Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/test.Rd is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 % Single-line comment
0002 \name{foo}
0003 #ifdef unix
0004 \alias{bar}
0005 #endif ignored
0006 \title{Foo}
0007 \description{
0008     We have a list
0009     \itemize{
0010         \item foo,
0011         \item bar.
0012     }
0013     Also a table: \tabular{lr}{
0014         foo \tab \code{foo} \cr
0015         bar \tab \preformatted{bar}
0016     }
0017     \samp error{code}
0018 }
0019 \section{Section}{
0020     Escaped braces don't need balance \}
0021     \subsection{Subsection}{
0022         \subsection{Subsubsection}{
0023             Sections can be nested.
0024         }
0025     }
0026 }
0027 \usage{
0028 foo(a, b = default)
0029 \method{[}{foo}(x, \dots)
0030 }
0031 \newcommand{\macro}{Test#1}
0032 \arguments{
0033   \item{a}{\if{html}{π =} \Sexpr[stage=build]{4*atan(1)}}
0034   \item{\dots}{\macro{text} \link[pkg:bar]{fooo}}
0035 }
0036 \value{
0037   Return a \code{\link{foo}}.
0038 }
0039 \seealso{
0040   \code{\link{bar}}
0041 }
0042 \examples{
0043 # R comment
0044 % Rdoc comment
0045 foo(1)
0046 \donttest{foo(2)}
0047 \dontrun{foo(3)}
0048 for (i in 1:10)
0049     foo(i)
0050 }
0051 \keyword{foo}