Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/test.desktop is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # test file for .dekstop syntax highlighting
0002 [Desktop Entry]
0003 GenericName=Text Editor
0004 GenericName[ar]=محرّر نصوص
0005 Name=KWrite
0006 Name[ar]=كاتبك
0007 Comment=KDE Text Editor
0008 Comment[ar]=محرّر نصوص لكدي
0009 MimeType=text/plain;
0010 Exec=kwrite %U
0011 StartupNotify=true
0012 Icon=kwrite
0013 X-DocPath=kwrite/index.html
0014 Type=Application
0015 Terminal=false
0016 InitialPreference=8
0017 X-DBUS-StartupType=Multi
0018 X-DBUS-ServiceName=org.kde.kwrite
0019 Categories=Qt;KDE;Utility;TextEditor;
0020 Actions=new-window;new-tab;
0022 # test folding: the header should not be
0023 # part of the previous region.
0024 # NOTE: this options in Exec don't exist.
0025 [Desktop Action new-window]
0026 Name=New Window
0027 Exec=kwrite --new-window
0028 Icon=kwrite
0030 [Desktop Action new-tab]
0031 Name=New Tab
0032 Exec=kwrite --new-tab
0033 Icon=kwrite