Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/light52_muldiv.vhdl is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002 -- light52_muldiv.vhdl -- Simple multiplier/divider module.
0003 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 -- The 8051 mul and div instructions are both unsigned and operands are 8 bit.
0005 --
0006 -- This module implements the division as a sequential state machine which takes
0007 -- 8 cycles to complete. 
0008 -- The multiplier can be implemented as sequential or as combinational, in which
0009 -- case it will use a DSP block in those architectures that support it.
0010 -- No attempt has been made to make this module generic or reusable.
0011 --
0012 -- If you want a combinational multiplier but don't want to waste a DSP block 
0013 -- in this module, you need to modify this file adding whatever synthesis 
0014 -- pragmas your tool of choice needs.
0015 --
0016 -- Note that unlike the division state machine, the combinational product logic
0017 -- is always operating: when SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER=true, prod_out equals 
0018 -- data_a * data_b with a latency of 1 clock cycle, and mul_ready is hardwired
0019 -- to '1'.
0020 --
0021 -- FIXME explain division algorithm.
0022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0023 -- GENERICS:
0024 -- 
0025 -- SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER        -- Sequential vs. combinational multiplier.
0026 --  When true, a sequential implementation will be used for the multiplier, 
0027 --  which will usually save a lot of logic or a dedicated multiplier.
0028 --  When false, a combinational registered multiplier will be used.
0029 --
0030 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0032 --
0033 -- clk :            Clock, active rising edge.
0034 -- reset :          Synchronous reset. Clears only the control registers not
0035 --                  visible to the programmer -- not the output registers.
0036 -- 
0037 -- data_a :         Numerator input, should be connected to the ACC register.
0038 -- data_b :         Denominator input, should be connected to the B register.
0039 -- start :          Assert for 1 cycle to start the division state machine
0040 --                  (and the product if SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER=true);
0041 -- 
0042 -- prod_out :       Product output, valid only when mul_ready='1'.
0043 -- quot_out :       Quotient output, valid only when div_ready='1'.
0044 -- rem_out :        Remainder output, valid only when div_ready='1'.
0045 -- div_ov_out :     Division overflow flag, valid only when div_ready='1'.
0046 -- mul_ov_out :     Product overflow flag, valid only when mul_ready='1'.
0047 -- 
0048 -- mul_ready :      Asserted permanently if SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER=false.
0049 -- div_ready :      Deasserted the cycle after start is asserted.
0050 --                  Asserted when the division has completed.
0051 --
0052 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0053 -- Copyright (C) 2012 Jose A. Ruiz
0054 --                                                              
0055 -- This source file may be used and distributed without         
0056 -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
0057 -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
0058 -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
0059 --                                                              
0060 -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
0061 -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
0062 -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
0063 -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
0064 -- later version.                                               
0065 --                                                              
0066 -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
0067 -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
0069 -- PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
0070 -- details.                                                     
0071 --                                                              
0072 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
0073 -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
0074 -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml
0075 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0077 library ieee;
0078 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
0079 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
0081 use work.light52_pkg.all;
0082 use work.light52_ucode_pkg.all;
0084 entity light52_muldiv is
0085     generic (
0086         SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER : boolean := false
0087     );
0088     port(
0089         clk :                   in std_logic;
0090         reset :                 in std_logic;
0092         data_a :                in t_byte;
0093         data_b :                in t_byte;
0094         start :                 in std_logic;
0096         prod_out :              out t_word;
0097         quot_out :              out t_byte;
0098         rem_out :               out t_byte;
0099         div_ov_out :            out std_logic;
0100         mul_ov_out :            out std_logic;
0102         mul_ready :             out std_logic;
0103         div_ready :             out std_logic
0104     );
0105 end entity light52_muldiv;
0107 architecture sequential of light52_muldiv is
0109 signal bit_ctr :            integer range 0 to 8;
0111 signal b_shift_reg :        t_word;
0113 signal den_ge_256 :         std_logic;
0114 signal num_ge_den :         std_logic;
0115 signal sub_num :            std_logic;
0117 signal denominator :        t_byte;
0118 signal rem_reg :            t_byte;
0119 signal quot_reg :           t_byte;
0120 signal prod_reg :           t_word;
0121 signal ready :              std_logic;
0123 signal load_regs :          std_logic;
0125 begin
0127 -- Control logic ---------------------------------------------------------------
0129 control_counter: process(clk)
0130     alias sig is <<signal g_test(0).i_test.sig : std_logic>>;
0131 begin
0132     if clk'event and clk='1' then
0133         if reset='1' then
0134             bit_ctr <= 8;
0135         else
0136             if load_regs='1' then
0137                 bit_ctr <= 0;
0138             elsif bit_ctr /= 8 then
0139                 bit_ctr <= bit_ctr + 1;
0140             end if;
0141         end if;
0142     end if;
0143 end process control_counter;
0145 -- Internal signal ready is asserted after 8 cycles.
0146 -- The sequential multiplier will use this signal too, IF it takes 8 cycles.
0148 ready <= '1' when bit_ctr >= 8 else '0';
0151 ---- Divider logic -------------------------------------------------------------
0153 -- What we do is a simple base-2 'shift-and-subtract' algorithm that takes
0154 -- 8 cycles to complete. We can get away with this because we deal with unsigned
0155 -- numbers only.
0157 divider_registers: process(clk)
0158 begin
0159     if clk'event and clk='1' then
0160         -- denominator shift register
0161         if load_regs='1' then
0162             b_shift_reg <= "0" & data_b & "0000000";
0163             -- Division overflow can be determined upon loading B reg data.
0164             -- OV will be raised only on div-by-zero.
0165             if data_b=X"00" then
0166                 div_ov_out <= '1';
0167             else
0168                 div_ov_out <= '0';
0169             end if;
0170         else
0171             b_shift_reg <= "0" & b_shift_reg(b_shift_reg'high downto 1);
0172         end if;
0174         -- numerator register
0175         if load_regs='1' then 
0176             rem_reg <= data_a;
0177         elsif bit_ctr/=8 and sub_num='1' then 
0178             rem_reg <= rem_reg - denominator;
0179         end if;
0181         --- quotient register
0182         if load_regs='1' then
0183             quot_reg <= (others => '0');
0184         elsif bit_ctr/=8 then
0185             quot_reg <= quot_reg(quot_reg'high-1 downto 0) & sub_num;
0186         end if;
0188         load_regs <= start;
0189     end if;
0190 end process divider_registers;
0192 denominator <= b_shift_reg(7 downto 0);
0194 -- The 16-bit comparison between b_shift_reg (denominator) and the zero-extended 
0195 -- rem_reg (numerator) can be simplified by splitting it in 2: 
0196 -- If the shifted denominator high byte is not zero, it is >=256...
0197 den_ge_256 <= '1' when b_shift_reg(15 downto 8) /= X"00" else '0';
0198 -- ...otherwise we need to compare the low bytes.
0199 num_ge_den <= '1' when rem_reg >= denominator else '0';
0200 sub_num <= '1' when den_ge_256='0' and num_ge_den='1' else '0';
0203 quot_out <= quot_reg;
0204 prod_out <= prod_reg;
0205 rem_out <= rem_reg;
0207 div_ready <= ready;
0209 ---- Multiplier logic ----------------------------------------------------------
0211 ---- Combinational multiplier -----------------------------
0212 multiplier_combinational: if not SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER generate
0214 registered_combinational_multiplier:process(clk)
0215 begin
0216     if clk'event and clk='1' then
0217         prod_reg <= data_a * data_b; -- t_byte is unsigned
0218     end if;
0219 end process registered_combinational_multiplier;
0221 -- The multiplier output is valid in the cycle after the operands are loaded,
0222 -- so by the time MUL is executed it's already done.
0223 mul_ready <= '1';
0225 mul_ov_out <= '1' when prod_reg(15 downto 8)/=X"00" else '0';
0226 prod_out <= prod_reg;
0228 end generate multiplier_combinational;
0230 ---- Sequential multiplier --------------------------------
0231 multiplier_sequential: if SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER generate
0233 assert false
0234 report "Sequential multiplier implementation not done yet."&
0235        " Use combinational implementation."
0236 severity failure;
0238 end generate multiplier_sequential;
0240 end sequential;
0243 with Types; use Types;
0244 with Files_Map;
0246 package fixed_pkg is new IEEE.fixed_generic_pkg
0247   generic map (
0248     fixed_overflow_style => IEEE.fixed_float_types.fixed_saturate,
0249     fixed_guard_bits     => 3,
0250     no_warning           => false
0251     );
0253 package p is
0254     type int_ptr is access integer;
0255     type rec is record
0256         data  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
0257         ack   : std_logic;
0258         value : integer;
0259         link  : rec_ptr;
0260     end record;
0261     type int_vec is array (integer range <>) of integer;
0262     type int_vec_ptr is access int_vec;
0263     procedure UNIFORM(variable SEED1, SEED2 : inout POSITIVE; variable X : out REAL);
0264     constant def_arr : t_int_array := (0 to 2 => 10);
0266     -- type range
0267     type newInt is range -4 to 3;
0268     type CAPACITY is range 0 to 1E5 units
0269         pF;
0270         nF = 1000 pF;
0271     end units;
0273     -- type protected
0274     type prot is protected
0275         function meth(a : int) return bit;
0276     end protected;
0278     -- type protected body
0279     type prot is protected body
0280         variable var : positive;
0281         constant const : boolean;
0283         function meth(a : int) return bit is
0284         begin
0285         end function;
0286     end protected body;
0288     function \?=\ (L, R  : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN;
0290 end package;
0292 package body p is
0293     function \?=\ (L, R : BOOLEAN) return BOOLEAN is
0294     begin
0295         if not (format(format'left) = '%') then
0296             report "to_string: Illegal format string """ & format & '"'
0297                 severity error;
0298             return "";
0299         end if;
0300         return L = R;
0301     end function \?=\;
0303     procedure test is
0304         variable v : int_ptr;
0305         variable i : integer;
0306     begin
0307         v := null;
0308         deallocate(v);
0309         v := new integer;
0310         v := new integer'(5);
0311         v.all := 5;
0312         r.all.value := 1;
0313         a := new int_vec(1 to 3);
0314         a.all(5) := 2;
0315         a(1 to 2) := (1, 2);
0316         s := new string'("");
0317     end procedure;
0319     procedure test2(x : inout rec_ptr) is
0320     begin
0321         x.value := x.value + 1;
0322     end procedure;
0324     procedure test3 is
0325         type a;
0326         type a is access integer;
0327         variable v : a;
0328     begin
0329     end procedure;
0331     type int_ptr_array is array (integer range <>) of int_ptr;
0333     procedure tets4 is
0334         type bvp is access bit_vector;
0335         variable y : int_ptr(1 to 3) := int_ptr'(null);
0336     begin
0337     end procedure;
0339     procedure Restore_Origin (Mark : Instance_Index_Type) is
0340     begin
0341         for I in reverse Mark + 1 .. Prev_Instance_Table.Last loop
0342             declare
0343                 El : Instance_Entry_Type renames Prev_Instance_Table.Table (I);
0344             begin
0345                 Origin_Table.Table (El.N) := El.Old_Origin;
0346             end;
0347         end loop;
0348         Prev_Instance_Table.Set_Last (Mark);
0349     end Restore_Origin;
0351     --  Instantiate a list.  Simply create a new list and instantiate nodes of
0352     --  that list.
0353     function Instantiate_Iir_List (L : Iir_List; Is_Ref : Boolean)
0354                                     return Iir_List
0355     is
0356         Res : Iir_List;
0357         El : Iir;
0358     begin
0359         case to_integer(unsigned(CTRL_REF(x*4+3 downto x*4))) is
0360             when Null_Iir_List
0361             | Iir_List_All =>
0362                 return L;
0363             when others =>
0364                 It := List_Iterate (L);
0365                 while Is_Valid (It) loop
0366                     El := Get_Element (It);
0367                     Append_Element (Res, Instantiate_Iir (El, Is_Ref));
0368                 end loop;
0369                 for I in Flist_First .. Flist_Last (L) loop
0370                     Set_Nth_Element (Res, I, Instantiate_Iir (El, Is_Ref));
0371                 end loop;
0372                 return Res;
0373         end case;
0374     end Instantiate_Iir_List;
0375 end package body;
0377 -- Library bar
0378 context foo.test_context;
0380 context foo is
0381     context foo.test_context;
0382 end context foo;
0384 entity concat is
0385 end entity;
0387 entity foo is
0388     port (
0389         x : in my_int );
0390 end entity;
0392 architecture t of concat is
0393     type int_array is array (integer range <>) of integer;
0394     type small is range 1 to 3;
0396     component or_entity is
0397     port(
0398         input_1: in std_logic;
0399         output: out std_logic
0400         );
0401     end component;
0402 begin
0403     process
0404         variable s : string(1 to 5);
0405         variable t : int_array(1 to 2);
0406         variable c : bit_vector(1 to 4);
0407     begin
0408         x := ( 1, 2, 3 );
0409         z := x & y;
0410         w := 1 & x;
0411         s := 'h' & string'("ello");
0412         assert "10" = (b(1) & "0");
0413         wait;
0414     end process;
0416     function CounterVal(Seconds : integer := 0) return integer is
0417         variable TotalSeconds : interger;
0418     begin
0419         TotalSeconds := Seconds + Minutes * 60;
0420         return TotalSeconds * ClockFrequencyHz -1;
0421     end function;
0423     type enum_type is (a, b, c, ..., z);
0424     type int_array is array(3 downto 0) of integer;
0426     subtype addr_int is integer range 0 to 65535;
0427     subtype sub_enum_type is enum_type range a to m;
0429     inst1: entity work.counter1(rtl)
0430         generic map (BITS1 => 8)
0431         port map (
0432             clk1 => Clock,
0433             DATA_OUT   => pwm_data_o(3 downto 5),
0434             COMP_IN(1 downto 0)  => compensate_i,
0435             WRITE_IN   => (others => '0')
0436         );
0438     inst2: component counter2
0439         generic map (BITS1 => 8)
0440         port map (clk1 => Clock);
0442     inst3: configuration counter3
0443         generic map (BITS1 => 8)
0444         port map (clk1 => Clock);
0446     THE_PWM_GEN : pwm_generator
0447         generic map(
0448             dsfds => ds
0449         )
0450         port map(
0451             CLK        => clk_i,
0452             DATA_IN    => pwm_data_i,
0453             DATA_OUT   => pwm_data_o(3 downto 5),
0454             COMP_IN(1 downto 0)  => compensate_i,
0455             WRITE_IN   => (others => '0')
0456         );
0458 end architecture;
0460 architecture a2 of e is
0461     function ">"(a, b: my_int) return boolean;
0462 begin
0463     process is
0464         variable x, y : my_int;
0465     begin
0466         assert x > y;
0467         assert x < y;                   -- Error
0468     end process;
0470     billowitch_tc586: block is
0471         type real_cons_vector  is array (15 downto 0) of real;
0472         type real_cons_vector_file is file of real_cons_vector;
0473         constant C19 : real_cons_vector := (others => 3.0);
0474     begin
0475     end block;
0476 end architecture;
0478 architecture arch of ent is
0479 begin
0480   LL: if test=10 generate
0481    begin
0482    end;
0483   elsif test=5 generate
0484    begin
0485    end;
0486   end generate;
0488   LL: if l1: SPEED = "fast" generate
0489   elsif test=5 generate
0490   end generate;
0491 end architecture arch;
0494 architecture thing_arch of designthing is
0496 component pwm_generator
0497   port(
0498     CLK        : in std_logic;
0499     DATA_IN    : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
0500     );
0501 end component pwm_generator;
0503 attribute NOM_FREQ : string;
0504 attribute NOM_FREQ of clk_source : label is "133.00";
0505 signal clk_i  : std_logic;
0507 begin
0509 gen_no_comp: if TEMP = 0 generate
0510   compensate_i <= (others => '0');
0511 end generate;
0513 gen_no_comp: for i in 0 to TEMP generate
0514   compensate_i <= (others => '0') after 10 ns;
0515   compensate_i <= (others => '0') ;
0516 end generate;
0518 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0519 -- LED blinking when activity on inputs
0520 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0521 PROC_TIMER : process begin
0522   wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
0523   timer <= timer + 1;
0524   wait for 10 ns;
0525   leds <= (last_inp xor inp_status(3 downto 0)) or leds or last_leds;
0526   if timer = 0 then
0527     leds <= not inp_status(3 downto 0);
0528     last_leds <= x"0";
0529   elsif gf then
0530     fdsa <= '1';
0531   end if;
0533   xz: for x in 0 to 7 loop
0534     dsadf;
0535   end loop;
0537   case c is
0538     when XXX =>
0539       c <= 1;
0540       d <= 21321;
0541     when YYYY =>
0542       c <= 2;
0543   end case; 
0544 end process;
0547 generate_with_begin: if TEMP = 0 generate
0548   signal : test : std_logic;
0549 begin
0550   compensate_i <= (others => '0');
0551   if timer = 0 then
0552     leds <= not inp_status(3 downto 0);
0553     last_leds <= x"0";
0554   elsif gf then
0555     fdsa <= '1';
0556   end if;  
0557 end generate generate_with_begin;
0559 PROC_TIMER : process
0560   variable x : std_logic;
0561 begin
0562   x := '0';
0563 end process PROC_TIMER;
0565 end architecture thing_arc;   --this is not correct (wrong name)
0567 1+1
0568 2ns
0570 1_2_3
0571 12_3
0572 1.2
0573 1.2_3
0574 1_3.2_3
0575 12_3e+1
0576 12_3e-1
0577 12_3e1_1
0578 12_3.4e1_1
0579 12_3e1_
0580 12_3e
0582 2#1_2_3#E+8
0583 2#1_2.3#E+8
0584 2#1_f2.3#
0586 3.14159_26536 -- A literal of type universal_real.
0587 5280          -- A literal of type universal_integer.
0588 10.7 ns       -- A literal of a physical type.
0589 O"4777"       -- A bit string literal.
0590 "54LS281"     -- A string literal.
0591 ""            -- A string literal representing a null array.
0592 B"1111_1111_1111" -- Equivalent to the string literal "111111111111".
0593 X"FFF"            -- Equivalent to B"1111_1111_1111".
0594 O"777"            -- Equivalent to B"111_111_111".
0595 X"777"            -- Equivalent to B"0111_0111_0111".
0596 B"XXXX_01LH" -- Equivalent to the string literal "XXXX01LH"
0597 UO"27"       -- Equivalent to B"010_111"
0598 UO"2C"       -- Equivalent to B"011_CCC"
0599 SX"3W"       -- Equivalent to B"0011_WWWW"
0600 D"35"        -- Equivalent to B"100011"
0601 12UB"X1" -- Equivalent to B"0000_0000_00X1"
0602 12SB"X1" -- Equivalent to B"XXXX_XXXX_XXX1"
0603 12UX"F-" -- Equivalent to B"0000_1111_----"
0604 12SX"F-" -- Equivalent to B"1111_1111_----"
0605 12D"13"  -- Equivalent to B"0000_0000_1101"
0606 12UX"000WWW" -- Equivalent to B"WWWW_WWWW_WWWW"
0607 12SX"FFFC00" -- Equivalent to B"1100_0000_0000"
0608 12SX"XXXX00" -- Equivalent to B"XXXX_0000_0000"
0609 8D"511"  -- Error
0610 8UO"477" -- Error
0611 8SX"0FF" -- Error
0612 8SX"FXX" -- Error