Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/tcsh.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE language
0003 [
0004         <!ENTITY funcname "[A-Za-z_:][A-Za-z0-9_:#&#37;@-]*">
0005         <!ENTITY varname  "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*">
0006         <!ENTITY word     "[|&amp;;()&lt;&gt;\s]+">     <!-- see man csh -->
0007         <!ENTITY eos      "(?=($|\s))">                 <!-- eol or space following -->
0008         <!ENTITY noword   "(?![\w$+-])">                <!-- no word, $, + or - following -->
0009         <!ENTITY pathpart "([\w_@.&#37;*?+-]|\\ )">     <!-- valid character in a file name -->
0010         <!ENTITY tab      "&#9;">
0011 ]>
0012 <language name="Tcsh" version="10" kateversion="5.53" section="Scripts" extensions="*.csh;*.tcsh;csh.cshrc;csh.login;.tcshrc;.cshrc;.login" mimetype="application/x-csh" casesensitive="1" author="Matthew Woehlke (mw_triad@users.sourceforge.net)" license="LGPL">
0014 <!-- (c) 2006 Matthew Woehlke (mw_triad@users.sourceforge.net)
0015     Based on the bash highlighter by Wilbert Berendsen (wilbert@kde.nl)
0016     Released under the LGPL -->
0018   <highlighting>
0019     <list name="keywords">
0020       <item>function</item>
0021       <item>in</item>
0022       <item>.</item>
0023     </list>
0025     <list name="builtins">
0026       <item>:</item>
0027       <item>alias</item>
0028       <item>alloc</item>
0029       <item>bg</item>
0030       <item>bindkey</item>
0031       <item>break</item>
0032       <item>builtins</item>
0033       <item>bye</item>
0034       <item>cd</item>
0035       <item>chdir</item>
0036       <item>complete</item>
0037       <item>continue</item>
0038       <item>dirs</item>
0039       <item>echo</item>
0040       <item>echotc</item>
0041       <item>eval</item>
0042       <item>exec</item>
0043       <item>exit</item>
0044       <item>fg</item>
0045       <item>filetest</item>
0046       <item>glob</item>
0047       <item>hashstat</item>
0048       <item>history</item>
0049       <item>hup</item>
0050       <item>inlib</item>
0051       <item>jobs</item>
0052       <item>kill</item>
0053       <item>limit</item>
0054       <item>log</item>
0055       <item>login</item>
0056       <item>logout</item>
0057       <item>ls-F</item>
0058       <item>migrate</item>
0059       <item>newgrp</item>
0060       <item>nice</item>
0061       <item>nohup</item>
0062       <item>notify</item>
0063       <item>onintr</item>
0064       <item>popd</item>
0065       <item>printenv</item>
0066       <item>pushd</item>
0067       <item>rehash</item>
0068       <item>repeat</item>
0069       <item>sched</item>
0070       <item>settc</item>
0071       <item>setty</item>
0072       <item>shift</item>
0073       <item>source</item>
0074       <item>stop</item>
0075       <item>suspend</item>
0076       <item>telltc</item>
0077       <item>time</item>
0078       <item>umask</item>
0079       <item>unalias</item>
0080       <item>uncomplete</item>
0081       <item>unhash</item>
0082       <item>unlimit</item>
0083       <item>ver</item>
0084       <item>wait</item>
0085       <item>watchlog</item>
0086       <item>where</item>
0087       <item>which</item>
0088     </list>
0090     <list name="builtins_var">
0091       <item>unset</item>
0092       <item>unsetenv</item>
0093     </list>
0095     <list name="unixcommands">
0096       <include>unixcommands##Bash</include>
0097       <item>command</item>
0098       <item>pwd</item>
0099       <item>printf</item>
0100       <item>test</item>
0101     </list>
0104     <contexts>
0105       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Start">
0106         <IncludeRules context="FindAll" />
0107       </context>
0109 <!-- ====== The following rulessets are meant to be included ======== -->
0110       <!-- FindAll tries to interpret everything -->
0111       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindAll">
0112         <IncludeRules context="FindComments" />
0113         <IncludeRules context="FindCommands" />
0114         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0115         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0116         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0117       </context>
0119       <!-- FindMost tries to interpret anything except commands -->
0120       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindMost">
0121         <IncludeRules context="FindComments" />
0122         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0123         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0124         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0125       </context>
0128       <!-- FindComments consumes shell comments till EOL -->
0129       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="FindComments">
0130         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="Comment" char="#" firstNonSpace="true"/>
0131         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="Comment" String="[\s;](?=#)" />
0132       </context>
0133       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" name="Comment">
0134         <DetectSpaces />
0135         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0136       </context>
0138       <!-- FindCommentsParen consumes shell comments till EOL or a closing parenthese -->
0139 <!--      <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="FindCommentsParen">
0140         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="CommentParen" char="#" firstNonSpace="true"/>
0141         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="CommentParen" String="[\s;](?=#)" />
0142       </context>
0143       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" name="CommentParen">
0144         <RegExpr attribute="Comment" context="#pop" String="[^)](?=\))" />
0145         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0146       </context> -->
0148       <!-- FindCommentsBackq consumes shell comments till EOL or a backquote -->
0149       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="FindCommentsBackq">
0150         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="CommentBackq" char="#" firstNonSpace="true"/>
0151         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="CommentBackq" String="[\s;](?=#)" />
0152       </context>
0153       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" name="CommentBackq">
0154         <RegExpr attribute="Comment" context="#pop" String="[^`](?=`)" />
0155         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0156       </context>
0159       <!-- breaksw case default if else end endif endsw foreach goto
0160            set setenv switch while -->
0162       <!-- FindCommands matches many items that can be expected outside strings, substitutions etc. -->
0163       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindCommands">
0164         <!-- start expression in double parentheses -->
0165 <!--!--><Detect2Chars attribute="Keyword" context="ExprDblParen" char="(" char1="(" beginRegion="expression" />
0166         <!-- start expression in single brackets -->
0167 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Builtin" context="ExprBracket" String="(^\[|\s\[)&eos;" beginRegion="expression" column="0"/>
0168         <!-- start a group command with { -->
0169 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="Group" String="\{&eos;" beginRegion="group" />
0170         <!-- start a subshell -->
0171 <!--!--><DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="SubShell" char="(" beginRegion="subshell" />
0172         <!-- match do and if blocks -->
0173 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="If" String="\bif&noword;" />
0174 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="ElseIf" String="\belse\s+if&noword;" />
0175 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="#stay" String="\belse&noword;" />
0176 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="#stay" String="\bendif&noword;" endRegion="if" />
0177         <!-- handle switch as a special case -->
0178 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="Switch" String="\bswitch&noword;" beginRegion="switch" />
0179 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="#stay" String="\b(foreach|while)&noword;" beginRegion="loop" />
0180 <!--!--><RegExpr attribute="Control Flow" context="#stay" String="\bend&noword;" endRegion="loop" />
0181         <!-- handle command line options -->
0182         <RegExpr attribute="Option" context="#stay" String="-[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]*|--[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*" />
0183         <!-- handle variable assignments -->
0184 <!--R--><RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="\b@\s" />
0185 <!--R--><WordDetect attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="set" />
0186         <WordDetect attribute="Keyword" context="CmdSetEnv" String="setenv" />
0187         <!-- handle functions with function keyword before keywords -->
0188 <!--!--><StringDetect attribute="Function" context="#stay" String=":()" />
0189 <!--!--><WordDetect attribute="Keyword" context="FunctionDef" String="function" />
0190         <!-- handle keywords -->
0191         <keyword attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="keywords" />
0192         <keyword attribute="Builtin" context="#stay" String="builtins" />
0193         <keyword attribute="Command" context="#stay" String="unixcommands" />
0194         <!-- handle commands that have variable names as argument -->
0195         <keyword attribute="Builtin" context="VarName" String="builtins_var" />
0196         <!-- handle redirection -->
0197         <RegExpr attribute="Redirection" context="#stay" String="(&lt;&lt;?|&gt;&gt;?&amp;?!?)" />
0198         <!-- handle &, &&, | and || -->
0199         <RegExpr attribute="Control" context="#stay" String="([|&amp;])\1?" />
0200         <!-- mark function definitions without function keyword -->
0201         <RegExpr attribute="Function" context="#stay" String="&funcname;\s*\(\)" />
0202       </context>
0204       <!-- FindOthers contains various rules to mark different shell input -->
0205       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindOthers">
0206         <RegExpr attribute="Escape" context="#stay" String="\\[;&quot;\\'$`{}()|&amp;&lt;&gt;* ]" />
0207 <!--?   <RegExpr attribute="Escape" context="#stay" String="\{(?!(\s|$))\S*\}" />-->
0208         <RegExpr attribute="Path" context="#stay" String="&pathpart;*(?=/)|~\w*|/&pathpart;*(?=([\s/):;$`'&quot;]|$))" />
0209         <!-- TODO: shell globs -->
0210       </context>
0212       <!-- FindStrings looks for single and double quoted strings, also with $-prefix -->
0213       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindStrings">
0214         <DetectChar attribute="String SingleQ" context="StringSQ" char="'" />
0215         <DetectChar attribute="String DoubleQ" context="StringDQ" char="&quot;" />
0216         <Detect2Chars attribute="String SingleQ" context="StringEsc" char="$" char1="'" />
0217         <Detect2Chars attribute="String Transl." context="StringDQ" char="$" char1="&quot;" />
0218       </context>
0220       <!-- FindSubstitutions goes after anything starting with $ and ` and their escapes -->
0221       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindSubstitutions">
0222         <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="Subscript" String="\$&varname;\[" />
0223         <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#stay" String="\$(&varname;)|\$[*@#?$!_0-9-]|\$\{[*@#?$!_0-9-]\}|\$\{#&varname;\}|\$\{!&varname;\*?\}" />
0224         <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="VarBrace" String="\$\{&varname;|\$\{[*@#?$!_0-9-](?=[:#%/])" />
0225         <StringDetect attribute="Variable" context="ExprDblParenSubst" String="$((" beginRegion="expression" />
0226 <!--?   <StringDetect attribute="Redirection" context="SubstFile" String="$(&lt;" />-->
0227 <!--?   <StringDetect attribute="Variable" context="SubstCommand" String="$(" />-->
0228         <DetectChar attribute="Backquote" context="SubstBackq" char="`" />
0229         <RegExpr attribute="Escape" context="#stay" String="\\[`$\\]" />
0230       </context>
0232       <!-- FindTests finds operators valid in tests -->
0233       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="FindTests">
0234         <RegExpr attribute="Expression" context="#stay" String="-[rwxXeozsfdlbcpSugktRLDIFNZ](?=\s)|-[AMCUG]:?(?=\s)|-P[0-7]{,3}:?(?=\s)|[=!][~=]|[*>&lt;!~]"/>
0235       </context>
0238 <!-- ====== These are the contexts that can be branched to ======= -->
0240       <!-- ExprDblParen consumes an expression started in command mode till )) -->
0241       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="ExprDblParen">
0242         <Detect2Chars attribute="Keyword" context="#pop" char=")" char1=")" endRegion="expression" />
0243         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="ExprSubParen" char="(" />
0244         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0245       </context>
0247       <!-- ExprDblParenSubst like ExprDblParen but matches )) as Variable -->
0248       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="ExprDblParenSubst">
0249         <Detect2Chars attribute="Variable" context="#pop" char=")" char1=")" endRegion="expression" />
0250         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="ExprSubParen" char="(" />
0251         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0252       </context>
0254       <!-- ExprSubParen consumes an expression till ) -->
0255       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="ExprSubParen">
0256         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" />
0257         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="ExprSubParen" char="(" />
0258         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0259       </context>
0261       <!-- ExprBracket consumes an expression till ] -->
0262       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="ExprBracket">
0263         <RegExpr attribute="Builtin" context="#pop" String="(\s\]|^\])(?=($|[\s;|&amp;]))" endRegion="expression" />
0264         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="ExprSubParen" char="(" />
0265         <IncludeRules context="FindTests" />
0266         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0267       </context>
0269       <!-- Group consumes shell input till } -->
0270       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Group">
0271         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="#pop" char="}" endRegion="group" />
0272         <IncludeRules context="FindAll" />
0273       </context>
0275       <!-- SubShell consumes shell input till ) -->
0276       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SubShell">
0277         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="#pop" char=")" endRegion="subshell" />
0278         <IncludeRules context="FindAll" />
0279       </context>
0281       <!-- Assign consumes an expression till EOL or whitespace -->
0282       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="Assign" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0283         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="AssignArray" char="(" />
0284         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0285         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0286         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0287         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" String="[\w:,+_./-]+" />
0288       </context>
0290       <!-- AssignArray consumes everything till ), marking assignments -->
0291       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="AssignArray">
0292         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="#pop" char=")" />
0293         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Subscript" char="[" />
0294         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Assign" char="=" />
0295         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0296       </context>
0298       <!-- Subscript consumes anything till ], marks as Variable -->
0299       <context attribute="Variable" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Subscript">
0300         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="#pop" char="]" />
0301         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0302         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0303         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0304       </context>
0306       <!-- FunctionDef consumes a name, possibly with (), marks as Function -->
0307       <context attribute="Function" lineEndContext="#pop" name="FunctionDef" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0308         <RegExpr attribute="Function" context="#pop" String="\s+&funcname;(\s*\(\))?" />
0309       </context>
0311       <!-- CmdSetEnv handles the name part of setenv -->
0312       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="CmdSetEnv" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0313         <!-- handle command line options -->
0314         <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#pop" String="\b&varname;" />
0315         <AnyChar attribute="Variable" context="Assign" String="&tab; " />
0316         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0317       </context>
0319       <!-- VarName consumes spare variable names and assignments -->
0320       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="VarName" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0321         <!-- handle command line options -->
0322         <RegExpr attribute="Option" context="#stay" String="-[A-Za-z0-9]+|--[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*" />
0323         <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#stay" String="\b&varname;" />
0324         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Subscript" char="[" />
0325         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Assign" char="=" />
0326         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0327         <!-- stay here in spaces and other safe characters -->
0328         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" String="[^]})|;`&amp;&gt;&lt;]" />
0329       </context>
0331       <!-- StringSQ consumes anything till ' -->
0332       <context attribute="String SingleQ" lineEndContext="#stay" name="StringSQ">
0333         <DetectChar attribute="String SingleQ" context="#pop" char="'" />
0334       </context>
0336       <!-- StringDQ consumes anything till ", substitutes vars and expressions -->
0337       <context attribute="String DoubleQ" lineEndContext="#stay" name="StringDQ">
0338         <DetectChar attribute="String DoubleQ" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
0339         <RegExpr attribute="String Escape" context="#stay" String="\\[`&quot;\\$\n]" />
0340         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0341       </context>
0343       <!-- StringEsc eats till ', but escaping many characters -->
0344       <context attribute="String SingleQ" lineEndContext="#stay" name="StringEsc">
0345         <DetectChar attribute="String SingleQ" context="#pop" char="'" />
0346         <RegExpr attribute="String Escape" context="#stay" String="\\[abefnrtv\\']|\\([0-7]{1,3}|x[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2}|c.)" />
0347       </context>
0349       <!-- VarBrace is called as soon as ${xxx is encoutered -->
0350       <context attribute="Variable" lineEndContext="#stay" name="VarBrace">
0351         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="#pop" char="}" />
0352         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Subscript" char="[" />
0353         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0354         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0355         <!-- TODO: highlight various special parameter expansions } -->
0356       </context>
0358       <!-- SubstFile is called after a <( or >( is encoutered -->
0359 <!--      <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SubstFile">
0360         <DetectChar attribute="Redirection" context="#pop" char=")" />
0361         <IncludeRules context="FindCommentsParen" />
0362         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0363         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0364         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0365       </context>
0366 -->
0367       <!-- SubstCommand is called after a $( is encountered -->
0368 <!--      <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SubstCommand">
0369         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="#pop" char=")" />
0370         <IncludeRules context="FindCommentsParen" />
0371         <IncludeRules context="FindCommands" />
0372         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0373         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0374         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0375       </context>
0376 -->
0378       <!-- SubstBackq is called when a backquote is encountered -->
0379       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SubstBackq">
0380         <DetectChar attribute="Backquote" context="#pop" char="`" />
0381         <IncludeRules context="FindCommentsBackq" />
0382         <IncludeRules context="FindCommands" />
0383         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0384         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0385         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0386       </context>
0388       <!-- Switch is called after the switch keyword is encoutered. This is
0389            left over from the bash highlighter where the lonely parentheses
0390            would otherwise cause trouble. We keep it because it lets us do a
0391            bit of extra syntax validation. -->
0392       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Switch">
0393         <RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="SwitchCase" String="\scase\b" />
0394         <RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="SwitchDefault" String="\sdefault\b" />
0395         <RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="#pop" String="\bendsw(?=$|[\s;)])" endRegion="switch" />
0396         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0397       </context>
0399       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="If" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0400         <DetectSpaces/>
0401         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="ArithmeticCondition" char="(" beginRegion="cond" />
0402         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Subscript" char="[" />
0403         <StringDetect attribute="Control Flow" context="#pop" String="then" beginRegion="if" />
0404       </context>
0406       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" name="ElseIf" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0407         <DetectSpaces/>
0408         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="ArithmeticCondition" char="(" beginRegion="cond" />
0409         <DetectChar attribute="Variable" context="Subscript" char="[" />
0410         <StringDetect attribute="Control Flow" context="#pop" String="then" />
0411       </context>
0413       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="ArithmeticCondition">
0414         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="#pop" char=")" endRegion="cond" />
0415         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="ArithmeticCondition" char="(" beginRegion="cond" />
0416         <RegExpr attribute="Expression" context="#stay" String="[=!]~|[=!>&lt;]="/>
0417         <AnyChar attribute="Expression" context="#stay" String="|^&amp;>&lt;+-*/%!~"/>
0418         <IncludeRules context="FindComments" />
0419         <IncludeRules context="FindStrings" />
0420         <IncludeRules context="FindSubstitutions" />
0421         <IncludeRules context="FindOthers" />
0422       </context>
0424       <!-- SwitchCase is called when the construct 'switch ... case' has been found. -->
0425       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SwitchCase">
0426         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="SwitchExpr" char=":" beginRegion="switchexpr" />
0427         <IncludeRules context="FindMost" />
0428       </context>
0430       <!-- SwitchDefault is called when the construct 'switch ... default' has been found. -->
0431       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SwitchDefault">
0432         <DetectChar attribute="Keyword" context="SwitchExpr" char=":" beginRegion="switchexpr" />
0433       </context>
0435       <!-- SwitchExpr eats shell input till breaksw -->
0436       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="SwitchExpr">
0437         <RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="#pop#pop" String="\sbreaksw\b" endRegion="switchexpr" />
0438         <RegExpr attribute="Keyword" context="#pop#pop" String="\scase\b" endRegion="switchexpr" lookAhead="true" />
0439         <IncludeRules context="FindAll" />
0440       </context>
0442     </contexts>
0444     <itemDatas>
0445       <itemData name="Normal Text"      defStyleNum="dsNormal" />
0446       <itemData name="Comment"          defStyleNum="dsComment" />
0447       <itemData name="Control Flow"     defStyleNum="dsControlFlow" spellChecking="false" />
0448       <itemData name="Keyword"          defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0449       <itemData name="Control"          defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0450       <itemData name="Builtin"          defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0451       <itemData name="Command"          defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0452       <itemData name="Redirection"      defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0453       <itemData name="Escape"           defStyleNum="dsDataType" spellChecking="false" />
0454       <itemData name="String SingleQ"   defStyleNum="dsString" />
0455       <itemData name="String DoubleQ"   defStyleNum="dsString" />
0456       <itemData name="Backquote"        defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0457       <itemData name="String Transl."   defStyleNum="dsString" spellChecking="false" />
0458       <itemData name="String Escape"    defStyleNum="dsDataType" spellChecking="false" />
0459       <itemData name="Variable"         defStyleNum="dsOthers" spellChecking="false" />
0460       <itemData name="Expression"       defStyleNum="dsOthers" spellChecking="false" />
0461       <itemData name="Function"         defStyleNum="dsFunction" spellChecking="false" />
0462       <itemData name="Path"             defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false" />
0463       <itemData name="Option"           defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false" />
0464     </itemDatas>
0465   </highlighting>
0466   <general>
0467     <comments>
0468       <comment name="singleLine" start="#"/>
0469     </comments>
0470     <keywords casesensitive="1" weakDeliminator="^%#[]$._{}:-" additionalDeliminator="`"/>
0471   </general>
0472 </language>
0473 <!-- kate: replace-tabs on; tab-width 2; indent-width 2; -->