Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/systemd-unit.service is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # WARNING : This file is NOT a valid systemd service.
0002 # It was created to demonstrate/test KDE syntax highlighting.
0003 # It includes invalid sections, option names and option values.
0005 ; NOTE: Alerts in comments are supported.
0008 [Automount]
0009 Where = /the/mount/directory
0010 ExtraOptions = some,extra, mount , options, %I
0011 DirectoryMode = 0755
0012 TimeoutIdleSec = 5min 5s
0015 [Install]
0016 Alias = some.service some.invalid some_%b.service
0017 WantedBy = some.service some.socket some.invalid
0018 RequiredBy = some.service some.socket some.invalid
0019 Also = some.service some.socket some.invalid
0020 DefaultInstance = id
0023 [Mount]
0024 What = /dev/disk/by-uuid/444c-0d9d-411e-a973-015b31acaa
0025 Where = /the/mount/directory
0026 Type = btrfs
0027 Options = subvol=some_name,compress=lzo,noatime,noauto,nodev,nosuid
0028 SloppyOptions = on
0029 LazyUnmount = true
0030 ReadWriteOnly = true
0031 ForceUnmount = yes
0032 DirectoryMode = 0700
0033 TimeoutSec = 5 m 20 s
0036 [Path]
0037 PathExists = /some/absolute/path
0038 PathExistsGlob = /some/g[lo]b*
0039 PathChanged = /some/absolute/path
0040 PathModified = /some/absolute/path
0041 DirectoryNotEmpty = /some/absolute/path
0042 Unit = some@instance.service
0043 MakeDirectory = yes
0044 DirectoryMode = 0700
0045 TriggerLimitIntervalSec = 1min 10sec
0046 TriggerLimitBurst = 15
0049 [Service]
0050 ## from systemd.service
0051 Type = exec
0052 RemainAfterExit = false
0053 GuessMainPID = no
0054 PIDFile = some/path
0055 BusName = some.name
0056 ExecStart = /usr/bin/Xorg ${DISPLAY} ${XDG_VTNR} \
0057   -logfile %t/X.%i.log \
0058   -nolisten tcp \
0059   -quiet
0060 ExecStartPre = @/bin/start/pre some args
0061 ExecStartPost = -cmd arg, @cmd2 name -o \x0A
0062 ExecCondition = /bin/exec/condition
0063 ExecReload = /bin/exec/reload
0064 ExecStop = /bin/kill -SIGABRT $MAINPID
0065 ExecStopPost = -:!!/bin/stop/post
0066 RestartSec = 15
0067 TimeoutStartSec = 5s 100ms
0068 TimeoutStopSec = infinity
0069 TimeoutAbortSec = 15
0070 TimeoutSec = 10
0071 TimeoutStartFailureMode = abort
0072 TimeoutStopFailureMode = kill
0073 RuntimeMaxSec = 1min 20 seconds
0074 RuntimeRandomizedExtraSec = 12
0075 WatchdogSec = 90
0076 Restart = on-watchdog
0079 RestartPreventExitStatus = 15 23 SIGUSR1 \
0080   SIGXCPU
0081 RestartForceExitStatus = SIGQUIT SIGSTOP 99
0082 RootDirectoryStartOnly = false
0083 NonBlocking = false
0084 NotifyAccess = exec
0085 Sockets = some.socket \
0086   some-other.socket
0087 FileDescriptorStoreMax = 5
0088 USBFunctionDescriptors = /some/absolute/path
0089 USBFunctionStrings = /some/absolute/path
0090 OOMPolicy = stop
0091 OpenFile = /some/path:fd-name:graceful,read-only
0092 ReloadSignal = SIGUSR1
0094 ## from systemd.exec
0095 ExecPaths = some/path some/other/path
0096 ExtensionImages = /source/path
0097 ExtensionDirectories = /source/path
0098 IPCNamespacePath = /some/absolute/path
0099 NoExecPaths = some/path some/other/path
0100 PrivateIPC = false
0101 ## from systemd.exec Paths
0102 ExecSearchPath = /some/path:/some/other/path
0103 WorkingDirectory = ~
0104 RootDirectory = /some/path
0105 RootImage = /some/path
0106 RootImageOptions = partition_name,noauto
0107 RootHash = /some/path
0108 RootHash = 0xABCDEF
0109 RootHashSignature =
0110 RootVerity = /some/path
0111 MountAPIVFS = true
0112 ProcSubset = pid
0113 BindPaths = /source/path,/destination/path,rbind \
0114   /source/path2,/destination/path2,norbind \
0115   /source/path3
0116 BindReadOnlyPaths = /source/path,/destination/path,rbind \
0117   /source/path2,/destination/path2,norbind \
0118   /source/path3
0119 MountImages = /source/path,dest
0120 ## from systemd.exec Credentials
0121 User = 1000
0122 Group = group-name
0123 DynamicUser = true
0124 SupplementaryGroups = group1 group-two 100 \
0125   one-more-group
0126 PAMName =
0127 LoadCredential = some_id:/path/to/credential/data
0128 LoadCredentialEncrypted = some_id:/path/to/credential/data
0129 SetCredential = some_id:some_credential
0130 SetCredentialEncrypted =  some_id:some_encrypted_credential
0131 ## from systemd.exec Capabilities
0132 CapabilityBoundingSet = ~ CAP_SYS_ADMIN CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE   CAP_SYS_PTRACE \
0134 AmbientCapabilities = CAP_SYS_ADMIN \
0136 ## from systemd.exec Security
0137 NoNewPrivileges = true
0138 SecureBits = keep-caps keep-caps-locked \
0139   no-setuid-fixup \
0140   no-setuid-fixup-locked
0141 ## from systemd.exec Mandatory Access Control
0142 SELinuxContext =
0143 AppArmorProfile = - someprofile
0144 SmackProcessLabel = -label
0145 ## from systemd.exec Process Properties
0146 LimitCPU = 15s:20s
0147 LimitFSIZE = 12G:24G
0148 LimitDATA = infinity
0149 LimitSTACK = 512K
0150 LimitCORE = 128K
0151 LimitRSS = 2G
0152 LimitNOFILE = 123:234
0153 LimitAS = 3G
0154 LimitNPROC = 4711
0155 LimitMEMLOCK = 12G
0156 LimitLOCKS = 321
0157 LimitSIGPENDING = 46
0158 LimitMSGQUEUE = 512K
0159 LimitNICE = +12 : +15
0160 LimitRTPRIO = 20 : 40
0161 LimitRTTIME = 12us : 15
0162 UMask = 0022
0163 CoredumpFilter = default private-dax shared-dax
0164 KeyringMode = private
0165 OOMScoreAdjust = 123
0166 TimerSlackNSec = 321
0167 Personality = x86-64
0168 IgnoreSIGPIPE = false
0169 ## from systemd.exec Scheduling
0170 Nice = +12
0171 CPUSchedulingPolicy = fifo
0172 CPUSchedulingPriority = 34
0173 CPUSchedulingResetOnFork = false
0174 CPUAffinity = 0 1, 2 , \
0175   3, 4-8
0176 NUMAPolicy = interleave
0177 NUMAMask = 1,2,3-8
0178 IOSchedulingClass = idle
0179 IOSchedulingPriority = 5
0180 ## from systemd.exec Sandboxing
0181 ProtectSystem = strict
0182 ProtectHome = read-only
0183 RuntimeDirectory = some/dir:some_symlink
0184 StateDirectory = some/dir
0185 CacheDirectory = some/dir
0186 LogsDirectory = some/dir
0187 ConfigurationDirectory = some/dir
0188 RuntimeDirectoryMode = 0755
0189 StateDirectoryMode = 0755
0190 CacheDirectoryMode = 0755
0191 LogsDirectoryMode = 0755
0192 ConfigurationDirectoryMode = 0755
0193 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = restart
0194 TimeoutCleanSec = 20
0195 ReadWritePaths = some/dir
0196 ReadOnlyPaths = some/dir
0197 InaccessiblePaths = some/dir
0198 TemporaryFileSystem = /var:ro
0199 PrivateTmp = yes
0200 PrivateDevices = on
0201 PrivateNetwork = no
0202 NetworkNamespacePath = /some/path
0203 PrivateUsers = off
0204 ProtectHostname = false
0205 ProtectClock = no
0206 ProtectKernelTunables = yes
0207 ProtectKernelModules = true
0208 ProtectKernelLogs = yes
0209 ProtectControlGroups = y
0210 RestrictAddressFamilies = ~ AF_INET AF_VSOCK
0211 RestrictFileSystems = ~btrfs ntfs3 \
0212   @temporary
0213 RestrictNamespaces = cgroup net \
0214   ipc
0215 LockPersonality = yes
0216 MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true
0217 RestrictRealtime = true
0218 RestrictSUIDSGID = true
0219 RemoveIPC = no
0220 PrivateMounts = false
0221 MountFlags = shared
0222 ## from systemd.exec System Call Filtering
0223 SystemCallFilter = @debug @aio
0224 SystemCallErrorNumber = ETIMEDOUT
0225 SystemCallArchitectures = mips64-n32 \
0226   native sparc
0227 SystemCallLog = ~ some_name \
0228   another_name
0229 ## from systemd.exec System Call Environment
0230 Environment = DISPLAY=:%i
0231 Environment = XAUTHORITY=%t/Xauthority.%i \
0232   "var=value with spaces"
0233 Environment = XDG_VTNR=vt%i
0234 EnvironmentFile = - /some/path
0235 PassEnvironment = SOME VARIABLES TO PASS
0236 UnsetEnvironment = SOME VARIABLES TO BE UNSET
0237 ## from systemd.exec Logging and Standard Input/Output
0238 StandardInput = file:/some/absolute/path
0239 StandardOutput = journal+console
0240 StandardError = inherit
0241 StandardInputText = SWNrIHNpdHplIGRhIHVuJyBlc3NlIEtsb3B
0242 StandardInputData = yBkZW5rIG5hbnUhCkpldHogaXNzZSB1ZmYsIGVy
0243 LogLevelMax = info
0245 LogRateLimitIntervalSec = 1s 500ms
0246 LogRateLimitBurst = 50
0247 LogFilterPatterns = ~some_rx
0248 LogFilterPatterns = \x7esome_rx
0249 LogNamespace = some_name
0250 SyslogIdentifier = some_identifier
0251 SyslogFacility = daemon
0252 SyslogLevel = debug
0253 SyslogLevelPrefix = true
0254 TTYPath = /dev/console
0255 TTYReset = yes
0256 TTYVHangup = on
0257 TTYRows = 24
0258 TTYColumns = 80
0259 TTYVTDisallocate = true
0260 ## from systemd.exec System V Compatibility
0261 UtmpIdentifier = utid
0262 UtmpMode = init
0264 ## from systemd.kill
0265 KillMode = process
0266 KillSignal = SIGABRT
0267 RestartKillSignal = SIGHUP
0268 SendSIGHUP = yes
0269 SendSIGKILL = no
0270 FinalKillSignal = SIGABRT
0271 WatchdogSignal = SIGQUIT
0273 ## from systemd.resource-control
0274 CPUAccounting = yes
0275 CPUWeight = 1234
0276 StartupCPUWeight = 321
0277 CPUQuota = 123.4%
0278 CPUQuotaPeriodSec = 1s 23ms 45us
0279 AllowedCPUs = 0-8, 12
0280 StartupAllowedCPUs = 0-24
0281 AllowedMemoryNodes = 5-8, 12
0282 StartupAllowedMemoryNodes = 5-10, 12
0283 MemoryAccounting = yes
0284 MemoryMin = 10G
0285 MemoryLow = 20%
0286 MemoryHigh = 40 %
0287 MemoryMax = 60%
0288 MemorySwapMax = 10G
0289 MemoryZSwapMax = 2G
0290 TasksAccounting = on
0291 TasksMax = 50%
0292 IOAccounting = on
0293 IOWeight = 1000
0294 StartupIOWeight = 500
0295 IODeviceWeight = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 1000
0296 IOReadBandwidthMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 10M
0297 IOWriteBandwidthMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 5M
0298 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 1K
0299 IOWriteIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 2K
0300 IODeviceLatencyTargetSec = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 5s 20ms 100us
0301 IPAccounting = on
0302 IPAddressAllow = ::1/128
0303 DevicePolicy = strict
0304 Slice = some.slice
0305 Delegate = bpf-firewall
0306 DisableControllers = cpu io
0307 ManagedOOMSwap = auto
0308 ManagedOOMMemoryPressure = kill
0309 ManagedOOMMemoryPressureLimit = 50%
0310 BPFProgram = bind6:/sys/fs/bpf/sock-addr-hook
0311 RestrictNetworkInterfaces = ~eth1 eth2
0314 [Socket]
0315 ListenStream =
0316 ListenDatagram = /path/to/socket
0317 ListenFIFO = /some/path
0318 ListenSequentialPacket = @namespace
0319 ListenSpecial = /some/path
0320 ListenNetlink = kobject-uevent
0321 ListenMessageQueue = /queue
0322 ListenUSBFunction = /some/path
0323 SocketProtocol = sctp
0324 BindIPv6Only = both
0325 Backlog = 123
0326 BindToDevice = name
0327 SocketGroup = users
0328 SocketUser = someuser
0329 SocketMode = 0644
0330 DirectoryMode = 0744
0331 Accept = no
0332 Writable = yes
0333 FlushPending = true
0334 MaxConnections = 34
0335 MaxConnectionsPerSource = 10
0336 KeepAlive = yes
0337 KeepAliveTimeSec = 15s 30ms
0338 KeepAliveIntervalSec = 10s 123us
0339 KeepAliveProbes = 12
0340 NoDelay = false
0341 Priority = 5
0342 DeferAcceptSec = 1s 100ms
0343 ReceiveBuffer = 10K
0344 SendBuffer = 15K
0345 IPTOS = low-delay
0346 IPTTL = 12
0347 Mark = 12
0348 ReusePort = no
0349 SmackLabel = value
0350 SmackLabelIPIn = value
0351 SmackLabelIPOut = value
0352 SELinuxContextFromNet = true
0353 PipeSize = 1M
0354 MessageQueueMaxMessages = 12
0355 MessageQueueMessageSize = 1234
0356 FreeBind = yes
0357 Transparent = no
0358 Broadcast = true
0359 PassCredentials = yes
0360 PassSecurity = true
0361 PassPacketInfo = true
0362 Timestamping = nsec
0363 TCPCongestion = westwood
0364 ExecStartPre = +/usr/bin/start/pre
0365 ExecStartPost = @/usr/bin/start/post arg
0366 ExecStopPre = /usr/bin/stop/pre
0367 ExecStopPost = /usr/bin/stop/post
0368 TimeoutSec = 1m 30sec
0369 Service = some.service
0370 RemoveOnStop = yes
0371 Symlinks = /some/path /some/other/path
0372 FileDescriptorName = some_name
0373 TriggerLimitIntervalSec = 1s 500ms
0374 TriggerLimitBurst = 50
0377 [Swap]
0378 What = /dev/disk/by-uuid/5db77-fde6-424e-a1bb-e88e8996c
0379 Priority = 123
0380 Options = some,device,options
0381 TimeoutSec = 1m 20s
0382 # see [Service] for options from systemd.exec and systemd.kill
0385 [Timer]
0386 OnActiveSec = 90
0387 OnBootSec = 5min 15s 100ms
0388 OnStartupSec = 2 minutes
0389 OnUnitActiveSec = 1 min
0390 OnUnitInactiveSec = 1m 30s
0391 OnCalendar = daily
0392 AccuracySec = 1min 10sec
0393 RandomizedDelaySec = 30s
0394 FixedRandomDelay = yes
0395 OnClockChange = false
0396 OnTimezoneChange = true
0397 Unit = some_timed.service
0398 Persistent = true
0399 WakeSystem = no
0400 RemainAfterElapse = true
0403 [Unit]
0404 Description = Testing systemd unit
0405 Documentation = https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/applications/katepart/highlight.html \
0406   man:/systemd.unit
0407 Requires = some.service
0408 Requisite = some-service-name.service
0409 Wants = some.service
0410 BindsTo = some.service
0411 BindsTo = %i.mount
0412 PartOf = some.service
0413 Upholds = some.service some-other.service
0414 Conflicts = some.service
0415 Before = some.service
0416 After = some.service some@instance.service
0417 OnFailure = some.service
0418 OnSuccess = some.service some-other.service
0419 PropagatesReloadTo = some.service
0420 ReloadPropagatedFrom = some.service
0421 JoinsNamespaceOf = some.service
0422 PropagatesStopTo = some.service some-other.service
0423 StopPropagatedFrom = some.service some-other.service
0424 RequiresMountsFor = /tmp /var/log %h
0425 OnFailureJobMode = fail
0426 IgnoreOnIsolate = true
0427 StopWhenUnneeded = false
0428 RefuseManualStart = false
0429 RefuseManualStop = true
0430 AllowIsolate = true
0431 DefaultDependencies = no
0432 CollectMode = inactive
0433 FailureAction = reboot
0434 SuccessAction = none
0435 FailureActionExitStatus = 15
0436 SuccessActionExitStatus = 255
0437 JobTimeoutSec = 10
0438 JobRunningTimeoutSec = infinity
0439 JobTimeoutAction = none
0440 JobTimeoutRebootArgument = some argument
0441 StartLimitIntervalSec = 0
0442 StartLimitBurst = 10
0443 StartLimitAction = none
0444 RebootArgument = some argument
0445 ConditionArchitecture = x86
0446 ConditionVirtualization = |vmware
0447 ConditionHost = !shodan*
0448 ConditionKernelCommandLine = !kernel_option
0449 ConditionKernelVersion = | >= 4.*
0450 ConditionCredential = name
0451 ConditionEnvironment = SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=some_value
0452 ConditionSecurity = | ! selinux
0453 ConditionCapability = !CAP_NET_ADMIN
0454 ConditionACPower = true
0455 ConditionNeedsUpdate = !/var
0456 ConditionFirstBoot = |false
0457 ConditionPathExists = !/some/absolute/path
0458 ConditionPathExistsGlob = |!/m?t/s[ao]me/path*
0459 ConditionPathIsDirectory = !/some/path
0460 ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink = !/some/path
0461 ConditionPathIsMountPoint = /some/path
0462 ConditionPathIsReadWrite = !/some/path
0463 ConditionPathIsEncrypted = !/some/absolute/path
0464 ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty = !/some/path
0465 ConditionFileNotEmpty = !/some/path
0466 ConditionFileIsExecutable = !/some/path
0467 ConditionUser = |@system
0468 ConditionGroup = |groupname
0469 ConditionControlGroupController = memory
0470 ConditionMemory = | >= 1G
0471 ConditionCPUs = | < 8
0472 ConditionCPUFeature = | sse2
0473 ConditionOSRelease = ID=some-id
0474 ConditionMemoryPressure = 20%/5min
0475 ConditionCPUPressure = 12%/10sec
0476 ConditionIOPressure = 30% / 1min
0477 AssertArchitecture = x86
0478 AssertVirtualization = |vmware
0479 AssertHost = !shodan*
0480 AssertKernelCommandLine = !kernel_option
0481 AssertKernelVersion = !>=5.3
0482 AssertCredential = name
0483 AssertEnvironment = SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=some_value
0484 AssertSecurity = | ! selinux
0485 AssertCapability = !CAP_NET_ADMIN
0486 AssertACPower = true
0487 AssertNeedsUpdate = !/var
0488 AssertFirstBoot = |false
0489 AssertPathExists = !/some/absolute/path
0490 AssertPathExistsGlob = |!/mnt/*
0491 AssertPathIsDirectory = !/some/path
0492 AssertPathIsSymbolicLink = !/some/path
0493 AssertPathIsMountPoint = !/some/path
0494 AssertPathIsReadWrite = !/some/path
0495 AssertPathIsEncrypted = !/some/path
0496 AssertDirectoryNotEmpty = !/some/path
0497 AssertFileNotEmpty = !/some/path
0498 AssertFileIsExecutable = !/some/path
0499 AssertUser = |@system
0500 AssertGroup = |groupname
0501 AssertControlGroupController = memory
0502 AssertCPUFeature = | sse4_2
0503 AssertOSRelease = ID=some-id
0504 AssertMemoryPressure = 20%/5min
0505 AssertCPUPressure = 12%/10sec
0506 AssertIOPressure = 30% / 1min
0509 ###### invalid sections
0510 [Device]
0511 [Invalid]
0512 [Slice]
0513 [Target]
0517 ############
0518 # Extensions
0519 ############
0522 ###### option
0523 [Unit]
0524 Description = testing extensions
0525   X-this = some value
0526 X-multiple-lines = some.service \
0527  other service
0530 ###### section
0531 [X-Unit]
0532 name = value
0534 ## Comments in an extension section are just the same as elsewhere.
0536 Some text in an extension section.
0537 The extension section ends with the next section header.
0541 ########
0542 # Format
0543 ########
0545 ###### for options accepting multiple values, lines may be continued
0546 #      using a trailing backlash
0547 [Unit]
0548 Before = before-me.socket \
0549   before-me.service
0551 ###### additional spaces are OK
0552      [Unit]
0553   RequiresMountsFor   =    /tmp /var/log
0557 ########################################################
0558 # Testing valid and invalid values for defined contexts.
0559 ########################################################
0562 ###### invalid options
0563 [Unit]
0564 # missing assignment operator
0565 Description is invalid as it lacks the assignment operator
0566 # invalid option name
0567 InvalidOption = some text
0568 # WantedBy belongs to the [Install] section
0569 WantedBy = some.service some.socket
0572 ###### AC architecture
0573 [Unit]
0574 # see "architecture" for all possible values
0575 AssertArchitecture = alpha
0576 AssertArchitecture = | alpha
0577 AssertArchitecture = |! alpha
0578 AssertArchitecture = ! alpha
0579 # other options
0580 ConditionArchitecture = |! alpha
0581 ## invalid values
0582 AssertArchitecture = !| alpha
0583 AssertArchitecture = || alpha
0584 AssertArchitecture = !! alpha
0587 ###### AC boolean
0588 [Unit]
0589 # see "boolean" for all possible values
0590 AssertACPower = true
0591 AssertACPower = | true
0592 AssertACPower = | ! true
0593 AssertACPower = ! true
0594 # other options
0595 AssertFirstBoot = | ! true
0596 ConditionACPower = | ! true
0597 ConditionFirstBoot = | ! true
0598 ## invalid values
0599 AssertACPower = ! | true
0600 AssertACPower = | | true
0601 AssertACPower = !! true
0604 ###### AC capability
0605 [Unit]
0606 # see "capability" for all possible values
0607 AssertCapability = CAP_CHOWN
0608 AssertCapability = | CAP_CHOWN
0609 AssertCapability = |! CAP_CHOWN
0610 AssertCapability = ! CAP_CHOWN
0611 # other options
0612 ConditionCapability = |! CAP_CHOWN
0613 ## invalid values
0614 AssertCapability = !| CAP_CHOWN
0615 AssertCapability = || CAP_CHOWN
0616 AssertCapability = !! CAP_CHOWN
0619 ###### AC cardinal
0620 [Unit]
0621 ConditionCPUs = < 123456789
0622 ConditionCPUs = <= 123456789
0623 ConditionCPUs = = 123456789
0624 ConditionCPUs = != 123456789
0625 ConditionCPUs = >=123456789
0626 ConditionCPUs = > 123456789
0627 ConditionCPUs = |< 123456789
0628 ConditionCPUs = |<= 123456789
0629 ConditionCPUs = |= 123456789
0630 ConditionCPUs = | != 123456789
0631 ConditionCPUs = | >=123456789
0632 ConditionCPUs = | > 123456789
0633 ## other options
0634 ConditionCPUs = > 4
0635 ## invalid values
0636 ConditionCPUs = == 123456789
0637 ConditionCPUs = >> 123456789
0638 ConditionCPUs = = 123456789.987
0639 ConditionCPUs = || = 123456789.987
0642 ###### AC cardinal KMGT
0643 [Unit]
0644 ConditionMemory = > 123456789
0645 ConditionMemory = |< 123456789
0646 ConditionMemory = |! >= 1G
0647 ConditionMemory = | != 512K
0648 ## invalid values
0649 # no exabyte (yet)
0650 ConditionMemory = = 1E
0653 ###### AC cpu feature
0654 [Unit]
0655 # see "cpu feature" for all possible values
0656 ConditionCPUFeature = |! sse2
0659 ###### AC controller cg (assert/condition for control group controller)
0660 [Unit]
0661 AssertControlGroupController = cpu
0662 AssertControlGroupController = | cpu
0663 AssertControlGroupController = |! cpu
0664 AssertControlGroupController = ! cpu
0665 # other options
0666 ConditionControlGroupController = |! cpu
0667 ## invalid values
0668 AssertControlGroupController = !| cpu
0669 AssertControlGroupController = || cpu
0670 AssertControlGroupController = !! cpu
0673 ###### AC firmware
0674 [Unit]
0675 # see "firmware" for all possible values
0676 ConditionFirmware = |! uefi
0679 ###### AC group
0680 [Unit]
0681 AssertGroup = | name
0682 AssertGroup = |! name
0683 AssertGroup = ! name
0684 # other options
0685 ConditionGroup = |! name
0686 ## invalid values
0687 AssertGroup = !| name
0688 AssertGroup = || name
0689 AssertGroup = !! name
0692 ###### AC security
0693 [Unit]
0694 # see "security" for all possible values
0695 AssertSecurity = audit
0696 AssertSecurity = | audit
0697 AssertSecurity = |! audit
0698 AssertSecurity = ! audit
0699 # other options
0700 ConditionSecurity = |! audit
0701 ## invalid values
0702 AssertSecurity = !| audit
0703 AssertSecurity = || audit
0704 AssertSecurity = !! audit
0707 ###### AC text
0708 [Unit]
0709 AssertKernelCommandLine = option=value
0710 AssertKernelCommandLine = | arg
0711 AssertKernelCommandLine = |! arg
0712 AssertKernelCommandLine = ! arg
0713 # other options
0714 AssertDirectoryNotEmpty = |! /some/path
0715 AssertFileIsExecutable = |! /some/path
0716 AssertFileNotEmpty = |! /some/path
0717 AssertKernelVersion = |! arg
0718 AssertNeedsUpdate = |! /etc
0719 AssertPathExists = |! /some/path
0720 AssertPathIsDirectory = |! /some/path
0721 AssertPathIsEncrypted = |! /some/path
0722 AssertPathIsMountPoint = |! /some/path
0723 AssertPathIsReadWrite = |! /some/path
0724 AssertPathIsSymbolicLink = |! /some/path
0725 ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty = |! /some/path
0726 ConditionEnvironment = |! name=value
0727 ConditionFileIsExecutable = |! /some/path
0728 ConditionFileNotEmpty = |! /some/path
0729 ConditionKernelCommandLine = |! arg
0730 ConditionKernelVersion = |! arg
0731 ConditionNeedsUpdate = |! /var
0732 ConditionPathExists = |! /some/path
0733 ConditionPathIsDirectory = |! /some/path
0734 ConditionPathIsEncrypted = |! /some/path
0735 ConditionPathIsMountPoint = |! /some/path
0736 ConditionPathIsReadWrite = |! /some/path
0737 ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink = |! /some/path
0738 ## invalid values
0739 AssertKernelCommandLine = !| arg
0740 AssertKernelCommandLine = || arg
0741 AssertKernelCommandLine = !! arg
0744 ###### AC text *
0745 [Unit]
0746 AssertHost = hostname
0747 AssertHost = hostname*
0748 AssertHost = | hostname*
0749 AssertHost = |!hostname*
0750 AssertHost = !hostname*
0751 # other options
0752 ConditionHost = |!hostname*
0753 ## invalid values
0754 AssertHost = !| hostname*
0755 AssertHost = || hostname*
0756 AssertHost = !! hostname*
0759 ###### AC text glob
0760 [Unit]
0761 AssertPathExistsGlob = |!/s[ao]me/path*
0762 ## invalid values
0763 ConditionPathExistsGlob = !! /s?me/path*
0766 ###### AC threshold
0767 [Unit]
0768 # there is only a fixed set of time spans to choose from
0769 ConditionMemoryPressure = 10%/10sec
0770 ConditionMemoryPressure = 20%/1min
0771 ConditionMemoryPressure = | ! 30 % / 5min
0772 ## invalid values
0773 # invalid time span
0774 ConditionMemoryPressure = 30%/5sec
0775 # no %
0776 ConditionMemoryPressure = 30 / 10sec
0777 # no separator before time span
0778 ConditionMemoryPressure = 30% 10sec
0781 ###### AC user
0782 AssertUser = | @system
0783 AssertUser = | name
0784 AssertUser = |! @system
0785 AssertUser = ! name
0786 # other options
0787 ConditionUser = |! @system
0788 ## invalid values
0789 AssertUser = !| name
0790 AssertUser = || name
0791 AssertUser = !! name
0794 ###### AC virtualization
0795 # accepts boolean too
0796 AssertVirtualization = |true
0797 # see "virtualization" for all possible values
0798 AssertVirtualization = container
0799 AssertVirtualization = | container
0800 AssertVirtualization = |! container
0801 ConditionVirtualization = |! container
0802 AssertVirtualization = ! container
0803 ## invalid values
0804 AssertVirtualization = ! | true
0805 AssertVirtualization = | | true
0806 AssertVirtualization = !! true
0807 # multiple values
0808 AssertVirtualization = true false
0811 ###### - text
0812 [Service]
0813 AppArmorProfile = - some-profile
0814 AppArmorProfile =-profile
0817 ###### -+/path list
0818 [Service]
0819 ReadWritePaths = -/some/path
0820 ReadWritePaths = -+/some/path
0821 ReadWritePaths = +/some/path
0822 ReadWritePaths =+/some/path-+/ -/some/other/path \
0823   -+/one/more/path
0824 ## invalid values
0825 ReadWritePaths = - /some/path
0826 ReadWritePaths = + /some/path
0827 ReadWritePaths = +-/some/path
0830 ###### ~ address family list
0831 [Service]
0832 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ALG
0833 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_APPLETALK
0834 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ASH
0835 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ATMPVC
0836 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ATMSVC
0837 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_AX25
0838 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_BLUETOOTH
0839 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_BRIDGE
0840 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_CAIF
0841 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_CAN
0842 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_DECnet
0843 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ECONET
0844 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_FILE
0845 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_IB
0846 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_IEEE802154
0847 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_INET
0848 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_INET6
0849 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_IPX
0850 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_IRDA
0851 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ISDN
0852 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_IUCV
0853 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_KCM
0854 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_KEY
0855 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_LLC
0856 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_LOCAL
0857 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_MAX
0858 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_MPLS
0859 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_NETBEUI
0860 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_NETLINK
0861 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_NETROM
0862 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_NFC
0863 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_PACKET
0864 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_PHONET
0865 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_PPPOX
0866 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_QIPCRTR
0867 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_RDS
0868 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ROSE
0869 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ROUTE
0870 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_RXRPC
0871 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_SECURITY
0872 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_SMC
0873 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_SNA
0874 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_TIPC
0875 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_UNIX
0876 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_UNSPEC
0877 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_VSOCK
0878 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_WANPIPE
0879 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_X25
0880 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_XDP
0881 RestrictAddressFamilies = ~ AF_XDP AF_LOCAL \
0883 # since version 249 an additional 'none' is supported
0884 RestrictAddressFamilies = none
0885 ## invalid values
0886 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_INVALID
0887 # multiple values including `none`
0888 RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_ROUTE none AF_ROSE
0891 ###### ~ capability list
0892 # all the values of capability, but multple values for a single option entry are valid
0893 [Service]
0894 AmbientCapabilities = ~ CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_RAW \
0896 CapabilityBoundingSet=~CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_RAW \
0900 ###### ~ namespace list
0901 [Service]
0902 RestrictNamespaces = cgroup
0903 RestrictNamespaces = ipc
0904 RestrictNamespaces = mnt
0905 RestrictNamespaces = net
0906 RestrictNamespaces = pid
0907 RestrictNamespaces = user
0908 RestrictNamespaces = uts
0909 RestrictNamespaces = cgroup uts
0910 RestrictNamespaces = ~ cgroup pid \
0911   uts
0912 # includes boolean
0913 RestrictNamespaces = true
0914 RestrictNamespaces = false
0915 ## invalid values
0916 RestrictNamespaces = invalid
0917 RestrictNamespaces = ~ true
0918 # if boolean, no multiple values
0919 RestrictNamespaces = true cgroup
0922 ###### ~ system call filter list
0923 [Service]
0924 SystemCallFilter = @aio
0925 SystemCallFilter = @basic-io
0926 SystemCallFilter = @chown
0927 SystemCallFilter = @clock
0928 SystemCallFilter = @cpu-emulation
0929 SystemCallFilter = @debug
0930 SystemCallFilter = @default
0931 SystemCallFilter = @file-system
0932 SystemCallFilter = @io-event
0933 SystemCallFilter = @ipc
0934 SystemCallFilter = @keyring
0935 SystemCallFilter = @memlock
0936 SystemCallFilter = @module
0937 SystemCallFilter = @mount
0938 SystemCallFilter = @network-io
0939 SystemCallFilter = @obsolete
0940 SystemCallFilter = @privileged
0941 SystemCallFilter = @process
0942 SystemCallFilter = @raw-io
0943 SystemCallFilter = @reboot
0944 SystemCallFilter = @resources
0945 SystemCallFilter = @setuid
0946 SystemCallFilter = @signal
0947 SystemCallFilter = @swap
0948 SystemCallFilter = @sync
0949 SystemCallFilter = @system-service
0950 SystemCallFilter = @timer
0951 SystemCallFilter = @obsolete @timer \
0952   @swap
0953 SystemCallFilter = ~ @reboot @swap
0954 ## invalid values
0955 SystemCallFilter = invalid
0956 SystemCallFilter = @invalid @ sync
0959 ###### action
0960 [Unit]
0961 FailureAction = exit
0962 FailureAction = exit-force
0963 FailureAction = none
0964 FailureAction = poweroff
0965 FailureAction = poweroff-force
0966 FailureAction = poweroff-immediate
0967 FailureAction = reboot
0968 FailureAction = reboot-force
0969 FailureAction = reboot-immediate
0970 ## invalid values
0971 FailureAction = invalid
0972 FailureAction = invalid exit
0973 # multiple values
0974 FailureAction = none exit
0977 ###### architecture
0978 [Unit]
0979 ConditionArchitecture = alpha
0980 ConditionArchitecture = arc
0981 ConditionArchitecture = arc-be
0982 ConditionArchitecture = arm
0983 ConditionArchitecture = arm-be
0984 ConditionArchitecture = arm64
0985 ConditionArchitecture = arm64-be
0986 ConditionArchitecture = cris
0987 ConditionArchitecture = ia64
0988 ConditionArchitecture = m68k
0989 ConditionArchitecture = mips
0990 ConditionArchitecture = mips-le
0991 ConditionArchitecture = mips64
0992 ConditionArchitecture = mips64-le
0993 ConditionArchitecture = parisc
0994 ConditionArchitecture = parisc64
0995 ConditionArchitecture = ppc
0996 ConditionArchitecture = ppc-le
0997 ConditionArchitecture = ppc64
0998 ConditionArchitecture = ppc64-le
0999 ConditionArchitecture = s390
1000 ConditionArchitecture = s390x
1001 ConditionArchitecture = sh
1002 ConditionArchitecture = sh64
1003 ConditionArchitecture = sparc
1004 ConditionArchitecture = sparc64
1005 ConditionArchitecture = tilegx
1006 ConditionArchitecture = x86
1007 ConditionArchitecture = x86-64
1008 # special value "native"
1009 ConditionArchitecture = native
1010 ## invalid values
1011 ConditionArchitecture = invalid
1012 ConditionArchitecture = invalid x86
1013 # multiple values
1014 ConditionArchitecture = sparc x86
1017 ###### boolean
1018 [Unit]
1019 StopWhenUnneeded = 1
1020 StopWhenUnneeded = 0
1021 StopWhenUnneeded = true
1022 StopWhenUnneeded = t
1023 StopWhenUnneeded = false
1024 StopWhenUnneeded = f
1025 StopWhenUnneeded = yes
1026 StopWhenUnneeded = y
1027 StopWhenUnneeded = no
1028 StopWhenUnneeded = n
1029 StopWhenUnneeded = on
1030 StopWhenUnneeded = off
1031 ## invalid values
1032 StopWhenUnneeded = invalid
1033 # multiple values
1034 StopWhenUnneeded = false true
1037 ###### calendar
1038 [Timer]
1039 OnCalendar = daily
1040 OnCalendar = hourly
1041 OnCalendar = minutely
1042 OnCalendar = monthly
1043 OnCalendar = quarterly
1044 OnCalendar = semiannually
1045 OnCalendar = weekly
1046 OnCalendar = yearly
1047 OnCalendar = daily UTC
1048 OnCalendar = daily utc
1049 OnCalendar = monday *-12-* 17:00
1050 OnCalendar = Mon *-12-* 17:00
1051 ## invalid values
1052 OnCalendar = Mo *-12-* 17:00
1055 ###### capability
1056 [Unit]
1057 ConditionCapability = CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL
1058 ConditionCapability = CAP_AUDIT_READ
1059 ConditionCapability = CAP_AUDIT_WRITE
1060 ConditionCapability = CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND
1061 ConditionCapability = CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE
1062 ConditionCapability = CAP_CHOWN
1063 ConditionCapability = CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE
1064 ConditionCapability = CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH
1065 ConditionCapability = CAP_FOWNER
1066 ConditionCapability = CAP_FSETID
1067 ConditionCapability = CAP_IPC_LOCK
1068 ConditionCapability = CAP_IPC_OWNER
1069 ConditionCapability = CAP_KILL
1070 ConditionCapability = CAP_LEASE
1071 ConditionCapability = CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE
1072 ConditionCapability = CAP_MAC_ADMIN
1073 ConditionCapability = CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE
1074 ConditionCapability = CAP_MKNOD
1075 ConditionCapability = CAP_NET_ADMIN
1076 ConditionCapability = CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
1077 ConditionCapability = CAP_NET_BROADCAST
1078 ConditionCapability = CAP_NET_RAW
1079 ConditionCapability = CAP_SETGID
1080 ConditionCapability = CAP_SETFCAP
1081 ConditionCapability = CAP_SETPCAP
1082 ConditionCapability = CAP_SETUID
1083 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_ADMIN
1084 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_BOOT
1085 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_CHROOT
1086 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_MODULE
1087 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_NICE
1088 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_PACCT
1089 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_PTRACE
1090 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_RAWIO
1091 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_RESOURCE
1092 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_TIME
1093 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG
1094 ConditionCapability = CAP_SYSLOG
1095 ConditionCapability = CAP_WAKE_ALARM
1096 ## invalid values
1097 ConditionCapability = invalid
1098 # multiple values
1099 ConditionCapability = CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_RAW
1102 ###### cardinal
1103 [Unit]
1104 StartLimitBurst = 15
1105 ## invalid values
1106 StartLimitBurst = -10
1107 StartLimitBurst = 12.34
1108 StartLimitBurst = 10%
1109 StartLimitBurst = infinity
1110 # multiple values
1111 StartLimitBurst = 10 20
1114 ###### cardinal % infinity
1115 [Service]
1116 TasksMax = 15
1117 TasksMax = 10%
1118 TasksMax = infinity
1119 ## invalid values
1120 TasksMax = -10
1121 TasksMax = 12.34
1122 # multiple values
1123 TasksMax = 10 20
1124 TasksMax = infinity 20
1127 ###### cardinal %KGMT infinity
1128 [Service]
1129 MemoryMin = 123
1130 MemoryMin = 12K
1131 MemoryMin = 12M
1132 MemoryMin = 12G
1133 MemoryMin = 12T
1134 MemoryMin = 12 G
1135 MemoryMin = 20%
1136 MemoryMin = infinity
1137 ## invalid values
1138 MemoryMin = invalid
1139 # invalid bytes suffix
1140 MemoryMin = 12g
1141 MemoryMin = 12H
1142 MemoryMin = 12 E
1143 MemoryMin = 12P
1146 ###### cardinal KGMT
1147 [Socket]
1148 PipeSize = 123
1149 PipeSize = 12K
1150 PipeSize = 12M
1151 PipeSize = 12G
1152 PipeSize = 12T
1153 PipeSize = 12 G
1154 ## invalid values
1155 PipeSize = invalid
1156 PipeSize = infinity
1157 # invalid bytes suffix
1158 PipeSize = 12g
1159 PipeSize = 12H
1160 PipeSize = 12 E
1161 PipeSize = 12P
1162 PipeSize = 20%
1165 ###### cardinal KGMT infinity
1166 [Service]
1167 MemorySwapMax = 123
1168 MemorySwapMax = 12K
1169 MemorySwapMax = 12M
1170 MemorySwapMax = 12G
1171 MemorySwapMax = 12T
1172 MemorySwapMax = 12 G
1173 MemorySwapMax = infinity
1174 ## invalid values
1175 MemorySwapMax = invalid
1176 # invalid bytes suffix
1177 MemorySwapMax = 12g
1178 MemorySwapMax = 12H
1179 MemorySwapMax = 12 E
1180 MemorySwapMax = 12P
1181 MemorySwapMax = 20%
1184 ###### collect mode
1185 [Unit]
1186 CollectMode = inactive
1187 CollectMode = inactive-or-failed
1188 ## invalid values
1189 CollectMode = invalid
1190 CollectMode = invalid inactive
1191 # multiple values
1192 CollectMode = inactive-or-failed inactive
1195 ###### condition needs update
1196 [Unit]
1197 ConditionNeedsUpdate = !/etc
1198 ConditionNeedsUpdate = !/var
1199 ## invalid values
1200 ConditionNeedsUpdate = /home
1201 # multiple values
1202 ConditionNeedsUpdate = /etc /var
1205 ###### condition user
1206 [Unit]
1207 ConditionUser = @system
1208 ConditionUser = name1
1209 ConditionUser = 1050
1210 ## invalid values
1211 ConditionUser = name1.invalid
1212 ConditionUser = -1050
1213 # multiple values
1214 ConditionUser = name1 name2
1217 ###### controller cg (control group controller)
1218 [Unit]
1219 AssertControlGroupController = cpu
1220 AssertControlGroupController = cpuset
1221 AssertControlGroupController = io
1222 AssertControlGroupController = memory
1223 AssertControlGroupController = pids
1224 ## invalid values
1225 AssertControlGroupController = invalid
1226 # removed as of v252
1227 AssertControlGroupController = blkio
1228 AssertControlGroupController = cpuacct
1229 AssertControlGroupController = devices
1230 AssertControlGroupController = v1
1231 AssertControlGroupController = v2
1232 # multiple values
1233 AssertControlGroupController = cpu memory
1236 ###### controller list
1237 [Service]
1238 # single controller
1239 DisableControllers = blkio
1240 DisableControllers = bpf-devices
1241 DisableControllers = bpf-firewall
1242 DisableControllers = cpu
1243 DisableControllers = cpuacct
1244 DisableControllers = cpuset
1245 DisableControllers = devices
1246 DisableControllers = io
1247 DisableControllers = memory
1248 DisableControllers = pids
1249 # multiple controllers
1250 DisableControllers = cpu io \
1251   memory
1252 ## invalid values
1253 DisableControllers = dev invalid
1256 ###### cpu affinity
1257 [Service]
1258 # either "numa" or any of the values for "cpu index list"
1259 CPUAffinity = numa
1260 CPUAffinity = 0 1, 2 , \
1261   3, 4-8 , 10 - 12
1262 # since version 249 specifiers are supported
1263 CPUAffinity = %I
1264 ## invalid values
1265 CPUAffinity = numa-x
1266 # no multiple "numa"
1267 CPUAffinity = numa numa
1268 # no CPU index list and "numa"
1269 CPUAffinity = numa 0 1 2
1270 CPUAffinity = 0 1 2 numa
1273 ###### cpu feature
1274 [Unit]
1275 ConditionCPUFeature = abm
1276 ConditionCPUFeature = adx
1277 ConditionCPUFeature = aes
1278 ConditionCPUFeature = apic
1279 ConditionCPUFeature = avx
1280 ConditionCPUFeature = avx2
1281 ConditionCPUFeature = bmi1
1282 ConditionCPUFeature = bmi2
1283 ConditionCPUFeature = clflush
1284 ConditionCPUFeature = cmov
1285 ConditionCPUFeature = constant_tsc
1286 ConditionCPUFeature = cx16
1287 ConditionCPUFeature = cx8
1288 ConditionCPUFeature = de
1289 ConditionCPUFeature = f16c
1290 ConditionCPUFeature = fma3
1291 ConditionCPUFeature = fpu
1292 ConditionCPUFeature = fxsr
1293 ConditionCPUFeature = ht
1294 ConditionCPUFeature = lahf_lm
1295 ConditionCPUFeature = lm
1296 ConditionCPUFeature = mca
1297 ConditionCPUFeature = mce
1298 ConditionCPUFeature = mmx
1299 ConditionCPUFeature = monitor
1300 ConditionCPUFeature = movbe
1301 ConditionCPUFeature = msr
1302 ConditionCPUFeature = mtrr
1303 ConditionCPUFeature = osxsave
1304 ConditionCPUFeature = pae
1305 ConditionCPUFeature = pat
1306 ConditionCPUFeature = pclmul
1307 ConditionCPUFeature = pge
1308 ConditionCPUFeature = pni
1309 ConditionCPUFeature = popcnt
1310 ConditionCPUFeature = pse
1311 ConditionCPUFeature = pse36
1312 ConditionCPUFeature = rdrand
1313 ConditionCPUFeature = rdseed
1314 ConditionCPUFeature = rdtscp
1315 ConditionCPUFeature = sep
1316 ConditionCPUFeature = sha_ni
1317 ConditionCPUFeature = sse
1318 ConditionCPUFeature = sse2
1319 ConditionCPUFeature = sse4_1
1320 ConditionCPUFeature = sse4_2
1321 ConditionCPUFeature = ssse3
1322 ConditionCPUFeature = syscall
1323 ConditionCPUFeature = tsc
1324 ConditionCPUFeature = vme
1325 ConditionCPUFeature = xsave
1326 ## invalid values
1327 ConditionCPUFeature = invalid
1328 # multiple values
1329 ConditionCPUFeature = tsc mmx
1332 ###### cpu index list
1333 [Service]
1334 NUMAMask = 0 1 2
1335 NUMAMask = 0,1, 2
1336 # using ranges
1337 NUMAMask = 0-2
1338 NUMAMask = 0 - 2
1339 NUMAMask = 0 1, 2 , \
1340   3, 4-8 ,
1341 ## invalid values
1342 NUMAMask = 0 invalid 2, 3;4
1343 NUMAMask = 0-a1
1344 NUMAMask = numa
1347 ###### cpu scheduling policy
1348 [Service]
1349 CPUSchedulingPolicy = batch
1350 CPUSchedulingPolicy = fifo
1351 CPUSchedulingPolicy = idle
1352 CPUSchedulingPolicy = other
1353 CPUSchedulingPolicy = rr
1354 ## invalid values
1355 CPUSchedulingPolicy = invalid
1356 # multiple values
1357 CPUSchedulingPolicy = batch fifo
1360 ###### cpu scheduling priority
1361 [Service]
1362 CPUSchedulingPriority = 12
1363 CPUSchedulingPriority = 99
1364 ## invalid values
1365 CPUSchedulingPriority = invalid
1366 CPUSchedulingPriority = -12
1367 CPUSchedulingPriority = 0.12
1368 # out of range
1369 CPUSchedulingPriority = 0
1370 CPUSchedulingPriority = 100
1371 # multiple values
1372 CPUSchedulingPriority = 12 34
1375 ###### cpu weight
1376 [Service]
1377 CPUWeight = idle
1378 # integer 1..10000
1379 CPUWeight = 1
1380 CPUWeight = 12
1381 CPUWeight = 123
1382 CPUWeight = 1234
1383 CPUWeight = 1234
1384 CPUWeight = 10000
1385 ## invalid values
1386 CPUWeight = -1
1387 CPUWeight = 0
1388 CPUWeight = 10001
1389 CPUWeight = 12345
1390 CPUWeight = 12.3
1391 CPUWeight = invalid
1392 # multiple values
1393 CPUWeight = 1 10000
1396 ###### delegate
1397 [Service]
1398 # single boolean
1399 Delegate = false
1400 Delegate = true
1401 # single controller
1402 Delegate = blkio
1403 Delegate = bpf-devices
1404 Delegate = bpf-firewall
1405 Delegate = cpu
1406 Delegate = cpuacct
1407 Delegate = cpuset
1408 Delegate = devices
1409 Delegate = io
1410 Delegate = memory
1411 Delegate = pids
1412 # multiple controllers
1413 Delegate = cpu io \
1414   memory
1415 ## invalid values
1416 Delegate = invalid
1417 # multiple boolean values
1418 Delegate = on off
1421 ###### device cardinal KMGT
1422 [Service]
1423 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 123
1424 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12K
1425 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12M
1426 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12G
1427 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12T
1428 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12 G
1429 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 \
1430   10M
1431 ## invalid values
1432 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 20%
1433 # invalid multiplier suffix
1434 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12g
1435 IOReadIOPSMax = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 12E
1436 # no device
1437 IOReadIOPSMax = 10
1438 IOReadIOPSMax = 10M
1441 ###### device policy
1442 [Service]
1443 DevicePolicy = auto
1444 DevicePolicy = closed
1445 DevicePolicy = strict
1446 ## invalid values
1447 DevicePolicy = invalid
1448 # multiple values
1449 DevicePolicy = auto closed
1452 ###### device time span
1453 [Service]
1454 IODeviceLatencyTargetSec = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 123
1455 IODeviceLatencyTargetSec = /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 5s 20ms \
1456   100us
1457 ## invalid values
1458 # no device
1459 IODeviceLatencyTargetSec = 123
1460 IODeviceLatencyTargetSec = 5s 20ms 100us
1463 ###### exec
1464 [Service]
1465 # specifier and environment variable
1466 ExecStart = /some/cmd %u arg $var1 inside${var2}word ${var3} $var4
1467 ExecStart = cmd1 %h arg1_1 $var1, cmd2 %u arg2_1 $var2_1\
1468   $var2_2
1469 # escapes (not exactly the same as detected by HlCStringChar)
1470 ExecStart = cmd \, \' \" \\ \a \b \f \n \r \s \t \v \x0A \012 \u1234 \U12abcdef
1471 # prefix
1472 ExecStart = @/some/cmd arg "@!+-:"
1473 ExecStart = -/some/cmd-1 -option arg
1474 ExecStart = :/some/cmd arg
1475 ExecStart = +/some/cmd arg
1476 ExecStart = !/some/cmd arg
1477 ExecStart = !!/some/cmd arg
1478 ExecStart = @:-!!/some/cmd arg
1479 ExecStart = @!!-:/some/cmd arg
1480 ExecStart = @:-+/some/cmd arg
1481 ## invalid values
1482 # invalid prefix
1483 ExecStart = @ /some/cmd arg
1484 ExecStart = @ -/some/cmd arg
1485 ExecStart = +!/some/cmd arg
1486 ExecStart = !!!/some/cmd arg
1487 ExecStart = @+@/some/cmd arg
1488 ExecStart = @!!+/some/cmd arg
1491 ###### exit status
1492 [Service]
1493 SuccessExitStatus = 75
1494 SuccessExitStatus = ADDRESS_FAMILIES
1495 SuccessExitStatus = APPARMOR
1496 SuccessExitStatus = BPF
1497 SuccessExitStatus = CACHE_DIRECTORY
1498 SuccessExitStatus = CANTCREAT
1499 SuccessExitStatus = CAPABILITIES
1500 SuccessExitStatus = CGROUP
1501 SuccessExitStatus = CHDIR
1502 SuccessExitStatus = CHOWN
1503 SuccessExitStatus = CHROOT
1504 SuccessExitStatus = CONFIG
1506 SuccessExitStatus = CONFIRM
1507 SuccessExitStatus = CPUAFFINITY
1508 SuccessExitStatus = CREDENTIALS
1509 SuccessExitStatus = DATAERR
1510 SuccessExitStatus = EXCEPTION
1511 SuccessExitStatus = EXEC
1512 SuccessExitStatus = FAILURE
1513 SuccessExitStatus = FDS
1514 SuccessExitStatus = GROUP
1515 SuccessExitStatus = INVALIDARGUMENT
1516 SuccessExitStatus = IOERR
1517 SuccessExitStatus = IOPRIO
1518 SuccessExitStatus = KEYRING
1519 SuccessExitStatus = LIMITS
1520 SuccessExitStatus = LOGS_DIRECTORY
1521 SuccessExitStatus = MEMORY
1522 SuccessExitStatus = NAMESPACE
1523 SuccessExitStatus = NETWORK
1524 SuccessExitStatus = NICE
1525 SuccessExitStatus = NOHOST
1526 SuccessExitStatus = NOINPUT
1527 SuccessExitStatus = NOPERM
1528 SuccessExitStatus = NOPERMISSION
1529 SuccessExitStatus = NOTCONFIGURED
1530 SuccessExitStatus = NOTIMPLEMENTED
1531 SuccessExitStatus = NOTINSTALLED
1532 SuccessExitStatus = NOTRUNNING
1533 SuccessExitStatus = NOUSER
1534 SuccessExitStatus = NO_NEW_PRIVILEGES
1535 SuccessExitStatus = NUMA_POLICY
1536 SuccessExitStatus = OOM_ADJUST
1537 SuccessExitStatus = OSERR
1538 SuccessExitStatus = OSFILE
1539 SuccessExitStatus = PAM
1540 SuccessExitStatus = PERSONALITY
1541 SuccessExitStatus = PROTOCOL
1542 SuccessExitStatus = RUNTIME_DIRECTORY
1543 SuccessExitStatus = SECCOMP
1544 SuccessExitStatus = SECUREBITS
1545 SuccessExitStatus = SELINUX_CONTEXT
1546 SuccessExitStatus = SETSCHEDULER
1547 SuccessExitStatus = SETSID
1548 SuccessExitStatus = SIGNAL_MASK
1549 SuccessExitStatus = SMACK_PROCESS_LABEL
1550 SuccessExitStatus = SOFTWARE
1551 SuccessExitStatus = STATE_DIRECTORY
1552 SuccessExitStatus = STDERR
1553 SuccessExitStatus = STDIN
1554 SuccessExitStatus = STDOUT
1555 SuccessExitStatus = SUCCESS
1556 SuccessExitStatus = TEMPFAIL
1557 SuccessExitStatus = TIMERSLACK
1558 SuccessExitStatus = UNAVAILABLE
1559 SuccessExitStatus = USAGE
1560 SuccessExitStatus = USER
1561 # using signals (see values for context "signal" for a complete list of values)
1562 SuccessExitStatus = SIGABRT
1563 SuccessExitStatus = ADDRESS_FAMILIES 75 \
1564   23 SIGHUP
1565 ## invalid values
1566 SuccessExitStatus = invalid
1567 SuccessExitStatus = -23
1570 ###### exit type
1571 [Service]
1572 ExitType = main
1573 ExitType = cgroup
1574 ## invalid values
1575 ExitType = invalid
1576 # multiple values
1577 ExitType = main cgroup
1580 ###### failure mode
1581 [Service]
1582 TimeoutStartFailureMode = abort
1583 TimeoutStartFailureMode = kill
1584 TimeoutStartFailureMode = terminate
1585 ## invalid values
1586 TimeoutStartFailureMode = invalid
1587 # multiple values
1588 TimeoutStartFailureMode = abort kill
1591 ###### file mode
1592 [Automount]
1593 DirectoryMode = 755
1594 ## invalid values
1595 DirectoryMode = invalid
1596 # need octal digits
1597 DirectoryMode = 0758
1598 DirectoryMode = 075A
1599 # need 3 to 4 octal digits
1600 DirectoryMode = 07
1601 # multiple values
1602 DirectoryMode = 0755 0755
1605 ###### firmware
1606 [Unit]
1607 ConditionFirmware = uefi
1608 ConditionFirmware = device-tree
1609 ConditionFirmware = device-tree-compatible(some-device-tree)
1610 ConditionFirmware = device-tree-compatible(  some-device-tree )
1611 ConditionFirmware = smbios-field(board_name = "Custom Board")
1612 ## invalid values
1613 ConditionFirmware = invalid
1614 ConditionFirmware = device-tree-invalid
1615 # missing argument
1616 ConditionFirmware = device-tree-compatible
1617 ConditionFirmware = device-tree-compatible()
1618 ConditionFirmware = smbios-field
1619 ConditionFirmware = smbios-field()
1620 # multiple values
1621 ConditionFirmware = uefi device-tree
1624 ###### fs set
1625 [Service]
1626 RestrictFileSystems = @auxiliary-api
1627 RestrictFileSystems = @basic-api
1628 RestrictFileSystems = @common-block
1629 RestrictFileSystems = @historical-block
1630 RestrictFileSystems = @known
1631 RestrictFileSystems = @network
1632 RestrictFileSystems = @privileged-api
1633 RestrictFileSystems = @temporary
1634 ## invalid values
1635 RestrictFileSystems = invalid
1636 RestrictFileSystems = temporary
1639 ###### fs type
1640 # A selection of file system types to be used as `Type` in mount units.
1641 [Mount]
1642 Type = binfmt_misc
1643 Type = btrfs
1644 Type = configfs
1645 Type = debugfs
1646 Type = devtmpfs
1647 Type = efivarfs
1648 Type = exfat
1649 Type = ext2
1650 Type = ext3
1651 Type = ext4
1652 Type = f2fs
1653 Type = fuse
1654 Type = fusectl
1655 Type = gfs2
1656 Type = hugetlbfs
1657 Type = iso9660
1658 Type = jfs
1659 Type = mqueue
1660 Type = msdos
1661 Type = nfs
1662 Type = nilfs2
1663 Type = ntfs
1664 Type = ntfs3
1665 Type = ocfs2
1666 Type = overlay
1667 Type = proc
1668 Type = reiserfs
1669 Type = tmpfs
1670 Type = tracefs
1671 Type = udf
1672 Type = vfat
1673 Type = virtiofs
1674 Type = xfs
1675 ## invalid values
1676 Type = invalid
1677 Type = invalid ext4
1678 # multiple values
1679 Type = btrfs ext4
1682 ###### fs type set list
1683 ## list of fs type names and fs set names
1684 [Service]
1685 RestrictFileSystems = @auxiliary-api btrfs \
1686   nfs @temporary unknown
1689 ###### group and user
1690 [Service]
1691 User = 0
1692 User = 1000
1693 Group = 100
1694 User = some-name
1695 Group = some_name
1696 User = _some-name-1
1697 User = name1
1698 # using specifiers
1699 User = %i
1700 User = name-%i
1701 User = some-%i-name
1702 User = %U-name
1703 User = some-%i-name-%U
1704 ## invalid values
1705 # no negative integers
1706 User = -1000
1707 # no float
1708 User = 100.0
1709 # no name with leading digit
1710 User = 1name
1711 # no name with leading hyphen
1712 User = -name
1713 # multiple values
1714 User = 1000 1001
1717 ###### group list
1718 [Service]
1719 SupplementaryGroups = some-name %U some%iname \
1720   %Uname 1001 name%U
1723 ###### io scheduling class
1724 # see systemd.exec
1725 [Service]
1726 IOSchedulingClass = 0
1727 IOSchedulingClass = 1
1728 IOSchedulingClass = 2
1729 IOSchedulingClass = 3
1730 IOSchedulingClass = best-effort
1731 IOSchedulingClass = idle
1732 IOSchedulingClass = realtime
1733 ## invalid values
1734 IOSchedulingClass = invalid
1735 IOSchedulingClass = none
1736 IOSchedulingClass = 4
1737 IOSchedulingClass = 123
1738 IOSchedulingClass = -1
1739 # multiple values
1740 IOSchedulingClass = 1 idle
1741 IOSchedulingClass = idle idle
1742 IOSchedulingClass = idle 1
1745 ###### ip address list
1746 [Service]
1747 IPAddressAllow = any
1748 IPAddressAllow = localhost
1749 IPAddressAllow = link-local
1750 IPAddressDeny = multicast
1751 IPAddressAllow = localhost \
1752   multicast
1753 IPAddressAllow = ::1/128 fe80::/64
1754 ## invalid values
1755 IPAddressAllow = invalid
1758 ###### ip bind
1759 [Socket]
1760 BindIPv6Only = both
1761 BindIPv6Only = default
1762 BindIPv6Only = ipv6-only
1763 ## invalid values
1764 BindIPv6Only = invalid
1765 # multiple values
1766 BindIPv6Only = both default
1769 ###### io scheduling priority
1770 [Service]
1771 IOSchedulingPriority = 0
1772 IOSchedulingPriority = 1
1773 IOSchedulingPriority = 2
1774 IOSchedulingPriority = 3
1775 IOSchedulingPriority = 4
1776 IOSchedulingPriority = 5
1777 IOSchedulingPriority = 6
1778 IOSchedulingPriority = 7
1779 ## invalid values
1780 IOSchedulingPriority = 8
1781 IOSchedulingPriority = 123
1782 IOSchedulingPriority = -1
1783 # multiple values
1784 IOSchedulingPriority = 0 3
1787 ###### ip tos (terms-of-service)
1788 [Socket]
1789 IPTOS = 15
1790 IPTOS = low-cost
1791 IPTOS = low-delay
1792 IPTOS = reliability
1793 IPTOS = throughput
1794 ## invalid values
1795 IPTOS = invalid
1796 # multiple values
1797 IPTOS = 15 20
1798 IPTOS = low-delay 15
1801 ###### keyring mode
1802 [Service]
1803 KeyringMode = inherit
1804 KeyringMode = private
1805 KeyringMode = shared
1806 ## invalid values
1807 KeyringMode = invalid
1808 # multiple values
1809 KeyringMode = shared private
1812 ###### kill mode
1813 [Service]
1814 KillMode = control-group
1815 KillMode = mixed
1816 KillMode = none
1817 KillMode = process
1818 ## invalid values
1819 KillMode = invalid
1820 # multiple values
1821 KillMode = mixed process
1824 ###### limit bytes
1825 [Service]
1826 LimitFSIZE = 123
1827 LimitFSIZE = 12K
1828 LimitFSIZE = 12M
1829 LimitFSIZE = 12G
1830 LimitFSIZE = 12T
1831 LimitFSIZE = 12P
1832 LimitFSIZE = 12E
1833 LimitFSIZE = 12 G
1834 LimitFSIZE = 12G:24G
1835 LimitFSIZE = 12 G:24 G
1836 LimitFSIZE = 12 G: 24 G
1837 LimitFSIZE = 12 G :24 G
1838 LimitFSIZE = 12 G : 24 G
1839 LimitFSIZE = infinity
1840 ## invalid values
1841 LimitFSIZE = invalid
1842 # invalid bytes suffix
1843 LimitFSIZE = 12g
1844 LimitFSIZE = 12H
1847 ###### limit nice level
1848 [Service]
1849 LimitNICE = -1
1850 LimitNICE = -12
1851 LimitNICE = -20
1852 LimitNICE = +1
1853 LimitNICE = +12
1854 LimitNICE = +19
1855 LimitNICE = 0
1856 LimitNICE = 9
1857 LimitNICE = 12
1858 LimitNICE = 23
1859 LimitNICE = 34
1860 LimitNICE = 40
1861 LimitNICE = -10:+10
1862 LimitNICE = 20:30
1863 LimitNICE = infinity
1864 ## invalid values
1865 LimitNICE = invalid
1866 LimitNICE = 0.2
1867 LimitNICE = 20 : infinity
1868 LimitNICE = infinity : 20
1869 # out of range
1870 LimitNICE = -21
1871 LimitNICE = -123
1872 LimitNICE = +20
1873 LimitNICE = +123
1874 LimitNICE = 41
1875 LimitNICE = 123
1878 ###### limit number
1879 [Service]
1880 LimitNOFILE = 123
1881 LimitNOFILE = 123:321
1882 LimitNOFILE = infinity
1883 ## invalid values
1884 LimitNOFILE = invalid
1885 # negative values
1886 LimitNOFILE = -123
1889 ###### limit time span
1890 [Service]
1891 LimitCPU = 15s 10us : 20s 5ms
1892 LimitCPU = infinity
1893 ## invalid values
1894 # only a single infinity
1895 LimitCPU = infinity : infinity
1896 LimitCPU = infinity : 10s 15ms
1897 LimitCPU = 10s 15ms : infinity
1900 ###### log facility
1901 [Service]
1902 SyslogFacility = auth
1903 SyslogFacility = authpriv
1904 SyslogFacility = cron
1905 SyslogFacility = daemon
1906 SyslogFacility = ftp
1907 SyslogFacility = kern
1908 SyslogFacility = local0
1909 SyslogFacility = local1
1910 SyslogFacility = local2
1911 SyslogFacility = local3
1912 SyslogFacility = local4
1913 SyslogFacility = local5
1914 SyslogFacility = local6
1915 SyslogFacility = local7
1916 SyslogFacility = lpr
1917 SyslogFacility = mail
1918 SyslogFacility = news
1919 SyslogFacility = syslog
1920 SyslogFacility = user
1921 SyslogFacility = uucp
1922 ## invalid values
1923 SyslogFacility = invalid
1924 # multiple values
1925 SyslogFacility = cron daemon
1928 ###### log level
1929 [Service]
1930 LogLevelMax = alert
1931 LogLevelMax = crit
1932 LogLevelMax = debug
1933 LogLevelMax = emerg
1934 LogLevelMax = err
1935 LogLevelMax = info
1936 LogLevelMax = notice
1937 LogLevelMax = warning
1938 ## invalid values
1939 LogLevelMax = invalid
1940 # multiple values
1941 LogLevelMax = info notice
1944 ###### memory mapping
1945 [Service]
1946 CoredumpFilter = all
1947 CoredumpFilter = default
1948 CoredumpFilter = private-anonymous
1949 CoredumpFilter = shared-anonymous
1950 CoredumpFilter = private-file-backed
1951 CoredumpFilter = shared-file-backed
1952 CoredumpFilter = elf-headers
1953 CoredumpFilter = private-huge
1954 CoredumpFilter = shared-huge
1955 CoredumpFilter = private-dax
1956 CoredumpFilter = shared-dax
1957 # multiple values
1958 CoredumpFilter = private-file-backed shared-dax
1959 ## invalid values
1960 CoredumpFilter = invalid
1961 CoredumpFilter = private-file-backed invalid elf-headers
1962 CoredumpFilter = invalid shared-dax
1963 # only spaces as separator
1964 CoredumpFilter = private-file-backed, shared-dax
1967 ###### mount flag
1968 [Service]
1969 MountFlags = private
1970 MountFlags = shared
1971 MountFlags = slave
1972 ## invalid values
1973 MountFlags = invalid
1974 # multiple values
1975 MountFlags = shared slave
1978 ###### nice level
1979 [Service]
1980 Nice = -1
1981 Nice = -12
1982 Nice = -20
1983 Nice = +1
1984 Nice = +12
1985 Nice = +19
1986 Nice = 0
1987 Nice = 12
1988 Nice = 19
1989 ## invalid values
1990 Nice = invalid
1991 Nice = 0.2
1992 # out of range
1993 Nice = -21
1994 Nice = -123
1995 Nice = +20
1996 Nice = +123
1997 Nice = 20
1998 Nice = 30
1999 Nice = 123
2000 # multiple values
2001 Nice = 12 34
2004 ###### notify access
2005 [Service]
2006 NotifyAccess = all
2007 NotifyAccess = exec
2008 NotifyAccess = main
2009 NotifyAccess = none
2010 ## invalid values
2011 NotifyAccess = invalid
2012 # multiple values
2013 NotifyAccess = exec none
2016 ###### numa mask
2017 [Service]
2018 NUMAMask = all
2019 NUMAMask = 1,2,3-8
2020 ## invalid values
2021 NUMAMask = invalid
2022 # both all and cpu index list
2023 NUMAMask = all, 1,2,3-8
2024 NUMAMask = 1,2,3-8, all
2027 ###### numa policy
2028 [Service]
2029 NUMAPolicy = bind
2030 NUMAPolicy = default
2031 NUMAPolicy = interleave
2032 NUMAPolicy = local
2033 NUMAPolicy = preferred
2034 ## invalid values
2035 NUMAPolicy = invalid
2036 # multiple values
2037 NUMAPolicy = interleave local
2040 ###### on failure job mode
2041 [Unit]
2042 OnFailureJobMode = fail
2043 OnFailureJobMode = flush
2044 OnFailureJobMode = ignore-dependencies
2045 OnFailureJobMode = ignore-requirements
2046 OnFailureJobMode = isolate
2047 OnFailureJobMode = replace
2048 OnFailureJobMode = replace-irreversibly
2049 ## invalid values
2050 OnFailureJobMode = invalid
2051 OnFailureJobMode = invalid fail
2052 # multiple values
2053 OnFailureJobMode = replace fail
2056 ###### oom behavior (out-of-memory killer behavior)
2057 [Service]
2058 ManagedOOMSwap = auto
2059 ManagedOOMSwap = kill
2060 ## invalid values
2061 ManagedOOMSwap = invalid
2062 # multiple values
2063 ManagedOOMSwap = auto kill
2066 ###### oom preference (out-of-memory killer preference)
2067 [Service]
2068 ManagedOOMPreference = avoid
2069 ManagedOOMPreference = none
2070 ManagedOOMPreference = omit
2071 ## invalid values
2072 ManagedOOMPreference = invalid
2073 # multiple values
2074 ManagedOOMPreference = avoid none
2077 ###### oom policy (out-of-memory killer policy)
2078 [Service]
2079 OOMPolicy = continue
2080 OOMPolicy = kill
2081 OOMPolicy = stop
2082 ## invalid values
2083 OOMPolicy = invalid
2084 # multiple values
2085 OOMPolicy = kill stop
2088 ###### oom score adjust (out-of-memory killer score adjustment)
2089 [Service]
2090 OOMScoreAdjust = -1000
2091 OOMScoreAdjust = -123
2092 OOMScoreAdjust = 0
2093 OOMScoreAdjust = 321
2094 OOMScoreAdjust = +321
2095 OOMScoreAdjust = +1000
2096 OOMScoreAdjust = 1000
2097 ## invalid values
2098 OOMScoreAdjust = invalid
2099 OOMScoreAdjust = 1.2
2100 # out of range
2101 OOMScoreAdjust = -1001
2102 OOMScoreAdjust = +1001
2103 OOMScoreAdjust = 1001
2105 ###### open file option
2106 [Service]
2107 OpenFile = /some/path/:some-name:append,graceful,read-only,truncate
2108 ## invalid values
2109 OpenFile = /some/path/:some-name:some,invalid,options
2111 ###### percent
2112 [Slice]
2113 CPUQuota = 0.1%
2114 CPUQuota = 12 %
2115 CPUQuota = 123.4%
2116 ## invalid values
2117 CPUQuota = 10
2118 CPUQuota = invalid
2119 # multiple values
2120 CPUQuota = 10% 20%
2123 ###### personality
2124 [Service]
2125 Personality = arm
2126 Personality = arm-be
2127 Personality = arm64
2128 Personality = arm64-be
2129 Personality = ppc
2130 Personality = ppc-le
2131 Personality = ppc64
2132 Personality = ppc64-le
2133 Personality = s390
2134 Personality = s390x
2135 Personality = x86
2136 Personality = x86-64
2137 ## invalid values
2138 Personality = invalid
2139 Personality = alpha
2140 Personality = m68k
2141 # multiple values
2142 Personality = x86-64 s390x
2145 ###### proc subset
2146 [Service]
2147 ProcSubset = all
2148 ProcSubset = pid
2149 ## invalid values
2150 ProcSubset = invalid
2151 # multiple values
2152 ProcSubset = all pid
2155 ###### protect home
2156 [Service]
2157 ProtectHome = read-only
2158 ProtectHome = tmpfs
2159 ProtectHome = true
2160 ProtectHome = false
2161 ProtectHome = yes
2162 ## invalid values
2163 ProtectHome = invalid
2164 # multiple values
2165 ProtectHome = tmpfs true
2168 ###### protect system
2169 [Service]
2170 ProtectSystem = full
2171 ProtectSystem = strict
2172 ProtectSystem = true
2173 ProtectSystem = false
2174 ProtectSystem = yes
2175 ProtectSystem = no
2176 ## invalid values
2177 ProtectSystem = invalid
2178 # multiple values
2179 ProtectSystem = full true
2182 ###### restart
2183 [Service]
2184 Restart = always
2185 Restart = no
2186 Restart = on-abnormal
2187 Restart = on-abort
2188 Restart = on-failure
2189 Restart = on-success
2190 Restart = on-watchdog
2191 ## invalid values
2192 Restart = invalid
2193 # multiple values
2194 Restart = no on-abort
2197 ###### runtime directory preserve
2198 [Service]
2199 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = restart
2200 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = true
2201 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = false
2202 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = yes
2203 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = no
2204 ## invalid values
2205 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = invalid
2206 # multiple values
2207 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve = restart no
2210 ###### secure bits list
2211 [Service]
2212 SecureBits = keep-caps
2213 SecureBits = keep-caps-locked
2214 SecureBits = no-setuid-fixup
2215 SecureBits = no-setuid-fixup-locked
2216 SecureBits = noroot
2217 SecureBits = noroot-locked
2218 SecureBits = keep-caps noroot-locked \
2219   no-setuid-fixup
2220 ## invalid values
2221 SecureBits = invalid
2224 ###### security
2225 [Unit]
2226 ConditionSecurity = apparmor
2227 ConditionSecurity = audit
2228 ConditionSecurity = ima
2229 ConditionSecurity = selinux
2230 ConditionSecurity = smack
2231 ConditionSecurity = tomoyo
2232 ConditionSecurity = tpm2
2233 ConditionSecurity = uefi-secureboot
2234 ## invalid values
2235 ConditionSecurity = invalid
2236 # multiple values
2237 ConditionSecurity = invalid selinux
2238 ConditionSecurity = apparmor selinux
2241 ###### service type
2242 [Service]
2243 Type = dbus
2244 Type = exec
2245 Type = forking
2246 Type = idle
2247 Type = notify
2248 Type = oneshot
2249 Type = simple
2250 ## invalid values
2251 Type = invalid
2252 # multiple values
2253 Type = exec forking
2256 ###### signal
2257 [Service]
2258 KillSignal = SIGABRT
2259 KillSignal = SIGALRM
2260 KillSignal = SIGBUS
2261 KillSignal = SIGCHLD
2262 KillSignal = SIGCLD
2263 KillSignal = SIGCONT
2264 KillSignal = SIGEMT
2265 KillSignal = SIGFPE
2266 KillSignal = SIGHUP
2267 KillSignal = SIGILL
2268 KillSignal = SIGINFO
2269 KillSignal = SIGINT
2270 KillSignal = SIGIO
2271 KillSignal = SIGIOT
2272 KillSignal = SIGKILL
2273 KillSignal = SIGLOST
2274 KillSignal = SIGPIPE
2275 KillSignal = SIGPOLL
2276 KillSignal = SIGPROF
2277 KillSignal = SIGPWR
2278 KillSignal = SIGQUIT
2279 KillSignal = SIGSEGV
2280 KillSignal = SIGSTKFLT
2281 KillSignal = SIGSTOP
2282 KillSignal = SIGSYS
2283 KillSignal = SIGTERM
2284 KillSignal = SIGTRAP
2285 KillSignal = SIGTSTP
2286 KillSignal = SIGTTIN
2287 KillSignal = SIGTTOU
2288 KillSignal = SIGUNUSED
2289 KillSignal = SIGURG
2290 KillSignal = SIGUSR1
2291 KillSignal = SIGUSR2
2292 KillSignal = SIGVTALRM
2293 KillSignal = SIGWINCH
2294 KillSignal = SIGXCPU
2295 KillSignal = SIGXFSZ
2296 ## invalid values
2297 KillSignal = SIG_INVALID
2300 ###### socket bind rule
2301 [Service]
2302 SocketBindAllow = any
2303 SocketBindAllow = ipv4:
2304 SocketBindAllow = ipv4:tcp:
2305 SocketBindAllow = ipv4:tcp:12345
2306 SocketBindAllow = ipv4:tcp:1-123
2307 SocketBindAllow = ipv6:udp:1-123
2308 SocketBindAllow = ipv6: udp:  1  -  123
2309 SocketBindAllow = tcp:
2310 SocketBindAllow = 12345
2311 SocketBindAllow = 123-456
2312 ## invalid values
2313 SocketBindAllow = ipv4 :
2314 SocketBindAllow = ipv5:tcp:
2315 SocketBindAllow = ipv4:udcp:
2316 SocketBindAllow = tcp:ipv4
2317 SocketBindAllow = ipv4:tcp: 12345
2318 # multiple values
2319 SocketBindAllow = any ipv4:
2322 ###### socket protocol
2323 [Socket]
2324 SocketProtocol = sctp
2325 SocketProtocol = udplite
2326 ## invalid values
2327 SocketProtocol = invalid
2328 # multiple values
2329 SocketProtocol = sctp udplite
2332 ###### standard input
2333 [Service]
2334 StandardInput = data
2335 StandardInput = fd
2336 StandardInput = fd:some_name
2337 StandardInput = file:/some/absolute/path
2338 StandardInput = null
2339 StandardInput = socket
2340 StandardInput = tty
2341 StandardInput = tty-fail
2342 StandardInput = tty-force
2343 ## invalid values
2344 StandardInput = invalid
2345 # multiple values
2346 StandardInput = null tty
2347 StandardInput = file:/some/absolute/path socket
2348 # no absolute path immediately after `file:`
2349 StandardInput = file:
2350 StandardInput = file:some//path
2351 StandardInput = file: /some/absolute/path
2354 ###### standard output
2355 [Service]
2356 # NOTE: Option StandardError accepts the same values.
2357 StandardOutput = append:/some/absolute/path
2358 StandardOutput = fd
2359 StandardOutput = fd:some_name
2360 StandardOutput = file:/some/absolute/path
2361 StandardOutput = inherit
2362 StandardOutput = journal
2363 StandardOutput = journal+console
2364 StandardOutput = kmsg
2365 StandardOutput = kmsg+console
2366 StandardOutput = null
2367 StandardOutput = socket
2368 StandardOutput = truncate:/some/absolute/path
2369 StandardOutput = tty
2370 ## invalid values
2371 StandardOutput = invalid
2372 StandardOutput = syslog
2373 # no absolute path immediately after append:, file:
2374 StandardOutput = append:
2375 StandardOutput = append:some/relative/path
2376 StandardOutput = append: /some/relative/path
2377 StandardOutput = file:
2378 StandardOutput = file:some/relative/path
2379 StandardOutput = file: /some/relative/path
2380 # multiple values
2381 StandardOutput = null tty
2382 StandardOutput = file:/some/absolute/path socket
2385 ###### system call architecture
2386 [Service]
2387 SystemCallArchitectures = mips64-le-n32
2388 SystemCallArchitectures = mips64-n32
2389 SystemCallArchitectures = native
2390 SystemCallArchitectures = x32
2391 # all values from "architecture" are also valid
2392 SystemCallArchitectures = alpha \
2393   mips sparc
2394 ## invalid values
2395 SystemCallArchitectures = invalid
2398 ###### system call errno
2399 [Service]
2400 SystemCallErrorNumber = kill
2401 SystemCallErrorNumber = log
2402 # from man errno(3)
2403 SystemCallErrorNumber = EACCES
2404 SystemCallErrorNumber = EADDRINUSE
2405 SystemCallErrorNumber = EADDRNOTAVAIL
2406 SystemCallErrorNumber = EAFNOSUPPORT
2407 SystemCallErrorNumber = EAGAIN
2408 SystemCallErrorNumber = EALREADY
2409 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADE
2410 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADF
2411 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADFD
2412 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADMSG
2413 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADR
2414 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADRQC
2415 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBADSLT
2416 SystemCallErrorNumber = EBUSY
2417 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECANCELED
2418 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECHILD
2419 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECHRNG
2420 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECOMM
2421 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECONNABORTED
2422 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECONNREFUSED
2423 SystemCallErrorNumber = ECONNRESET
2424 SystemCallErrorNumber = EDEADLK
2425 SystemCallErrorNumber = EDEADLOCK
2426 SystemCallErrorNumber = EDESTADDRREQ
2427 SystemCallErrorNumber = EDOM
2428 SystemCallErrorNumber = EDQUOT
2429 SystemCallErrorNumber = EEXIST
2430 SystemCallErrorNumber = EFAULT
2431 SystemCallErrorNumber = EFBIG
2432 SystemCallErrorNumber = EHOSTDOWN
2433 SystemCallErrorNumber = EHOSTUNREACH
2434 SystemCallErrorNumber = EHWPOISON
2435 SystemCallErrorNumber = EIDRM
2436 SystemCallErrorNumber = EILSEQ
2437 SystemCallErrorNumber = EINPROGRESS
2438 SystemCallErrorNumber = EINTR
2439 SystemCallErrorNumber = EINVAL
2440 SystemCallErrorNumber = EIO
2441 SystemCallErrorNumber = EISCONN
2442 SystemCallErrorNumber = EISDIR
2443 SystemCallErrorNumber = EISNAM
2444 SystemCallErrorNumber = EKEYEXPIRED
2445 SystemCallErrorNumber = EKEYREJECTED
2446 SystemCallErrorNumber = EKEYREVOKED
2447 SystemCallErrorNumber = EL2HLT
2448 SystemCallErrorNumber = EL2NSYNC
2449 SystemCallErrorNumber = EL3HLT
2450 SystemCallErrorNumber = EL3RST
2451 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELIBACC
2452 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELIBBAD
2453 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELIBEXEC
2454 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELIBMAX
2455 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELIBSCN
2456 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELNRNG
2457 SystemCallErrorNumber = ELOOP
2458 SystemCallErrorNumber = EMEDIUMTYPE
2459 SystemCallErrorNumber = EMFILE
2460 SystemCallErrorNumber = EMLINK
2461 SystemCallErrorNumber = EMSGSIZE
2462 SystemCallErrorNumber = EMULTIHOP
2463 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENAMETOOLONG
2464 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENETDOWN
2465 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENETRESET
2466 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENETUNREACH
2467 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENFILE
2468 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOANO
2469 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOBUFS
2470 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENODATA
2471 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENODEV
2472 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOENT
2473 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOEXEC
2474 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOKEY
2475 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOLCK
2476 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOLINK
2477 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOMEDIUM
2478 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOMEM
2479 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOMSG
2480 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENONET
2481 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOPKG
2482 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOPROTOOPT
2483 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOSPC
2484 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOSR
2485 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOSTR
2486 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOSYS
2487 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTBLK
2488 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTCONN
2489 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTDIR
2490 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTEMPTY
2491 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTRECOVERABLE
2492 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTSOCK
2493 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTSUP
2494 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTTY
2495 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENOTUNIQ
2496 SystemCallErrorNumber = ENXIO
2497 SystemCallErrorNumber = EOPNOTSUPP
2498 SystemCallErrorNumber = EOVERFLOW
2499 SystemCallErrorNumber = EOWNERDEAD
2500 SystemCallErrorNumber = EPERM
2501 SystemCallErrorNumber = EPFNOSUPPORT
2502 SystemCallErrorNumber = EPIPE
2503 SystemCallErrorNumber = EPROTO
2504 SystemCallErrorNumber = EPROTONOSUPPORT
2505 SystemCallErrorNumber = EPROTOTYPE
2506 SystemCallErrorNumber = ERANGE
2507 SystemCallErrorNumber = EREMCHG
2508 SystemCallErrorNumber = EREMOTE
2509 SystemCallErrorNumber = EREMOTEIO
2510 SystemCallErrorNumber = ERESTART
2511 SystemCallErrorNumber = ERFKILL
2512 SystemCallErrorNumber = EROFS
2513 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESHUTDOWN
2514 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESOCKTNOSUPPORT
2515 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESPIPE
2516 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESRCH
2517 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESTALE
2518 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESTRPIPE
2519 SystemCallErrorNumber = ETIME
2520 SystemCallErrorNumber = ETIMEDOUT
2521 SystemCallErrorNumber = ETOOMANYREFS
2522 SystemCallErrorNumber = ETXTBSY
2523 SystemCallErrorNumber = EUCLEAN
2524 SystemCallErrorNumber = EUNATCH
2525 SystemCallErrorNumber = EUSERS
2526 SystemCallErrorNumber = EWOULDBLOCK
2527 SystemCallErrorNumber = EXDEV
2528 SystemCallErrorNumber = EXFULL
2529 SystemCallErrorNumber = 1
2530 SystemCallErrorNumber = 12
2531 SystemCallErrorNumber = 123
2532 SystemCallErrorNumber = 1234
2533 SystemCallErrorNumber = 2
2534 SystemCallErrorNumber = 23
2535 SystemCallErrorNumber = 234
2536 SystemCallErrorNumber = 2345
2537 SystemCallErrorNumber = 3
2538 SystemCallErrorNumber = 34
2539 SystemCallErrorNumber = 345
2540 SystemCallErrorNumber = 3456
2541 SystemCallErrorNumber = 3999
2542 SystemCallErrorNumber = 4000
2543 SystemCallErrorNumber = 4009
2544 SystemCallErrorNumber = 4019
2545 SystemCallErrorNumber = 4089
2546 SystemCallErrorNumber = 4095
2547 ## invalid values
2548 SystemCallErrorNumber = invalid
2549 SystemCallErrorNumber = -12
2550 SystemCallErrorNumber = 0.12
2551 # out of range
2552 SystemCallErrorNumber = 0
2553 SystemCallErrorNumber = 4096
2554 SystemCallErrorNumber = 5000
2555 # multiple values
2556 SystemCallErrorNumber = ESPIPE EUCLEAN
2557 SystemCallErrorNumber = 123 EUCLEAN
2560 ###### time span
2561 [Timer]
2562 # without unit
2563 OnBootSec = 15
2564 # micro second
2565 OnBootSec = 123 usec
2566 OnBootSec = 123us
2567 OnBootSec = 123 µs
2568 # milli second
2569 OnBootSec = 123 msec
2570 OnBootSec = 123ms
2571 # second
2572 OnBootSec = 74 s
2573 OnBootSec = 2sec
2574 OnBootSec = 12 second
2575 OnBootSec = 1 seconds
2576 # minute
2577 OnBootSec = 342 m
2578 OnBootSec = 2min
2579 OnBootSec = 7 minute
2580 OnBootSec = 1 minutes
2581 # hour
2582 OnBootSec = 2 h
2583 OnBootSec = 48   hr
2584 OnBootSec = 2hour
2585 OnBootSec = 2hours
2586 # day
2587 OnBootSec = 2 d
2588 OnBootSec = 1 day
2589 OnBootSec = 7  days
2590 # week
2591 OnBootSec = 2 w
2592 OnBootSec = 123 week
2593 OnBootSec = 0 weeks
2594 # month
2595 OnBootSec = 12 M
2596 OnBootSec = 7 month
2597 OnBootSec = 1 months
2598 # year
2599 OnBootSec = 1y
2600 OnBootSec = 123year
2601 OnBootSec = 12 years
2602 # combined
2603 OnBootSec = 55s500ms
2604 OnBootSec = 300ms20s 5day
2605 OnBootSec = 123 5 days 1m 12 1sec 123 \
2606   23 msec 13 1us
2607 # multiple hours
2608 OnBootSec = 7hr 2hr \
2609   1d 2w
2610 ## invalid values
2611 # mi is invalid
2612 OnBootSec = 1mi
2613 # hs is invalid
2614 OnBootSec = 2hs
2615 # ds is invalid
2616 OnBootSec = 7 ds 1y
2617 # unit without amount
2618 OnBootSec = 12 min sec
2619 OnBootSec = min 1 sec
2620 # invalid unit
2621 OnBootSec = 12foo 1 bar
2624 ###### timeout
2625 # all values from time span are valid
2626 [Unit]
2627 JobTimeoutSec = 0
2628 JobTimeoutSec = 12345
2629 JobTimeoutSec = 123 5 days 1m 12 1sec 123\
2630   23 msec 13 1us
2631 JobTimeoutSec = infinity
2632 ## invalid values
2633 JobTimeoutSec = invalid
2634 JobTimeoutSec = inf
2635 JobTimeoutSec = -10
2636 JobTimeoutSec = 0.235
2639 ###### timestamping
2640 [Socket]
2641 Timestamping = ns
2642 Timestamping = nsec
2643 Timestamping = off
2644 Timestamping = us
2645 Timestamping = usec
2646 Timestamping = µs
2647 ## invalid values
2648 Timestamping = nanosec
2649 # multiple values
2650 Timestamping = nsec off
2653 ###### unit
2654 [Path]
2655 #### names
2656 Unit = some-name.service
2657 Unit = some.name.service
2658 Unit = some:name.service
2659 Unit = some@.service
2660 Unit = some@instance.service
2661 Unit = some@other-instance.service
2662 Unit = some@other.instance.service
2663 Unit = some@other:instance.service
2664 Unit = some@other@instance.service
2665 Unit = some@other%iinstance.service
2666 Unit = systemd-fsck@dev-nvme0n1p2.service
2667 Unit = some@%i.service
2668 Unit = dev-disk-by\x2duuid-5af23b\x2dfde6\x2d424e\x2da1bb\x2de88bc.swap
2669 ## invalid names
2670 # \x2x is an invalid escape as 2x is no hex number
2671 Unit = dev-disk-by\x2xuuid-5af23b\x2dfde6\x2d424e\x2da1bb\x2de88bc.swap
2672 #### extensions
2673 Unit = some.automount
2674 Unit = some.device
2675 Unit = some.mount
2676 Unit = some.service
2677 Unit = some.socket
2678 Unit = some.slice
2679 Unit = some.swap
2680 Unit = some.target
2681 ## invalid extension
2682 Unit = some.invalid
2683 # incomplete unit, missing extension
2684 Unit = some.
2685 # multiple values
2686 Unit = some.service some-other.service
2687 Unit = some.service.service \
2688   some.other.service.service
2691 ###### unit list
2692 [Unit]
2693 #### names
2694 After = some.service.service \
2695   some.other.service.service \
2696   some@instance.service \
2697   some@%i.service
2698 ## invalid values
2699 # incomplete unit, missing extension
2700 After = some. \
2701   some.service \
2702   some-other.service
2705 ###### unit list socket
2706 [Service]
2707 Sockets = some.socket some@instance.socket
2708 ## invalid values
2709 Sockets = some.service
2710 Sockets = some.service some.socket
2713 ###### unit service
2714 [Socket]
2715 Service = some.service
2716 Service = some@instance.service
2717 ## invalid values
2718 Service = some.invalid
2719 # other unit types
2720 Service = some.socket
2721 Service = some.target
2722 # multiple values
2723 Service = some.service other.service
2726 ###### unit slice
2727 [Service]
2728 Slice = some.slice
2729 Slice = some@instance.slice
2730 ## invalid values
2731 # other unit types
2732 Slice = some.service
2733 Slice = some.target
2734 # multiple values
2735 Slice = some.slice other.slice
2738 ###### utmp mode
2739 [Service]
2740 UtmpMode = init
2741 UtmpMode = login
2742 UtmpMode = user
2743 ## invalid values
2744 UtmpMode = invalid
2745 # multiple values
2746 UtmpMode = login user
2749 ###### variable assignments
2750 [Service]
2751 Environment = DISPLAY=:%i
2752 Environment = XAUTHORITY=%t/Xauthority.%i var1=15 \
2753   "var2=value with spaces" EMPTY=
2754 Environment = XDG_VTNR=vt%i
2755 LogExtraFields = NAME=VALUE
2758 ###### virtualization
2759 [Unit]
2760 ConditionVirtualization = acrn
2761 ConditionVirtualization = bhyve
2762 ConditionVirtualization = bochs
2763 ConditionVirtualization = docker
2764 ConditionVirtualization = kvm
2765 ConditionVirtualization = lxc
2766 ConditionVirtualization = lxc-libvirt
2767 ConditionVirtualization = microsoft
2768 ConditionVirtualization = openvz
2769 ConditionVirtualization = oracle
2770 ConditionVirtualization = parallels
2771 ConditionVirtualization = qemu
2772 ConditionVirtualization = qnx
2773 ConditionVirtualization = rkt
2774 ConditionVirtualization = sre
2775 ConditionVirtualization = systemd-nspawn
2776 ConditionVirtualization = uml
2777 ConditionVirtualization = vmware
2778 ConditionVirtualization = wsl
2779 ConditionVirtualization = xen
2780 ConditionVirtualization = zvm
2781 # using boolean
2782 ConditionVirtualization = true
2783 # using generic type
2784 ConditionVirtualization = container
2785 ConditionVirtualization = vm
2786 # private users
2787 ConditionVirtualization = private-users
2788 # negated
2789 ConditionVirtualization = !vmware
2790 ## invalid values
2791 ConditionVirtualization = invalid
2792 ConditionVirtualization = invalid vmware
2793 # multiple values
2794 ConditionVirtualization = xen vmware
2797 ###### weight
2798 [Service]
2799 # integer 1..10000
2800 IOWeight = 1
2801 IOWeight = 12
2802 IOWeight = 123
2803 IOWeight = 1234
2804 IOWeight = 1234
2805 IOWeight = 10000
2806 ## invalid values
2807 IOWeight = -1
2808 IOWeight = 0
2809 IOWeight = 10001
2810 IOWeight = 12345
2811 IOWeight = 12.3
2812 IOWeight = invalid
2813 # multiple values
2814 IOWeight = 1 10000
2817 ###### working directory
2818 [Service]
2819 WorkingDirectory = ~
2820 WorkingDirectory = - ~
2821 WorkingDirectory = %h
2822 WorkingDirectory = /some/absolute/path
2823 WorkingDirectory = -/some/absolute-path
2824 WorkingDirectory = - /some/absolute/path
2825 ## invalid values
2826 # using `-` without a path
2827 WorkingDirectory = -
2828 # multiple paths
2829 WorkingDirectory = ~ /some/absolute/path
2830 WorkingDirectory = /some/absolute/path ~
2831 WorkingDirectory = /some/absolute/path /some/other/path
2832 WorkingDirectory = - - /some/absolute/path