Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/test.nix is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Sample Nix file
0002 # ---------------
0003 let
0004     bool = true && false;
0005     var1 = if 3 < 4 then "a" else "b";
0006 in {
0007     /*
0008        Multi-line comments
0009     */
0010     inherit var1;
0012     var2 = with builtins; [
0013         0 1 2 (-3) (-4)
0014         123.456 .12e34
0015         (12 + 345 * 6789 / 321)
0016     ];
0018     var3 = [
0019         "Single-line string"
0020         "
0021           Multi-line string
0022         "
0023         ''
0024           Indented string.
0025         ''
0026     ];
0027     nested.var4 = [
0028         "String with ${var1}"
0029         "Another one with escaped \${var1}"
0030         ''
0031           Document with ${var1}
0032           which is ''${var1}
0033         ''
0034         ''
0035           My home: ${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}
0036           Escaped tab: ''\\t
0037         ''
0038     ];
0040     nested.a.imported = (import ./example.nix);
0042     fn = (x: y: x + y);
0044     fn1 = { a, b ? import ./file.nix, c ? { a = 1; b = 2; }, ... }: rec {
0045         inherit (import ./.);
0046         x = a;
0047     };
0048 }