Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/ld.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE language>
0003 <!-- GNU LD Linker Script syntax highlighter -->
0004 <language name="GNU Linker Script" section="Scripts" extensions="*.ld" version="6" kateversion="5.0" author="Lyle Putnam (lcputnam@gmail.com)" license="">
0005     <highlighting>
0006         <list name="keywords">
0007             <item>AT</item>
0008             <item>ENTRY</item>
0009             <item>INPUT</item>
0010             <item>GROUP</item>
0011             <item>OUTPUT</item>
0012             <item>OUTPUT_ARCH</item>
0013             <item>OUTPUT_FORMAT</item>
0014             <item>SEARCH_DIR</item>
0015             <item>STARTUP</item>
0016             <item>TARGET</item>
0017         </list>
0018         <list name="functions">
0019             <item>ABSOLUTE</item>
0020             <item>ADDR</item>
0021             <item>ALIGN</item>
0022             <item>DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN</item>
0023             <item>DATA_SEGMENT_END</item>
0024             <item>DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END</item>
0025             <item>DEFINED</item>
0026             <item>LOADADDR</item>
0027             <item>MAX</item>
0028             <item>MIN</item>
0029             <item>NEXT</item>
0030             <item>SIZEOF</item>
0031             <item>SIZEOF_HEADERS</item>
0032         </list>
0033         <list name="commands">
0034             <item>SECTIONS</item>
0035             <item>MEMORY</item>
0036         </list>
0037         <contexts>
0038             <context name="Normal" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
0039                 <keyword attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="keywords" />
0040                 <keyword attribute="Function" context="#stay" String="functions" />
0041                 <keyword attribute="Command" context="#stay" String="commands" />
0042                 <HlCOct attribute="Number" context="#stay" />
0043                 <HlCHex attribute="Number" context="#stay" />
0044                 <!-- Base 10 Integers may be suffixed with K, M or G to indicate size -->
0045                 <Int attribute="Number" context="Int Suffixes"/>
0046                 <!-- "COMMON" and "/DISCARD/" are special section targets -->
0047                 <RegExpr attribute="Section Name" context="#stay" String="\.[\-_0-9a-zA-Z]+|(?:COMMON|\/DISCARD\/)" />
0048                 <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" char="{" beginRegion="Block" />
0049                 <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" char="}" endRegion="Block" />
0050                 <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="comment" char="/" char1="*" beginRegion="Comment" />
0051                 <DetectChar attribute="String" context="string" char="&quot;" />
0052             </context>
0053             <context name="Int Suffixes" attribute="Number" lineEndContext="#pop" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop">
0054                     <AnyChar attribute="Number" context="#pop" String="KMGkmg" />
0055             </context>
0056             <context name="comment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
0057                 <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="#pop" char="*" char1="/" endRegion="Comment" />
0058                 <DetectSpaces />
0059                 <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0060             </context>
0061             <context name="string" attribute="String" lineEndContext="#stay">
0062                 <DetectChar attribute="String" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
0063             </context>
0064         </contexts>
0065         <itemDatas>
0066             <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" />
0067             <itemData name="Keyword" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" />
0068             <itemData name="Function" defStyleNum="dsFunction" />
0069             <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment" />
0070             <itemData name="Section Name" defStyleNum="dsChar" />
0071             <itemData name="Command" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" />
0072             <itemData name="Number" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" />
0073             <itemData name="String" defStyleNum="dsString" />
0074         </itemDatas>
0075     </highlighting>
0076     <general>
0077         <comments>
0078             <comment name="multiLine" start="/*" end="*/" region="Comment" />
0079             <!-- I don't think GNU LD scripts have single-line comments -->
0080         </comments>
0081         <keywords casesensitive="1" />
0082     </general>
0083 </language>
0084 <!-- kate: replace-tabs on; tab-width 4; indent-width 4; -->