Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/relaxng.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE language
0003 [
0004         <!ENTITY qname    "[A-Za-z_:][\w.:_-]*">
0005         <!ENTITY entref  "&amp;(#[0-9]+|#[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|&qname;);">
0006 ]>
0008 <!--
0009   Kate syntax highlighting for RELAX NG
0010   2007 by Thomas Schraitle (tom_schr AT web DOT de)
0011   Derived from the XSLT syntax file from Peter Lammich
0012   Published under the LGPL
0014   TODO:
0015    - More modularization (how?)
0016    - Namespace rules
0017 -->
0019 <language version="6"
0020           kateversion="5.0"
0021           name="RELAX NG"
0022           section="Markup"
0023           extensions="*.rng;*.RNG"
0024           license="LGPL"
0025           author="Thomas Schraitle (tom_schr AT web DOT de)">
0026   <highlighting>
0027     <list name="relaxngnames">
0028       <item>anyName</item>
0029       <item>attribute</item>
0030       <item>choice</item>
0031       <item>data</item>
0032       <item>define</item>
0033       <item>div</item>
0034       <item>element</item>
0035       <item>empty</item>
0036       <item>except</item>
0037       <item>externalRef</item>
0038       <item>grammar</item>
0039       <item>group</item>
0040       <item>include</item>
0041       <item>interleave</item>
0042       <item>list</item>
0043       <item>mixed</item>
0044       <item>name</item>
0045       <item>notAllowed</item>
0046       <item>nsName</item>
0047       <item>oneOrMore</item>
0048       <item>optional</item>
0049       <item>param</item>
0050       <item>parentRef</item>
0051       <item>ref</item>
0052       <item>start</item>
0053       <item>text</item>
0054       <item>value</item>
0055       <item>zeroOrMore</item>
0056     </list>
0058     <contexts>
0059       <context name="normalText" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0060          <StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="comment" String="&lt;!--" beginRegion="comment"/>
0061          <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="tagname" char="&lt;" />
0062          <RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
0063       </context>
0065       <context name="detectEntRef" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0066          <RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
0067       </context>
0069       <context name="tagname" attribute="Tag" lineEndContext="#stay">
0070          <keyword attribute="RELAX NG Tag" context="attributes" String="relaxngnames" />
0071          <DetectSpaces attribute="Attribute" context="attributes" />
0072          <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop" char="&gt;" />
0073       </context>
0075       <context name="attributes" attribute="Attribute" lineEndContext="#stay">
0076          <Detect2Chars attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
0077          <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
0078          <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="attrValue" String="\s*=\s*" />
0079       </context>
0081       <context name="attrValue" attribute="Invalid" lineEndContext="#stay">
0082          <Detect2Chars attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
0083          <DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
0084          <DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="string" char="&quot;" />
0085       </context>
0087       <context name="string" attribute="Attribute Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
0088          <DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="#pop#pop" char="&quot;" />
0089          <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
0090       </context>
0092       <context name="comment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0093         <DetectSpaces/>
0094         <StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="#pop"  String="--&gt;" endRegion="comment"/>
0095         <RegExpr attribute="Error" context="#stay" String="-(-(?!-&gt;))+"/>
0096         <IncludeRules context="##Comments"/>
0097         <DetectIdentifier/>
0098       </context>
0099     </contexts>
0101     <itemDatas>
0102       <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal"/>
0103       <itemData name="Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword"/>
0104       <itemData name="Entity Reference" defStyleNum="dsOthers"/>
0105       <itemData name="Invalid" defStyleNum="dsError"/>
0106       <itemData name="Attribute" defStyleNum="dsOthers"/>
0107       <itemData name="Attribute Value" defStyleNum="dsString" color="#800000" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
0108       <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment"/>
0109       <itemData name="RELAX NG Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#000080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0" />
0110       <itemData name="Error" defStyleNum="dsError" />
0111     </itemDatas>
0112   </highlighting>
0113   <general>
0114     <comments>
0115       <comment name="multiLine" start="&lt;!--" end="--&gt;" region="comment" />
0116     </comments>
0117     <keywords casesensitive="0" weakDeliminator="-:" additionalDeliminator="&quot;{}"/>
0118   </general>
0119 </language>
0120 <!-- kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 2; -->