File indexing completed on 2024-11-24 03:43:17

0001 /*******************************************************************
0002  *
0003  * Copyright 2009  Pelladi Gabor <>
0004  *
0005  * Bovo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0006  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0007  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
0008  * any later version.
0009  *
0010  * Bovo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0011  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0013  * GNU General Public License for more details.
0014  *
0015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0016  * along with Bovo; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
0017  * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0018  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0019  *
0020  ********************************************************************/
0022 #include "ai_impl.h"
0023 #include "node.h"
0025 #include <cassert>
0026 #include <cstdio>
0027 #include <cstdlib>
0028 #include <ctime>
0029 #include <memory.h>
0031 #include <QRandomGenerator>
0033 // hash table
0034 static NodeHashData hashData[nodeHashSize];
0036 const int hashMaxDepth = 8;
0037 const int hashMinRemainingDepth = 2;
0039 AiImpl::AiImpl()
0040     : table_size_x(20)
0041     , table_size_y(20)
0042     , start_depth(6)
0043     , max_depth(6)
0044     , depth_increment(2)
0045     , force_thinking(false)
0046     , heur_seed(normal_heur_seed)
0047     , print_info(true)
0048     , max_branch(100)
0049     , timeOver(nullptr)
0050     , rememberedStanding(table_size_x, table_size_y)
0051 {
0052     memset(hashData, 0, sizeof(hashData));
0053 }
0055 AiImpl::~AiImpl() = default;
0057 void AiImpl::newGame()
0058 {
0059     Standing::initRefresh();
0060     previousStandings.clear();
0061     rememberedStanding = Standing(table_size_x, table_size_y);
0062 }
0064 void AiImpl::step(pos_T x, pos_T y)
0065 {
0066     previousStandings.push_back(rememberedStanding);
0067     rememberedStanding.step(x, y);
0068     if (print_info) {
0069         printf("hval = %d\n", rememberedStanding.hval);
0070         fflush(stdout);
0071     }
0072 }
0074 void AiImpl::stepServer(pos_T x, pos_T y)
0075 {
0076     rememberedStanding.step_server(x, y);
0077 }
0079 void AiImpl::undo()
0080 {
0081     assert(!previousStandings.empty());
0082     rememberedStanding = previousStandings.back();
0083     previousStandings.pop_back();
0084 }
0086 Field AiImpl::think()
0087 {
0088     rememberedStanding.heur_seed = heur_seed;
0090     // opening book
0091     Field f = openingBook();
0092     if (f.x < table_size_x && f.y < table_size_y && !rememberedStanding.table[f.x][f.y]) {
0093         return f;
0094     }
0095     // global best step
0096     pos_T bestX = max_table_size, bestY = max_table_size;
0098     // alpha-beta pruning
0099     Node *act;
0100     Node *root;
0101     hash_T currentHash;
0102     NodeHashData currentHashData;
0104     // step suggestion in the current depth limit
0105     pos_T suggestedX = max_table_size, suggestedY = max_table_size;
0106     // heuristic value of the search tree root
0107     heur_T rootValue = 0.0;
0109     // do a very fast initial search
0110     depth_limit = 1;
0111     do {
0112         if (print_info)
0113             printf("  depth limit: %2d", depth_limit);
0115         act = root = new Node(new Standing(rememberedStanding), this);
0117         // this prevents the AI from thinking if there is only one good move
0118         if (!force_thinking && root->steps.size() == 1) {
0119             suggestedX = root->steps.front()->lastx;
0120             suggestedY = root->steps.front()->lasty;
0121             rootValue = 0;
0122             act = nullptr;
0123         }
0125         while (act && (timeOver == nullptr || !timeOver->isTimeOver())) {
0126             // if this is a parent whose child has just been evaluated
0127             if (act->child) {
0128                 if (act->signum > 0) {
0129                     // MAX
0130                     if (act->alpha < act->child->beta) {
0131                         act->alpha = act->child->beta;
0132                         act->is_exact = true;
0133                         if (!act->parent) {
0134                             suggestedX = act->child->standing->lastx;
0135                             suggestedY = act->child->standing->lasty;
0136                             rootValue = act->alpha;
0137                         }
0138                         if (act->alpha >= act->beta || act->alpha >= WinTreshold) {
0139                             act->evaluated = true;
0140                             currentHashData.entry_type = lower_bound;
0141                             currentHashData.value = act->alpha;
0142                         }
0143                     }
0144                 } else {
0145                     // MIN
0146                     if (act->beta > act->child->alpha) {
0147                         act->beta = act->child->alpha;
0148                         act->is_exact = true;
0149                         if (!act->parent) {
0150                             suggestedX = act->child->standing->lastx;
0151                             suggestedY = act->child->standing->lasty;
0152                             rootValue = act->beta;
0153                         }
0154                         if (act->alpha >= act->beta || act->beta <= -WinTreshold) {
0155                             act->evaluated = true;
0156                             currentHashData.entry_type = upper_bound;
0157                             currentHashData.value = act->beta;
0158                         }
0159                     }
0160                 }
0162                 delete act->child;
0163                 act->child = nullptr;
0164             }
0166             // if this parent has no more children to process
0167             if (act->steps.empty()) {
0168                 act->evaluated = true;
0169                 if (act->signum > 0) {
0170                     // MAX
0171                     currentHashData.entry_type = act->is_exact ? exact : upper_bound;
0172                     currentHashData.value = act->alpha;
0173                 } else {
0174                     // MIN
0175                     currentHashData.entry_type = act->is_exact ? exact : lower_bound;
0176                     currentHashData.value = act->beta;
0177                 }
0178             }
0180             if (act->evaluated) {
0181                 // store the current standing in the hash table
0182                 if (act->depth <= hashMaxDepth && depth_limit - act->depth >= hashMinRemainingDepth && heur_seed <= normal_heur_seed) {
0183                     act->calcHash(&currentHash, &currentHashData);
0184                     hashData[currentHash] = currentHashData;
0185                 }
0187                 act = act->parent;
0188             } else {
0189                 act->child = new Node(act->steps.front(), act);
0190                 act->steps.pop_front();
0191                 act = act->child;
0193                 // if this is a leaf
0194                 if (act->evaluated) {
0195                     act = act->parent;
0196                     continue;
0197                 }
0199                 // check whether we have already evaluated the standing elsewhere
0200                 if (act->depth <= hashMaxDepth && depth_limit - act->depth >= hashMinRemainingDepth && heur_seed <= normal_heur_seed) {
0201                     act->calcHash(&currentHash, &currentHashData);
0202                     NodeHashData *storedHashData = &hashData[currentHash];
0203                     if (storedHashData->remaining_depth >= depth_limit - act->depth && currentHashData.checksum == storedHashData->checksum) {
0204                         if (act->signum > 0) {
0205                             // MAX
0206                             if (storedHashData->entry_type == exact)
0207                                 act->alpha = act->beta = storedHashData->value;
0208                             if (storedHashData->entry_type == lower_bound && act->alpha < storedHashData->value)
0209                                 act->alpha = storedHashData->value;
0210                             if (storedHashData->entry_type == upper_bound && act->beta > storedHashData->value)
0211                                 act->beta = storedHashData->value;
0212                         } else {
0213                             // MIN
0214                             if (storedHashData->entry_type == exact)
0215                                 act->alpha = act->beta = storedHashData->value;
0216                             if (storedHashData->entry_type == upper_bound && act->beta > storedHashData->value)
0217                                 act->beta = storedHashData->value;
0218                             if (storedHashData->entry_type == lower_bound && act->alpha < storedHashData->value)
0219                                 act->alpha = storedHashData->value;
0220                         }
0221                         if (act->alpha >= act->beta) {
0222                             act->evaluated = true;
0223                             act = act->parent;
0224                             continue;
0225                         }
0226                     }
0227                 }
0228             }
0229         }
0231         // check why we have left the while loop
0232         if (!act) {
0233             bestX = suggestedX;
0234             bestY = suggestedY;
0235             if (print_info) {
0236                 printf("    suggestion: (%2d, %2d)    score: %6d\n", suggestedX, suggestedY, rootValue);
0237                 fflush(stdout);
0238             }
0239         } else {
0240             if (print_info) {
0241                 printf("    time is over\n");
0242                 fflush(stdout);
0243             }
0244         }
0245         delete root;
0247         if (depth_limit < start_depth) {
0248             depth_limit = start_depth;
0249         } else {
0250             depth_limit += depth_increment;
0251         }
0252     } while (depth_limit <= max_depth && (timeOver == nullptr || !timeOver->isTimeOver()));
0254     assert((timeOver == nullptr || !timeOver->isTimeOver()) || !rememberedStanding.table[bestX][bestY]);
0255     return {bestX, bestY};
0256 }
0258 Field AiImpl::openingBook()
0259 {
0260     if (rememberedStanding.stepCount == 0) {
0261         pos_T x, y;
0262         x = table_size_x / 2;
0263         y = table_size_y / 2;
0264         x += QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(5) - 2;
0265         y += QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(5) - 2;
0266         while (rememberedStanding.table[x][y])
0267             x++;
0268         return {x, y};
0269     } else if (rememberedStanding.stepCount == 1) {
0270         pos_T x, y;
0271         x = rememberedStanding.lastx;
0272         y = rememberedStanding.lasty;
0273         int r = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(100);
0274         if (r >= 20) {
0275             if (x < table_size_x / 2) {
0276                 x++;
0277             } else {
0278                 x--;
0279             }
0280         }
0281         if (r < 80) {
0282             if (y < table_size_y / 2) {
0283                 y++;
0284             } else {
0285                 y--;
0286             }
0287         }
0288         return {x, y};
0289     } else if (rememberedStanding.stepCount == 2) {
0290         pos_T x1, y1, x2, y2;
0291         int dx, dy;
0292         x1 = previousStandings.back().lastx;
0293         y1 = previousStandings.back().lasty;
0294         if (!(1 <= x1 && x1 < table_size_x - 1 && 1 <= y1 && y1 < table_size_y - 1)) {
0295             return {max_table_size, max_table_size};
0296         }
0297         x2 = rememberedStanding.lastx;
0298         y2 = rememberedStanding.lasty;
0299         dx = (int)x1 - (int)x2;
0300         dy = (int)y1 - (int)y2;
0301         if (-1 <= dx && dx <= 1 && -1 <= dy && dy <= 1) {
0302             if (dx == 0) {
0303                 return {static_cast<pos_T>((int)x1 + (QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(2)) * 2 - 1),
0304                         static_cast<pos_T>((int)y1 + QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(3) - 1)};
0305             }
0306             if (dy == 0) {
0307                 return {static_cast<pos_T>((int)x1 + QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(3) - 1),
0308                         static_cast<pos_T>((int)y1 + (QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(2)) * 2 - 1)};
0309             }
0310             if (QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(2)) {
0311                 if (QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(2)) {
0312                     return {static_cast<pos_T>((int)x1 + dx), y1};
0313                 } else {
0314                     return {x1, static_cast<pos_T>((int)y1 + dy)};
0315                 }
0316             } else {
0317                 if (QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(2)) {
0318                     return {static_cast<pos_T>((int)x1 - dx), static_cast<pos_T>((int)y1 + dy)};
0319                 } else {
0320                     return {static_cast<pos_T>((int)x1 + dx), static_cast<pos_T>((int)y1 - dy)};
0321                 }
0322             }
0323         }
0324     }
0325     return {max_table_size, max_table_size};
0326 }