Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/ocamllex.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!-- Kate syntax highlighting for the Objective Caml 'Ocamlllex' -->
0003 <!DOCTYPE language
0004 [
0005 <!-- Regular expresion constants: -->
0006 <!ENTITY LETTER "A-Za-z\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377">                <!-- Latin-1 letters. -->
0007 <!ENTITY IDENT  "`?[&LETTER;_][&LETTER;0-9_']*">                    <!-- OCaml identifiers. -->
0008 <!ENTITY ESC    "(\\[ntbr'&quot;\\]|\\[0-9]{3}|\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})"> <!-- OCaml character code escapes. -->
0009 ]>
0010 <language name="Objective Caml Ocamllex"
0011           section="Sources"
0012           extensions="*.mll"
0013           mimetype=""
0014           version="7"
0015           kateversion="5.79"
0016           priority="10"
0017           author="Glyn Webster (glynwebster@orcon.net.nz) and Vincent Hugot (vincent.hugot@gmail.com)"
0018           license="LGPL" >
0020   <highlighting>
0022     <list name="keywords">
0023       <item>and</item>
0024       <item>as</item>
0025       <item>eof</item>
0026       <item>let</item>
0027       <item>parse</item>
0028       <item>rule</item>
0029       <item>shortest</item>
0030     </list>
0032     <contexts>
0033       <context name="Rules" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Normal">
0034         <Detect2Chars char="(" char1="*"      context="Comment" attribute="Comment" beginRegion="comment" />
0035         <DetectChar   char="{"                context="Ocaml"   attribute="Normal"  beginRegion="code" />
0036         <DetectChar   char="&quot;"           context="String"  attribute="String" />
0037         <RegExpr      String="'(&ESC;|[^'])'" context="#stay"   attribute="Character" />
0038         <keyword      String="keywords"       context="#stay"   attribute="Keyword" />
0039         <RegExpr      String="&IDENT;"        context="#stay"   attribute="Identifier" />
0040         <DetectChar   char="}"                context="#stay"   attribute="Mismatched Brackets" />
0041         <Detect2Chars char="*" char1=")"      context="#stay"   attribute="Mismatched Brackets" />
0042       </context>
0044       <context name="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Comment">
0045         <Detect2Chars char="*" char1=")" context="#pop"    attribute="Comment" endRegion="comment" />
0046         <Detect2Chars char="(" char1="*" context="Comment" attribute="Comment" beginRegion="comment" />
0047         <DetectChar   char="&quot;"      context="String"  attribute="String" />
0048         <DetectSpaces />
0049         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0050       </context>
0052       <context name="Ocaml" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Normal">
0053         <DetectChar char="}" context="#pop" attribute="Normal" endRegion="code" />
0054         <IncludeRules context="##Objective Caml" includeAttrib="true" />
0055       </context>
0057       <context name="String" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="String">
0058         <DetectChar char="&quot;"  context="#pop"  attribute="String" />
0059         <RegExpr    String="&ESC;|\\$"   context="#stay" attribute="Escaped Characters" />
0060       </context>
0061     </contexts>
0063     <itemDatas>
0064       <itemData name="Normal"                  defStyleNum="dsOthers"    />
0065       <itemData name="Identifier"              defStyleNum="dsNormal"   />
0066       <itemData name="Keyword"                 defStyleNum="dsOthers" bold="true" />
0067       <itemData name="Character"               defStyleNum="dsChar"     />
0068       <itemData name="String"                  defStyleNum="dsString"   />
0069       <itemData name="Escaped Characters"      defStyleNum="dsChar"     />
0070       <itemData name="Comment"                 defStyleNum="dsComment"  />
0071       <itemData name="Mismatched Brackets"     defStyleNum="dsError"    />
0072     </itemDatas>
0073   </highlighting>
0075   <general>
0076     <keywords casesensitive="true" />
0077     <comments>
0078       <comment name="multiLine" start="(*" end="*)" region="comment" />
0079     </comments>
0080   </general>
0081 </language>
0082 <!-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; -->