Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/data/generators/cmake.xml.tpl is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"
0003 [
0004   <!-- NOTE See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-language.7.html#variable-references -->
0005   <!ENTITY var_ref_re "[/\.\+\-_0-9A-Za-z]+">
0006   <!-- NOTE See `cmGeneratorExpression::IsValidTargetName` -->
0007   <!ENTITY tgt_name_re "[A-Za-z0-9_\.\+\-]+">
0008 ]>
0009 <!--
0010     This file is part of KDE's kate project.
0012     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Alexander Neundorf <neundorf@kde.org>
0013     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005 Dominik Haumann <dhdev@gmx.de>
0014     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014 Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad@users.sourceforge.net>
0015     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2015, 2017-2020 Alex Turbov <i.zaufi@gmail.com>
0017     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0018  -->
0021   cd data/generators
0022   # increase version of cmake.xml.tpl then
0023   ./generate-cmake-syntax.py cmake.yaml > ../syntax/cmake.xml
0024 -->
0026 <language
0027     name="CMake"
0028     version="<!--{version}-->"
0029     kateversion="5.0"
0030     section="Other"
0031     extensions="CMakeLists.txt;*.cmake;*.cmake.in"
0032     style="CMake"
0033     mimetype="text/x-cmake"
0034     author="Alex Turbov (i.zaufi@gmail.com)"
0035     license="LGPLv2+"
0036   >
0037   <highlighting>
0039     <list name="commands">
0040     <!--[- for command in commands ]-->
0041         <item><!--{command.name}--></item>
0042     <!--[- endfor ]-->
0043     </list>
0045     <!--[- macro render_command_arg_lists(commands) ]-->
0046     <!--[- for command in commands -]-->
0047       <!--[- if command.named_args and command.named_args.kw ]-->
0048     <list name="<!--{command.name}-->_nargs">
0049         <!--[- for arg in command.named_args.kw ]-->
0050       <item><!--{arg}--></item>
0051         <!--[- endfor ]-->
0052     </list>
0053       <!--[- endif ]-->
0054       <!--[- if command.special_args and command.special_args.kw ]-->
0055     <list name="<!--{command.name}-->_sargs">
0056         <!--[- for arg in command.special_args.kw ]-->
0057       <item><!--{arg}--></item>
0058         <!--[- endfor ]-->
0059     </list>
0060       <!--[- endif ]-->
0061     <!--[- endfor ]-->
0062     <!--[- endmacro ]-->
0063     <!--{- render_command_arg_lists(commands) }-->
0064     <!--{- render_command_arg_lists(standard_module_commands) }-->
0066     <list name="variables">
0067     <!--[- for var in variables.kw ]-->
0068       <item><!--{var}--></item>
0069     <!--[- endfor ]-->
0070     </list>
0072     <list name="deprecated-or-internal-variables">
0073     <!--[- for var in deprecated_or_internal_variables.kw ]-->
0074       <item><!--{var}--></item>
0075     <!--[- endfor ]-->
0076     </list>
0078     <list name="environment-variables">
0079     <!--[- for var in environment_variables.kw ]-->
0080       <item><!--{var}--></item>
0081     <!--[- endfor ]-->
0082     </list>
0084     <!--[- for kind in properties.kinds ]-->
0085     <list name="<!--{ kind|replace('_', '-') }-->">
0086       <!--[- for prop in properties[kind].kw ]-->
0087       <item><!--{prop}--></item>
0088       <!--[- endfor ]-->
0089     </list>
0090     <!--[- endfor ]-->
0092     <list name="generator-expressions">
0093       <!--[- for expr in generator_expressions ]-->
0094       <item><!--{ expr }--></item>
0095       <!--[- endfor ]-->
0096     </list>
0098     <list name="standard-modules">
0099       <!--[- for module in modules.utility ]-->
0100       <item><!--{ module }--></item>
0101       <!--[- endfor ]-->
0102     </list>
0104     <list name="standard-finder-modules">
0105       <!--[- for module in modules.finder ]-->
0106       <item><!--{ module | replace('Find', '') }--></item>
0107       <!--[- endfor ]-->
0108     </list>
0110     <list name="deprecated-modules">
0111       <!--[- for module in modules.deprecated ]-->
0112       <item><!--{ module }--></item>
0113       <!--[- endfor ]-->
0114     </list>
0116     <!-- Source/cmStringAlgorithms.cxx: bool cmIsOff(cm::string_view val) -->
0117     <list name="true_special_arg">
0118       <item>TRUE</item>
0119       <item>ON</item>
0120       <item>YES</item>
0121       <item>Y</item>
0122       <item>0</item>
0123     </list>
0125     <!-- Source/cmStringAlgorithms.cxx: bool cmIsOff(cm::string_view val) -->
0126     <list name="false_special_arg">
0127       <item>FALSE</item>
0128       <item>OFF</item>
0129       <item>NO</item>
0130       <item>IGNORE</item>
0131       <item>N</item>
0132       <item>0</item>
0133     </list>
0135     <contexts>
0137       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Normal Text">
0138         <DetectSpaces/>
0139         <!--[ for command in commands -]-->
0140         <WordDetect String="<!--{command.name}-->" insensitive="true" attribute="<!--{command.attribute}-->" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx"<!--[ if command.start_region ]--> beginRegion="<!--{command.start_region}-->"<!--[ endif -]--> <!--[- if command.end_region ]--> endRegion="<!--{command.end_region}-->"<!--[ endif ]--> />
0141         <!--[ endfor -]-->
0142         <!--[ for command in standard_module_commands -]-->
0143         <WordDetect String="<!--{command.name}-->" insensitive="true" attribute="CMake Provided Function/Macro" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx" />
0144         <!--[ endfor -]-->
0145         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="Match Comments and Docs" char="#" lookAhead="true" />
0146         <DetectIdentifier attribute="User Function/Macro" context="User Function" />
0147         <RegExpr attribute="@Variable Substitution" context="@VarSubst" String="@&var_ref_re;@" lookAhead="true" />
0148         <IncludeRules context="LineError" />
0149       </context>
0150       <!--[- macro render_command_parsers(commands) ]-->
0151       <!--[ for command in commands -]-->
0152       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx">
0153         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op<!--{'_tgt_first' if command.first_arg_is_target else '_tgts_first' if command.first_args_are_targets else ''}-->" char="(" />
0154         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" />
0155       </context>
0156         <!--[- if command.first_arg_is_target ]-->
0157       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op_tgt_first">
0158         <DetectSpaces />
0159         <RegExpr attribute="Aliased Targets" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op" String="&tgt_name_re;::&tgt_name_re;(?:\:\:&tgt_name_re;)*" />
0160         <RegExpr attribute="Targets" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op" String="&tgt_name_re;" />
0161         <IncludeRules context="User Function Opened" />
0162         <IncludeRules context="LineError" />
0163       </context>
0164         <!--[- endif ]-->
0165         <!--[- if command.first_args_are_targets ]-->
0166       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op_tgts_first">
0167         <DetectSpaces />
0168         <!--[- if command.named_args and command.named_args.kw ]-->
0169           <!-- NOTE Handle the only case in CMake nowadays:
0170               1. `set_target_properties` have a named keyword (`PROPERTIES`) after targets list
0171           -->
0172         <keyword context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op" String="<!--{command.name}-->_nargs" lookAhead="true" />
0173           <!--[- endif ]-->
0174         <IncludeRules context="Detect Aliased Targets" />
0175         <IncludeRules context="Detect Targets" />
0176         <IncludeRules context="User Function Opened" />
0177         <IncludeRules context="LineError" />
0178       </context>
0179         <!--[- endif ]-->
0180         <!--[- if not command.first_args_are_targets or (command.named_args and command.named_args.kw) ]-->
0181       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op">
0182         <DetectSpaces />
0183         <!--[- if command.nested_parentheses ]-->
0184         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op_nested" char="(" />
0185         <!--[- endif ]-->
0186         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" lookAhead="true" />
0187         <!--[- if command.named_args and command.named_args.kw ]-->
0188           <!--[- if command.has_target_name_after_kw ]-->
0189         <WordDetect String="<!--{command.has_target_name_after_kw}-->" attribute="Named Args" context="Target Name" />
0190           <!--[- endif ]-->
0191           <!--[- if command.has_target_names_after_kw ]-->
0192         <WordDetect String="<!--{command.has_target_names_after_kw}-->" attribute="Named Args" context="<!--{command.name}-->_tgts" />
0193           <!--[- endif ]-->
0194         <keyword attribute="Named Args" context="#stay" String="<!--{command.name}-->_nargs" />
0195         <!--[- endif ]-->
0196         <!--[- if command.name == 'include' ]-->
0197         <keyword attribute="Standard Module" context="#stay" String="standard-modules" />
0198         <keyword attribute="Deprecated Module" context="#stay" String="deprecated-modules" />
0199         <!--[- endif ]-->
0200         <!--[- if command.name == 'find_package' ]-->
0201         <keyword attribute="Standard Module" context="#stay" String="standard-finder-modules" />
0202         <!--[- endif ]-->
0203         <!--[- if command.special_args and command.special_args.kw ]-->
0204         <keyword attribute="Special Args" context="#stay" String="<!--{command.name}-->_sargs" />
0205         <!--[- endif ]-->
0206         <!--[- if command.property_args and command.property_args.kw ]-->
0207           <!--[- for kind in command.property_args.kw ]-->
0208         <keyword attribute="Property" context="#stay" String="<!--{kind}-->" />
0209             <!--[- if properties[kind|replace('-', '_')].re ]-->
0210         <IncludeRules context="Detect More <!--{kind}-->" />
0211             <!--[- endif ]-->
0212           <!--[- endfor ]-->
0213         <!--[- endif ]-->
0214         <!--[- if command is not nulary ]-->
0215         <IncludeRules context="User Function Args" />
0216           <!--[- if command.name == 'cmake_policy' ]-->
0217         <!-- NOTE Handle CMP<NNN> as a special arg of `cmake_policy` command -->
0218         <RegExpr attribute="Special Args" context="#stay" String="\bCMP[0-9]+\b" />
0219           <!--[- endif ]-->
0220         <!--[- endif ]-->
0221       </context>
0222         <!--[- endif ]-->
0223         <!--[- if command.has_target_names_after_kw ]-->
0224       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="<!--{command.name}-->_tgts">
0225         <DetectSpaces />
0226         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" lookAhead="true" />
0227         <keyword attribute="Named Args" context="#pop" String="<!--{command.name}-->_nargs" />
0228         <IncludeRules context="Detect Aliased Targets" />
0229         <IncludeRules context="Detect Targets" />
0230         <IncludeRules context="User Function Args" />
0231         <IncludeRules context="LineError" />
0232       </context>
0233         <!--[- endif ]-->
0234         <!--[- if command.nested_parentheses ]-->
0235       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op_nested">
0236         <DetectSpaces />
0237         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" />
0238         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="<!--{command.name}-->_ctx_op_nested" char="(" />
0239         <!--[- if command.named_args and command.named_args.kw ]-->
0240         <keyword attribute="Named Args" context="#stay" String="<!--{command.name}-->_nargs" />
0241         <!--[- endif ]-->
0242         <!--[- if command.special_args and command.special_args.kw ]-->
0243         <keyword attribute="Special Args" context="#stay" String="<!--{command.name}-->_sargs" />
0244         <!--[- endif ]-->
0245         <!--[- if command.property_args and command.property_args.kw ]-->
0246           <!--[- for kind in command.property_args.kw ]-->
0247         <keyword attribute="Property" context="#stay" String="<!--{kind}-->" />
0248               <!--[- if properties[kind|replace('-', '_')].re ]-->
0249         <IncludeRules context="Detect More <!--{kind}-->" />
0250             <!--[- endif ]-->
0251           <!--[- endfor ]-->
0252         <!--[- endif ]-->
0253         <IncludeRules context="User Function Args" />
0254       </context>
0255         <!--[- endif ]-->
0256       <!--[ endfor -]-->
0257       <!--[- endmacro -]-->
0258       <!--{- render_command_parsers(commands) -}-->
0259       <!--{- render_command_parsers(standard_module_commands) -}-->
0260       <!--[ for kind in properties.kinds if properties[kind].re -]-->
0261       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect More <!--{ kind|replace('_', '-') }-->">
0262         <RegExpr attribute="Property" context="#stay" String="<!--{properties[kind].re}-->" />
0263       </context><!--{ '\n' }-->
0264       <!--[ endfor -]-->
0266       <context attribute="User Function/Macro" lineEndContext="#stay" name="User Function">
0267         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="User Function Opened" char="(" />
0268         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" />
0269       </context>
0271       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="User Function Opened">
0272         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#pop" char=")" lookAhead="true" />
0273         <IncludeRules context="User Function Args" />
0274       </context>
0276       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect Builtin Variables">
0277         <RegExpr attribute="Internal Name" context="#stay" String="\b_&var_ref_re;\b" />
0278         <keyword attribute="CMake Internal Variable" context="#stay" String="deprecated-or-internal-variables" insensitive="false" />
0279         <keyword attribute="Builtin Variable" context="#stay" String="variables" insensitive="false" />
0280         <IncludeRules context="Detect More Builtin Variables" />
0281       </context>
0283       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect More Builtin Variables">
0284         <!--[- if deprecated_or_internal_variables.re ]-->
0285         <RegExpr attribute="CMake Internal Variable" context="#stay" String="<!--{deprecated_or_internal_variables.re}-->" />
0286         <!--[- endif ]-->
0287         <!--[- if variables.re ]-->
0288         <RegExpr attribute="Builtin Variable" context="#stay" String="<!--{variables.re}-->" />
0289         <!--[- endif ]-->
0290       </context>
0292       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect Variable Substitutions">
0293         <RegExpr attribute="Cache Variable Substitution" context="#stay" String="\$CACHE\{\s*[\w-]+\s*\}" />
0294         <RegExpr attribute="Environment Variable Substitution" context="EnvVarSubst" String="\$?ENV\{" />
0295         <Detect2Chars attribute="Variable Substitution" context="VarSubst" char="$" char1="{" />
0296         <RegExpr attribute="@Variable Substitution" context="@VarSubst" String="@&var_ref_re;@" lookAhead="true" />
0297       </context>
0299       <context attribute="Environment Variable Substitution" lineEndContext="#pop" name="EnvVarSubst">
0300         <DetectChar attribute="Environment Variable Substitution" context="#pop" char="}" />
0301         <keyword attribute="Standard Environment Variable" context="#stay" String="environment-variables" insensitive="false" />
0302         <!--[- if environment_variables.re ]-->
0303         <RegExpr attribute="Standard Environment Variable" context="#stay" String="<!--{environment_variables.re}-->" />
0304         <!--[- endif ]-->
0305         <DetectIdentifier />
0306         <IncludeRules context="Detect Variable Substitutions" />
0307       </context>
0309       <context attribute="Variable Substitution" lineEndContext="#pop" name="VarSubst">
0310         <DetectChar attribute="Variable Substitution" context="#pop" char="}" />
0311         <IncludeRules context="Detect Builtin Variables" />
0312         <DetectIdentifier />
0313         <IncludeRules context="Detect Variable Substitutions" />
0314       </context>
0316       <context attribute="@Variable Substitution" lineEndContext="#pop" name="@VarSubst">
0317         <DetectChar attribute="@Variable Substitution" context="VarSubst@" char="@" />
0318       </context>
0320       <context attribute="@Variable Substitution" lineEndContext="#pop#pop" name="VarSubst@">
0321         <DetectChar attribute="@Variable Substitution" context="#pop#pop" char="@" />
0322         <IncludeRules context="Detect Builtin Variables" />
0323         <DetectIdentifier />
0324       </context>
0326       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Target Name">
0327         <DetectSpaces />
0328         <RegExpr attribute="Aliased Targets" context="#pop" String="&tgt_name_re;::&tgt_name_re;(?:\:\:&tgt_name_re;)*" />
0329         <IncludeRules context="Detect Targets" />
0330         <IncludeRules context="User Function Opened" />
0331         <IncludeRules context="LineError" />
0332       </context>
0334       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect Targets">
0335         <RegExpr attribute="Targets" context="#stay" String="&tgt_name_re;" />
0336       </context>
0338       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="LineError">
0339         <RegExpr attribute="Error" context="#stay" String=".*" />
0340       </context>
0342       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="User Function Args">
0343         <Detect2Chars attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" char="\" char1="(" />
0344         <Detect2Chars attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" char="\" char1=")" />
0345         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="&quot;" />
0346         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="$" />
0347         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="n" />
0348         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="\" />
0349         <DetectChar attribute="Strings" context="String" char="&quot;" />
0350         <RegExpr attribute="Strings" context="Bracketed String" String="\[(=*)\[" beginRegion="BracketedString" />
0351         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="Match Comments" char="#" lookAhead="true" />
0352         <IncludeRules context="Detect Builtin Variables" />
0353         <IncludeRules context="Detect Variable Substitutions" />
0354         <IncludeRules context="Detect Special Values" />
0355         <IncludeRules context="Detect Aliased Targets" />
0356         <IncludeRules context="Detect Generator Expressions" />
0357         <DetectIdentifier />
0358       </context>
0360       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect Special Values">
0361         <RegExpr attribute="Version Arg" context="#stay" String="\b[0-9]++(.[0-9]++)+\b" />
0362         <keyword attribute="True Special Arg" context="#stay" String="true_special_arg" insensitive="true" />
0363         <keyword attribute="False Special Arg" context="#stay" String="false_special_arg" insensitive="true" />
0364         <RegExpr attribute="False Special Arg" context="#stay" String="\b(?:&var_ref_re;-)?NOTFOUND\b" />
0365         <RegExpr attribute="Special Args" context="#stay" String="\bCMP[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\b" />
0366       </context>
0368       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect Aliased Targets">
0369         <RegExpr attribute="Aliased Targets" context="#stay" String="&tgt_name_re;::&tgt_name_re;(?:\:\:&tgt_name_re;)*" />
0370       </context>
0372       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" name="Match Comments">
0373         <DetectSpaces />
0374         <RegExpr attribute="Comment" context="#pop!Bracketed Comment" String="#\[(=*)\[" beginRegion="BracketedComment" />
0375         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="#pop!Comment" char="#" />
0376         <DetectIdentifier />
0377       </context>
0379       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" name="Match Comments and Docs">
0380         <RegExpr attribute="Region Marker" context="#pop!RST Documentation" String="^#\[(=*)\[\.rst:" column="0" beginRegion="RSTDocumentation" />
0381         <IncludeRules context="Match Comments" />
0382       </context>
0384       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" name="Comment">
0385         <DetectSpaces />
0386         <LineContinue attribute="Comment" context="#pop" />
0387         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0388         <DetectIdentifier />
0389       </context>
0391       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay" name="RST Documentation" dynamic="true">
0392         <RegExpr attribute="Region Marker" context="#pop" String="^#?\]%1\]" dynamic="true" column="0" endRegion="RSTDocumentation" />
0393         <IncludeRules context="##reStructuredText" />
0394       </context>
0396       <context attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Bracketed Comment" dynamic="true">
0397         <LineContinue attribute="Comment" context="#stay" />
0398         <DetectSpaces />
0399         <StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="#pop" String="]%1]" dynamic="true" endRegion="BracketedComment" />
0400         <IncludeRules context="##Comments" />
0401       </context>
0403       <context attribute="Strings" lineEndContext="#stay" name="String">
0404         <DetectSpaces />
0405         <DetectIdentifier />
0406         <RegExpr attribute="Strings" context="#pop" String="&quot;(?=[ );]|$)" />
0407         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="&quot;" />
0408         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="$" />
0409         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="n" />
0410         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="r" />
0411         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="t" />
0412         <Detect2Chars attribute="Escapes" context="#stay" char="\" char1="\" />
0413         <IncludeRules context="Detect Variable Substitutions" />
0414         <IncludeRules context="Detect Generator Expressions" />
0415       </context>
0417       <context attribute="Strings" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Bracketed String" dynamic="true">
0418         <StringDetect attribute="Strings" context="#pop" String="]%1]" dynamic="true" endRegion="BracketedString" />
0419       </context>
0421       <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Detect Generator Expressions">
0422         <Detect2Chars attribute="Generator Expression" context="Generator Expression" char="$" char1="&lt;" />
0423       </context>
0425       <context attribute="Generator Expression" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Generator Expression">
0426         <IncludeRules context="Detect Generator Expressions" />
0427         <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="Comment" char="#" />
0428         <DetectChar attribute="Generator Expression" context="#pop" char="&gt;" />
0429         <keyword attribute="Generator Expression Keyword" context="#stay" String="generator-expressions" insensitive="false" />
0430         <IncludeRules context="Detect Aliased Targets" />
0431         <IncludeRules context="Detect Variable Substitutions" />
0432         <DetectIdentifier />
0433       </context>
0435     </contexts>
0437     <itemDatas>
0438       <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false" />
0439       <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment" spellChecking="true" />
0440       <itemData name="Command" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
0441       <itemData name="Control Flow" defStyleNum="dsControlFlow" spellChecking="false" />
0442       <itemData name="CMake Provided Function/Macro" defStyleNum="dsFunction" bold="true" spellChecking="false" />
0443       <itemData name="User Function/Macro"  defStyleNum="dsFunction" spellChecking="false" />
0444       <itemData name="Property" defStyleNum="dsOthers" spellChecking="false" />
0445       <itemData name="Targets" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false" />
0446       <itemData name="Aliased Targets" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false" />
0447       <itemData name="Named Args" defStyleNum="dsOthers" spellChecking="false" />
0448       <itemData name="Special Args" defStyleNum="dsOthers" spellChecking="false" />
0449       <itemData name="True Special Arg" defStyleNum="dsOthers" color="#30a030" selColor="#30a030" spellChecking="false" />
0450       <itemData name="False Special Arg" defStyleNum="dsOthers" color="#e05050" selColor="#e05050" spellChecking="false" />
0451       <itemData name="Version Arg" defStyleNum="dsDataType" spellChecking="false" />
0452       <itemData name="Strings" defStyleNum="dsString" spellChecking="true" />
0453       <itemData name="Escapes" defStyleNum="dsSpecialChar" spellChecking="false" />
0454       <itemData name="Builtin Variable" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" color="#c09050" selColor="#c09050" spellChecking="false" />
0455       <itemData name="CMake Internal Variable" defStyleNum="dsVariable" spellChecking="false" />
0456       <itemData name="Internal Name" defStyleNum="dsVariable" spellChecking="false" />
0457       <itemData name="Variable Substitution" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" spellChecking="false" />
0458       <itemData name="@Variable Substitution" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false" />
0459       <itemData name="Cache Variable Substitution" defStyleNum="dsFloat" spellChecking="false" />
0460       <itemData name="Environment Variable Substitution" defStyleNum="dsFloat" spellChecking="false" />
0461       <itemData name="Standard Environment Variable" defStyleNum="dsFloat" spellChecking="false" />
0462       <itemData name="Generator Expression Keyword" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#b84040" selColor="#b84040" spellChecking="false" />
0463       <itemData name="Generator Expression" defStyleNum="dsOthers" color="#b86050" selColor="#b86050" spellChecking="false" />
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