Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/lex.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE language>
0003 <!--
0004   ========================================================================
0006   LEX.XML supports syntax highlighting for Lex/Flex source under Kate.
0008   Copyright (C) 2004 - Jan Villat <jan.villat@net2000.ch>
0009   This code is released under the LGPL as part of kdelibs/kate.
0011   ========================================================================
0013   Updates for LEX.XML can be obtained from http://kate.kde.org/hl/
0016   2004.05.25 - LEX.XML 1.00        - First released.
0018   TODO:-
0019   - Add a mime type (cannot find it !?)
0021   ========================================================================
0022 -->
0023 <language name="Lex/Flex" version="7" kateversion="5.79" section="Sources" extensions="*.l;*.lex;*.flex" author="Jan Villat (jan.villat@net2000.ch)" license="LGPL">
0025 <highlighting>
0026 <contexts>
0027   <context name="Pre Start" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0028     <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="Definitions" String="." lookAhead="true" beginRegion="definitions" />
0029   </context>
0030   <context name="Definitions" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0031     <IncludeRules context="Detect C" />
0032     <Detect2Chars attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="Rules" char="%" char1="%" beginRegion="rules" endRegion="definitions" />
0033     <DetectChar attribute="Directive" context="Percent Command" char="%" />
0034     <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="Comment" char="/" char1="*" column="0" beginRegion="BlockComment"/>
0035     <RegExpr attribute="Definition" context="Definition RegExpr" String="^[A-Za-z_]\w*\s+" column="0"/>
0036   </context>
0037   <context name="Rules" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" fallthroughContext="Rule RegExpr">
0038     <IncludeRules context="Detect C" />
0039     <Detect2Chars attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="User Code" char="%" char1="%" beginRegion="code" endRegion="rules" />
0040   </context>
0041   <context name="User Code" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0042     <IncludeRules context="##C++" />
0043   </context>
0045   <context name="Percent Command" attribute="Directive" lineEndContext="#pop">
0046   </context>
0047   <context name="Comment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0048     <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="#pop" char="*" char1="/" endRegion="BlockComment"/>
0049     <DetectSpaces />
0050     <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0051   </context>
0053   <context name="Definition RegExpr" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#pop">
0054     <IncludeRules context="RegExpr Base" />
0055     <RegExpr attribute="RegExpr" context="#stay" String="\S" />  
0056     <RegExpr attribute="Alert" context="#stay" String=".*" />  
0057   </context>
0058   <context name="Rule RegExpr" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#pop">
0059     <LineContinue attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="Start Conditions Scope" char="{" beginRegion="SCscope" />  
0060     <IncludeRules context="RegExpr Base" />
0061     <RegExpr attribute="RegExpr" context="#stay" String="\S" />  
0062     <DetectSpaces attribute="Normal Text" context="Action" />  
0063   </context>
0064   <context name="RegExpr (" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#stay">
0065     <IncludeRules context="RegExpr Base" />
0066     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="#pop" char=")" />  
0067     <RegExpr attribute="RegExpr" context="#stay" String="." />
0068   </context>
0069   <context name="RegExpr [" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#stay">
0070     <RegExpr attribute="Backslash Code" context="#stay" String="\\." />
0071     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="#pop" char="]" />  
0072     <RegExpr attribute="RegExpr" context="#stay" String="." />
0073   </context>
0074   <context name="RegExpr {" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#stay">
0075     <RegExpr attribute="Backslash Code" context="#stay" String="\\." />
0076     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="#pop" char="}" />  
0077     <RegExpr attribute="RegExpr" context="#stay" String="." />
0078   </context>
0079   <context name="RegExpr Q" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#stay">
0080     <RegExpr attribute="Backslash Code" context="#stay" String="\\." />
0081     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />  
0082     <RegExpr attribute="RegExpr" context="#stay" String="." />
0083   </context>
0084   <context name="RegExpr Base" attribute="RegExpr" lineEndContext="#stay">
0085     <RegExpr attribute="Backslash Code" context="#stay" String="\\." />
0086     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="RegExpr (" char="(" />  
0087     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="RegExpr [" char="[" />  
0088     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="RegExpr {" char="{" />  
0089     <DetectChar attribute="RegExpr" context="RegExpr Q" char="&quot;" />  
0090   </context>
0092   <context name="Start Conditions Scope" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" fallthroughContext="Rule RegExpr">
0093     <RegExpr attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="#pop" String="\s*\}" endRegion="SCscope" />
0094     <DetectSpaces attribute="Normal Text" context="Rule RegExpr" />
0095   </context>
0097   <context name="Action" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop" fallthroughContext="Action C">
0098     <RegExpr attribute="Directive" context="#stay" String="\|\s*$" />
0099     <Detect2Chars attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="Lex Rule C Bloc" char="%" char1="{" beginRegion="lexCbloc" />
0100   </context>
0102   <context name="Detect C" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0103     <DetectSpaces attribute="Normal Text" context="Indented C" column="0" />
0104     <Detect2Chars attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="Lex C Bloc" char="%" char1="{" beginRegion="lexCbloc" column="0"/>
0105   </context>
0106   <context name="Indented C" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop">
0107     <IncludeRules context="##C++" />
0108   </context>
0109   <context name="Lex C Bloc" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0110     <Detect2Chars attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="#pop" char="%" char1="}" endRegion="lexCbloc" column="0"/>
0111     <IncludeRules context="##C++" />
0112   </context>
0113   <context name="Lex Rule C Bloc" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0114     <Detect2Chars attribute="Content-Type Delimiter" context="#pop" char="%" char1="}" endRegion="lexCbloc" />
0115     <IncludeRules context="##C++" />
0116   </context>
0117   <context name="Normal C Bloc" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0118     <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="Normal C Bloc" char="{" beginRegion="bloc" />  
0119     <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char="}" endRegion="bloc" />  
0120     <IncludeRules context="##C++" />
0121   </context>
0122   <context name="Action C" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop">
0123     <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="Normal C Bloc" char="{" beginRegion="bloc" />  
0124     <DetectChar attribute="Alert" context="#stay" char="}" />  
0125     <IncludeRules context="##C++" />
0126   </context>
0127 </contexts>
0129 <itemDatas>
0130   <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" />
0131   <itemData name="Definition" defStyleNum="dsDataType" />
0132   <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment" />
0133   <itemData name="Content-Type Delimiter" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" bold="1" />
0134   <itemData name="Directive" defStyleNum="dsKeyword"/>
0135   <itemData name="RegExpr" defStyleNum="dsString" />
0136   <itemData name="Backslash Code" defStyleNum="dsString" bold="1" />
0137   <itemData name="Alert" defStyleNum="dsAlert" />
0138 </itemDatas>
0140 </highlighting>
0141 <general>
0142   <comments>
0143     <comment name="multiLine" start="/*" end="*/" />
0144   </comments>
0145 </general>
0146 </language>
0147 <!-- kate: replace-tabs on; tab-width 2; indent-width 2; -->