return Sound.__oggBinary
0072     @staticmethod
0073     def cleanProcesses():
0074         """terminate ogg123 children"""
0075         now =
0076         if Sound.lastCleaned and (now - Sound.lastCleaned).seconds < 2:
0077             return
0078         Sound.lastCleaned = now
0079         remaining = []
0080         for process in Sound.playProcesses:
0081             if process.poll() is not None:
0082                 # ogg123 self-finished
0083                 continue
0084             diff = now - process.startTime
0085             if diff.seconds > 10:
0086                 try:
0087                     process.kill()
0088                 except OSError:
0089                     pass
0090                 try:
0091                     os.waitpid(, 0)
0092                 except OSError:
0093                     pass
0094                 if Debug.sound:
0095                     game =
0096                     game.debug('10 seconds passed. Killing %s' %
0097             else:
0098                 remaining.append(process)
0099         Sound.playProcesses = remaining
0101     @staticmethod
0102     def speak(what):
0103         """this is what the user of this module will call."""
0104         # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
0105         if not Internal.Preferences.useSounds:
0106             return
0107         game =
0108         reactor = Internal.reactor
0109         if game and not game.autoPlay and Sound.playProcesses:
0110             # in normal play, wait a moment between two speaks. Otherwise
0111             # sometimes too many simultaneous speaks make them ununderstandable
0112             lastSpeakStart = max(x.startTime for x in Sound.playProcesses)
0113             if elapsedSince(lastSpeakStart) < 0.3:
0114                 reactor.callLater(1, Sound.speak, what)
0115                 return
0116         if os.path.exists(what):
0117             oggBinary = Sound.findOggBinary()
0118             if oggBinary:
0119                 if == 'nt':
0120                     # convert to .wav, store .wav in cacheDir
0121                     name, ext = os.path.splitext(what)
0122                     assert ext == '.ogg', 'what: {} name: {} ext: {}'.format(what, name, ext)
0123                     if 'bell' in name:
0124                         nameParts = ['bell']
0125                     else:
0126                         nameParts = os.path.normpath(name).split(os.sep)
0127                         nameParts = nameParts[nameParts.index('voices') + 1:]
0128                     wavName = os.path.normpath(
0129                         '{}/{}.wav'.format(cacheDir(),
0130                                            '_'.join(nameParts)))
0131                     if not os.path.exists(wavName):
0132                         args = [oggBinary, '-a', '-w', wavName, os.path.normpath(what)]
0133                         startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
0134                         startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
0135               , startupinfo=startupinfo)
0136                         if Debug.sound:
0137                             logDebug('converted {} to wav {}'.format(what, wavName))
0138                     try:
0139                         winsound.PlaySound(
0140                             wavName,
0141                             winsound.SND_FILENAME | winsound.SND_NODEFAULT)
0142                     except RuntimeError:
0143                         pass
0144                 else:
0145                     args = [oggBinary, '-q', what]
0146                     if Debug.sound:
0147                         game.debug(' '.join(args))
0148                     process = subprocess.Popen(args)
0149                     process.startTime =
0150            = what
0151                     Sound.playProcesses.append(process)
0152                     reactor.callLater(3, Sound.cleanProcesses)
0153                     reactor.callLater(6, Sound.cleanProcesses)
0155     @staticmethod
0156     def bonus():
0157         """ring some sort of bell, if we find such a file"""
0158         if Sound.__bonusOgg is None:
0159             Sound.__bonusOgg = ''
0160             for oggName in (
0161                     '/usr/share/sounds/KDE-Im-Message-In.ogg',
0162                     'share/sounds/bell.ogg'):
0163                 if os.path.exists(oggName):
0164                     Sound.__bonusOgg = oggName
0165                     if Debug.sound:
0166                         logDebug('Bonus sound found:{}'.format(oggName))
0167                     break
0168             if Debug.sound and not Sound.__bonusOgg:
0169                 logDebug('No bonus sound found')
0170         if Sound.__bonusOgg:
0171             Sound.speak(Sound.__bonusOgg)
0173 class Voice(StrMixin):
0175     """this administers voice sounds.
0177     When transporting voices between players, a compressed tarfile
0178     is generated at source and transferred to destination. At
0179     destination, no tarfile is written, only the content. It makes
0180     only sense to cache the voice in a tarfile at source."""
0182     __availableVoices = []
0183     md5sumLength = 32 # magical constant
0185     def __init__(self, directory, content=None):
0186         """give this name a voice"""
0187         self.__md5sum = None
0188         if not os.path.split(directory)[0]:
0189             if Debug.sound:
0190                 logDebug('place voice %s in %s' % (directory, cacheDir()))
0191             directory = os.path.join(cacheDir(), directory)
0192 = directory
0193         self.__setArchiveContent(content)
0195     def __str__(self):
0196         return
0198     def language(self):
0199         """the language code of this voice. Locally defined voices
0200         have no language code and return 'local'.
0201         remote voices received from other clients return 'remote',
0202         they always get predecence."""
0203         if len( == self.md5sumLength:
0204             if os.path.split([1] == self.md5sum:
0205                 return 'remote'
0206         if 'HOME' in os.environ:
0207             home = os.environ['HOME']
0208         elif 'HOMEPATH' in os.environ:
0209             home = os.environ['HOMEPATH']
0210         else:
0211             logException('have neither HOME nor HOMEPATH')
0212         if home:
0213             if
0214                 return 'local'
0215         result = os.path.split([0]
0216         result = os.path.split(result)[1]
0217         if result == 'voices':
0218             result = 'en_US'
0219         return result
0221     @staticmethod
0222     def availableVoices():
0223         """a list of all voice directories"""
0224         if not Voice.__availableVoices:
0225             result = []
0226             directories = QStandardPaths.locateAll(
0227                 QStandardPaths.AppDataLocation, 'voices', QStandardPaths.LocateDirectory)
0228             directories.insert(0, os.path.join('share', 'kajongg', 'voices'))
0229             for parentDirectory in directories:
0230                 for (dirpath, _, _) in os.walk(parentDirectory, followlinks=True):
0231                     if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, 's1.ogg')):
0232                         result.append(Voice(dirpath))
0233             group ='Locale')
0234             prefLanguages = uniqueList(
0235                 ':'.join(['local', str(group.readEntry('Language')), 'en_US']).split(':'))
0236             prefLanguages = dict(enumerate(prefLanguages))
0237             result = sorted(
0238                 result, key=lambda x: prefLanguages.get(x.language(), 9999))
0239             if Debug.sound:
0240                 logDebug('found voices:%s' % [str(x) for x in result])
0241             Voice.__availableVoices = result
0242         return Voice.__availableVoices
0244     @staticmethod
0245     def locate(name):
0246         """return Voice or None if no foreign or local voice matches.
0247         In other words never return a predefined voice"""
0248         for voice in Voice.availableVoices():
0249             dirname = os.path.split([-1]
0250             if name == voice.md5sum:
0251                 if Debug.sound:
0252                     logDebug(
0253                         'locate found %s by md5sum in %s' %
0254                         (name,
0255                 return voice
0256             if name == dirname and voice.language() == 'local':
0257                 if Debug.sound:
0258                     logDebug(
0259                         'locate found %s by name in %s' %
0260                         (name,
0261                 return voice
0262         if Debug.sound:
0263             logDebug('Personal sound for %s not found' % (name))
0264         return None
0266     def buildSubvoice(self, oggName, side):
0267         """side is 'left' or 'right'."""
0268         angleDirectory = os.path.join(
0269             cacheDir(),
0270             'angleVoices',
0271             self.md5sum,
0272             side)
0273         stdName = os.path.join(, oggName)
0274         angleName = os.path.join(angleDirectory, oggName)
0275         if os.path.exists(stdName) and not os.path.exists(angleName):
0276             sox = which('sox')
0277             if not sox:
0278                 return stdName
0279             if not os.path.exists(angleDirectory):
0280                 os.makedirs(angleDirectory)
0281             args = [sox, stdName, angleName, 'remix']
0282             if side == 'left':
0283                 args.extend(['1,2', '0'])
0284             elif side == 'right':
0285                 args.extend(['0', '1,2'])
0286             callResult =
0287             if callResult:
0288                 if Debug.sound:
0289                     logDebug(
0290                         'failed to build subvoice %s: return code=%s' %
0291                         (angleName, callResult))
0292                 return stdName
0293             if Debug.sound:
0294                 logDebug('built subvoice %s' % angleName)
0295         return angleName
0297     def localTextName(self, text, angle):
0298         """build the name of the wanted sound file"""
0299         oggName = text.lower().replace(' ', '') + '.ogg'
0300         if angle == 90:
0301             return self.buildSubvoice(oggName, 'left')
0302         if angle == 270:
0303             return self.buildSubvoice(oggName, 'right')
0304         return os.path.join(, oggName)
0306     def speak(self, text, angle):
0307         """text must be a sound filename without extension"""
0308         if isinstance(text, Tile):
0309             text = str(
0310         fileName = self.localTextName(text, angle)
0311         if not os.path.exists(fileName):
0312             if Debug.sound:
0313                 logDebug('Voice.speak: fileName %s not found' % fileName)
0314         Sound.speak(fileName)
0316     def oggFiles(self):
0317         """a list of all found ogg files"""
0318         if os.path.exists(
0319             return sorted(x for x in os.listdir( if x.endswith('.ogg'))
0320         return []
0322     def __computeMd5sum(self):
0323         """update md5sum file. If it changed, return True.
0324         If unchanged or no ogg files exist, remove archive and md5sum and return False.
0325         If ogg files exist but no archive, return True."""
0326         if self.__md5sum:
0327             # we already checked
0328             return
0329         md5FileName = os.path.join(, 'md5sum')
0330         archiveExists = os.path.exists(self.archiveName())
0331         ogg = self.oggFiles()
0332         if not ogg:
0333             removeIfExists(self.archiveName())
0334             removeIfExists(md5FileName)
0335             self.__md5sum = None
0336             logDebug('no ogg files in %s' % self)
0337             return
0338         md5sum = md5()
0339         for oggFile in ogg:
0340             md5sum.update(
0341                 open(os.path.join(, oggFile), 'rb').read())
0342         # the md5 stamp goes into the old archive directory 'username'
0343         self.__md5sum = md5sum.hexdigest()
0344         existingMd5sum = self.savedmd5Sum()
0345         md5Name = self.md5FileName()
0346         if self.__md5sum != existingMd5sum:
0347             if Debug.sound:
0348                 if not os.path.exists(md5Name):
0349                     logDebug('creating new %s' % md5Name)
0350                 else:
0351                     logDebug(
0352                         'md5sum %s changed, rewriting %s with %s' %
0353                         (existingMd5sum, md5Name, self.__md5sum))
0354             try:
0355                 open(md5Name, 'w').write('%s\n' % self.__md5sum)
0356             except OSError as exception:
0357                 logException(
0358                     '\n'.join([i18n('cannot write <filename>%1</filename>: %2',
0359                                     md5Name,
0360                                     str(exception)),
0361                                i18n('The voice files have changed, their checksum has changed.'),
0362                                i18n('Please reinstall kajongg or do, with sufficient permissions:'),
0363                                'cd {} ; cat *.ogg | md5sum > md5sum'.format(]))
0364         if archiveExists:
0365             archiveIsOlder = os.path.getmtime(
0366                 md5Name) > os.path.getmtime(self.archiveName())
0367             if self.__md5sum != existingMd5sum or archiveIsOlder:
0368                 os.remove(self.archiveName())
0370     def __buildArchive(self):
0371         """write the archive file and set self.__md5sum"""
0372         self.__computeMd5sum()
0373         if not os.path.exists(self.archiveName()):
0374             tarFile =, mode='w:bz2')
0375             for oggFile in self.oggFiles():
0376                 tarFile.add(
0377                     os.path.join(
0378               ,
0379                         oggFile),
0380                     arcname=oggFile)
0381             tarFile.close()
0383     def archiveName(self):
0384         """ the full path of the archive file"""
0385         return os.path.join(, 'content.tbz')
0387     def md5FileName(self):
0388         """the name of the md5sum file"""
0389         return os.path.join(, 'md5sum')
0391     def savedmd5Sum(self):
0392         """return the current value of the md5sum file"""
0393         if os.path.exists(self.md5FileName()):
0394             try:
0395                 line = open(self.md5FileName(), 'r').readlines()[0].replace(' -', '').strip()
0396                 if len(line) == self.md5sumLength:
0397                     return line
0398                 logWarning('{} has wrong content: {}'.format(self.md5FileName(), line))
0399             except OSError as exc:
0400                 logWarning('{} has wrong content: {}'.format(self.md5FileName(), exc))
0401         return None
0403     @property
0404     def md5sum(self):
0405         """the current checksum over all ogg files"""
0406         self.__computeMd5sum()
0407         return self.__md5sum
0409     def __setArchiveContent(self, content):
0410         """fill the Voice with ogg files"""
0411         if not content:
0412             return
0413         if not os.path.exists(
0414             os.makedirs(
0415         filelike = BytesIO(content)
0416         tarFile ='r|bz2', fileobj=filelike)
0417         tarFile.extractall(
0418         if Debug.sound:
0419             logDebug('extracted archive into %s' %
0420         tarFile.close()
0421         filelike.close()
0423     @property
0424     def archiveContent(self):
0425         """the content of the tarfile"""
0426         self.__buildArchive()
0427         if os.path.exists(self.archiveName()):
0428             return open(self.archiveName(), 'rb').read()
0429         return None
0431     @archiveContent.setter
0432     def archiveContent(self, content):
0433         """new archive content"""
0434         self.__setArchiveContent(content)