Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/mergetagtext.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE language>
0003 <!--
0004   Copyright 2008 Diggory Hardy
0006   Author: Diggory Hardy <diggory.hardy@gmail.com>
0008   This contains highlighting for mergetag text files, a sub-part of the mde project.
0009   dsource.org/projects/mde
0011  **********************************************************************
0012  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      *
0013  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public         *
0014  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either       *
0015  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.   *
0016  *                                                                    *
0017  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    *
0018  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of     *
0020  * Lesser General Public License for more details.                    *
0021  *                                                                    *
0022  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public   *
0023  * License along with this library; if not, write to the              *
0024  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,   *
0025  * Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                                       *
0026  **********************************************************************
0027  -->
0028 <language name="mergetag text" version="5" kateversion="5.0" section="Configuration" author="Diggory Hardy (diggory.hardy@gmail.com)" license="LGPLv2+" extensions="*.mtt;">
0029   <highlighting>
0030     <contexts>
0031       <context name="Normal" attribute="Error" lineEndContext="#stay">
0032         <DetectSpaces />
0033         <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment Brackets" context="SecComment" char="!" char1="{" beginRegion="SecComment" />
0034         <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment Brackets" context="TagCommentType" char="!" char1="&lt;" />
0035         <DetectChar attribute="Brackets" context="SectionIdentifier" char="{" beginRegion="SecID" />
0036         <DetectChar attribute="Tag Character" context="TagType" char="&lt;" />
0037       </context>
0039       <context name="SectionIdentifier" attribute="ID" lineEndContext="#stay">
0040         <DetectChar attribute="Brackets" context="#pop" char="}" endRegion="SecID" />
0041       </context>
0043       <context name="SecComment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0044         <DetectChar attribute="Comment Brackets" context="#pop" char="}" endRegion="SecComment" />
0045         <DetectChar attribute="Comment Brackets" context="SecComment" char="{" beginRegion="SecID" />
0046         <DetectSpaces />
0047         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0048       </context>
0050       <context name="TagType" attribute="Type" lineEndContext="#stay">
0051         <DetectChar attribute="Tag Character" context="TagID" char="|" />
0052         <IncludeRules context="TagErrors" />
0053       </context>
0054       <context name="TagID" attribute="ID" lineEndContext="#stay">
0055         <DetectChar attribute="Tag Character" context="TagData" char="=" />
0056         <IncludeRules context="TagErrors" />
0057       </context>
0058       <context name="TagData" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0059         <DetectChar attribute="Tag Character" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
0061         <DetectChar attribute="Char"     context="CharLiteral" char="'"/>
0062         <DetectChar attribute="String"   context="String"      char="&quot;"/>
0063         <!-- Number literals -->
0064         <Float attribute="Float" context="#stay" />
0065         <RegExpr attribute="Binary" context="#pop" String="0[bB][01]+"/>
0066         <RegExpr attribute="Octal" context="#pop" String="0[oO][0-7]+"/>
0067         <HlCHex attribute="Hex" context="#stay"/>
0068         <Int attribute="Integer" context="#stay" />
0070         <IncludeRules context="TagErrors" />
0071       </context>
0072       <context name="TagErrors" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0073         <AnyChar attribute="Error" context="#stay" String="&lt;|=&gt;" />
0074       </context>
0076       <context name="TagCommentType" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0077         <DetectChar attribute="Comment Brackets" context="TagCommentID" char="|" />
0078         <IncludeRules context="TagErrors" />
0079       </context>
0080       <context name="TagCommentID" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0081         <DetectChar attribute="Comment Brackets" context="TagCommentData" char="=" />
0082         <IncludeRules context="TagErrors" />
0083       </context>
0084       <context name="TagCommentData" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0085         <DetectChar attribute="Comment Brackets" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
0086         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="CommentChar" char="'"/>
0087         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="CommentString" char="&quot;"/>
0088         <IncludeRules context="TagErrors" />
0089       </context>
0090       <context name="CommentString" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0091         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
0092         <RegExpr String="\\." attribute="Comment" context="#stay"/>
0093       </context>
0094       <context name="CommentChar" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0095         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="#pop" char="'" />
0096         <RegExpr String="\\." attribute="Comment" context="#stay"/>
0097       </context>
0099       <!-- 'char' -->
0100       <context name="CharLiteral" attribute="Char" lineEndContext="CharLiteralClosing" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0101         <!-- Empty '' -->
0102         <DetectChar   attribute="Char" context="#pop"  char="'"/>
0103         <HlCStringChar attribute="EscapeSequence" context="CharLiteralClosing"/>
0104         <RegExpr attribute="Char" context="CharLiteralClosing" String="."/>
0105       </context>
0106       <!-- Anything other than a closing ' is now be an error -->
0107       <context name="CharLiteralClosing" attribute="Error" lineEndContext="#pop#pop" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop#pop">
0108         <DetectChar attribute="Char" context="#pop#pop"  char="'"/>
0109       </context>
0110       <!-- "string" -->
0111       <context name="String" attribute="String" lineEndContext="#stay">
0112         <HlCStringChar attribute="EscapeSequence"/>
0113         <DetectChar attribute="String" context="#pop" char="&quot;"/>
0114       </context>
0115     </contexts>
0117     <itemDatas>
0118       <itemData name="Brackets"         defStyleNum="dsKeyword"/>
0119       <itemData name="Tag Character"    defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#008040"/>
0120       <itemData name="Type"             defStyleNum="dsDataType"/>
0121       <itemData name="Error"            defStyleNum="dsError"/>
0122       <itemData name="Comment Brackets" defStyleNum="dsComment" italic="0" color="#404040" />
0123       <itemData name="Comment"          defStyleNum="dsComment"/>
0124       <itemData name="Normal Text"      defStyleNum="dsNormal"/>
0125       <itemData name="ID"               defStyleNum="dsOthers"/>
0127       <itemData name="Integer"        defStyleNum="dsDecVal"/>
0128       <itemData name="Binary"         defStyleNum="dsBaseN"/>
0129       <itemData name="Octal"          defStyleNum="dsBaseN"/>
0130       <itemData name="Hex"            defStyleNum="dsBaseN"/>
0131       <itemData name="Float"          defStyleNum="dsFloat"/>
0133       <itemData name="EscapeSequence" defStyleNum="dsString"   color="#00aa88" selColor="#ff0000"/>
0134       <itemData name="String"         defStyleNum="dsString"/>
0135       <itemData name="Char"           defStyleNum="dsChar"/>
0136     </itemDatas>
0137   </highlighting>
0138   <general>
0139     <comments>
0140       <comment name="multiLine"  start="!{" end="}" region="SecComment"/>
0141     </comments>
0142     <keywords casesensitive="true" />
0143   </general>
0144 </language>
0145 <!-- kate: replace-tabs on; tab-width 2; indent-width 2; -->