Warning, /frameworks/syntax-highlighting/autotests/input/highlight.stan is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* Stan Highlighting Example
0003   This file contains a syntatically correct but nonsensical Stan program that
0004   includes almost every feature of the language needed to validate syntax
0005   highlighters. It will compile (as of Stan 2.17.1), but it does nothing
0006   useful.
0008   Author: Jeffrey Arnold <jeffrey.anold@gmail.com>
0009   Copyright: Jeffrey Arnold (2018)
0010   License: MIT
0012 */
0013 // line comment
0014 # deprecated line comment
0015 functions {
0016   #include stuff.stan
0017   #include "morestuff.stan"
0018   #include 'moststuff.stan'
0019   #include <evenmorestuff.stan>
0021   // declarations
0022   void oof(real x);
0024   // definitions
0025   // return types
0026   void oof(real x) {
0027     print("print ", x);
0028   }
0029   /*
0030     @param x A number
0031     @return x + 1
0032   */
0033   real foo(real x) {
0034     return x;
0035   }
0036   int bar(int x) {
0037     return x;
0038   }
0039   vector baz(vector x) {
0040     return x;
0041   }
0042   row_vector qux(row_vector x) {
0043     return x;
0044   }
0045   matrix quux(matrix x) {
0046     return x;
0047   }
0048   // numbers of arguments
0049   void corge() {
0050     print("no parameters");
0051   }
0052   void grault(int a, real b, vector c, row_vector d, matrix f) {
0053     print("many parameters");
0054   }
0055   void garply(real a, real[] b, real[,] c, real[,,] d) {
0056     print("array arguments");
0057   }
0058   // array return types
0059   int[] waldo(int[] x) {
0060     return x;
0061   }
0062   int[,] fred(int[,] x) {
0063     return x;
0064   }
0065   int[,,] plough(int[,,] x) {
0066     return x;
0067   }
0068   // data only function argument
0069   real plugh(data real x) {
0070     return x;
0071   }
0072   // ode function
0073   real[] ode_func(real a, real[] b, real[] c, real[] d, int[] e) {
0074     return b;
0075   }
0076 }
0077 data {
0078   // non-int variable types
0079   int x_int;
0080   real x_real;
0081   real y_real;
0082   vector[1] x_vector;
0083   ordered[1] x_ordered;
0084   positive_ordered[1] x_positive_ordered;
0085   simplex[1] x_simplex;
0086   unit_vector[1] x_unit_vector;
0087   row_vector[1] x_row_vector;
0088   matrix[1, 1] x_matrix;
0089   cholesky_factor_corr[2] x_cholesky_factor_corr;
0090   cholesky_factor_cov[2] x_cholesky_factor_cov;
0091   cholesky_factor_cov[2, 3] x_cholesky_factor_cov_2;
0092   corr_matrix[2] x_corr_matrix;
0093   cov_matrix[2] x_cov_matrix;
0095   // range constraints
0096   real<lower = 0., upper = 1.> alpha;
0097   real<lower = 0.> bravo;
0098   real<upper = 1.> charlie;
0100   // arrays
0101   int echo[1];
0102   int foxtrot[1, 1];
0103   int golf[1, 1, 1];
0105   // identifier with all valid letters
0106   real abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789;
0108   // hard pattern
0109   real<lower = (bravo < charlie), upper = (bravo > charlie)> ranger;
0111   // identifier patterns
0112   real a;
0113   real a3;
0114   real a_3;
0115   real Sigma;
0116   real my_cpp_style_variable;
0117   real myCamelCaseVariable;
0118   real abcdefghijklmnojk;
0119   // names beginning with keywords
0120   real iffffff;
0121   real whilest;
0122   // name ending with truncation
0123   real fooT;
0125   // new array syntax
0126   array [N] real foo_new;
0127 }
0129 transformed data {
0130   // declaration and assignment
0131   int india = 1;
0132   real romeo = 1.0;
0133   row_vector[2] victor = [1, 2];
0134   matrix[2, 2] mike = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];
0135   real sierra[2] = {1., 2.};
0136   complex zulu = 3+4.1i;
0137 }
0138 parameters {
0139   real hotel;
0140   real<offset = 0., multiplier = 1.> alpha;
0141 }
0142 transformed parameters {
0143   real juliette;
0144   juliette = hotel * 2.;
0145 }
0146 model {
0147   real x;
0148   int k;
0149   vector[2] y = [1., 1.]';
0150   matrix[2, 2] A = [[1., 1.], [1., 1.]];
0151   real odeout[2, 2];
0152   real algout[2, 2];
0154   // if else statements
0155   if (x_real < 0) x = 0.;
0157   if (x_real < 0) {
0158     x = 0.;
0159   }
0161   if (x_real < 0) x = 0.;
0162   else x = 1.;
0164   if (x_real < 0) {
0165     x = 0.;
0166   } else {
0167     x = 1.;
0168   }
0170   if (x_real < 0) x = 0.;
0171   else if (x_real > 1) x = 1.;
0172   else x = 0.5;
0174   if (x_real < 0) {
0175     x = 0.;
0176   } else if (x_real > 1) {
0177     x = 1.;
0178   } else {
0179     x = 0.5;
0180   }
0182   // for loops
0183   for (i in 1:5) {
0184     print("i = ", i);
0185   }
0186   // for (j in echo) {
0187   //   print("j = ", j);
0188   // }
0189   // while loop
0190   while (1) {
0191     break;
0192     continue;
0193   }
0195   // reject statement
0196   reject("reject statment ", x_real);
0198   // print statement
0199   print("print statement ", x_real);
0200   print("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_~@#$%^&*`'-+={}[].,;: ");
0202   // increment log probability statements;
0203   target += 1.;
0205   // valid integer literals
0206   k = 0;
0207   k = 1;
0208   k = -1;
0209   k = 256;
0210   k = -127098;
0211   k = 007;
0213   // valid real literals
0214   x = 0.0;
0215   x = 1.0;
0216   x = 3.14;
0217   x = 003.14;
0218   x = -217.9387;
0219   x = 0.123;
0220   x = .123;
0221   x = 1.;
0222   x = -0.123;
0223   x = -.123;
0224   x = -1.;
0225   x = 12e34;
0226   x = 12E34;
0227   x = 12.e34;
0228   x = 12.E34;
0229   x = 12.0e34;
0230   x = 12.0E34;
0231   x = .1e34;
0232   x = .1E34;
0233   x = -12e34;
0234   x = -12E34;
0235   x = -12.e34;
0236   x = -12.E34;
0237   x = -12.0e34;
0238   x = -12.0E34;
0239   x = -.1e34;
0240   x = -.1E34;
0241   x = 12e-34;
0242   x = 12E-34;
0243   x = 12.e-34;
0244   x = 12.E-34;
0245   x = 12.0e-34;
0246   x = 12.0E-34;
0247   x = .1e-34;
0248   x = .1E-34;
0249   x = -12e-34;
0250   x = -12E-34;
0251   x = -12.e-34;
0252   x = -12.E-34;
0253   x = -12.0e-34;
0254   x = -12.0E-34;
0255   x = -.1e-34;
0256   x = -.1E-34;
0257   x = 12e+34;
0258   x = 12E+34;
0259   x = 12.e+34;
0260   x = 12.E+34;
0261   x = 12.0e+34;
0262   x = 12.0E+34;
0263   x = .1e+34;
0264   x = .1E+34;
0265   x = -12e+34;
0266   x = -12E+34;
0267   x = -12.e+34;
0268   x = -12.E+34;
0269   x = -12.0e+34;
0270   x = -12.0E+34;
0271   x = -.1e+34;
0272   x = -.1E+34;
0274   // imaginary literals
0275   complex z = 3 + 3i;
0276   z = 2.3i;
0277   z = 3.4e10i;
0278   z = 0i;
0280   // assignment statements
0281   x = 1;
0282   x += 1.;
0283   x -= 1.;
0284   x *= 1.;
0285   x /= 1.;
0286   y .*= x_vector;
0287   y ./= x_vector;
0289   // operators
0290   x = x_real && 1;
0291   x = x_real || 1;
0292   x = x_real < 1.;
0293   x = x_real <= 1.;
0294   x = x_real > 1.;
0295   x = x_real >= 1.;
0296   x = x_real + 1.;
0297   x = x_real - 1.;
0298   x = x_real * 1.;
0299   x = x_real / 1.;
0300   x = x_real ^ 2.;
0301   x = x_real % 2;
0302   x = !x_real;
0303   x = +x_real;
0304   x = -x_real;
0305   x = x_int ? x_real : 0.;
0307   y = x_row_vector';
0308   y = x_matrix \ x_vector;
0309   y = x_vector .* x_vector;
0310   y = x_vector ./ x_vector;
0312   // parenthized expression
0313   x = (x_real + x_real);
0315   // block statement
0316   {
0317     real z;
0318     z = 1.;
0319   }
0321   profile("profile-test") {
0322     real z;
0323     z = 1.;
0324   }
0325   // built-in functions
0326   x = log(1.);
0327   x = exp(1.);
0329   // non-built-in function
0330   x = foo(1.);
0332   // constants and nullary functions
0333   x = machine_precision();
0334   x = pi();
0335   x = e();
0336   x = sqrt2();
0337   x = log2();
0338   x = log10();
0339   // special values
0340   x = not_a_number();
0341   x = positive_infinity();
0342   x = negative_infinity();
0343   x = machine_precision();
0344   // log probability
0345   x = target();
0347   // sampling statement
0348   x_real ~ normal(0., 1.);
0350   // truncation
0351   x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[-1., 1.];
0352   x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[, 1.];
0353   x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[-1., ];
0354   x_real ~ normal(0., 1.) T[ , ];
0356   // transformation on lhs of sampling
0357   log(x_real) ~ normal(0., 1.);
0359   // lhs indexes
0360   y[1] = 1.;
0361   A[1, 2] = 1.;
0362   A[1][2] = 1.;
0364   // special functions
0365   odeout = integrate_ode(ode_func, {1.}, x_real, {1.}, {1.}, {1.}, {0});
0366   odeout = integrate_ode_bdf(ode_func, {1.}, x_real, {1.}, {1.}, {1.}, {0},
0367                              x_real, x_real, x_int);
0368   odeout = integrate_ode_rk45(ode_func, {1.}, x_real, {1.}, {1.}, {1.}, {0},
0369                               x_real, x_real, x_int);
0370   // algout = algebra_solver(algebra_func, x_vector, x_vector, {1.}, {0});
0372   // distribution functions
0373   x = normal_lpdf(0.5 | 0., 1.);
0374   x = normal_cdf(0.5, 0., 1.);
0375   x = normal_lcdf(0.5 | 0., 1.);
0376   x = normal_lccdf(0.5 | 0., 1.);
0377   x = binomial_lpmf(1 | 2, 0.5);
0379   // deprecated features
0380   foo <- 1;
0381   increment_log_prob(0.0);
0382   y_hat = integrate_ode(sho, y0, t0, ts, theta, x_r, x_i);
0383   x = get_lp();
0384   x = multiply_log(1.0, 1.0);
0385   x = binomial_coefficient_log(1.0, 1.0);
0386   // deprecated distribution functions versions
0387   x = normal_log(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
0388   x = normal_cdf_log(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
0389   x = normal_ccdf_log(0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
0391 }
0392 generated quantities {
0393   real Y;
0394   // rng function
0395   Y = normal_rng(0., 1.);
0396 }